bool operator()(const Matx<_Tp, 2, 2>& a, Matx<_Tp, 2, 2>& b, int) const { _Tp d = (_Tp)determinant(a); if( d == 0 ) =======
bool Basis::is_rotation() const { return Math::is_equal_approx(determinant(), 1, UNIT_EPSILON) && is_orthogonal(); }
static CYTHON_INLINE struct ZZ* mat_ZZ_determinant(const mat_ZZ* x, long deterministic) { ZZ* d = new ZZ(); determinant(*d, *x, deterministic); return d; }
float2 characteristic_poly(mat2 p) { return float2(determinant(p), -trace(p)); }
void WT_Matrix2D::get_inverse (WT_Matrix2D & result) const { get_adjoint(result); result *= 1.0 / determinant(); }
Mat RANSAC::getTransformationMatrix(std::vector<Mat>& X, std::vector<Mat>& Y){ //calculate centroids Mat u_x(1, 3, CV_32FC1, float(0)); Mat u_y(1, 3, CV_32FC1, float(0)); for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) { u_x += X[i]; u_y += Y[i]; } u_x /= (float)X.size(); u_y /= (float)X.size(); //Calculate E_xy covariance matrix Mat E_xy(3, 3, CV_32FC1, double(0)); for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) { Mat a = (Y[i] - u_y); Mat b; transpose((X[i] - u_x), b); E_xy += b*a; } E_xy /= X.size(); //Calculate SVD(E) Mat w, U, Vt; SVD::compute(E_xy, w, U, Vt, SVD::MODIFY_A); //Find S Mat S; double det_U = determinant(U); double det_Vt = determinant(Vt); if (det_U*det_Vt > 0){ S = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32FC1); } else{ S = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32FC1);<float>(2, 2) = -1; } //Calculate Rotation and translation Mat V, Ut, Rt; transpose(Vt, V); transpose(U, Ut); Mat R = V*S*Ut; //Mat R = U*S*Vt; //transpose(R, Rt); transpose(u_x, u_x); Mat temp = R*u_x; transpose(temp, temp); Mat t = u_y - temp; transpose(t, t); //printf("E %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(0, 0),<float>(0, 1),<float>(0, 2)); //printf("E %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(1, 1),<float>(1, 2)); //printf("E %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(2, 0),<float>(2, 1),<float>(2, 2)); //printf("R %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(0, 0),<float>(0, 1),<float>(0, 2)); //printf("R %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(1, 1),<float>(1, 2)); //printf("R %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(2, 0),<float>(2, 1),<float>(2, 2)); //printf("\n"); //printf("U %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(0, 0),<float>(0, 1),<float>(0, 2)); //printf("U %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(1, 1),<float>(1, 2)); //printf("U %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(2, 0),<float>(2, 1),<float>(2, 2)); //printf("\n"); //printf("Vt %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(0, 0),<float>(0, 1),<float>(0, 2)); //printf("Vt %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(1, 1),<float>(1, 2)); //printf("Vt %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n",<float>(2, 0),<float>(2, 1),<float>(2, 2)); //printf("\n"); //printf("t %.2f\n",<float>(0)); //printf("t %.2f\n",<float>(1)); //printf("t %.2f\n",<float>(2)); //printf("\n"); //Get Transformation matrix Mat m = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_32FC1); R.copyTo(m(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3))); Mat aux_t = m(Rect(3, 0, 1, 3)); t.copyTo(aux_t); //printf("T %.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n",<float>(0, 0),<float>(0, 1),<float>(0, 2),<float>(0, 3)); //printf("T %.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n",<float>(1, 0),<float>(1, 1),<float>(1, 2),<float>(1, 3)); //printf("T %.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n",<float>(2, 0),<float>(2, 1),<float>(2, 2),<float>(2, 3)); //printf("T %.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n",<float>(3, 0),<float>(3, 1),<float>(3, 2),<float>(3, 3)); //printf("\n"); //final movement Y_i = T*X_i return m; }
/* It is a function that call getHoography multiple times and measure its accuracy. * If it runs the function more than the maxLoop value or if the accuracy measure * starts to increase, the loop stops*/ cv::Mat AntiShake::calcHomographyFeedbackController(Mat &img_1, Mat &img_2, int loops, double final_pic_size, int featurePoints, int coreSize, double absoluteRelation, int matches_type) { // STEP 0: RE-ESCALE, SO THE BIGGEST RESOLUTION IS 590x(something <= 590) Mat workImage1, workImage2; double scale = 1.0 / (MAX(img_1.rows,img_1.cols) / final_pic_size); if (final_pic_size == 0) { scale = 1.0; } workImage1.create(scale * img_1.rows, scale * img_1.cols, img_1.type()); workImage2.create(scale * img_2.rows, scale * img_2.cols, img_2.type()); cv::resize(img_1, workImage1, workImage1.size(), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC); cv::resize(img_2, workImage2, workImage2.size(), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC); cout << "=== STEP 0 complete: RE-ESCALE" << endl; // LETS NOW START TO ITERATE IN ORTHER TO get a Homography matrix and refine it Mat homography; vector<cv::Mat> Hs, eigenvalues; vector<double> dets; int loopCounter = 0; do { loopCounter++; try { //pixels: homography = antiShake(workImage1, workImage2, matches_type, featurePoints, coreSize, absoluteRelation); // exceptions could appear here... //STEPS 1 to 8 there. double det = determinant(homography); Mat eigen; cv::eigen(homography, eigen); cout << endl << "==== STEP 9: HOMOGRAPHY: " << endl << homography << endl << "determinant: " << det << endl << "eigenvalues: " << eigen << endl << endl; // *** Checks if the determinant is small enough. If not, the transformation could be awful. if (det != 1) { Hs.push_back(homography); eigenvalues.push_back(eigen); dets.push_back(abs(det - 1)); applyHomography(homography, workImage1, workImage2); //Checks if the error has decreased in the last iteration: int size = dets.size(); if (size > 2) { if (dets[size - 1] > dets[size - 2]) { /* * Explaining the above if comparision: * - dets[size - 1] is the nth (last) calculated determinant * - dets[size - 2] is the (n-1)th (penultimate) calculated determinant* * - The biggest is the difference between the two pictures, the highest * will be the det value. Thing is: once the algorithm is well applicated, * if applyied again in the now fixed pictures, should generate a matrix similar * to the Identity I (at least more similar to I than the first matrix). * - dets receive the value ov abd(det - 1). It is used as the measuring parameter. * If the value of the det(n) increases from one run to the next, * means the algorithm may not be being well used (for any picture noise or miscalibration) */ cout << "==== POP BACK" << endl; //Remove last element of the vectors Hs.pop_back(); eigenvalues.pop_back(); dets.pop_back(); break; } } } else { // if abs(det-1) is too high, give him some munchies along with the identity matrix: break; } } catch (Exception &e) { cout << "ATTENTION ON THE ANTISHAKE.CPP CLASS: exception found in the function getHomographyFeedbackController. ERROR: " << e.err << endl; homography = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); cout << "IDENTITY 1" << endl; } } while (loopCounter < loops || homography.empty()); // CALCULATES RESULTANT HOMOGRAPHY: Mat resultantH = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1); for (unsigned int position = 0; position < Hs.size(); ++position) { resultantH = (Hs[position]) * resultantH; } if (abs(determinant(resultantH) - 1.0) < maxDetDiff) { return resultantH; } else { return Hs[0]; } }
