 * Read a tag segment with sorting.
 *	@param[in]	gtop	#GTOP structure <br>
 *		Output:	@CODE{gtop->gtp_array}		segment table <br>
 *		Output:	@CODE{gtop->gtp_count}		segment table size <br>
 *		Output:	@CODE{gtop->gtp_index}		segment table index (initial value = 0) <br>
 *		Output:	@CODE{gtop->cur_tagname}	current tag name
 * A segment is a set of tag records which have same tag name. <br>
 * This function read a segment from tag file, sort it and put it on segment table. <br>
 * This function can treat both of standard format and compact format.
 * Sorting is done by three keys.
 *	- 1st key: tag name
 *	- 2nd key: file name
 *	- 3rd key: line number
 * Since all records in a segment have same tag name, you need not think about 1st key.
segment_read(GTOP *gtop)
	const char *tagline, *fid, *path, *lineno;
	GTP *gtp;
	struct sh_entry *sh;

	 * Save tag lines.
	gtop->cur_tagname[0] = '\0';
	while ((tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop)) != NULL) {
		 * get tag name and line number.
		 * tagline = <file id> <tag name> <line number>
		if (gtop->cur_tagname[0] == '\0') {
			strlimcpy(gtop->cur_tagname, gtop->dbop->lastkey, sizeof(gtop->cur_tagname));
		} else if (strcmp(gtop->cur_tagname, gtop->dbop->lastkey) != 0) {
			 * Dbop_next() wil read the same record again.
		gtp = varray_append(gtop->vb);
		gtp->tagline = pool_strdup(gtop->segment_pool, tagline, 0);
		gtp->tag = (const char *)gtop->cur_tagname;
		 * convert fid into hashed path name to save memory.
		fid = (const char *)strmake(tagline, " ");
		path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL);
		if (path == NULL)
			die("gtags_first: path not found. (fid=%s)", fid);
		sh = strhash_assign(gtop->path_hash, path, 1);
		gtp->path = sh->name;
		lineno = seekto(gtp->tagline, SEEKTO_LINENO);
		if (lineno == NULL)
			die("illegal tag record.\n%s", tagline);
		gtp->lineno = atoi(lineno);
	 * Sort tag lines.
	gtop->gtp_array = varray_assign(gtop->vb, 0, 0);
	gtop->gtp_count = gtop->vb->length;
	gtop->gtp_index = 0;
	if (!(gtop->flags & GTOP_NOSORT))
		qsort(gtop->gtp_array, gtop->gtp_count, sizeof(GTP), compare_tags);
 * gtags_next: return next record.
 *	@param[in]	gtop	#GTOP structure
 *	@return		record
 *			@VAR{NULL} end of tag
gtags_next(GTOP *gtop)
	if (gtop->flags & GTOP_PATH) {
		if (gtop->path_index >= gtop->path_count)
			return NULL;
		gtop->gtp.path = gtop->path_array[gtop->path_index++];
		return &gtop->gtp;
	} else if (gtop->flags & GTOP_KEY) {
		gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop);
		for (; gtop->gtp.tag != NULL; gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
		if (gtop->gtp.tag == NULL) {
			if (gtop->prefix && gtags_restart(gtop)) {
				gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, gtop->key, gtop->preg, gtop->dbflags);
				goto again3;
		return gtop->gtp.tag ? &gtop->gtp : NULL;
	} else {
		 * End of segment.
		 * Reset resources and read new segment again.
		if (gtop->gtp_index >= gtop->gtp_count) {
			/* strhash_reset(gtop->path_hash); */
		if (gtop->gtp_index >= gtop->gtp_count) {
			if (gtop->prefix && gtags_restart(gtop)) {
				gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, gtop->key, gtop->preg, gtop->dbflags);
				if (gtop->gtp.tag == NULL)
					return NULL;
			} else
				return NULL;
		return &gtop->gtp_array[gtop->gtp_index++];
 * gtags_first: return first record
 *	@param[in]	gtop	#GTOP structure
 *	@param[in]	pattern	tag name <br>
 *		- may be regular expression
 *		- may be @VAR{NULL}
 *	@param[in]	flags	#GTOP_PREFIX:	prefix read <br>
 *			#GTOP_KEY:	read key only <br>
 *			#GTOP_PATH:	read path only <br>
 *			#GTOP_NOREGEX:	don't use regular expression. <br>
 *			#GTOP_IGNORECASE:	ignore case distinction. <br>
 *			#GTOP_BASICREGEX:	use basic regular expression. <br>
 *			#GTOP_NOSORT:	don't sort
 *	@return		record
gtags_first(GTOP *gtop, const char *pattern, int flags)
	int dbflags = 0;
	int regflags = 0;
	char prefix[IDENTLEN];
	static regex_t reg;
	regex_t *preg = &reg;
	const char *key = NULL;
	const char *tagline;

