int cmdTotalsCalculate( int usrid, dbUserMainPtr mainp ) { int a, b, num, population; int *buffer; dbMainPlanetDef planetd; dbMainEmpireDef empired; dbUserFleetPtr fleetd; memset( mainp->totalbuilding, 0, CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED*sizeof(int64_t) ); memset( mainp->totalunit, 0, CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED*sizeof(int64_t) ); if( ( num = dbUserPlanetListIndices( usrid, &buffer ) ) < 0 ) return 0; population = 0; for( a = 0 ; a < num ; a++ ) { dbMapRetrievePlanet( buffer[a], &planetd ); population += planetd.population; for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ; b++ ) mainp->totalbuilding[b] += planetd.building[b]; for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; b++ ) mainp->totalunit[b] += planetd.unit[b]; if( ( planetd.flags & CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_PORTAL ) ) mainp->totalbuilding[CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED]++; if( ( b = artefactPrecense( &planetd ) ) < 0 ) continue; if( dbEmpireGetInfo( mainp->empire, &empired ) < 0 ) continue; empired.artefacts |= 1 << b; dbEmpireSetInfo( mainp->empire, &empired ); } mainp->planets = num; mainp->ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] = (int64_t)population; free( buffer ); if( ( num = dbUserFleetList( usrid, &fleetd ) ) < 0 ) return 0; for( a = 0 ; a < num ; a++ ) { for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; b++ ) mainp->totalunit[b] += fleetd[a].unit[b]; } free( fleetd ); return 1; }
int cmdTick() { int a, c, d, e, num, specopnum, opvirus /*,cmd[3]*/, i; float fb, phdecay; double fa; long long int newd[DB_USER_NEWS_BASE], nIllusion, b; int nChicks = 0, penalty; int marketbid[DB_MARKETBID_NUMUSED]; int bidresult[2]; int *plist; int nArti = 0, nNum; dbUserPtr user; dbUserMainDef maind; dbUserBuildPtr build; dbMainPlanetDef planetd; dbUserFleetDef fleetd; dbUserFleetPtr fleetp; dbUserSpecOpPtr specopd; dbMainEmpireDef empired; svDebugTickPass = 0; svDebugTickId = 0; //Maybe useless but can t cause trouble only set the news buffer to 0 memset(&newd, 0, sizeof(long long int)*DB_USER_NEWS_BASE); for( a = 0 ; a < dbMapBInfoStatic[4] ; a++ ) { if( dbMapRetrieveEmpire( a, &empired ) < 0 ) continue; svDebugTickId = a; nArti |= empired.artefacts; //Will have all discovered arti in here empired.artefacts = 0; dbMapSetEmpire( a, &empired ); } svDebugTickPass = 1; //ARTI CODE Ticking Time Bomb /*if(!(svTickNum % 52)) //New year { //Nuke ARTI Planet fleetd.unit[CMD_UNIT_AGENT] = 1; fleetd.destid = 2134; printf("clear\n"); specopAgentsPerformOp(0,0,&fleetd,NULL); }*/ if( ( dbMapRetrieveMain( dbMapBInfoStatic ) < 0 ) ) printf( "Tick error #1\n" ); for( user = dbUserList ; user ; user = user->next ) { /* this is for all galaxy arti //ARTI CODE if(nArti & ARTEFACT_WILL_BIT) { //do things like open all fleet and remove 0.5% chicks in all fleetd nNum = dbUserFleetList(user->id, &fleetp); for(i=0;i<nNum;i++) { fleetp[i].unit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD] *= 100; fleetp[i].unit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD] /= 100.5; dbUserFleetSet(user->id, i, &fleetp[i]); } }*/ if( !( user->flags & CMD_USER_FLAGS_ACTIVATED ) ) continue; svDebugTickId = user->id; if( dbUserMainRetrieve( user->id, &maind ) < 0 ) { printf( "Tick error #2 : %d\n", user->id ); continue; } svDebugTickPass = 2; if( ( specopnum = dbUserSpecOpList( user->id, &specopd ) ) < 0 ) { printf( "Tick error #3 : %d\n", user->id ); continue; } opvirus = 0; //WAR ILLUSION we recalcul each tick for(i=0; i<specopnum; i++) { if (specopd[i].type == (CMD_SPELL_WARILLUSIONS | 0x1000)) { fa = 0.4 + (1.2/255.0) * (float)( rand() & 255 ); nChicks = maind.totalunit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD]; nIllusion = ( fa * cmdRace[maind.raceid].unit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD] * (float)nChicks * ( 1.0 + 0.005*maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE] ) / cmdPsychicopDifficulty[CMD_SPELL_WARILLUSIONS] ); penalty = cmdGetOpPenalty( maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE], cmdPsychicopTech[CMD_SPELL_WARILLUSIONS] ); if( penalty ) nIllusion = (float)nIllusion / ( 1.0 + 0.01*(float)penalty ); fa = 100.0 * (float)nIllusion / (float)maind.networth; a = (int)( fa * 4.5 ); a += a * rand()%20; if (a<0) a = 0; specopd[i].vars[0] = a; } } for( a = specopnum-1 ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) { if( specopd[a].type == ( CMD_OPER_NETWORKVIRUS | 0x10000 ) ) opvirus++; } svDebugTickPass = 3; num = dbUserBuildListReduceTime( user->id, &build ); newd[0] = svTickNum; newd[1] = CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_NEW; for( a = num-1 ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) { if( build[a].time > 0 ) continue; if( !( build[a].type >> 16 ) ) { dbMapRetrievePlanet( build[a].plnid, &planetd ); if( build[a].type == CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ) { // portal planetd.flags &= 0xFFFFFFFF - CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_PORTAL_BUILD; planetd.flags |= CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_PORTAL; dbUserPlanetSetFlags( user->id, build[a].plnid, planetd.flags );; } else { planetd.building[ build[a].type ] += build[a].quantity; -= build[a].quantity; } dbMapSetPlanet( build[a].plnid, &planetd ); newd[2] = CMD_NEWS_BUILDING; newd[5] = build[a].plnid; newd[6] = build[a].plnpos; } else { if( !( dbUserFleetRetrieve( user->id, 0, &fleetd ) ) ) continue; fleetd.unit[ build[a].type & 0xFFFF ] += build[a].quantity; if( !( dbUserFleetSet( user->id, 0, &fleetd ) ) ) continue; newd[2] = CMD_NEWS_UNIT; } dbUserBuildRemove( user->id, a ); newd[3] = build[a].type; newd[4] = build[a].quantity; cmdUserNewsAdd( user->id, newd, CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_BUILD ); } free( build ); svDebugTickPass = 4; // calc total of buildings, units, artefacts cmdTickPlanets( user->id, &maind ); svDebugTickPass = 5; // add research for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESEARCH_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { fa = ( (double)(maind.allocresearch[a]) * (double)( 500*cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_RESEARCH] + maind.fundresearch ) ) / 10000.0; if( cmdRace[maind.raceid].special & CMD_RACE_SPECIAL_POPRESEARCH ) fa += ( (double)(maind.allocresearch[a]) * (double)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] ) / ( 400.0 * 100.0 ); //ARTI CODE Foohon Ancestry if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_4_BIT) fa += ( (double)(maind.allocresearch[a]) * (double)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] ) / ( 400.0 * 100.0 ); maind.research[a] += cmdRace[maind.raceid].researchpoints[a] * fa; if( maind.research[a] < 0 ) maind.research[a] = 0x7FFFFFFF; } maind.fundresearch = (long long int)( 0.9 * (double)maind.fundresearch ); svDebugTickPass = 6; // SK: because of the network backbone arti, we need to calculate Tech research first int addedFromTech = 0; // calculate total research for tech //research maximum fa = cmdRace[maind.raceid].researchmax[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH]; printf("max TECH research percentage: %c \n", fa); // ARTI CODE Divine Stone if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_32_BIT) fa -= 25; printf("modified TECH research percentage: %c \n", fa); b = fa * ( 1.0 - exp( (double)maind.research[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH] / ( -10.0 * (double)maind.networth ) ) ); printf("total tech research percentage: %d \n", b); if( b > maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH] ) maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH]++; else if( b < maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH] ) maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_TECH]--; addedFromTech = b/10; printf("added from tech: %c \n", addedFromTech); // calculate total research for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESEARCH_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { if(a == CMD_RESEARCH_TECH) continue; //research maximum fa = cmdRace[maind.raceid].researchmax[a]; printf("reasearchtype: %c \n",a); printf("researchmax by race: %c \n", fa); //ARTI CODE Divine Stone if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_32_BIT)&&(a == CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE)) fa += 50; //// ARTI CODE book of revelation // if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_32_BIT)&&(a == CMD_RESEARCH_TECH)) // fa -= 25; // put this arti last, you need the other ones calculated before this one. //ARTI CODE network backbone if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_1_BIT) { // exclude tech research from having this bonus (otherwise there is no cap) if( a != CMD_RESEARCH_TECH) { fa += addedFromTech; printf("total with addition: %c \n", fa); } } //ARTI CODE Cystal summoner //if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_32_BIT)&&(a == CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE)) // fa += 70; //ARTI CODE Elit strategist //if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_128_BIT)&&(a == CMD_RESEARCH_MILITARY)) // fa += 20; //ARTI CODE Elit strategist //if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_ELIT_BIT)&&(a == CMD_RESEARCH_TECH)) // fa -= 20; b = fa * ( 1.0 - exp( (double)maind.research[a] / ( -10.0 * (double)maind.networth ) ) ); printf("total research percentage: %d \n", b); if( b > maind.totalresearch[a] ) maind.totalresearch[a]++; else if( b < maind.totalresearch[a] ) maind.totalresearch[a]--; } svDebugTickPass = 7; // calc infos fa = ( 12.0 * (double)(cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_SOLAR]) / specopSolarCalc( user->id ) ); if( cmdRace[maind.raceid].special & CMD_RACE_SPECIAL_SOLARP15 ) fa *= 1.15; fb = ( 40.0 * (double)(cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_FISSION]) ); fa += fb; //ARTI CODE Ticking Time Bomb //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_2_BIT) // fa *= 1.10; //ARTI CODE Ether Garden if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_ETHER_BIT) fa *= 1.10; //ARTI CODE Ether Garden + Delayed Artefact //if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_ETHER_BIT)&&(maind.articount >= 144)) // fa *= 1.10; //ARTI CODE Romulan Military outpost if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_8_BIT) fa *= 0.88; fb = cmdRace[maind.raceid].resource[CMD_RESSOURCE_ENERGY] * ( 1.00 + 0.01 * (float)maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_ENERGY] ); //ARTI CODE Vulcan Fission Theory if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_128_BIT) fb *= 1.2; if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_128_BIT)&&(maind.articount >= 144)) fb *= 1.2; maind.infos[4] = (long long int)( fa * fb ); /* This block is for the automated funding from energy production if used add the funding into the council with maind.infos dbUserMainSet(user->id, &maind); cmd[0] = CMD_FUND_RESEARCH; cmd[1] = user->id; cmd[2] = maind.infos[4]*0.08; cmdExecute( (svConnectionPtr)NULL, cmd, 0, 0 ); dbUserMainRetrieve( cmd[1], &maind ); //maind.infos[4] -= maind.infos[4]*0.08; //This line remove the actual funding from the production */ fa = CMD_ENERGY_DECAY; //ARTI CODE Grand Silo if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_64_BIT) fa /= 2; //ARTI CODE Granary + delayed //if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_64_BIT)&&(maind.articount >= 144)) //fa /= 2; maind.infos[5] = fa * (double)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_ENERGY]; // meh! building upkeep maind.infos[6] = 0; for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { if( ( a == CMD_BUILDING_SOLAR ) || ( a == CMD_BUILDING_FISSION ) ) { //ARTI CODE Vulcan Fission Theory if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_128_BIT)&&(maind.articount >= 144)&&( a == CMD_BUILDING_FISSION )) maind.infos[6] += ((float)cmdTickProduction[a])*cmdBuildingUpkeep[a] * fb *0.7; else if((maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_128_BIT)&&( a == CMD_BUILDING_FISSION )) maind.infos[6] += ((float)cmdTickProduction[a])*cmdBuildingUpkeep[a] * fb * 0.85; else maind.infos[6] += ((float)cmdTickProduction[a])*cmdBuildingUpkeep[a] * fb; } else