 * crée le GtkComboBox pour l'entrée d'un nom de fichier ou de répertoire
 * mémorise la liste des répertoires utilisés
 * \param nom de l'icône
 * \return  le GtkComboBox
 * */
GtkWidget * gsb_select_icon_create_entry_text ( gchar * name_icon )
    GtkWidget *combo;
    GtkTreeIter iter;

    if ( store )
        devel_debug ( "combo existe" );
        devel_debug ( "combo n'existe pas" );
        store = gtk_list_store_new ( 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT );
        gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
        if ( g_strcmp0 ( gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), path_icon ) != 0 )
            gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), -1);
            gtk_list_store_prepend (store, &iter);
        gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, path_icon, -1);

    combo = gtk_combo_box_entry_new_with_model ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( store ), 0 );
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (combo)->child), name_icon );

    return combo;
 * destroy all the elements in scheduled_element_list
 * and free the list
 * \param
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_form_scheduler_free_list ( void )
    GSList *list_tmp;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    if (!scheduled_element_list)
	return FALSE;

    list_tmp = scheduled_element_list;

    while (list_tmp)
	struct_element *element;

	element = list_tmp -> data;
	if (element -> element_widget
	    GTK_IS_WIDGET (element -> element_widget))
	    gtk_widget_destroy (element -> element_widget);
	g_free (element);

	list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;
    g_slist_free (scheduled_element_list);
    scheduled_element_list =NULL;

    return FALSE;
 * ajoute le nouveau path. S'il existe déjà dans la liste on le supprime
 * de telle façon qu'il n'existe qu'une fois et apparaisse en premier dans
 * la liste
 * \param néant
 * \return TRUE
 * */
gboolean gsb_select_icon_add_path ( void )
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    gboolean result = FALSE;

    result = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( store ),
                                &iter );

    while (result)
        gchar * rep;

        gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( store ), &iter, 0, &rep, -1 );
        if ( strcmp ( path_icon, rep ) == 0)
            gtk_list_store_remove ( store, &iter );
        result = gtk_tree_model_iter_next ( GTK_TREE_MODEL ( store ), &iter);
    gtk_list_store_prepend (store, &iter);
    gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, path_icon, -1);
    devel_debug ( g_strconcat ( "path ajouté ", path_icon, NULL ) );

    return TRUE;
 * callback pour traiter les changements de sélection dans le GtkIconView
 * \param le GtkIconView appellant
 * \return
 * */
void gsb_select_icon_selection_changed ( GtkIconView *icon_view,
                                         gpointer user_data )
    GList * liste;
    GtkTreePath *path;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    gchar *name_icon = NULL;

    liste = gtk_icon_view_get_selected_items ( GTK_ICON_VIEW ( icon_view ) );

    /* Could happen if selection is unset, exiting then. */
    if ( ! liste )

    path = liste -> data;

    model = gtk_icon_view_get_model ( GTK_ICON_VIEW ( icon_view ) );
    if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter, path ))
        gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, TEXT_COLUMN, &name_icon, -1);
    name_icon = my_strdelimit ( name_icon, "\n", "" );
    devel_debug ( name_icon );
    if ( name_icon && strlen ( name_icon ) > 0 )
        new_icon = g_strconcat ( path_icon, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
                                 name_icon, NULL );
        gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (entry_text)->child ),
                                 new_icon );
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive (bouton_OK, TRUE );
 * \brief permet de pallier au bug de l'annulation du 
 * gtk_file_chooser_button_new
 * \param bouton appellant et chooser
void utils_files_file_chooser_cancel ( GtkWidget *bouton, GtkWidget *chooser)
    gchar *path;

    path = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
    devel_debug ( path);
    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder ( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), path );
    if (path && strlen (path) > 0)
        g_free (path);
文件: menu.c 项目: wazari972/Grisbi
 * Set sensitiveness of all menu items that work on the selected scheduled.