	/* Settlement for last time if any */
	if (gtop->path_hash) {
		gtop->path_hash = NULL;
	if (gtop->path_array) {
		gtop->path_array = NULL;

	gtop->flags = flags;
	if (flags & GTOP_PREFIX && pattern != NULL)
		dbflags |= DBOP_PREFIX;
	if (flags & GTOP_KEY)
		dbflags |= DBOP_KEY;

	if (!(flags & GTOP_BASICREGEX))
		regflags |= REG_EXTENDED;
	if (flags & GTOP_IGNORECASE)
		regflags |= REG_ICASE;
	 * Get key and compiled regular expression for dbop_xxxx().
	if (flags & GTOP_NOREGEX) {
		key = pattern;
		preg = NULL;
	} else if (pattern == NULL || !strcmp(pattern, ".*")) {
		 * Since the regular expression '.*' matches to any record,
		 * we take sequential read method.
		key = NULL;
		preg = NULL;
	} else if (isregex(pattern) && regcomp(preg, pattern, regflags) == 0) {
		const char *p;
		 * If the pattern include '^' + some non regular expression
		 * characters like '^aaa[0-9]', we take prefix read method
		 * with the non regular expression part as the prefix.
		if (!(flags & GTOP_IGNORECASE) && *pattern == '^' && *(p = pattern + 1) && !isregexchar(*p)) {
			int i = 0;

			while (*p && !isregexchar(*p) && i < IDENTLEN)
				prefix[i++] = *p++;
			prefix[i] = '\0';
			key = prefix;
			dbflags |= DBOP_PREFIX;
		} else {
			key = NULL;
	} else {
		key = pattern;
		preg = NULL;
	 * If GTOP_PATH is set, at first, we collect all path names in a pool and
	 * sort them. gtags_first() and gtags_next() returns one of the pool.
	if (gtop->flags & GTOP_PATH) {
		struct sh_entry *entry;
		char *p;
		const char *cp;
		unsigned long i;

		gtop->path_hash = strhash_open(HASHBUCKETS);
		 * Pool path names.
		 * fid		path name
		 * +--------------------------
		 * |100		./aaa/a.c
		 * |105		./aaa/b.c
		 *  ...
		for (tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
		     tagline != NULL;
		     tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
			/* extract file id */
			p = locatestring(tagline, " ", MATCH_FIRST);
			if (p == NULL)
				die("Illegal tag record. '%s'\n", tagline);
			*p = '\0';
			entry = strhash_assign(gtop->path_hash, tagline, 1);
			/* new entry: get path name and set. */
			if (entry->value == NULL) {
				cp = gpath_fid2path(tagline, NULL);
				if (cp == NULL)
					die("GPATH is corrupted.(file id '%s' not found)", tagline);
				entry->value = strhash_strdup(gtop->path_hash, cp, 0);
		 * Sort path names.
		 * fid		path name	path_array (sort)
		 * +--------------------------	+---+
		 * |100		./aaa/a.c <-------* |
		 * |105		./aaa/b.c <-------* |
		 *  ...				...
		gtop->path_array = (char **)check_malloc(gtop->path_hash->entries * sizeof(char *));
		i = 0;
		for (entry = strhash_first(gtop->path_hash); entry != NULL; entry = strhash_next(gtop->path_hash))
			gtop->path_array[i++] = entry->value;
		if (i != gtop->path_hash->entries)
			die("Something is wrong. 'i = %lu, entries = %lu'" , i, gtop->path_hash->entries);
		if (!(gtop->flags & GTOP_NOSORT))
			qsort(gtop->path_array, gtop->path_hash->entries, sizeof(char *), compare_path);
		gtop->path_count = gtop->path_hash->entries;
		gtop->path_index = 0;