void transpose(float num[25][25], float fac[25][25], float r) { int i, j; float b[25][25], inverse[25][25], d; for (i = 0;i < r; i++) { for (j = 0;j < r; j++) { b[i][j] = fac[j][i]; } } d = determinant(num, r); for (i = 0;i < r; i++) { for (j = 0;j < r; j++) { inverse[i][j] = b[i][j] / d; } } printf("\n\n\nThe inverse of matrix is : \n"); for (i = 0;i < r; i++) { for (j = 0;j < r; j++) { printf("\t%f", inverse[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } }
float determinant(float a[25][25], float k) { float s = 1, det = 0, b[25][25]; int i, j, m, n, c; if (k == 1) { return (a[0][0]); } else { det = 0; for (c = 0; c < k; c++) { m = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0;i < k; i++) { for (j = 0 ;j < k; j++) { b[i][j] = 0; if (i != 0 && j != c) { b[m][n] = a[i][j]; if (n < (k - 2)) n++; else { n = 0; m++; } } } } det = det + s * (a[0][c] * determinant(b, k - 1)); s = -1 * s; } } return (det); }
/*! multiple quality measures of a quad */ C_FUNC_DEF void v_quad_quality( int num_nodes, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3], unsigned int metrics_request_flag, QuadMetricVals *metric_vals ) { memset( metric_vals, 0, sizeof(QuadMetricVals) ); // for starts, lets set up some basic and common information /* node numbers and side numbers used below 2 3 +--------- 2 / + / | 3 / | 1 / | + | 0 -------------+ 1 0 */ // vectors for each side VerdictVector edges[4]; make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates ); double areas[4]; signed_corner_areas( areas, coordinates ); double lengths[4]; lengths[0] = edges[0].length(); lengths[1] = edges[1].length(); lengths[2] = edges[2].length(); lengths[3] = edges[3].length(); VerdictBoolean is_collapsed = is_collapsed_quad(coordinates); // handle collapsed quads metrics here if(is_collapsed == VERDICT_TRUE && metrics_request_flag & ( V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE | V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE | V_QUAD_JACOBIAN | V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN )) { if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE) metric_vals->minimum_angle = v_tri_minimum_angle(3, coordinates); if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) metric_vals->maximum_angle = v_tri_maximum_angle(3, coordinates); if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN) metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)(v_tri_area(3, coordinates) * 2.0); if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN) metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)(v_tri_scaled_jacobian(3, coordinates) * 2.0); } // calculate both largest and smallest angles if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE | V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) && is_collapsed == VERDICT_FALSE ) { // gather the angles double angles[4]; angles[0] = acos( -(edges[0] % edges[1])/(lengths[0]*lengths[1]) ); angles[1] = acos( -(edges[1] % edges[2])/(lengths[1]*lengths[2]) ); angles[2] = acos( -(edges[2] % edges[3])/(lengths[2]*lengths[3]) ); angles[3] = acos( -(edges[3] % edges[0])/(lengths[3]*lengths[0]) ); if( lengths[0] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[1] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[2] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[3] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) { metric_vals->minimum_angle = 360.0; metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0; } else { // if smallest angle, find the smallest angle if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE) { metric_vals->minimum_angle = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) metric_vals->minimum_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angles[i], metric_vals->minimum_angle); metric_vals->minimum_angle *= 180.0 / VERDICT_PI; } // if largest angle, find the largest angle if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) { metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) metric_vals->maximum_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angles[i], metric_vals->maximum_angle); metric_vals->maximum_angle *= 180.0 / VERDICT_PI; if( areas[0] < 0 || areas[1] < 0 || areas[2] < 0 || areas[3] < 0 ) metric_vals->maximum_angle = 360 - metric_vals->maximum_angle; } } } // handle aspect, skew, taper, and area together if( metrics_request_flag & ( V_QUAD_ASPECT | V_QUAD_SKEW | V_QUAD_TAPER ) ) { //get principle axes VerdictVector principal_axes[2]; principal_axes[0] = edges[0] - edges[2]; principal_axes[1] = edges[1] - edges[3]; if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_ASPECT | V_QUAD_SKEW | V_QUAD_TAPER)) { double len1 = principal_axes[0].length(); double len2 = principal_axes[1].length(); // calculate the aspect ratio if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ASPECT) { if( len1 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || len2 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->aspect = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; else metric_vals->aspect = VERDICT_MAX( len1 / len2, len2 / len1 ); } // calculate the taper if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_TAPER) { double min_length = VERDICT_MIN( len1, len2 ); VerdictVector cross_derivative = edges[1] + edges[3]; if( min_length < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->taper = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; else metric_vals->taper = cross_derivative.length()/ min_length; } // calculate the skew if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SKEW) { if( principal_axes[0].