 * \param sensitive	Sensitiveness (FALSE for unsensitive, TRUE for
 *			sensitive).
 * \return		FALSE
gboolean gsb_menu_set_menus_select_scheduled_sensitive ( gboolean sensitive )
    devel_debug ( sensitive ? "item sensitive" : "item unsensitive" );

    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/EditTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/CloneTransaction", sensitive );

    return FALSE;
文件: menu.c 项目: wazari972/Grisbi
 * Show or hide the transactions form.
 * \return FALSE
gboolean gsb_gui_toggle_show_form ( void )
    devel_debug (NULL);

    /* FIXME benj: ugly but I cannot find a way to block this ... */
    if ( block_menu_cb )
        return FALSE;

    gsb_form_switch_expander ( );

    return FALSE;
 * update the variable last_path_used with the path given in param
 * \param last_path
 * \return
 * */
void gsb_file_update_last_path ( const gchar *last_path )
devel_debug ( last_path );
    if (last_path
	strlen (last_path))
	if (last_path_used)
	    g_free (last_path_used);
	last_path_used = my_strdup (last_path);
 * clean the scheduled form part
 * and set the default values
 * \param account number
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_form_scheduler_clean ( void )
    gint column;
    GtkWidget *widget;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    /* set to NULL the execute flag */
    g_object_set_data ( G_OBJECT (gsb_form_get_form_widget ()),
			"execute_scheduled", NULL );

    /* first we show it, becaus hidden when execute a scheduled transaction */
    if (gsb_form_get_origin () == ORIGIN_VALUE_SCHEDULED)
	gtk_widget_show (gsb_form_get_scheduler_part ());

    /* clean the scheduled widget */
    for ( column = 0 ; column < SCHEDULED_FORM_MAX_WIDGETS ; column++ )
	widget = gsb_form_scheduler_get_element_widget (column);

	/* some widgets can be set unsensitive because of the children of splits,
	 * so resensitive all to be sure */
	if (widget)
	    switch (column)
		    gtk_combo_box_set_active ( GTK_COMBO_BOX (widget), 0 );
		    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, FALSE );

		    gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( widget, TRUE );
		    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget ),
					 _("Limit date") );
		    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, TRUE );

		    gsb_form_widget_set_empty ( widget, TRUE );
		    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget ),
					 _("Own frequency") );
		    gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, TRUE );
    return FALSE;
 * ajoute une nouvelle icone pour le compte passé en paramètre
 * /param la chaine codée de l'icone
 * return TRUE if OK else FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_select_icon_new_account_icon_from_file ( gint account_number,
                        const gchar *filename )
    struct_account_icon *icon;
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
    GError *error = NULL;

    if ( !filename || !strlen ( filename ) )
        return FALSE;
        if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
            return FALSE;

    icon = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_account_icon ) );
    icon_buffer = icon;

    if ( !icon )
        dialogue_error_memory ();

        return FALSE;

    icon -> account_number = account_number;

    pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size ( filename , 32, 32, &error );

    if ( pixbuf )
        icon -> pixbuf = pixbuf;
        list_accounts_icon = g_slist_prepend ( list_accounts_icon, icon );

        return TRUE;
        gchar* tmp_str;

        tmp_str = g_strconcat( "Erreur de pixbuf : ",
                        error -> message, " image ",
                        filename, NULL );
        devel_debug ( tmp_str );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_error_free ( error );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( icon );

        return FALSE;
文件: menu.c 项目: wazari972/Grisbi
 * Set sensitiveness of all menu items that work on the selected transaction.

 * \param sensitive	Sensitiveness (FALSE for unsensitive, TRUE for
 *			sensitive).
 * \return		FALSE
gboolean gsb_menu_set_menus_select_transaction_sensitive ( gboolean sensitive )
    devel_debug ( sensitive ? "item sensitive" : "item unsensitive" );

    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/EditTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/RemoveTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/TemplateTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/CloneTransaction", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/ConvertToScheduled", sensitive );
    gsb_gui_sensitive_menu_item ( "/menubar/EditMenu/MoveToAnotherAccount", sensitive );

    return FALSE;
 * called every x minutes defined by user
 * to save a backup of the file
 * \param null
 * \return TRUE to continue the timeout, FALSE to stop the timeout
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_automatic_backup ( gpointer null )
    devel_debug (NULL);

    if (!conf.make_backup_every_minutes)
	/* stop the timeout */
	return FALSE;

    /* we save only if there is a nb of minutes, but don't stop the timer if not */
    if (conf.make_backup_nb_minutes)
	gsb_file_save_backup ();

    return TRUE;
void print_tree_view_list_init_tree_view_data ( GtkTreeView *tree_view )
    GList *list;
    GList *list_tmp;
    gint col_width = 0;
    gint i = 0;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    /* get the number of columns */
    list = gtk_tree_view_get_columns ( tree_view );
    nbre_cols = g_list_length ( list );

    tree_view_cols_width = g_malloc0 ( nbre_cols * sizeof ( gint ) );
    alignment = g_malloc0 ( nbre_cols * sizeof ( gint ) );