maind.infos[6] += ((float)cmdTickProduction[a])*cmdBuildingUpkeep[a]; } svDebugTickPass = 8; for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { if( maind.totalunit[a] < 0 ) maind.totalunit[a] = 0; } maind.infos[7] = 0; for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { maind.infos[7] += ((float)maind.totalunit[a])*cmdUnitUpkeep[a]; } //ARTI CODE Romulan Military Outpost //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_8_BIT) maind.infos[7] *= 0.5; maind.infos[8] = (1.0/35.0) * (float)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION]* ( 1.00 + 0.01 * (float)maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE] ) * (cmdRace[maind.raceid].growth); //ARTI CODE Lunar Tesseract //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_LUN_BIT) // maind.infos[8] += 0.3 * ((1.0/35.0) * (float)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION]* ( 1.00 + 0.01 * (float)maind.totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_WELFARE] ) * (cmdRace[maind.raceid].growth)); if( maind.infos[8] >= maind.infos[6] ) maind.infos[8] = maind.infos[6]; //virus network mean more upkeep Based on the upkeep of a building with after pop reduction for( a = 0 ; a < opvirus ; a++ ) maind.infos[6] += (long long int)( (float)(maind.infos[6]-maind.infos[8]) * 0.15 ); maind.infos[9] = cmdRace[maind.raceid].resource[CMD_RESSOURCE_CRYSTAL] * (float)(cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_CRYSTAL]); fa = CMD_CRYSTAL_DECAY; //ARTI CODE Granary if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_64_BIT) fa /= 2; maind.infos[10] = fa * (double)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_CRYSTAL]; maind.infos[11] = pow( (maind.totalbuilding[CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED]-1), 1.2736 ) * 10000.0; //ARTI CODE Mana Gate //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_MANA_BIT) // maind.infos[11] /= 2; if( maind.infos[11] < 0 ) maind.infos[11] = 0; maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_ENERGY] = maind.infos[4] - maind.infos[5] - maind.infos[6] - maind.infos[7] + maind.infos[8] - maind.infos[11]; maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_MINERAL] = cmdRace[maind.raceid].resource[CMD_RESSOURCE_MINERAL] * (float)(cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_MINING]); //ARTI CODE Ticking Time Bomb //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_2_BIT) // maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_MINERAL] *= 1.10; //ARTI CODE Ticking Time Bomb //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_2_BIT) // maind.infos[9] *= 1.10; maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_CRYSTAL] = (maind.infos[9] - maind.infos[10]); maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_ECTROLIUM] = cmdRace[maind.raceid].resource[CMD_RESSOURCE_ECTROLIUM] * (float)(cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_REFINEMENT]); //ARTI CODE Ticking Time Bomb //if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_2_BIT) // maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_ECTROLIUM] *= 1.10; //ARTI CODE Mineral mine if(maind.artefacts & ARTEFACT_16_BIT) { maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_MINERAL] *= 1.20; maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_ECTROLIUM] *= 0.90; } svDebugTickPass = 9; // fleets decay? a = 65536*2; b = -1; if( ( maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_ENERGY] + maind.infos[CMD_RESSOURCE_ENERGY] ) < 0 ) { a = -65536*3; b = CMD_UNIT_GHOST; } // readiness for( c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++ ) { if( a < 0 ) { if( maind.readiness[c] > ( -65536*200 - a ) ) maind.readiness[c] += a; else if( maind.readiness[c] > -65536*200 ) maind.readiness[c] = -65536*200; } else maind.readiness[c] += a; if( maind.readiness[c] > 65536*100 ) maind.readiness[c] = 65536*100; /* if( maind.readiness[c] < -65536*500 ) maind.readiness[c] = -65536*500; */ } svDebugTickPass = 10; // calculate phantoms decay rate phdecay = 0.20; if( maind.totalunit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD] ) { fa = (double)maind.totalunit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] / (double)maind.totalunit[CMD_UNIT_WIZARD]; if( fa < 0.05 ) phdecay = 0.01; else { fa = (double)pow( (double)( (1.0/0.05) * fa ), 2.4 ); phdecay = 0.01*fa; if( phdecay > 0.20 ) phdecay = 0.20; } } // fleets dbUserMainSet( user->id, &maind ); fleetp = 0; num = dbUserFleetList( user->id, &fleetp ); for( a = num-1 ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) { e = 0; if( a == 0 ) { if( !