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || principal_axes[1].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->skew = 0.0; else metric_vals->skew = fabs( principal_axes[0] % principal_axes[1] ); } } } // calculate the area if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_AREA | V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED) ) { metric_vals->area = 0.25 * (areas[0] + areas[1] + areas[2] + areas[3]); } // calculate the relative size if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED | V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE | V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE ) ) { double quad_area = v_quad_area (4, coordinates); v_set_quad_size( quad_area ); double w11,w21,w12,w22; get_weight(w11,w21,w12,w22); double avg_area = determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22); if( avg_area < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0; else metric_vals->relative_size_squared = pow( VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->area/avg_area, avg_area/metric_vals->area ), 2 ); } // calculate the jacobian if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN) { metric_vals->jacobian = VERDICT_MIN( VERDICT_MIN( areas[0], areas[1] ), VERDICT_MIN( areas[2], areas[3] ) ); } if( metrics_request_flag & ( V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN | V_QUAD_SHEAR | V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE ) ) { double scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; if( lengths[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || lengths[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) { metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = 0.0; metric_vals->shear = 0.0; } else { scaled_jac = areas[0] / (lengths[0] * lengths[3]); min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac ); scaled_jac = areas[1] / (lengths[1] * lengths[0]); min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac ); scaled_jac = areas[2] / (lengths[2] * lengths[1]); min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac ); scaled_jac = areas[3] / (lengths[3] * lengths[2]); min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac ); metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = min_scaled_jac; //what the heck...set shear as well if( min_scaled_jac <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->shear = 0.0; else metric_vals->shear = min_scaled_jac; } } if( metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_WARPAGE | V_QUAD_ODDY) ) { VerdictVector corner_normals[4]; corner_normals[0] = edges[3] * edges[0]; corner_normals[1] = edges[0] * edges[1]; corner_normals[2] = edges[1] * edges[2]; corner_normals[3] = edges[2] * edges[3]; if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ODDY ) { double oddy, max_oddy = 0.0; double diff, dot_prod; double length_squared[4]; length_squared[0] = corner_normals[0].length_squared(); length_squared[1] = corner_normals[1].length_squared(); length_squared[2] = corner_normals[2].length_squared(); length_squared[3] = corner_normals[3].length_squared(); if( length_squared[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || length_squared[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || length_squared[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || length_squared[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->oddy = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; else { diff = (lengths[0]*lengths[0]) - (lengths[1]*lengths[1]); dot_prod = edges[0]%edges[1]; oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[1]); max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy ); diff = (lengths[1]*lengths[1]) - (lengths[2]*lengths[2]); dot_prod = edges[1]%edges[2]; oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[2]); max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy ); diff = (lengths[2]*lengths[2]) - (lengths[3]*lengths[3]); dot_prod = edges[2]%edges[3]; oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[3]); max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy ); diff = (lengths[3]*lengths[3]) - (lengths[0]*lengths[0]); dot_prod = edges[3]%edges[0]; oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[0]); max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy ); metric_vals->oddy = max_oddy; } } if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_WARPAGE ) { if( corner_normals[0].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || corner_normals[1].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || corner_normals[2].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || corner_normals[3].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->warpage = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; else { metric_vals->warpage = pow( VERDICT_MIN( corner_normals[0]%corner_normals[2], corner_normals[1]%corner_normals[3]), 3 ); } } } if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_STRETCH ) { VerdictVector temp; temp.set( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0], coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1], coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]); double diag02 = temp.length_squared(); temp.set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[1][0], coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[1][1], coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[1][2]); double diag13 = temp.length_squared(); static const double QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR = sqrt(2.0); // 'diag02' is now the max diagonal of the quad diag02 = VERDICT_MAX( diag02, diag13 ); if( diag02 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) metric_vals->stretch = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; else metric_vals->stretch = QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR * VERDICT_MIN( VERDICT_MIN( lengths[0], lengths[1] ), VERDICT_MIN( lengths[2], lengths[3] ) ) / sqrt(diag02); } if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_CONDITION | V_QUAD_SHAPE | V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE ) ) { double lengths_squared[4]; lengths_squared[0] = edges[0].length_squared(); lengths_squared[1] = edges[1].length_squared(); lengths_squared[2] = edges[2].length_squared(); lengths_squared[3] = edges[3].length_squared(); if( areas[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || areas[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || areas[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || areas[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) { metric_vals->condition = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; metric_vals->shape= VERDICT_DBL_MAX; } else { double max_condition = 0.0, condition; condition = (lengths_squared[0] + lengths_squared[3])/areas[0]; max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); condition = (lengths_squared[1] + lengths_squared[0])/areas[1]; max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); condition = (lengths_squared[2] + lengths_squared[1])/areas[2]; max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); condition = (lengths_squared[3] + lengths_squared[2])/areas[3]; max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); metric_vals->condition = 0.5*max_condition; metric_vals->shape = 2/max_condition; } } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_AREA ) { if( metric_vals->area > 0 ) metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->area, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->area, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ASPECT ) { if( metric_vals->aspect > 0 ) metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_CONDITION ) { if( metric_vals->condition > 0 ) metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } // calculate distortion if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_DISTORTION) { metric_vals->distortion = v_quad_distortion(num_nodes, coordinates); if( metric_vals->distortion > 0 ) metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN ) { if( metric_vals->jacobian > 0 ) metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE ) { if( metric_vals->maximum_angle > 0 ) metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->maximum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->maximum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE ) { if( metric_vals->minimum_angle > 0 ) metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->minimum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->minimum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ODDY ) { if( metric_vals->oddy > 0 ) metric_vals->oddy = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->oddy, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->oddy = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->oddy, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED ) { if( metric_vals->relative_size_squared> 0 ) metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN ) { if( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian> 0 ) metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHEAR ) { if( metric_vals->shear > 0 ) metric_vals->shear = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shear, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->shear = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shear, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } // calculate shear and size // reuse values from above if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE) { metric_vals->shear_and_size = metric_vals->shear * metric_vals->relative_size_squared; if( metric_vals->shear_and_size > 0 ) metric_vals->shear_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shear_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->shear_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shear_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHAPE ) { if( metric_vals->shape > 0 ) metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } // calculate shape and size // reuse values from above if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE) { metric_vals->shape_and_size = metric_vals->shape * metric_vals->relative_size_squared; if( metric_vals->shape_and_size > 0 ) metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SKEW ) { if( metric_vals->skew > 0 ) metric_vals->skew = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->skew, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->skew = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->skew, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_STRETCH ) { if( metric_vals->stretch > 0 ) metric_vals->stretch = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->stretch, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->stretch = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->stretch, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_TAPER ) { if( metric_vals->taper > 0 ) metric_vals->taper = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->taper, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->taper = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->taper, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_WARPAGE ) { if( metric_vals->warpage > 0 ) metric_vals->warpage = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->warpage, VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); metric_vals->warpage = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->warpage, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX ); } }
void cofactor(float num[25][25], float f) { float b[25][25], fac[25][25]; int p, q, m, n, i, j; for (q = 0;q < f; q++) { for (p = 0;p < f; p++) { m = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0;i < f; i++) { for (j = 0;j < f; j++) { if (i != q && j != p) { b[m][n] = num[i][j]; if (n < (f - 2)) n++; else { n = 0; m++; } } } } fac[q][p] = pow(-1, q + p) * determinant(b, f - 1); } } transpose(num, fac, f);//calling the function transpose to transpose the matrix }
inline typename result_of::adjugate_at_index<Row,Column,Matrix>::type adjugate_at_index( const Matrix& m ) { matrix_minor<Matrix, Column, Row> mm( m ); return power_c<-1,Row+Column>::value * determinant( mm ); }
