void repl() { SqlParser parser; while (true) { std::string command = read_command(); std::string::size_type first_space = command.find_first_of(" "); std::string fst_token = first_space == string::npos ? command : command.substr(0, first_space); capitalize(&fst_token); #ifdef MAIN_DBG Utils::info("[REPL] execute \"" + command +"\""); #endif if (fst_token.compare("QUIT") == 0 || fst_token.compare("EXIT") == 0) { return; } else if (fst_token.compare("PURGE") == 0) { BufferManager &bm = BufferManager::get_instance(); bm.purge(); std::cout << "Purge has been done" << std::endl; } else if (fst_token.compare("BMST") == 0) { std::cout << "BufferManager state:" << std::endl; std::cout << " Pinned pages: " + std::to_string(BufferManager::get_instance().get_pinned_page_count()) << std::endl; BufferManager::get_instance().print_pinned_page(); } else if (fst_token.compare("ABOUT") == 0) { std::string table_name = command.substr(6); #ifdef MAIN_DBG Utils::info("[REPL] 'about' was called for " + table_name); #endif describe_table(table_name); } else { SqlStatement const * stmt = parser.parse(command); DBFacade::get_instance()->execute_statement(stmt); delete stmt; } } }
int db__driver_describe_table(dbString * table_name, dbTable ** table) { dbString sql; PGresult *res; db_init_string(&sql); db_set_string(&sql, "select * from "); db_append_string(&sql, db_get_string(table_name)); db_append_string(&sql, " where 1 = 0"); res = PQexec(pg_conn, db_get_string(&sql)); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { append_error(db_get_string(&sql)); append_error("\n"); append_error(PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } if (describe_table(res, table, NULL) == DB_FAILED) { append_error("Cannot describe table\n"); report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } PQclear(res); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_select_cursor(dbString * sel, dbCursor * dbc, int mode) { cursor *c; dbTable *table; char *str; /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; db_set_cursor_mode(dbc, mode); db_set_cursor_type_readonly(dbc); /* \ must be escaped, see explanation in * db_driver_execute_immediate() */ str = G_str_replace(db_get_string(sel), "\\", "\\\\"); G_debug(3, "Escaped SQL: %s", str); if (mysql_query(connection, str) != 0) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s\n%s", _("Unable to select data:"), db_get_string(sel), mysql_error(connection)); if (str) G_free(str); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (str) G_free(str); c->res = mysql_store_result(connection); if (c->res == NULL) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s", db_get_string(sel), mysql_error(connection)); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (describe_table(c->res, &table, c) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to describe table.")); db_d_report_error(); mysql_free_result(c->res); return DB_FAILED; } c->nrows = (int)mysql_num_rows(c->res); /* record table with dbCursor */ db_set_cursor_table(dbc, table); /* set dbCursor's token for my cursor */ db_set_cursor_token(dbc, c->token); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_describe_table(dbString * table_name, dbTable ** table) { dbString sql; MYSQL_RES *res; db_init_string(&sql); db_set_string(&sql, "select * from "); db_append_string(&sql, db_get_string(table_name)); db_append_string(&sql, " where 1 = 0"); if (mysql_query(connection, db_get_string(&sql)) != 0) { append_error(db_get_string(&sql)); append_error("\n"); append_error(mysql_error(connection)); report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } res = mysql_store_result(connection); if (res == NULL) { append_error(db_get_string(&sql)); append_error("\n"); append_error(mysql_error(connection)); report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (describe_table(res, table, NULL) == DB_FAILED) { append_error("Cannot describe table\n"); report_error(); mysql_free_result(res); return DB_FAILED; } mysql_free_result(res); db_set_table_name(*table, db_get_string(table_name)); return DB_OK; }
/*! \brief Open select cursor \param sel select statement (given as dbString) \param[out] dbc pointer to dbCursor \param mode open mode \return DB_OK on success \return DB_FAILED on failure */ int db__driver_open_select_cursor(dbString * sel, dbCursor * dbc, int mode) { cursor *c; dbTable *table; init_error(); /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; db_set_cursor_mode(dbc, mode); db_set_cursor_type_readonly(dbc); G_debug(3, "SQL: '%s'", db_get_string(sel)); c->hLayer = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(hDs, db_get_string(sel), NULL, NULL); if (c->hLayer == NULL) { append_error(_("Unable to select: \n")); append_error(db_get_string(sel)); append_error("\n"); report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } if (describe_table(c->hLayer, &table, c) == DB_FAILED) { append_error(_("Unable to describe table\n")); report_error(); OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(hDs, c->hLayer); return DB_FAILED; } /* record table with dbCursor */ db_set_cursor_table(dbc, table); /* set dbCursor's token for my cursor */ db_set_cursor_token(dbc, c->token); return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_describe_table(dbString * table_name, dbTable ** table) { int i, nlayers; OGRLayerH hLayer = NULL; OGRFeatureDefnH hFeatureDefn; /* Find data source */ nlayers = OGR_DS_GetLayerCount(hDs); for (i = 0; i < nlayers; i++) { hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer(hDs, i); hFeatureDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer); if (G_strcasecmp ((char *)OGR_FD_GetName(hFeatureDefn), db_get_string(table_name)) == 0) { break; } hLayer = NULL; } if (hLayer == NULL) { append_error("Table '%s' does not exist\n", db_get_string(table_name)); report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } G_debug(3, "->>"); if (describe_table(hLayer, table, NULL) == DB_FAILED) { append_error("Cannot describe table\n"); report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } return DB_OK; }
