inline bool FileManager::loadFileData(Document doc, const TCHAR * filename, char* data, Utf8_16_Read * UnicodeConvertor,
	LangType & language, int & encoding, FormatType* pFormat)
	FILE *fp = generic_fopen(filename, TEXT("rb"));
	if (!fp)
		return false;

	//Get file size
	_fseeki64 (fp , 0 , SEEK_END);
	unsigned __int64 fileSize =_ftelli64(fp);
	// size/6 is the normal room Scintilla keeps for editing, but here we limit it to 1MiB when loading (maybe we want to load big files without editing them too much)
	unsigned __int64 bufferSizeRequested = fileSize + min(1<<20,fileSize/6);
	// As a 32bit application, we cannot allocate 2 buffer of more than INT_MAX size (it takes the whole address space)
	if(bufferSizeRequested > INT_MAX)
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
										TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"),
										TEXT("File open problem"),
		return false;

	//Setup scratchtilla for new filedata
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETSTATUS, SC_STATUS_OK); // reset error status
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, doc);
	bool ro = _pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETREADONLY) != 0;
	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, false);

	if (language < L_EXTERNAL)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXER, ScintillaEditView::langNames[language].lexerID);
		int id = language - L_EXTERNAL;
		TCHAR * name = NppParameters::getInstance()->getELCFromIndex(id)._name;
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		const char *pName = wmc->wchar2char(name, CP_ACP);
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE, 0, (LPARAM)pName);

	if (encoding != -1)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETCODEPAGE, SC_CP_UTF8);

	bool success = true;
	FormatType format = FormatType::unknown;
		// First allocate enough memory for the whole file (this will reduce memory copy during loading)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_ALLOCATE, WPARAM(bufferSizeRequested));
		if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

		size_t lenFile = 0;
		size_t lenConvert = 0;	//just in case conversion results in 0, but file not empty
		bool isFirstTime = true;
		int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;

			lenFile = fread(data+incompleteMultibyteChar, 1, blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, fp) + incompleteMultibyteChar;
			if (lenFile == 0) break;

            if (isFirstTime)
				// check if file contain any BOM
                if (Utf8_16_Read::determineEncoding((unsigned char *)data, lenFile) != uni8Bit)
                    // if file contains any BOM, then encoding will be erased,
                    // and the document will be interpreted as UTF
                    encoding = -1;
				else if (encoding == -1)
					if (NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._detectEncoding)
						encoding = detectCodepage(data, lenFile);

				if (language == L_TEXT)
					// check the language du fichier
					language = detectLanguageFromTextBegining((unsigned char *)data, lenFile);

                isFirstTime = false;

			if (encoding != -1)
				if (encoding == SC_CP_UTF8)
					// Pass through UTF-8 (this does not check validity of characters, thus inserting a multi-byte character in two halfs is working)
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenFile, (LPARAM)data);
					WcharMbcsConvertor* wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					int newDataLen = 0;
					const char *newData = wmc->encode(encoding, SC_CP_UTF8, data, lenFile, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, newDataLen, (LPARAM)newData);

				if (format == FormatType::unknown)
					format = getEOLFormatForm(data, lenFile, FormatType::unknown);
				lenConvert = UnicodeConvertor->convert(data, lenFile);
				_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenConvert, (LPARAM)(UnicodeConvertor->getNewBuf()));

			if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

			if (incompleteMultibyteChar != 0)
				// copy bytes to next buffer
				memcpy(data, data+blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, incompleteMultibyteChar);

		while (lenFile > 0);
	__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) //TODO: should filter correctly for other exceptions; the old filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) was only catching access violations
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
		success = false;


	// broadcast the format
	if (pFormat != nullptr)
		*pFormat = (format != FormatType::unknown) ? format : FormatType::osdefault;


	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, true);

	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);
	return success;
bool FileManager::saveBuffer(BufferID id, const TCHAR * filename, bool isCopy, generic_string * error_msg)
	HANDLE writeEvent = ::OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	if (!writeEvent)
		// no thread yet, create a event with non-signaled, to block all threads
		writeEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	{		//printStr(TEXT("Locked. I wait."));
		if (::WaitForSingleObject(writeEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
			// problem!!!
			printStr(TEXT("WaitForSingleObject problem in saveBuffer()!"));
			return false;

		// unlocled here, set to non-signaled state, to block all threads

	EventReset reset(writeEvent); // Will reset event in destructor.
	Buffer* buffer = getBufferByID(id);
	bool isHidden = false;
	bool isSys = false;
	DWORD attrib = 0;

	TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
	::GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
	::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);
	if (PathFileExists(fullpath))
		attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);

			isHidden = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0;
			if (isHidden)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

			isSys = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0;
			if (isSys)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
	if (mode == uniCookie)
		mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

	Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;

	int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

	FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
	if (fp)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buffer->_doc);	//generate new document

		int lengthDoc = _pscratchTilla->getCurrentDocLen();
		char* buf = (char*)_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER);	//to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
		size_t items_written = 0;
		if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
			items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			int grabSize;
			for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
				grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
				if (grabSize > blockSize)
					grabSize = blockSize;

				int newDataLen = 0;
				int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
				const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
				grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
				items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;
		// check the language du fichier
		LangType language = detectLanguageFromTextBegining((unsigned char *)buf, lengthDoc);


		// Error, we didn't write the entire document to disk.
		// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
		if(items_written != 1)
			if(error_msg != NULL)
				*error_msg = TEXT("Failed to save file.\nNot enough space on disk to save file?");

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return false;

		if (isHidden)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

		if (isSys)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

		if (isCopy)
			_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

			/* for saveAs it's not necessary since this action is for the "current" directory, so we let manage in SAVEPOINTREACHED event
			generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			if (not backupFilePath.empty())
				// delete backup file
				generic_string file2Delete = buffer->getBackupFileName();

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return true;	//all done

		buffer->setFileName(fullpath, language);
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

		generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
		if (not backupFilePath.empty())
			// delete backup file

		// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
		return true;
	// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
	return false;