Ref speedtest_cmd(ref_list args){ puts("Starting test..."); bool doplot = true; keepgoing = true; Fun f = (Fun) args->list[0]->inst; int min = (int) (*(float*) ((Var)args->list[1]->inst)->val); int max = (int) (*(float*) ((Var)args->list[2]->inst)->val); int step = (int) (*(float*) ((Var)args->list[3]->inst)->val); if ( min > max || step == 0) { set_err(ENOVAL, "infinite tests are not allowed"); return NULL; } /* Optional parameter */ if (args->length > 4 && cmptype_ref(FLOAT, args->list[4])) { int countdown = (int) (*(float*) ((Var)args->list[4]->inst)->val); signal(SIGALRM, stop_speedtest); alarm(countdown); } /* Points list */ clock_t* y_time = malloc (sizeof(clock_t) * (max-min)/step + 1); int* x_size = malloc (sizeof(int) * (max-min)/step + 1); if (y_time == NULL || x_size == NULL){ free(x_size); free(y_time); return NULL; } int i,j; for ( i = min, j=0; i <= max && keepgoing ; i += step, j++){ /* Generate matrices. Note: they don't need to be initialized */ Matrix m1 = newMatrix(i,i), m2 = newMatrix(i,i), ret = NULL; float* f1 = malloc(sizeof(float)); if (m1 == NULL || m2 == NULL || f1 == NULL){ perror(""); keepgoing = false; doplot = false; } /* Start test */ clock_t start = clock(); if (f->fun == mult_call) { ret = multiplication(m1,m2); } else if ( f->fun == sub_call) { ret = soustraction(m1,m2); } else if (f->fun == addition_call){ ret = addition(m1,m2); } else if (f->fun == transpose_call){ ret = transpose(m1); } else if (f->fun == determinant_call){ determinant(m1, f1); } else if (f->fun == invert_call){ invert(m1,&ret); } else if (f->fun == rank_call ){ rank(m1); } else { printf("Sorry...cannot test this function\n"); keepgoing = false; doplot = false; } /* Finish test */ clock_t end = clock(); /* Store result */ x_size[j] = i; y_time[j] = end-start; dropMatrix(m1); dropMatrix(m2); dropMatrix(ret); free(f1); } alarm(0); // Remove countdown if (doplot == true) plot(args->list[0]->name, x_size, y_time, j); free(x_size); free(y_time); return NO_REF; }
Mat2 Mat2::inverse() { return Mat2( d11,-d10, -d01, d00) /determinant(); }
static void compute(Mat A, Mat B, int n, Mat& Rotation, Mat& Translation, bool& RT_flag){ vector<int> newvec; vector<float> Ratio, inliers_num; vector<Mat> R_models , t_models; int rows =A.rows; float threshold=0.1; RT_flag = true; //generate n models for(int Round = 0; Round<n; Round++){ int inliers_count=0; //randomly select 4 pairs of points and estimate the model newvec=shuffle(int(A.rows)); //cout<<"NWVEC "<<newvec[0]<<" "<<newvec[1]<<" " <<newvec[2] << " " <<newvec[3]<<endl; int select = 4; // if (rows > 4) // select = 2*rows /3; Mat points_curr,points_prev; for (int j=0; j<select; ++j){ int index = newvec[j]; //cout<<"index" << index<<endl; points_prev.push_back(B.row(index)); points_curr.push_back(A.row(index)); } //cout<<"points_prev \n"<<points_prev<<endl; //cout<<"points_curr \n"<<points_curr<<endl; //model estimation Mat R,t; poseEstimate::poseestimate::compute(points_curr.t(),points_prev.t(),R,t); //model generation done //use the generated model to test all the samples to count outliers and inliers for (int i=0 ; i<rows; ++i){ Mat point_p = B.row(i); Mat point_c = A.row(i); float error; checkModel(point_p.t(),point_c.t(),R,t,error); //cout<<" ---ERROR--> "<<error; // if error is less than threshold inliers_count++ if (error < threshold){ inliers_count +=1; } } //save Ratio, R and t float ratio=inliers_count*1.0/rows; Ratio.push_back(ratio); inliers_num.push_back(inliers_count); R_models.push_back(R); t_models.push_back(t); } //ROS_INFO("%d many models created, select best one!",n); int index=0; float max=0.0; for (int i=0; i<n; i++){ if (max < Ratio[i]){ max = Ratio[i]; index = i; } } cout<<"best fit model has a ratio = "<<max<<endl; //best model float t_limit = 6.0; float R_limit = 0.1; if (max == 0){ RT_flag = false; Rotation = R_models[index]; Translation = t_models[index]; cout<< "estimated t_limit "<<<<endl; cout<< "estimated R_limit "<<determinant(Rotation)<<endl; cout<<"MAX = 0!!!"<<endl; } else if (inliers_num[index] >= 4) { //Select inlier points according to the best model and then generate an accurate model using all inlier points Mat inlierA, inlierB; for (int i=0 ; i<rows; ++i){ Mat point_p = B.row(i); Mat point_c = A.row(i); float error; checkModel(point_p.t(),point_c.t(),R_models[index],t_models[index],error); //cout<<" ---ERROR--> "<<error; // if error is less than threshold inliers_count++ if (error < threshold){ inlierA.push_back(point_c); inlierB.push_back(point_p); } } poseEstimate::poseestimate::compute(inlierA.t(),inlierB.t(),Rotation,Translation); } else{ Rotation = R_models[index]; Translation = t_models[index]; } if( > t_limit || abs( determinant(Rotation) ) < R_limit){ RT_flag = false; cout<< "estimated t_limit "<<<<endl; cout<< "estimated R_limit "<<determinant(Rotation)<<endl; } }
/************************************************** matlab resouce: vgg_F_from_P.m *****************************************************/ void AbstractReconstructor::ProjectionToFundamentalMatrix(cv::Mat& mat1, cv::Mat& mat2, cv::Mat& result) { cv::Mat X1,X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Y3; X1.create(2,4,CV_32F); X2.create(2,4,CV_32F); X3.create(2,4,CV_32F); Y1.create(2,4,CV_32F); Y2.create(2,4,CV_32F); Y3.create(2,4,CV_32F); //mat1(1,2) copy to X1 mat1.row(1).copyTo(X1.row(0)); mat1.row(2).copyTo(X1.row(1)); //mat1(2,0) copy to X2 mat1.row(2).copyTo(X2.row(0)); mat1.row(0).copyTo(X2.row(1)); //mat1(0,1) copy to X2 mat1.row(0).copyTo(X3.row(0)); mat1.row(1).copyTo(X3.row(1)); //mat2(1,2) copy to Y1 mat2.row(1).copyTo(Y1.row(0)); mat2.row(2).copyTo(Y1.row(1)); //mat2(2,0) copy to Y2 mat2.row(2).copyTo(Y2.row(0)); mat2.row(0).copyTo(Y2.row(1)); //mat2(0,1) copy to Y2 mat2.row(0).copyTo(Y3.row(0)); mat2.row(1).copyTo(Y3.row(1)); cv::Mat temp; temp.create(4,4, CV_32F); //calculate result[0,0] temp.row(0) = X1.row(0); temp.row(1) = X1.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y1.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y1.row(1);<float>(0, 0) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[0,1] temp.row(0) = X2.row(0); temp.row(1) = X2.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y1.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y1.row(1);<float>(0, 1) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[0,2] temp.row(0) = X3.row(0); temp.row(1) = X3.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y1.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y1.row(1);<float>(0, 2) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[1,0] temp.row(0) = X1.row(0); temp.row(1) = X1.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y2.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y2.row(1);<float>(1, 0) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[1,1] temp.row(0) = X2.row(0); temp.row(1) = X2.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y2.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y2.row(1);<float>(1, 1) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[1,2] temp.row(0) = X3.row(0); temp.row(1) = X3.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y2.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y2.row(1);<float>(1, 2) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[2,0] temp.row(0) = X1.row(0); temp.row(1) = X1.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y3.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y3.row(1);<float>(2, 0) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[2,1] temp.row(0) = X2.row(0); temp.row(1) = X2.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y3.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y3.row(1);<float>(2, 1) = determinant(temp); //calculate result[2,2] temp.row(0) = X3.row(0); temp.row(1) = X3.row(1); temp.row(2) = Y3.row(0); temp.row(3) = Y3.row(1);<float>(2, 2) = determinant(temp); return ; }