int db__driver_open_select_cursor(dbString * sel, dbCursor * dbc, int mode) { PGresult *res; cursor *c; dbTable *table; char *str; /* Set datetime style */ res = PQexec(pg_conn, "SET DATESTYLE TO ISO"); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable set DATESTYLE")); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } PQclear(res); /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; db_set_cursor_mode(dbc, mode); db_set_cursor_type_readonly(dbc); /* \ must be escaped, see explanation in db_driver_execute_immediate() */ str = G_str_replace(db_get_string(sel), "\\", "\\\\"); G_debug(3, "Escaped SQL: %s", str); c->res = PQexec(pg_conn, str); if (!c->res || PQresultStatus(c->res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { db_d_append_error("%s\n%s\n%s", _("Unable to select:"), db_get_string(sel), PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(c->res); if (str) G_free(str); return DB_FAILED; } if (str) G_free(str); if (describe_table(c->res, &table, c) == DB_FAILED) { db_d_append_error(_("Unable to describe table")); db_d_report_error(); PQclear(res); return DB_FAILED; } c->nrows = PQntuples(c->res); c->row = -1; /* record table with dbCursor */ db_set_cursor_table(dbc, table); /* set dbCursor's token for my cursor */ db_set_cursor_token(dbc, c->token); return DB_OK; }
int main(int args, char* argvs[]) { int result, col_length; char col_type[ITEM_TYPE_LEN], col_name[ITEM_NAME_LEN]; struct msg_st string_item; int msgqid; char tb_name[TABLE_NAME_LEN]; char tmp[10][ITEM_NAME_LEN]; msgqid = msgget((key_t)3570, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); if (msgqid == -1) { ipc_msgget_failed(errno); } while (receive(0)) { switch (*string_item.text) { case '0': result=receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; strcpy(tb_name, string_item.text); create_table(string_item.text); result = 0; while ((result = receive(0)) != -1) { string_item.text[result]='\0'; if (!strcmp(string_item.text, "TAIL")) break; sscanf(string_item.text, "%s %s %s %d", tmp[0], col_type, col_name, &col_length); if (tmp[0][0] == '0') create_col(col_name, col_type, col_length, 0); else create_col(col_name, col_type, col_length, 1); } if (-1 == result) ipc_msgrcv_failed(errno); create_table_on_close(); printf("CATTYDB : database %s successfully created.\n",tb_name); break; case '1': result=receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; //printf("%s\n", string_item.text); describe_table(string_item.text); break; case '2': result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; //printf("%s\n", string_item.text); insert_on_open(string_item.text); while ((result=receive(0)) != -1) { string_item.text[result]='\0'; if (!strcmp(string_item.text, "TAIL")) break; insert_item(string_item.text); } if (-1 == result) ipc_msgrcv_failed(errno); insert_on_close(); break; case '3': result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; //printf("%s\n", string_item.text); delete_on_open(string_item.text); int i = 0; while ((result = receive(0)) != -1) { string_item.text[result]='\0'; if (!strcmp(string_item.text, "TAIL")) break; delete(string_item.text); //strcpy(tmp[i++], string_item.text); //puts(tmp[i-1]); } if (-1 == result) ipc_msgrcv_failed(errno); puts("del suc!"); break; case '6': puts("bye"); exit(0); case '7': result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; printf("%s\n", string_item.text); show_table(string_item.text); break; case '8': result=receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; select_where_on_open(string_item.text, "tmp"); result=receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; select_where(string_item.text); select_where_on_close(); select_col_on_open("tmp", "tmp2"); result = 0; while ((result = receive(0)) != -1) { string_item.text[result]='\0'; if (!strcmp(string_item.text, "TAIL")) break; select_col_get_pos(string_item.text); } if (-1 == result) ipc_msgrcv_failed(errno); select_col(); select_col_on_close(); show_table("tmp2"); break; case '9': result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; update_on_open(string_item.text); result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; strcpy(tmp[0], string_item.text); result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; update(tmp[0], string_item.text); break; case 'a': result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; strcpy(tmp[0], string_item.text); result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; equijoins_on_open(tmp[0], string_item.text, "tmp"); result = receive(0); string_item.text[result]='\0'; equijoins(string_item.text); equijoins_on_close(); show_table("tmp"); } } return 0; }