		if (gtop->path_index >= gtop->path_count)
			return NULL;
		gtop->gtp.path = gtop->path_array[gtop->path_index++];
		return &gtop->gtp;
	} else if (gtop->flags & GTOP_KEY) {
		for (gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
		     gtop->gtp.tag != NULL;
		     gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
		return gtop->gtp.tag ? &gtop->gtp : NULL;
	} else {
		if (gtop->vb == NULL)
			gtop->vb = varray_open(sizeof(GTP), 200);
		if (gtop->segment_pool == NULL)
			gtop->segment_pool = pool_open();
		if (gtop->path_hash == NULL)
			gtop->path_hash = strhash_open(HASHBUCKETS);
		tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
		if (tagline == NULL)
			return NULL;
		 * Dbop_next() wil read the same record again.
		 * Read a tag segment with sorting.
		return  &gtop->gtp_array[gtop->gtp_index++];
 * gtags_first: return first record
 *	@param[in]	gtop	#GTOP structure
 *	@param[in]	pattern	tag name <br>
 *		- may be regular expression
 *		- may be @VAR{NULL}
 *	@param[in]	flags	#GTOP_PREFIX:	prefix read <br>
 *			#GTOP_KEY:	read key only <br>
 *			#GTOP_PATH:	read path only <br>
 *			#GTOP_NOREGEX:	don't use regular expression. <br>
 *			#GTOP_IGNORECASE:	ignore case distinction. <br>
 *			#GTOP_BASICREGEX:	use basic regular expression. <br>
 *			#GTOP_NOSORT:	don't sort
 *	@return		record
gtags_first(GTOP *gtop, const char *pattern, int flags)
	int regflags = 0;
	static regex_t reg;
	const char *tagline;

	gtop->preg = &reg;
	gtop->key = NULL;
	gtop->prefix = NULL;
	gtop->flags = flags;
	gtop->dbflags = 0;
	gtop->readcount = 1;

	/* Settlement for last time if any */
	if (gtop->path_hash) {
		gtop->path_hash = NULL;
	if (gtop->path_array) {
		gtop->path_array = NULL;

	if (flags & GTOP_KEY)
		gtop->dbflags |= DBOP_KEY;
	if (!(flags & GTOP_BASICREGEX))
		regflags |= REG_EXTENDED;

	 * decide a read method
	if (pattern == NULL)
		gtop->preg = NULL;
	else if (pattern[0] == 0)
		return NULL;
	else if (!strcmp(pattern, ".*") || !strcmp(pattern, "^.*$") ||
		!strcmp(pattern, "^") || !strcmp(pattern, "$") ||
		!strcmp(pattern, "^.*") || !strcmp(pattern, ".*$")) {
		 * Since these regular expressions match to any record,
		 * we take sequential read method.
		gtop->preg = NULL;
	} else if (flags & GTOP_IGNORECASE) {
		regflags |= REG_ICASE;
		if (!isregex(pattern) || flags & GTOP_NOREGEX) {
			gtop->prefix = get_prefix(pattern, flags);
			if (gtop->openflags & GTAGS_DEBUG)
				if (gtop->prefix != NULL)
					fprintf(stderr, "Using prefix: %s\n", gtop->prefix);
			if (gtop->prefix == NULL)
				die("gtags_first: impossible (1).");
			strbuf_putc(regex, '^');
			strbuf_puts(regex, pattern);
			if (!(flags & GTOP_PREFIX))
				strbuf_putc(regex, '$');
		} else if (*pattern == '^' && (gtop->prefix = get_prefix(pattern, flags)) != NULL) {
			if (gtop->openflags & GTAGS_DEBUG)
				fprintf(stderr, "Using prefix: %s\n", gtop->prefix);
			strbuf_puts(regex, pattern);
		} else {
			strbuf_puts(regex, pattern);
	} else {
		if (!isregex(pattern) || flags & GTOP_NOREGEX) {
			if (flags & GTOP_PREFIX)
				gtop->dbflags |= DBOP_PREFIX;
			gtop->key = pattern;
			gtop->preg = NULL;
		} else if (*pattern == '^' && (gtop->key = get_prefix(pattern, flags)) != NULL) {
			if (gtop->openflags & GTAGS_DEBUG)
				fprintf(stderr, "Using prefix: %s\n", gtop->key);
			gtop->dbflags |= DBOP_PREFIX;
			gtop->preg = NULL;
		} else {
			strbuf_puts(regex, pattern);
	if (gtop->prefix) {
		if (gtop->key)
			die("gtags_first: impossible (2).");
		gtop->key = gtop->prefix;
		gtop->dbflags |= DBOP_PREFIX;
	if (strbuf_getlen(regex) > 0) {
		if (gtop->preg == NULL)
			die("gtags_first: impossible (3).");
		if (regcomp(gtop->preg, strbuf_value(regex), regflags) != 0)
			die("invalid regular expression.");
	 * If GTOP_PATH is set, at first, we collect all path names in a pool and
	 * sort them. gtags_first() and gtags_next() returns one of the pool.
	if (gtop->flags & GTOP_PATH) {
		struct sh_entry *entry;
		char *p;
		const char *cp;
		unsigned long i;