( dbUserFleetRetrieve( user->id, 0, &fleetp[0] ) ) ) return 1; } for( c = b ; c >= 0 ; c-- ) { d = (int)ceil( (float)fleetp[a].unit[c] * 0.02 ); fleetp[a].unit[c] -= d; maind.totalunit[c] -= d; e |= d; } if( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] ) { d = (int)ceil( (float)fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] * phdecay ); fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] -= d; maind.totalunit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] -= d; e |= d; } if( ( a ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_EXPLORATION] ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_CRUISER] ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_CARRIER] ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_AGENT] ) && !( fleetp[a].unit[CMD_UNIT_GHOST] ) ) { dbUserFleetRemove( user->id, a ); continue; } fleetd.flags &= 0xFFFFFFFF - CMD_FLEET_FLAGS_MOVED; if( fleetp[a].time > 0 ) { fleetd.flags |= CMD_FLEET_FLAGS_MOVED; fleetp[a].time--; dbUserFleetSet( user->id, a, &fleetp[a] ); } else if( e ) dbUserFleetSet( user->id, a, &fleetp[a] ); if( ( a != 0 ) && ( fleetp[a].time == 0 ) ) cmdFleetAction( &fleetp[a], user->id, a, 1 ); } if( fleetp ) free( fleetp ); dbUserMainRetrieve( user->id, &maind ); svDebugTickPass = 11; // units decay on planets plist = 0; num = dbUserPlanetListIndices( user->id, &plist ); for( a = 0 ; a < num ; a++ ) { dbMapRetrievePlanet( plist[a], &planetd ); e = 0; if( planetd.unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] ) { planetd.unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM] -= (int)ceil( phdecay * (float)(planetd.unit[CMD_UNIT_PHANTOM]) ); e |= 1; } for( c = b ; c >= 0 ; c-- ) { d = (int)ceil( (float)planetd.unit[c] * 0.02 ); planetd.unit[c] -= d; maind.totalunit[c] -= d; e |= d; } if( e ) dbMapSetPlanet( plist[a], &planetd ); } if( plist ) free( plist ); svDebugTickPass = 12; // income for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESSOURCE_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { maind.ressource[a] += maind.infos[a]; if( maind.ressource[a] < 0 ) maind.ressource[a] = 0; } // networth a = dbUserPlanetNumber( user->id ); maind.networth = ( 800 * a ); for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; a++ ) maind.networth += maind.totalunit[a] * cmdUnitStats[a][CMD_UNIT_STATS_NETWORTH]; for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { maind.networth += 8 * maind.totalbuilding[a]; } maind.networth += (long long int)(0.004 * maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION]); for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESEARCH_NUMUSED ; a++ ) maind.networth += (0.001 * maind.research[a]); // spec ops for( a = specopnum-1 ; a >= 0 ; a-- ) { specopd[a].time--; if( specopd[a].time <= 0 ) { //remove planet beacon flag on the planet if(specopd[a].type == CMD_OPER_PLANETBEACON) { dbMapRetrievePlanet(specopd[a].plnid, &planetd); planetd.flags ^= CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_BEACON; dbMapSetPlanet(specopd[a].plnid, &planetd); } dbUserSpecOpRemove( user->id, a ); continue; } dbUserSpecOpSet( user->id, a, &specopd[a] ); } if( specopd ) free( specopd ); svDebugTickPass = 13; dbUserMainSet( user->id, &maind ); }