Matrix CramersRuleInverse(const Matrix& mat) { return (CofactorMatrix(mat)).transp()/determinant(mat); }
void in_sphere(float xyz[4][3], float xyz_in[3], float &radius_in) { float matrix_1[4][4], matrix_2[4][4], rhs[4], det_matrix_1, sub_det[4]; float norm[4][3]; int i, j, l; // get outward facing normals for each face of this tet get_normals(xyz,norm); // pack the matrix equations for ( j = 0 ; j <= 2 ; j++ ) { matrix_1[0][j] = norm[0][j]; matrix_1[1][j] = norm[1][j]; matrix_1[2][j] = norm[2][j]; matrix_1[3][j] = norm[3][j]; } for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { matrix_1[i][3] = 1.; } // pack the right-handside rhs[0] = norm[0][0]*xyz[0][0] + norm[0][1]*xyz[0][1] + norm[0][2]*xyz[0][2]; rhs[1] = norm[1][0]*xyz[3][0] + norm[1][1]*xyz[3][1] + norm[1][2]*xyz[3][2]; rhs[2] = norm[2][0]*xyz[3][0] + norm[2][1]*xyz[3][1] + norm[2][2]*xyz[3][2]; rhs[3] = norm[3][0]*xyz[3][0] + norm[3][1]*xyz[3][1] + norm[3][2]*xyz[3][2]; // get determinant of original 4x4 matrix determinant(matrix_1,&det_matrix_1); // solve system of equations using Kramer's rule if ( det_matrix_1 != 0. ) { for ( l = 0 ; l <= 3 ; l++ ) { // grab a copy of the original matrix for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j <= 3 ; j++ ) { matrix_2[i][j] = matrix_1[i][j]; } } // fill the l'th column with right-hand-side vector for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { matrix_2[i][l] = rhs[i]; } // solve for determinant of this system determinant(matrix_2,&sub_det[l]); } // solve for the unknowns xyz_in and radius_in for ( j = 0 ; j <= 2 ; j++ ) { xyz_in[j] = sub_det[j]/det_matrix_1; } // solve for radius radius_in = sub_det[3]/det_matrix_1; } else { radius_in = -1.; } }
void BestOf2NearestMatcher::match(const ImageFeatures &features1, const ImageFeatures &features2, MatchesInfo &matches_info) { (*impl_)(features1, features2, matches_info); // Check if it makes sense to find homography if (matches_info.matches.size() < static_cast<size_t>(num_matches_thresh1_)) return; // Construct point-point correspondences for homography estimation Mat src_points(1, static_cast<int>(matches_info.matches.size()), CV_32FC2); Mat dst_points(1, static_cast<int>(matches_info.matches.size()), CV_32FC2); for (size_t i = 0; i < matches_info.matches.size(); ++i) { const DMatch& m = matches_info.matches[i]; Point2f p = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt; p.x -= features1.img_size.width * 0.5f; p.y -= features1.img_size.height * 0.5f;<Point2f>(0, static_cast<int>(i)) = p; p = features2.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt; p.x -= features2.img_size.width * 0.5f; p.y -= features2.img_size.height * 0.5f;<Point2f>(0, static_cast<int>(i)) = p; } // Find pair-wise motion matches_info.H = findHomography(src_points, dst_points, matches_info.inliers_mask, CV_RANSAC); if (matches_info.H.empty() || std::abs(determinant(matches_info.H)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) return; // Find number of inliers matches_info.num_inliers = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < matches_info.inliers_mask.size(); ++i) if (matches_info.inliers_mask[i]) matches_info.num_inliers++; // These coeffs are from paper M. Brown and D. Lowe. "Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching // using Invariant Features" matches_info.confidence = matches_info.num_inliers / (8 + 0.3 * matches_info.matches.size()); // Set zero confidence to remove matches between too close images, as they don't provide // additional information anyway. The threshold was set experimentally. matches_info.confidence = matches_info.confidence > 3. ? 0. : matches_info.confidence; // Check if we should try to refine motion if (matches_info.num_inliers < num_matches_thresh2_) return; // Construct point-point correspondences for inliers only src_points.create(1, matches_info.num_inliers, CV_32FC2); dst_points.create(1, matches_info.num_inliers, CV_32FC2); int inlier_idx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < matches_info.matches.size(); ++i) { if (!matches_info.inliers_mask[i]) continue; const DMatch& m = matches_info.matches[i]; Point2f p = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt; p.x -= features1.img_size.width * 0.5f; p.y -= features1.img_size.height * 0.5f;<Point2f>(0, inlier_idx) = p; p = features2.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt; p.x -= features2.img_size.width * 0.5f; p.y -= features2.img_size.height * 0.5f;<Point2f>(0, inlier_idx) = p; inlier_idx++; } // Rerun motion estimation on inliers only matches_info.H = findHomography(src_points, dst_points, CV_RANSAC); }
void circ_sphere(float xyz[4][3], float xyz_out[3], float &radius_out) { float matrix_1[4][4], matrix_2[4][4], rhs[4], det_matrix_1, sub_det[4]; int i, j, l; // pack the matrix equations for ( j = 0 ; j <= 2 ; j++ ) { matrix_1[0][j] = -2.*xyz[0][j]; matrix_1[1][j] = -2.*xyz[1][j]; matrix_1[2][j] = -2.*xyz[2][j]; matrix_1[3][j] = -2.*xyz[3][j]; } for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { matrix_1[i][3] = 1.; } // pack the right-handside rhs[0] = -( SQR(xyz[0][0]) + SQR(xyz[0][1]) + SQR(xyz[0][2]) ); rhs[1] = -( SQR(xyz[1][0]) + SQR(xyz[1][1]) + SQR(xyz[1][2]) ); rhs[2] = -( SQR(xyz[2][0]) + SQR(xyz[2][1]) + SQR(xyz[2][2]) ); rhs[3] = -( SQR(xyz[3][0]) + SQR(xyz[3][1]) + SQR(xyz[3][2]) ); // get determinant of original 4x4 matrix determinant(matrix_1,&det_matrix_1); // solve system of equations using Kramer's rule if ( det_matrix_1 != 0. ) { for ( l = 0 ; l <= 2 ; l++ ) { // grab a copy of the original matrix for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { for (j = 0 ; j <= 3 ; j++ ) { matrix_2[i][j] = matrix_1[i][j]; } } // fill the l'th column with righthandside vector for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ ) { matrix_2[i][l] = rhs[i]; } // find the determinant of this matrix determinant(matrix_2,&sub_det[l]); } // solve for the unknowns xyz_out[] and the radius squared radius_out = 0.; for ( j = 0 ; j <= 2 ; j++ ) { xyz_out[j] = sub_det[j]/det_matrix_1; radius_out = radius_out + SQR((xyz[0][j] - xyz_out[j])); } // the above radius is radius squared radius_out = sqrt(radius_out); } else { radius_out = -1.; } }
