static int testCPRRelative() {
    int ok = 1;
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cprRelativeTests)/sizeof(cprRelativeTests[0]); ++i) {
        double rlat = 0, rlon = 0;
        int res;

        res = decodeCPRrelative(cprRelativeTests[i].reflat, cprRelativeTests[i].reflon,
                                cprRelativeTests[i].cprlat, cprRelativeTests[i].cprlon,
                                cprRelativeTests[i].fflag, cprRelativeTests[i].surface,
                                &rlat, &rlon);
        if (res != cprRelativeTests[i].result
            || fabs(rlat - cprRelativeTests[i].rlat) > 1e-6
            || fabs(rlon - cprRelativeTests[i].rlon) > 1e-6) {
            ok = 0;
                    "testCPRRelative[%d]:  FAIL: decodeCPRrelative(%.6f,%.6f,%d,%d,%d,%d) failed:\n"
                    " result %d  (expected %d)\n"
                    " lat %.6f   (expected %.6f)\n"
                    " lon %.6f   (expected %.6f)\n",
                    cprRelativeTests[i].reflat, cprRelativeTests[i].reflon,
                    cprRelativeTests[i].cprlat, cprRelativeTests[i].cprlon,
                    cprRelativeTests[i].fflag, cprRelativeTests[i].surface,
                    res, cprRelativeTests[i].result,
                    rlat, cprRelativeTests[i].rlat,
                    rlon, cprRelativeTests[i].rlon);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "testCPRRelative[%d]:  PASS\n", i);

    return ok;
// Receive new messages and populate the interactive mode with more info
struct aircraft *interactiveReceiveData(struct modesMessage *mm) {
    struct aircraft *a, *aux;

    // Return if (checking crc) AND (not crcok) AND (not fixed)
    if (Modes.check_crc && (mm->crcok == 0) && (mm->correctedbits == 0)) 
        return NULL;

    // Lookup our aircraft or create a new one
    a = interactiveFindAircraft(mm->addr);
    if (!a) {                              // If it's a currently unknown aircraft....
        a = interactiveCreateAircraft(mm); // ., create a new record for it,
        a->next = Modes.aircrafts;         // .. and put it at the head of the list
        Modes.aircrafts = a;
    } else {
        /* If it is an already known aircraft, move it on head
         * so we keep aircrafts ordered by received message time.
         * However move it on head only if at least one second elapsed
         * since the aircraft that is currently on head sent a message,
         * othewise with multiple aircrafts at the same time we have an
         * useless shuffle of positions on the screen. */
        if (0 && Modes.aircrafts != a && (time(NULL) - a->seen) >= 1) {
            aux = Modes.aircrafts;
            while(aux->next != a) aux = aux->next;
            /* Now we are a node before the aircraft to remove. */
            aux->next = aux->next->next; /* removed. */
            /* Add on head */
            a->next = Modes.aircrafts;
            Modes.aircrafts = a;

    a->signalLevel[a->messages & 7] = mm->signalLevel;// replace the 8th oldest signal strength
    a->seen      = time(NULL);
    a->timestamp = mm->timestampMsg;

    // If a (new) CALLSIGN has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_CALLSIGN_VALID) {
        memcpy(a->flight, mm->flight, sizeof(a->flight));

    // If a (new) ALTITUDE has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_ALTITUDE_VALID) {
        if ( (a->modeCcount)                   // if we've a modeCcount already
          && (a->altitude  != mm->altitude ) ) // and Altitude has changed
//        && (a->modeC     != mm->modeC + 1)   // and Altitude not changed by +100 feet
//        && (a->modeC + 1 != mm->modeC    ) ) // and Altitude not changes by -100 feet
            a->modeCcount   = 0;               //....zero the hit count
            a->modeACflags &= ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_HIT;
        a->altitude = mm->altitude;
        a->modeC    = (mm->altitude + 49) / 100;

    // If a (new) SQUAWK has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SQUAWK_VALID) {
        if (a->modeA != mm->modeA) {
            a->modeAcount   = 0; // Squawk has changed, so zero the hit count
            a->modeACflags &= ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEA_HIT;
        a->modeA = mm->modeA;

    // If a (new) HEADING has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_HEADING_VALID) {
        a->track = mm->heading;

    // If a (new) SPEED has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_SPEED_VALID) {
        a->speed = mm->velocity;

    // If a (new) Vertical Descent rate has been received, copy it to the aircraft structure
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_VERTRATE_VALID) {
        a->vert_rate = mm->vert_rate;

    // if the Aircraft has landed or taken off since the last message, clear the even/odd CPR flags
    if ((mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG_VALID) && ((a->bFlags ^ mm->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG)) {

    // If we've got a new cprlat or cprlon
    if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLEITHER_VALID) {

        if (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID) {
            a->odd_cprlat  = mm->raw_latitude;
            a->odd_cprlon  = mm->raw_longitude;
            a->odd_cprtime = mstime();
        } else {
            a->even_cprlat  = mm->raw_latitude;
            a->even_cprlon  = mm->raw_longitude;
            a->even_cprtime = mstime();

        if (((mm->bFlags | a->bFlags) & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLEITHER_VALID) == MODES_ACFLAGS_LLBOTH_VALID) {
        // If we now have both even and odd, decode the CPR

            // Try relative CPR first
            if (decodeCPRrelative(a, (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID), (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG))) {
                // If relative CPR fails then try global if the two data are less than 10 seconds apart
                if (abs((int)(a->even_cprtime - a->odd_cprtime)) <= 10000) {
                    decodeCPR(a, (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LLODD_VALID), (mm->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_AOG));

            //If we sucessfully decoded, back copy the results to mm so that we can print them in list output
            if (a->bFlags & MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID) {
                mm->bFlags |= MODES_ACFLAGS_LATLON_VALID;
                mm->fLat    = a->lat;
                mm->fLon    = a->lon;

    // Update the aircrafts a->bFlags to reflect the newly received mm->bFlags;
    a->bFlags |= mm->bFlags;

    if (mm->msgtype == 32) {
        int flags = a->modeACflags;
            // This Mode-C doesn't currently hit any known Mode-S, but it used to because MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD is
            // set  So the aircraft it used to match has either changed altitude, or gone out of our receiver range
            // We've now received this Mode-A/C again, so it must be a new aircraft. It could be another aircraft
            // at the same Mode-C altitude, or it could be a new airctraft with a new Mods-A squawk. 
            // To avoid masking this aircraft from the interactive display, clear the MODEAC_MSG_MODES_OLD flag
            // and set messages to 1;
            a->modeACflags = flags & ~MODEAC_MSG_MODEC_OLD;
            a->messages    = 1;

    a->fs = mm->fs;

    return (a);