		gtop->path_hash = strhash_open(HASHBUCKETS);
		 * Pool path names.
		 * fid		path name
		 * +--------------------------
		 * |100		./aaa/a.c
		 * |105		./aaa/b.c
		 *  ...
		for (tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, gtop->key, gtop->preg, gtop->dbflags);
		     tagline != NULL;
		     tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
			/* extract file id */
			p = locatestring(tagline, " ", MATCH_FIRST);
			if (p == NULL)
				die("Invalid tag record. '%s'\n", tagline);
			*p = '\0';
			entry = strhash_assign(gtop->path_hash, tagline, 1);
			/* new entry: get path name and set. */
			if (entry->value == NULL) {
				cp = gpath_fid2path(tagline, NULL);
				if (cp == NULL)
					die("GPATH is corrupted.(file id '%s' not found)", tagline);
				entry->value = strhash_strdup(gtop->path_hash, cp, 0);
		if (gtop->prefix && gtags_restart(gtop))
			goto again0;
		 * Sort path names.
		 * fid		path name	path_array (sort)
		 * +--------------------------	+---+
		 * |100		./aaa/a.c <-------* |
		 * |105		./aaa/b.c <-------* |
		 *  ...				...
		gtop->path_array = (char **)check_malloc(gtop->path_hash->entries * sizeof(char *));
		i = 0;
		for (entry = strhash_first(gtop->path_hash); entry != NULL; entry = strhash_next(gtop->path_hash))
			gtop->path_array[i++] = entry->value;
		if (i != gtop->path_hash->entries)
			die("Something is wrong. 'i = %lu, entries = %lu'" , i, gtop->path_hash->entries);
		if (!(gtop->flags & GTOP_NOSORT))
			qsort(gtop->path_array, gtop->path_hash->entries, sizeof(char *), compare_path);
		gtop->path_count = gtop->path_hash->entries;
		gtop->path_index = 0;

		if (gtop->path_index >= gtop->path_count)
			return NULL;
		gtop->gtp.path = gtop->path_array[gtop->path_index++];
		return &gtop->gtp;
	} else if (gtop->flags & GTOP_KEY) {
		for (gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, gtop->key, gtop->preg, gtop->dbflags);
		     gtop->gtp.tag != NULL;
		     gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
		if (gtop->gtp.tag == NULL) {
			if (gtop->prefix && gtags_restart(gtop))
				goto again1;
		return gtop->gtp.tag ? &gtop->gtp : NULL;
	} else {
		if (gtop->vb == NULL)
			gtop->vb = varray_open(sizeof(GTP), 200);
		if (gtop->segment_pool == NULL)
			gtop->segment_pool = pool_open();
		if (gtop->path_hash == NULL)
			gtop->path_hash = strhash_open(HASHBUCKETS);
		tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, gtop->key, gtop->preg, gtop->dbflags);
		if (tagline == NULL) {
			if (gtop->prefix && gtags_restart(gtop))
				goto again2;
			return NULL;
		 * Dbop_next() wil read the same record again.
		 * Read a tag segment with sorting.
		return  &gtop->gtp_array[gtop->gtp_index++];