    list_tmp = list;
    while ( list_tmp )
        GtkTreeViewColumn *col;

        col = list_tmp -> data;
        col_width += gtk_tree_view_column_get_width ( col );

        list_tmp  = list_tmp -> next;

    list_tmp = list;
    while ( list_tmp )
        GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
        gfloat number;

        col = ( GtkTreeViewColumn * ) list_tmp -> data;
        tree_view_cols_width[i] = ( gtk_tree_view_column_get_width ( col ) * 100 ) / col_width + 1;

        number = gtk_tree_view_column_get_alignment ( col );
        if ( number == 0.0 )
            alignment[i] = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
        else if ( number == 1.0 )
            alignment[i] = PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT;
            alignment[i] = PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER;

        list_tmp  = list_tmp -> next;

    g_list_free ( list );
 * close the file
 * if no file loaded or no change, directly return TRUE
 * \param
 * \return FALSE if problem, TRUE if ok
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_close ( void )
    gint result;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    if ( !assert_account_loaded () )
	return ( TRUE );

    /* ask for saving */
    result = gsb_file_dialog_save();

    switch ( result )

	    /* try to save */
	    if ( !gsb_file_save_file (-1) )
		return ( FALSE );

	     /* remove the lock */
	    if ( !etat.fichier_deja_ouvert
		 gsb_data_account_get_accounts_amount ()
		 nom_fichier_comptes )
		gsb_file_util_modify_lock ( FALSE );
        gsb_gui_init_general_vbox ( );

	    /* free all the variables */
 	    init_variables ();
        gsb_account_property_clear_config ( );

        gsb_main_set_grisbi_title ( -1 );

        /* unsensitive the necessaries menus */
        gsb_menu_set_menus_with_file_sensitive ( FALSE );

        table_etat = NULL;

	    return ( TRUE );

	default :
	    return FALSE;
 * update the font in all the transactions in the list
 * \param
 * \return
 * */
void update_fonte_listes ( gchar *fontname,
                        gpointer null)
    GValue value = {0,};
    gchar *font;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    if ( conf.utilise_fonte_listes )
	font = fontname;
	font = NULL;

    g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
    g_value_set_string (&value, font);
    transaction_list_update_column (CUSTOM_MODEL_FONT, &value);
文件: main.c 项目: wazari972/Grisbi
 * close grisbi by destroying the main window
 * This function is called by the Quit menu option.
 * \param
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_main_grisbi_close ( void )
    devel_debug (NULL);
    /* sauvegarde la position de la fenetre principale */
    if ( conf.full_screen == 0 && conf.maximize_screen == 0 )
        gtk_window_get_position ( GTK_WINDOW ( run.window ), &conf.root_x, &conf.root_y );

    /* sauvegarde de la taille de la fenêtre si nécessaire */
    if ( conf.full_screen == 0 && conf.maximize_screen == 0 )
        gtk_window_get_size ( GTK_WINDOW ( run.window ), &conf.main_width, &conf.main_height );

    if ( !main_window_delete_event ( run.window, NULL ) )
        gtk_widget_destroy ( run.window );

    /* clean finish of the debug file */
    if ( etat.debug_mode )
        gsb_debug_finish_log ( );

    return FALSE;
 * remove the filename from the list of recently opened file
 * \param filename
 * \return
 * */
void gsb_file_remove_name_from_opened_list ( gchar *filename )
    gint i, j;

    devel_debug ( filename );
    devel_debug_int ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts );

    for ( i = 0 ; i < conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts; i++ )
        if ( strcmp (filename, tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i]) == 0 )
            for ( j = i; ( j + 1 ) < conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts; j++ )
                tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[j] = tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[j+1];
 * initialise le contenu du tableau d'affichage des opérations.
 * */
void initialise_tab_affichage_ope ( void )
    {0, 0, ELEMENT_NOTES, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    gint i, j;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    for ( i = 0 ; i<TRANSACTION_LIST_ROWS_NB ; i++ )
    for ( j = 0 ; j<CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; j++ )
        tab_affichage_ope[i][j] = tab[i][j];