bool Mat4::decompose(Vec3* scale, Quaternion* rotation, Vec3* translation) const { if (translation) { // Extract the translation. translation->x = m[12]; translation->y = m[13]; translation->z = m[14]; } // Nothing left to do. if (scale == nullptr && rotation == nullptr) return true; // Extract the scale. // This is simply the length of each axis (row/column) in the matrix. Vec3 xaxis(m[0], m[1], m[2]); float scaleX = xaxis.length(); Vec3 yaxis(m[4], m[5], m[6]); float scaleY = yaxis.length(); Vec3 zaxis(m[8], m[9], m[10]); float scaleZ = zaxis.length(); // Determine if we have a negative scale (true if determinant is less than zero). // In this case, we simply negate a single axis of the scale. float det = determinant(); if (det < 0) scaleZ = -scaleZ; if (scale) { scale->x = scaleX; scale->y = scaleY; scale->z = scaleZ; } // Nothing left to do. if (rotation == nullptr) return true; // Scale too close to zero, can't decompose rotation. if (scaleX < MATH_TOLERANCE || scaleY < MATH_TOLERANCE || fabs(scaleZ) < MATH_TOLERANCE) return false; float rn; // Factor the scale out of the matrix axes. rn = 1.0f / scaleX; xaxis.x *= rn; xaxis.y *= rn; xaxis.z *= rn; rn = 1.0f / scaleY; yaxis.x *= rn; yaxis.y *= rn; yaxis.z *= rn; rn = 1.0f / scaleZ; zaxis.x *= rn; zaxis.y *= rn; zaxis.z *= rn; // Now calculate the rotation from the resulting matrix (axes). float trace = xaxis.x + yaxis.y + zaxis.z + 1.0f; if (trace > MATH_EPSILON) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(trace); rotation->w = 0.25f / s; rotation->x = (yaxis.z - zaxis.y) * s; rotation->y = (zaxis.x - xaxis.z) * s; rotation->z = (xaxis.y - yaxis.x) * s; } else { // Note: since xaxis, yaxis, and zaxis are normalized, // we will never divide by zero in the code below. if (xaxis.x > yaxis.y && xaxis.x > zaxis.z) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + xaxis.x - yaxis.y - zaxis.z); rotation->w = (yaxis.z - zaxis.y) * s; rotation->x = 0.25f / s; rotation->y = (yaxis.x + xaxis.y) * s; rotation->z = (zaxis.x + xaxis.z) * s; } else if (yaxis.y > zaxis.z) { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + yaxis.y - xaxis.x - zaxis.z); rotation->w = (zaxis.x - xaxis.z) * s; rotation->x = (yaxis.x + xaxis.y) * s; rotation->y = 0.25f / s; rotation->z = (zaxis.y + yaxis.z) * s; } else { float s = 0.5f / sqrt(1.0f + zaxis.z - xaxis.x - yaxis.y ); rotation->w = (xaxis.y - yaxis.x ) * s; rotation->x = (zaxis.x + xaxis.z ) * s; rotation->y = (zaxis.y + yaxis.z ) * s; rotation->z = 0.25f / s; } } return true; }
void menu(int m1, int n1, int m2, int n2, int m3, int n3) { printf("\n1.Read an Array.\n2.Print an Array.\n3.Addition of 2 Arrays.\n4.Substraction of 2 Arrays.\n5.Multiplication of 2 Arrays.\n6.Multiplication of an Array by a Number.\n7.Transpose of a Matrix.\n8.Determinant of a Matrix.\n9.Exit.\n"); scanf("%d",&f); switch (f) { case 1: read(x, &m1, &n1, y, &m2, &n2, z, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 2: printa(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3); printf("\n1.Menu.\n2.Exit.\n"); scanf("%d",&f); switch (f) { case 1: menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 2: break; default: break; } break; case 3: Addition(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 4: substraction(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 5: multiplication_array(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 6: multiplaction_number(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 7: transpose(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 8: determinant(x, m1, n1, y, m2, n2, z, m3, n3, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3); menu(m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3); break; case 9: break; default: break; } }
float3 characteristic_poly(mat3 p) { float2 v1 = (p.v[0].xy * p.v[1].yx) + (p.v[0].xz * p.v[2].zx) + (p.v[1].yz * p.v[2].zy); return float3(-determinant(p), v1.x - v1.y, -trace(p)); }
/* Find eigenvalues of 3x3 symmetric system by solving cubic. */ void ch_evals3 ( double H[3][3], /* 3x3 sym matrix for lowest eigenvalue */ double *eval1, /* smallest eigenvalue */ double *eval2, /* middle eigenvalue */ double *eval3 /* largest eigenvalue */ ) { double mat[3][3]; /* scaled version of H */ double a1, a2, a3; /* coefficents of cubic equation */ double q, r; /* intermediate terms */ double q3, r2; /* powers of q and r */ double theta; /* angular parameter */ double root1, root2, root3; /* three roots of cubic */ double tol = 1.0e-6; /* allowed deviation */ double xmax; /* largest matrix element for scaling */ int i, j; /* loop indices */ double determinant(); /* This first requires solving a cubic equation. */ /* Normalize to avoid any numerical problems. */ xmax = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = i; j < 3; j++) { if (fabs(H[i][j]) > xmax) xmax = fabs(H[i][j]); } } if (xmax != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) mat[i][j] = H[i][j] / xmax; } } a1 = -(mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2]); a2 = (mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0]) + (mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0]) + (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1]); a3 = -determinant(mat, 3); if (a3 == 0) { root1 = 0; /* Solve quadratic. */ q = -.5 * (a1 + sign(a1) * sqrt(a1 * a1 - 4 * a2)); root2 = q; root3 = a2 / q; } else { /* solve cubic */ q = (a1 * a1 - 3 * a2) / 9; r = (2 * a1 * a1 * a1 - 9 * a1 * a2 + 27 * a3) / 54; q3 = q * q * q; r2 = r * r; /* To avoid missing a root, check for roundoff. */ if ((q3 < r2) && fabs(q3 - r2) < tol * (fabs(q3) + fabs(r2))) { q3 = r2; } if (q3 >= r2) { /* Three real roots. */ if (r == 0) theta = HALFPI; else { q3 = sqrt(q3); if (q3 < fabs(r)) q3 = fabs(r); theta = acos(r / q3); } q = -2 * sqrt(q); root1 = q * cos(theta / 3) - a1 / 3; root2 = q * cos((theta + TWOPI) / 3) - a1 / 3; root3 = q * cos((theta + 2 * TWOPI) / 3) - a1 / 3; } else { /* Only one real root. */ theta = sqrt(r2 - q3) + fabs(r); theta = pow(theta, 1.0 / 3.0); root1 = root2 = root3 = -sign(r) * (theta + q / theta) - a1 / 3; } } root1 *= xmax; root2 *= xmax; root3 *= xmax; *eval1 = min(root1, root2); *eval1 = min(*eval1, root3); *eval3 = max(root1, root2); *eval3 = max(*eval3, root3); if (root1 != *eval1 && root1 != *eval3) *eval2 = root1; else if (root2 != *eval1 && root2 != *eval3) *eval2 = root2; else *eval2 = root3; }
