int main(){ ElemType data; void* pointer = &data; vector vec = new_vector(pointer,10); ElemType *pointer2 = (ElemType*); printf("%d\n",pointer2->number); delete_vector(vec); return 0; }
void RungeKuttaSolver::rkqs(double y[], double dydx[], int n, double *x, double htry, double eps, double yscal[], double *hdid, double *hnext, RungeKuttaEquation *Equations[]) { int i; double errmax,h,xnew,*yerr,*ytemp; yerr=new_vector(1,n); ytemp=new_vector(1,n); h=htry; for (;;) { rkck(y,dydx,n,*x,h,ytemp,yerr,Equations); errmax=0.0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) errmax=FMAX(errmax,fabs(yerr[i]/yscal[i])); errmax /= eps; if (errmax > 1.0) { h=SAFETY*h*pow(errmax,PSHRNK); if (h < 0.1*h) h *= 0.1; xnew=(*x)+h; if (xnew == *x) nrerror("stepsize underflow in rkqs"); continue; } else { if (errmax > ERRCON) *hnext=SAFETY*h*pow(errmax,PGROW); else *hnext=5.0*h; *x += (*hdid=h); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) y[i]=ytemp[i]; break; } } delete_vector(ytemp,1,n); delete_vector(yerr,1,n); }
void RungeKuttaSolver::rkck(double y[], double dydx[], int n, double x, double h, double yout[], double yerr[], RungeKuttaEquation *Equations[]) { int i; double dc1=c1-2825.0/27648.0; double dc3=c3-18575.0/48384.0; double dc4=c4-13525.0/55296.0; double dc6=c6-0.25; double *ak2,*ak3,*ak4,*ak5,*ak6,*ytemp; ak2=new_vector(1,n); ak3=new_vector(1,n); ak4=new_vector(1,n); ak5=new_vector(1,n); ak6=new_vector(1,n); ytemp=new_vector(1,n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ytemp[i]=y[i]+b21*h*dydx[i]; // (*derivs)(x+a2*h,ytemp,ak2); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ak2[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(ytemp[i], y[5]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ytemp[i]=y[i]+h*(b31*dydx[i]+b32*ak2[i]); // (*derivs)(x+a3*h,ytemp,ak3); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ak3[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(ytemp[i], y[5]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ytemp[i]=y[i]+h*(b41*dydx[i]+b42*ak2[i]+b43*ak3[i]); // (*derivs)(x+a4*h,ytemp,ak4); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ak4[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(ytemp[i], y[5]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ytemp[i]=y[i]+h*(b51*dydx[i]+b52*ak2[i]+b53*ak3[i]+b54*ak4[i]); // (*derivs)(x+a5*h,ytemp,ak5); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ak5[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(ytemp[i], y[5]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ytemp[i]=y[i]+h*(b61*dydx[i]+b62*ak2[i]+b63*ak3[i]+b64*ak4[i]+b65*ak5[i]); //(*derivs)(x+a6*h,ytemp,ak6); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) ak6[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(ytemp[i], y[5]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) yout[i]=y[i]+h*(c1*dydx[i]+c3*ak3[i]+c4*ak4[i]+c6*ak6[i]); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) yerr[i]=h*(dc1*dydx[i]+dc3*ak3[i]+dc4*ak4[i]+dc5*ak5[i]+dc6*ak6[i]); delete_vector(ytemp,1,n); delete_vector(ak6,1,n); delete_vector(ak5,1,n); delete_vector(ak4,1,n); delete_vector(ak3,1,n); delete_vector(ak2,1,n); }
void RungeKuttaSolver::ode_rk(int nvar, double x1, double x2, double eps, double h1, double hmin, int *nok, int *nbad, RungeKuttaEquation *Equations[]) { int nstp,i; double xsav, x, hnext, hdid, h; // DJA: h is the current time step value double *yscal,*y,*dydx; yscal=new_vector(1,nvar); y=new_vector(1,nvar); dydx=new_vector(1,nvar); x=x1; h=SIGN(h1,x2-x1); *nok = (*nbad) = kount = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nvar ; i++) y[i] = Equations[i]->InitialY; if (kmax > 0) xsav=x-dxsav*2.0; for (nstp=1;nstp<=MAXSTP;nstp++) { // (*derivs)(x,y,dydx); DJA: This is the old call which we've replaced with the following two lines for (i = 1; i <= nvar ; i++) dydx[i] = Equations[i]->GetDerivative(y[i], y[5]); for (i=1;i<=nvar;i++) yscal[i]=fabs(y[i])+fabs(dydx[i]*h)+TINY; if (kmax > 0 && kount < kmax-1 && fabs(x-xsav) > fabs(dxsav)) { xp[++kount]=x; for (i=1;i<=nvar;i++) yp[i][kount]=y[i]; xsav=x; } if ((x+h-x2)*(x+h-x1) > 0.0) h=x2-x; rkqs(y,dydx,nvar,&x,h,eps,yscal,&hdid,&hnext,Equations); if (hdid == h) ++(*nok); else ++(*nbad); if ((x-x2)*(x2-x1) >= 0.0) { for (i=1;i<=nvar;i++) Equations[i]->InitialY = y[i]; if (kmax) { xp[++kount]=x; for (i=1;i<=nvar;i++) yp[i][kount]=y[i]; } delete_vector(dydx,1,nvar); delete_vector(y,1,nvar); delete_vector(yscal,1,nvar); return; } // printf("hnext %f hmin %f\n",hnext,hmin); if (fabs(hnext) <= hmin) { nrerror("Step size too small in odeint"); } h=hnext; } nrerror("Too many steps in routine odeint"); }
