  for (int n = 0; n < m_count; n++) {
    delete m_thread[n];
    m_thread[n] = 0;
  delete [] m_thread;
int dead_code_node (FuncGraph *fg, int id)
    int keep, i, g_id, port_num, deleted;

    printf ("entered 'dead_code_node', node %d\n", id); fflush (stdout);

    deleted = FALSE;

    if (is_simple_node (fg, id))
	keep = FALSE;

	switch (fg->nodes[id].nodetype)
	    case ND_G_OUTPUT :
	        g_id = fg->nodes[id].My_graph;
	        port_num = fg->nodes[id].Io_num;

	        if (fg->nodes[g_id].outputs[port_num].targets != NULL)
	            keep = TRUE;
	    case ND_PRINT :
	    case ND_ASSERT :
	    case ND_SWITCH_KEY :
	    case ND_SELECTORS :
	    case ND_NEXT :
	    case ND_SCALAR_GEN :
	    case ND_ELE_GEN :
	    case ND_SLICE_GEN :
	    case ND_WINDOW_GEN :
		/* these nodes never have outputs, but we don't want to
		 * eliminate them; ND_WHILE_PRED is not here because it's
		 * a compound, not a simple node;
	        return FALSE;
	    default :
	        for (i=0; i<fg->nodes[id].num_outputs; i++)
		    if (fg->nodes[id].outputs[i].targets != NULL)
		        keep = TRUE;

	/* if it's not an input node, and it has no output targets, delete it */
	if ((!keep) && (fg->nodes[id].nodetype!=ND_G_INPUT) &&
	    remove_simple_node (fg, id);
	    deleted = TRUE;
	/* here we're processing a compound node */
	IntList *deleted_nodes, *it;

	/* first see if any of the outputs are dead */
	if (fg->nodes[id].nodetype != ND_WHILE_PRED)
	    for (i=0; i<fg->nodes[id].num_outputs; i++)
	        if (fg->nodes[id].outputs[i].targets == NULL)
	            delete_output (fg, id, i);

	/* remove dead code from the node's internal graph */
        deleted_nodes = dead_code_process_list_reversed (fg, fg->nodes[id].My_nodes);
        deleted_nodes = dead_code_process_list_reversed (fg, fg->nodes[id].My_nodes);

	/* here we delete any input nodes that have no outputs */
	delete_dead_graph_inputs (fg, id, &deleted_nodes);

        for (it=deleted_nodes; it!=NULL; it=it->link)
            delete_ele_from_intlist (it->val, &(fg->nodes[id].My_nodes));
        free_intlist (&deleted_nodes);

	/* if the node has no outputs, delete the whole thing */
	switch (fg->nodes[id].nodetype)
	    case ND_WHILE_PRED :
	    case ND_CROSS_PROD :
	    case ND_DOT_PROD :
	    default :
		if (fg->nodes[id].nodetype != ND_WHILE_PRED)
	    	    if (fg->nodes[id].num_outputs == 0)
	        	delete_node (fg, id);
			deleted = TRUE;

    printf ("leaving 'dead_code_node', node %d\n", id); fflush (stdout);

    return deleted;