bool Matrix3::isSingular() const { return fuzzyEQ(determinant(), 0); }
bool FloatQuad::isCounterclockwise() const { // Return if the two first vectors are turning clockwise. If the quad is convex then all following vectors will turn the same way. return determinant(m_p2 - m_p1, m_p3 - m_p2) < 0; }
Vector3 Basis::get_scale_local() const { real_t det_sign = SGN(determinant()); return det_sign * Vector3(elements[0].length(), elements[1].length(), elements[2].length()); }
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header ----------------------------------- @NAME : calculate_smoothness_ind @INPUT : fwhm_info - pointer to data for calculating smoothness in GLM model fit lambda_buffer - pointer to residuals and info about smoothness @OUTPUT : fwhm_gaussian->fwhm, smoothness, int_smoothness @RETURNS : nothing @DESCRIPTION: Calculates the sample covariance matrix at a given voxel @CREATED : Apr. 20, 1997, J. Taylor @MODIFIED : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void calculate_smoothness_ind(Fwhm_Info *fwhm_info, Lambda *lambda_buffer) { int ibuff, i, j; double *data; double avg, avg_sq; avg_sq = 0.0; for(i=0; i<lambda_buffer->num_dim; i++) { for(j=0; j<=i; j++) { fwhm_info->lambda->values[i][j] = 0.0; } } for(ibuff=0; ibuff<lambda_buffer->num_buffers; ibuff++) { data = fwhm_info->data[ibuff]; if(lambda_buffer->num_dim == 2) { fwhm_info->deriv[0] = 0.5* ((data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[1] = 0.5 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); } else if(lambda_buffer->num_dim == 3) { fwhm_info->deriv[0] = 0.25 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[1] = 0.25 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[2] = 0.25 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); } else if (lambda_buffer->num_dim == 4) { fwhm_info->deriv[0] = 0.125 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[15]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[14]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[13]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[12]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[11]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[10]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[9]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[8]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[1] = 0.125 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[15]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[14]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[13]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[12]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[11]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[10]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[9]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[8]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[2] = 0.125 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[15]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[14]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[11]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[10]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[13]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[12]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[9]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[8]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); fwhm_info->deriv[3] = 0.125 * ((data[lambda_buffer->index[15]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[13]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[11]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[9]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[7]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[5]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[3]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[1]]) - (data[lambda_buffer->index[14]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[12]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[10]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[8]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[6]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[4]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[2]] + data[lambda_buffer->index[0]])); } if (fwhm_info->is_gaussian == FALSE) { avg = 0.0; for(i=0; i<lambda_buffer->num_check; i++) { avg += data[lambda_buffer->index[i]]; } avg /= lambda_buffer->num_check; avg_sq += avg * avg; } for(i=0; i<lambda_buffer->num_dim; i++) { for(j=0; j<=i; j++) { fwhm_info->lambda->values[i][j] +=\ fwhm_info->deriv[i] * fwhm_info->deriv[j]; if (fwhm_info->lambda_pool != NULL) { fwhm_info->lambda_pool->values[i][j] +=\ fwhm_info->deriv[i] * fwhm_info->deriv[j]; } } } } if (fwhm_info->is_gaussian == FALSE) { for(i=0; i<lambda_buffer->num_dim; i++) { for(j=0; j<=i; j++) { fwhm_info->lambda->values[i][j] /= avg_sq; } } } for(i=0; i<lambda_buffer->num_dim; i++) { for(j=lambda_buffer->num_dim-1; j>i; j--) { fwhm_info->lambda->values[i][j] = fwhm_info->lambda->values[j][i]; } } fwhm_info->smoothness = sqrt(determinant(fwhm_info->lambda)); if(fwhm_info->smoothness > 0.0) fwhm_info->int_lambda += fwhm_info->smoothness; fwhm_info->smoothness *= fwhm_info->constant; if(fwhm_info->smoothness > 0.0) { fwhm_info->fwhm = pow(fwhm_info->smoothness, 1.0/lambda_buffer->num_dim); } else fwhm_info->fwhm = INVALID_DATA; if(fwhm_info->fwhm != INVALID_DATA) { fwhm_info->fwhm = (lambda_buffer->constant / fwhm_info->fwhm); } else fwhm_info->fwhm = INVALID_DATA; if (fwhm_info->fwhm != INVALID_DATA) fwhm_info->num_calc++; return; }
static inline bool areCollinearPoints(const FloatPoint& p0, const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2) { return !determinant(p1 - p0, p2 - p0); }
int determinant(int n, int *matrix) { if(n==1) { return *matrix; } if(n==2) { //printf("end\n"); return *matrix*(*(matrix+3)) - *(matrix+1)*(*(matrix+2)); } int x,y,z,sum=0,count=0; for(x=0; x<n; x++) { int a = *(matrix+x); int *add = matrix; add += n; int *p; int arr[(n-1)*(n-1)]; int m; for(m=0; m<(n-1)*(n-1); m++){ arr[m]=0; } p = &arr[0]; int *e = p; for(y=1; y<n; y++) { for(z=0; z<n; z++) { if (z != x) { *p = *add; p+=1; } add+=1; } } //printf("a = %d and n= %d \n",a,n); //printMatrix(n-1,e); //printf("------------------------\n"); if(count%2==0) { sum += a * determinant(n-1,e); } if(count%2==1) { sum -= a * determinant(n-1,e); } count++; } return sum; }