void Network::getNetForces() {

    for (int i = 0; i <= iMax; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {
            isiMax = i == iMax;
            isjMin = j == 0;
            isjMax = j == jMax;

            int j1 = isjMax ? 0 : j + 1;
            int i1 = isiMax ? 0 : i + 1;
            int j2 = isjMin ? jMax : j - 1;

            double tempPos[8] = {

                pos[(i * netSize + j) * 2], 
                pos[(i * netSize + j) * 2 + 1], 
                pos[(i * netSize + j1) * 2],
                pos[(i * netSize + j1) * 2 + 1] ,
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j) * 2],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j) * 2 + 1],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j2) * 2],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j2) * 2 + 1]


            // Calculate the net x and y force on each node. Similar to gradient function.

            for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
                double x_displacement = tempPos[2 * k] + xshift(k) - tempPos[0];
                double y_displacement = tempPos[2 * k + 1] + yshift(k) - tempPos[1];

                forces[i][j][2 * k - 2] = spr[i][j][k - 1] * deltaL(tempPos, k) 
                    / euclDist(tempPos, k) * (x_displacement);
                forces[i][j][2 * k - 1] = spr[i][j][k - 1] * deltaL(tempPos, k) 
                    / euclDist(tempPos, k) * (y_displacement);



// Network Function Definitions.
double Network::operator() () {
    double funcvalue = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i <= iMax; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {

            // Make the array double pos[]. This shall point to the
            // positions of the following nodes:
            // 1. node i, j
            // 2. node i, j + 1 (j1)
            // 3. node i + 1 (i1), j
            // 4. node i + 1, j - 1 (j2)
            // Make sure to impose the periodic boundary condition here.
            // This is done by making a temporary node copy of the
            // corresponding mode (using modulo arithemetic).
            // Strain is obtained by shifting the bonds at the top of the
            // network over by an integer number of points in the
            // x-direction. When measuring the energy, it only affects the
            // topmost row (i = iMax).

            isiMax = i == iMax;
            isjMax = j == jMax;
            isjMin = j == 0;

            int j1 = isjMax ? 0 : j + 1;
            int i1 = isiMax ? 0 : i + 1;
            int j2 = isjMin ? jMax : j - 1;

            double tempPos[8] = {

                pos[(i * netSize + j) * 2], 
                pos[(i * netSize + j) * 2 + 1], 
                pos[(i * netSize + j1) * 2],
                pos[(i * netSize + j1) * 2 + 1],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j) * 2],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j) * 2 + 1],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j2) * 2],
                pos[(i1 * netSize + j2) * 2 + 1]


            for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
                double delta = deltaL(tempPos, k);
                funcvalue = 0.5 * spr[i][j][k - 1] / RESTLEN * delta * delta;


        } // Cycling all columns in a row
    } // Cycling all rows

    return funcvalue;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
void Foam::coherentFlameModel2b::update()
  Info<<"Updating Sigma Source terms"<<endl;

  volVectorField M(fvc::grad(b_));
  volScalarField mgb_ = mag(M);

  dimensionedScalar dSigma = 1.0e-3*
    (b_* (scalar(1.0) - b_) * mgb_)().weightedAverage(rho_.mesh().V())
    /((b_ * (scalar(1.0) - b_))().weightedAverage(rho_.mesh().V()) + SMALL)
    + dimensionedScalar("dSig", Sigma_.dimensions(), SMALL);

  M /= (max(Sigma_, mgb_) + dSigma);

  // volScalarField magM = mag(M);
  // M /= Sigma_ + dimensionedScalar("tol", dimless/dimLength, SMALL);
  // M /= (magM + dimensionedScalar("tol", dimless/dimLength, SMALL));

  volScalarField orientationFactor = scalar(1.0) - (M & M);

  volTensorField A_ = I * (1.0 - orientationFactor / 3.0) - (M * M);
  volTensorField gradU(fvc::grad(U_));

  volScalarField up(sqrt((2.0/3.0)*turbulence_.k()));
  //Efficiency function from the ITNFS model
  volScalarField GammaK("GammaK", rho_/rho_);

  scalar T1 = min(thermo_.Tu()).value();
  scalar T2 = max(thermo_.Tb()).value();

  volScalarField deltaL(2.0 * thermo_.alpha() / thermo_.rhou() / 
			Su_ * pow(T2/T1, 0.7));

  volScalarField lt(Clt_ * pow(up, 3) / (turbulence_.epsilon() + 
				         pow(dimVelocity,2)/dimTime, SMALL)));

  volScalarField lRatio(lt / deltaL);
  volScalarField uRatio(up / Su_);

  volScalarField s = max
       log10 (lRatio),

    GammaK = 0.75 * exp(-1.2 / pow(uRatio, 0.3)) * pow(lRatio, 2.0/3.0);
  } else {
    volScalarField sigma1 = 2.0 / 3.0 * 
      (1.0 - 0.5 * exp(-pow(uRatio, 1.0/3.0)));
    volScalarField r = -exp(-(s+0.4)) / (s+0.4) + 
      (1.0 - exp(-(s+0.4))) * (sigma1 * s - 0.11);
    GammaK = pow(10.0, r);

  if(quenchingCoeff_ != 0.0){
    volScalarField g = (0.7 + 1.0 / s) * exp(-s) + 
      (1.0 - exp(-s)) * (1.0 + 0.36 * s);
    volScalarField x = (log10 (uRatio) - g) / s / 0.04;
    volScalarField Pq = 0.5 * (1.0 + tanh (sign(x) * x * x));
    GammaK -= quenchingCoeff_ * 1.5 * lRatio / uRatio * log (1.0 / (1.0 - Pq));

  volScalarField P1 = rho_ * alphaSigma_ * GammaK * turbulence_.epsilon() / 
    (turbulence_.k() + dimensionedScalar("tol", pow(dimVelocity,2), SMALL));
  volScalarField P2 = rho_ * (A_ && gradU);

  ProdRateForSigma_ = P1 + P2;

  DestrRateForSigma_ = rho_ * betaSigma_ * 
    (Su_ + CSigma_ * sqrt(3.0/2.0) * up) * Sigma_/(b_ * (1.0 - b_) + SMALL);
