void print_video_mode_info( dc1394camera_t *camera, dc1394video_mode_t mode) { int j; dc1394error_t err; printf("Mode: "); print_video_mode(mode); printf("\n"); if((mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_0) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_1) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_2) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_3) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_4) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_5) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_6) || (mode == DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_7)) { dc1394format7mode_t f7mode; err=dc1394_format7_get_mode_info(camera, mode, &f7mode); if(err) { DC1394_ERR(err,"Could not format 7 information"); } else { printf( "Image Sizes:\n" " size = %ix%i\n" " max = %ix%i\n" " pixels = %i\n", f7mode.size_x, f7mode.size_y, f7mode.max_size_x, f7mode.max_size_y, f7mode.pixnum); printf( "Color:\n"); for(j=0; j<f7mode.color_codings.num; j++) { printf(" [%d] coding = ", j); print_color_coding(f7mode.color_codings.codings[j]); printf("\n"); } printf(" filter = "); print_color_filter(f7mode.color_filter); printf("\n"); } } else { dc1394framerates_t framerates; err=dc1394_video_get_supported_framerates(camera,mode,&framerates); if(err) { DC1394_ERR(err,"Could not get frame rates"); } else { printf("Frame Rates:\n"); for(j = 0; j < framerates.num; j++) { uint32_t rate = framerates.framerates[j]; float f_rate; dc1394_framerate_as_float(rate,&f_rate); printf(" [%d] rate = %f\n",j,f_rate ); } } } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prints various information about the mode the camera is in *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void of1394VideoGrabber::print_mode_info(dc1394video_mode_t mode ) { int j; printf("Mode: "); print_format(mode); printf("\n"); dc1394framerates_t framerates; dc1394error_t err; err=dc1394_video_get_supported_framerates(camera,mode,&framerates); DC1394_ERR(err,"Could not get frame rates"); printf("Frame Rates:\n"); for( j = 0; j < framerates.num; j++ ) { dc1394framerate_t rate = framerates.framerates[j]; float f_rate; dc1394_framerate_as_float(rate,&f_rate); printf(" [%d] rate = %f\n",j,f_rate ); } }
void DC1394Camera::init(core::ConfigNode config, uint64_t guid) { LOGGER.infoStream() << guid << ": Initializing camera "; m_guid = guid; // Grab our camera m_camera = dc1394_camera_new(s_libHandle, guid); if (!m_camera) { LOGGER.errorStream() << "Failed to initialize camera with guid: " << guid; assert(m_camera && "Couldn't initialize camera"); } // Determines settings and frame size dc1394error_t err = DC1394_FAILURE; dc1394video_mode_t videoMode = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_RGB8; dc1394framerate_t frameRate = DC1394_FRAMERATE_15; // Check for the whitebalance feature dc1394feature_info_t whiteBalance; whiteBalance.id = DC1394_FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE; err = dc1394_feature_get(m_camera, &whiteBalance); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not get white balance feature info"); bool hasWhiteBalance = (whiteBalance.available == DC1394_TRUE); uint32_t uValue, vValue; if (hasWhiteBalance) { err = dc1394_feature_whitebalance_get_value(m_camera, &uValue, &vValue); LOGGER.infoStream() << m_guid << ": Current U: " << uValue << " V: " << vValue; } // Actually set the values if the user wants to if (config.exists("uValue") && config.exists("vValue")) { bool uAuto = boost::to_lower_copy(config["uValue"].asString("auto")) == "auto"; bool vAuto = boost::to_lower_copy(config["vValue"].asString("auto")) == "auto"; bool autoVal = uAuto && vAuto; if ((uAuto || vAuto) && !autoVal) { assert(false && "Both Whitebalance values must either be auto or manual"); } if (autoVal) { setWhiteBalance(0, 0, true); } else { // Read in config values uint32_t u_b_value = static_cast<uint32_t>(config["uValue"].asInt()); uint32_t v_r_value = static_cast<uint32_t>(config["vValue"].asInt()); // Set values setWhiteBalance(u_b_value, v_r_value); } } else if (config.exists("uValue") || config.exists("vValue")) { assert(false && "Must set both the U and V values for white balance"); } err = dc1394_feature_whitebalance_get_value(m_camera, &uValue, &vValue); LOGGER.infoStream() << m_guid << ": Set U: " << uValue << " V: " << vValue; if (config.exists("brightness")) { // Read in and set values if (boost::to_lower_copy(config["brightness"].asString("auto")) == "auto") { setBrightness(0, true); } else { uint32_t value = static_cast<uint32_t>(config["brightness"].asInt()); setBrightness(value); } } if (config.exists("exposure")) { // Read in and set values if (boost::to_lower_copy(config["exposure"].asString("auto")) == "auto") { setExposure(0, true); } else { uint32_t value = static_cast<uint32_t>(config["exposure"].asInt()); setExposure(value); } } // Grab image size err = dc1394_get_image_size_from_video_mode(m_camera, videoMode, &m_width, &m_height); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not get image size"); float fRate; err = dc1394_framerate_as_float(frameRate, &fRate); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not get framerate as float"); m_fps = fRate; // Setup the capture err = dc1394_video_set_iso_speed(m_camera, DC1394_ISO_SPEED_400); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not set iso speed"); err = dc1394_video_set_mode(m_camera, videoMode); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not set video mode"); err = dc1394_video_set_framerate(m_camera, frameRate); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not set framerate"); // Start data transfer err = dc1394_video_set_transmission(m_camera, DC1394_ON); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not start camera iso transmission"); err = dc1394_capture_setup(m_camera, DMA_BUFFER_SIZE, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); assert(DC1394_SUCCESS == err && "Could not setup camera make sure" " that the video mode and framerate are supported by your camera"); }