void delete_datapoint(Datapoint* datapoint){ delete_vector(datapoint->position); free(datapoint); }
void delete_centroid(Centroid* centroid){ delete_vector(centroid->center); free(centroid); }
void GraverAPI<T>::compute() { check_consistency(); Algorithm <T>* algorithm; DefaultController <T> * controller; std::ofstream* log_file = 0; if (ZSolveAPI<T>::options.loglevel () > 0) { std::string log_name = ZSolveAPI<T>::options.project () + ".log"; log_file = new std::ofstream (log_name.c_str(), ZSolveAPI<T>::options.resume () ? std::ios::out | std::ios::app : std::ios::out); } controller = new DefaultController <T> (&std::cout, log_file, ZSolveAPI<T>::options); if (ZSolveAPI<T>::mat) { /// @TODO: transfer rhs, ub, lb, sign and rel. T* rhs_vec = create_zero_vector <T> (ZSolveAPI<T>::mat->data.height()); if (ZSolveAPI<T>::rhs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::rhs->data.width(); ++i) { rhs_vec[i] = ZSolveAPI<T>::rhs->data[0][i]; } } LinearSystem <T> * system = new LinearSystem <T> (ZSolveAPI<T>::mat->data, rhs_vec, ZSolveAPI<T>::free_default, ZSolveAPI<T>::lower_default, ZSolveAPI<T>::upper_default); delete_vector(rhs_vec); if (ZSolveAPI<T>::sign) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::sign->data.width(); ++i) { switch (ZSolveAPI<T>::sign->data[0][i]) { case 0: system->get_variable(i).set(true); break; case 1: system->get_variable(i).set(false, 0, -1); break; case -1: system->get_variable(i).set(false, 1, 0); break; case 2: system->get_variable(i).set(false); break; default: /// @TODO: The following error message should be more informative. throw IOException("Unknown sign value."); } } } if (ZSolveAPI<T>::rel) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::rel->data.width(); ++i) { switch (ZSolveAPI<T>::rel->data[0][i]) { case 0: system->get_relation(i).set(Relation<T> :: Equal); break; case 1: system->get_relation(i).set(Relation<T> :: GreaterEqual); break; case -1: system->get_relation(i).set(Relation<T> :: LesserEqual); break; default: /// @TODO: The following error message should be more informative. throw IOException("Unknown relation value."); } } } if (ZSolveAPI<T>::lb) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::lb->data.width(); ++i) { system->get_variable(i).set_bound(true, ZSolveAPI<T>::lb->data[0][i]); } } if (ZSolveAPI<T>::ub) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::ub->data.width(); ++i) { system->get_variable(i).set_bound(false, ZSolveAPI<T>::ub->data[0][i]); } } system->cancel_down(); algorithm = new ExtendedPottier <T>; algorithm->init(system, controller); delete system; } else if (ZSolveAPI<T>::lat) { /// @TODO: transfer ub, lb, and sign. Lattice <T> * lattice = new Lattice <T> (& ZSolveAPI<T>::lat->data, ZSolveAPI<T>::free_default, ZSolveAPI<T>::lower_default, ZSolveAPI<T>::upper_default); if (ZSolveAPI<T>::sign) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::sign->data.width(); ++i) { switch (ZSolveAPI<T>::sign->data[0][i]) { case 0: lattice->get_variable(i).set(true); break; case 1: lattice->get_variable(i).set(false, 0, -1); break; case -1: lattice->get_variable(i).set(false, 1, 0); break; case 2: lattice->get_variable(i).set(false); break; default: /// @TODO: The following error message should be more informative. throw IOException("Unknown sign value."); } } } if (ZSolveAPI<T>::lb) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::lb->data.width(); ++i) { lattice->get_variable(i).set_bound(true, ZSolveAPI<T>::lb->data[0][i]); } } if (ZSolveAPI<T>::ub) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ZSolveAPI<T>::ub->data.width(); ++i) { lattice->get_variable(i).set_bound(false, ZSolveAPI<T>::ub->data[0][i]); } } lattice->reduce_gaussian(); algorithm = new ExtendedPottier <T>; algorithm->init(lattice, controller); delete lattice; } else { throw IOException ("Neither " + ZSolveAPI<T>::options.project () + ".mat, " + ZSolveAPI<T>::options.project () + ".lat, nor " + ZSolveAPI<T>::options.project () + ".backup found!"); } // Actual computation starts here. algorithm->compute (ZSolveAPI<T>::options.backup_frequency ()); algorithm->log_maxnorm (); extract_results(algorithm); delete algorithm; delete controller; if (log_file) { delete log_file; } }