/* Initialize the current RDB database engine */
int rdb_init()

#ifdef USE_MYSQL
    return db_mysql_init();

    return 0;
void db_mysql_async_exec_task(void *param)
	str *p;
	db1_con_t* dbc;
	p = (str*)param;
	dbc = db_mysql_init(&p[0]);

	if(dbc==NULL) {
		LM_ERR("failed to open connection for [%.*s]\n", p[0].len, p[0].s);
	if(db_mysql_submit_query(dbc, &p[1])<0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to execute query on async worker\n");
void StartThreads( void )
    pthread_mutex_t     spinLockMutex;
    pid_t               childPid;
    struct sigaction    sa;
    sigset_t            sigmsk;
    size_t              len;
    ThreadCallback_t    callbacks;

    GlobalAbort = FALSE;

#ifndef __CYGWIN__
    len = confstr( _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION, NULL, 0 );
    if( len ) {
        pthreadsVersion = CREATEN(char, len);
        confstr( _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION, pthreadsVersion, len );
    pthreadsVersion = memstrlink( "Cygwin" );

    if( !pthreadsVersion || strstr( pthreadsVersion, "linuxthreads" ) ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "havokmud requires NPTL to operate correctly.\n\n"
                         "The signal handling in linuxthreads is just too "
                         "broken to use.\n\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    /* Do we need to detach? */
    if( Daemon ) {
        childPid = fork();
        if( childPid < 0 ) {
            perror( "Couldn't detach in daemon mode" );
            _exit( 1 );

        if( childPid != 0 ) {
            /* This is still the parent, report the child's pid and exit */
            printf( "[Detached as PID %d]\n", childPid );
            /* And exit the parent */
            _exit( 0 );

        /* After this is in the detached child */

        /* Close stdin, stdout, stderr to release the tty */

    LoggingQ      = QueueCreate( 1024 );
    ConnectInputQ = QueueCreate( 256 );
    ConnectDnsQ   = QueueCreate( 64 );
    InputLoginQ   = QueueCreate( 256 );
    InputEditorQ  = QueueCreate( 256 );
    InputPlayerQ  = QueueCreate( 256 );
    InputImmortQ  = QueueCreate( 256 );
    MailQ         = QueueCreate( 128 );
    QueryQ        = QueueCreate( 1024 );
    ProtobufQ     = QueueCreate( 1024 );

    mainThreadId = pthread_self();
     * Setup the sigmasks for this thread (which is the parent to all others).
     * This will propogate to all children.
    sigfillset( &sigmsk );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGUSR1 );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGUSR2 );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGHUP );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGWINCH );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGINT );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGSEGV );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGILL );
    sigdelset( &sigmsk, SIGFPE );
    pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &sigmsk, NULL );

    memset( &callbacks, 0, sizeof(ThreadCallback_t) );
    callbacks.sighupFunc = mainSighup;
    thread_register( &mainThreadId, "MainThread", NULL );

    /* Setup signal handler for SIGUSR1 (toggles Debug) */
    sa.sa_sigaction = (sigAction_t)logging_toggle_debug;
    sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask );
    sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
    sigaction( SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL );

    /* Setup the exit handler */
    atexit( MainDelayExit );

    /* Setup signal handler for SIGINT (shut down cleanly) */
    sa.sa_sigaction = (sigAction_t)signal_interrupt;
    sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask );
    sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
    sigaction( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );
    /* Setup signal handlers that are to be propogated to all threads */
    sa.sa_sigaction = (sigAction_t)signal_everyone;
    sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask );
    sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
    sigaction( SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGHUP, &sa, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGWINCH, &sa, NULL );

    /* Setup signal handlers for SEGV, ILL, FPE */
    sa.sa_sigaction = (sigAction_t)signal_death;
    sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask );
    sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
    sigaction( SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGILL, &sa, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGFPE, &sa, NULL );

    versionAdd( "pthreads", pthreadsVersion );
    versionAdd( "TERM", getenv("TERM") );

    thread_create( &loggingThreadId, LoggingThread, NULL, "LoggingThread", 
                   NULL );

#if 0
    cursesMenuItemAdd( 2, MENU_SYSTEM, "About", mainAbout, NULL );
    cursesMenuItemAdd( 2, MENU_SYSTEM, "Licensing", mainLicensing, NULL );
    cursesMenuItemAdd( 2, MENU_SYSTEM, "Versions", mainVersions, NULL );
    cursesMenuItemAdd( 2, MENU_SYSTEM, "Reload All", mainReloadAll, NULL );



    memset( &callbacks, 0, sizeof(ThreadCallback_t) );
    callbacks.sigusr2Func = memoryStats;
    thread_create( &memoryThreadId, MemoryCoalesceThread, NULL, 
                   "MemoryCoalesceThread", &callbacks );
    thread_create( &dnsThreadId, DnsThread, NULL, "DnsThread", NULL );
    thread_create( &inputThreadId, InputThread, NULL, "InputThread", NULL );
    thread_create( &loginThreadId, LoginThread, NULL, "LoginThread", NULL );
    thread_create( &editorThreadId, EditorThread, NULL, "EditorThread", NULL );

    mortalPlayingArgs.inputQ = InputPlayerQ;
    thread_create( &mortalPlayingThreadId, PlayingThread, &mortalPlayingArgs,
                   "MortalPlayingThread", NULL );
    immortPlayingArgs.inputQ = InputImmortQ;
    thread_create( &immortPlayingThreadId, PlayingThread, &immortPlayingArgs,
                   "ImmortPlayingThread", NULL );

    thread_create( &mysqlThreadId, MysqlThread, NULL, "MySQLThread", NULL );
    thread_create( &protobufThreadId, ProtobufThread, NULL, "ProtobufThread", 
                   NULL );

    pthread_mutex_lock( startupMutex );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( startupMutex );

    thread_create( &smtpThreadId, SmtpThread, NULL, "SMTPThread", NULL );

    connectThreadArgs.port = mud_port;
    connectThreadArgs.timeout_sec = 0;
    connectThreadArgs.timeout_usec = 100000;
    thread_create( &connectionThreadId, ConnectionThread, &connectThreadArgs,
                   "ConnectionThread", NULL );

    pthread_mutex_lock( startupMutex );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( startupMutex );

    /* Sit on this and rotate - this causes an intentional deadlock, this
     * thread should stop dead in its tracks
    thread_mutex_init( &spinLockMutex );
    pthread_mutex_lock( &spinLockMutex );
    pthread_mutex_lock( &spinLockMutex );