int cmdTickPlanets( int usrid, dbUserMainPtr mainp ) { int a, b, num, nump, population, nInfection; int *buffer; int *portals; dbMainPlanetDef planetd; dbMainEmpireDef empired; dbUserFleetPtr fleetd; dbUserSpecOpPtr specopd; svDebugTickPass = 0 + 10000; memset( mainp->totalbuilding, 0, 16*sizeof(long long int) ); memset( mainp->totalunit, 0, 16*sizeof(long long int) ); memset( cmdTickProduction, 0, CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED*sizeof(int) ); nInfection = 0; if( ( b = dbUserSpecOpList( usrid, &specopd ) ) >= 0 ) { for(a = 0; a < b; a++) { if (specopd[a].type == (CMD_OPER_BIOINFECTION|0x10000)) { nInfection++; } } } if( ( num = dbUserPlanetListIndices( usrid, &buffer ) ) < 0 ) return 0; portals = 0; nump = 0; if( ( nump = dbUserPortalsListCoords( usrid, &portals ) ) < 0 ) { free( buffer ); return 0; } svDebugTickPass = 1 + 10000; population = 0; for( a = 0 ; a < num ; a++ ) { dbMapRetrievePlanet( buffer[a], &planetd ); planetd.maxpopulation = (float)( ( planetd.size * CMD_POPULATION_SIZE_FACTOR ) + ( planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_CITIES] * CMD_POPULATION_CITIES ) ); //ARTI CODE Super Stacker if(mainp->artefacts & ARTEFACT_2_BIT) planetd.maxpopulation = (float)( ( planetd.size * CMD_POPULATION_SIZE_FACTOR ) + ( planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_CITIES] * (CMD_POPULATION_CITIES+1000) ) ); svDebugTickPass = 2 + 10000; //No more pop grow bonus it will count as upkeep reducer multiplier //Planet grow pop is 2% each tick planetd.population += ceil(planetd.maxpopulation * 0.02 * pow(0.75, (float)nInfection)); //ARTI CODE Cloning Facilities //if(mainp->artefacts & ARTEFACT_CLON_BIT) // planetd.population += ceil((planetd.maxpopulation * 0.02 * pow(0.75, (float)nInfection)) * 0.5); if( planetd.population > planetd.maxpopulation ) planetd.population = planetd.maxpopulation; if( ( planetd.flags & CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_PORTAL ) ) = 100; else { = (int)( 100.0 * battlePortalCalc( ( planetd.position >> 8 ) & 0xFFF, planetd.position >> 20, portals, nump, mainp->totalresearch[CMD_RESEARCH_PORTALS] ) ); } if( < 0 ) { printf( "Warning : negative construction count : %d\n", ); = 0; } svDebugTickPass = 3 + 10000; /* CRAP */ for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ; b++ ) { if( planetd.building[b] < 0 ) planetd.building[b] = 0; } dbMapSetPlanet( buffer[a], &planetd ); svDebugTickPass = 4 + 10000; population += planetd.population; for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED ; b++ ) { mainp->totalbuilding[b] += planetd.building[b]; cmdTickProduction[b] += planetd.building[b]; } for( b = 0 ; b < CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED ; b++ ) mainp->totalunit[b] += planetd.unit[b]; if( ( planetd.flags & CMD_PLANET_FLAGS_PORTAL ) ) mainp->totalbuilding[CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED]++; svDebugTickPass = 5 + 10000; if( planetd.special[1] ) { if( planetd.special[0] == 0 ) cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_SOLAR] += ( planetd.special[1] * planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_SOLAR] ) / 100; else if( planetd.special[0] == 1 ) cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_MINING] += ( planetd.special[1] * planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_MINING] ) / 100; else if( planetd.special[0] == 2 ) cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_CRYSTAL] += ( planetd.special[1] * planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_CRYSTAL] ) / 100; else if( planetd.special[0] == 3 ) cmdTickProduction[CMD_BUILDING_REFINEMENT] += ( planetd.special[1] * planetd.building[CMD_BUILDING_REFINEMENT] ) / 100; } svDebugTickPass = 6 + 10000; if( ( b = (int)artefactPrecense( &planetd ) ) < 0 ) continue; if( dbMapRetrieveEmpire( mainp->empire, &empired ) < 0 ) continue; empired.artefacts |= 1 << b; dbMapSetEmpire( mainp->empire, &empired ); svDebugTickPass = 7 + 10000; } mainp->planets = num; mainp->ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] = (long long int)population; svDebugTickPass = 8 + 10000; free( buffer ); svDebugTickPass = 9 + 10000; if( portals ) free( portals ); svDebugTickPass = 10 + 10000; if( ( num = dbUserFleetList( usrid, &fleetd ) ) < 0 ) return 0; svDebugTickPass = 11 + 10000; for( a = 0 ; a < num ; a++ ) { for( b = 0 ; b < 16 ; b++ ) mainp->totalunit[b] += fleetd[a].unit[b]; } svDebugTickPass = 12 + 10000; free( fleetd ); svDebugTickPass = 13 + 10000; return 1; }