    /* by default, the display of lines is 1, 1-2, 1-2-3 */
    display_one_line = 0;
    display_two_lines = 0;
    display_three_lines = 0;
 * callback pour traiter les changements dans le GtkComboBoxEntry
 * \param le GtkComboBoxEntry appellant
 * \return void
 * */
void gsb_select_icon_entry_text_changed ( GtkComboBoxEntry *entry,
                                          gpointer user_data )
    GtkTreePath *path;
    const gchar *tmpstr;
    gchar *ptr;

    tmpstr = gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (entry_text)->child ) );
    devel_debug ( tmpstr );
    ptr = g_strstr_len ( tmpstr, -1, path_icon );
    if ( ptr == NULL )
        if ( g_file_test ( tmpstr, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR ) )
            path_icon = g_strdup ( tmpstr );
            path = gsb_select_icon_fill_icon_view ( NULL );
            gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW ( icon_view ),
                            path, TRUE, 0.5, 0 );
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive (bouton_OK, FALSE );
 * retourne le logo par défaut de grisbi
 * return a new pixbuf
 * */
GdkPixbuf *gsb_select_icon_get_default_logo_pixbuf ( void )
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;

    pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file ( g_build_filename
                        (gsb_dirs_get_pixmaps_dir ( ), "grisbi-logo.png", NULL), &error );

    if ( ! pixbuf )
        devel_debug ( error -> message );
        g_error_free ( error );

    if ( gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) > LOGO_WIDTH ||
	     gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) > LOGO_HEIGHT )
        return gsb_select_icon_resize_logo_pixbuf ( pixbuf );
        return pixbuf;
 * Crée le dialogue pour le choix du nouveau répertoire et entre le choix
 * dans le GtkComboBoxEntry
 * \param bouton appelant
 * \return void
 * */
void gsb_select_icon_create_file_chooser ( GtkWidget * button,
                                           gpointer user_data )
    GtkWidget *chooser;
    GtkFileFilter *filter;

    chooser = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ( _("Select icon directory"),
                        GTK_WINDOW (dialog),
                        GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                        GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,

	gtk_window_set_position ( GTK_WINDOW (chooser), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT );
    gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (chooser), GTK_WINDOW (dialog));
	gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent (GTK_WINDOW (chooser), TRUE);
    gtk_widget_set_size_request ( chooser, 600, 750 );
    filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
	gtk_file_chooser_set_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), filter);
    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder ( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER ( chooser ), path_icon );
    if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG ( chooser ) ) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT )
        GtkTreePath *path;

        path_icon = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename ( GTK_FILE_CHOOSER ( chooser ) );
        devel_debug ( path_icon );
        path = gsb_select_icon_fill_icon_view ( NULL );
        gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW ( icon_view ),
                            path, TRUE, 0.5, 0 );
        gsb_select_icon_add_path ( );
        gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (GTK_BIN (entry_text)->child ),
                                 path_icon );
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive (bouton_OK, FALSE );

    gtk_widget_destroy ( chooser );

gboolean print_tree_view_list ( GtkWidget *menu_item, GtkTreeView *tree_view )
    GtkWidget *label_title;
    GtkTreeSelection *tree_selection;

    devel_debug (NULL);
    tree_selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ( GTK_TREE_VIEW ( tree_view ) );

    if ( !gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( GTK_TREE_SELECTION ( tree_selection ), NULL, NULL ) )
        return FALSE;

    label_title = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( tree_view ), "label_title" );
    title_string = g_strdup ( gtk_label_get_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_title ) ) );

    print_dialog_config ( G_CALLBACK ( print_tree_view_list_begin ),
                        G_CALLBACK ( print_tree_view_list_draw_page ),
                        _("Fonts & layout"),
                        G_CALLBACK ( print_tree_view_list_layout_config ),
                        G_CALLBACK ( print_transactions_list_apply ),
                        ( gpointer ) tree_view );

    return TRUE;
 * called by menu : begin the debug mode
 * show a message to say where the log will be saved
 * \param
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_debug_start_log ( void )
    gchar *tmp_str;
    gchar *debug_filename;

    devel_debug ( NULL );

    if ( nom_fichier_comptes )
        gchar *base_filename = g_strdup ( nom_fichier_comptes );
        gchar *complete_filename;
        gchar *basename;

        base_filename [strlen ( base_filename ) - 4] = 0;
        complete_filename = g_strconcat ( base_filename, "-log.txt", NULL);
        basename = g_path_get_basename ( complete_filename );

        debug_filename = g_build_filename ( my_get_gsb_file_default_dir (), basename, NULL);

        g_free ( basename);
        g_free ( complete_filename );
        g_free ( base_filename );
        debug_filename = g_build_filename ( my_get_gsb_file_default_dir (), "No_name-log.txt", NULL);

    tmp_str = g_strdup_printf (_("The debug-mode is starting. Grisbi will write a log into %s. "
                        "Please send that file with the obfuscated file into the bug report."),
                        debug_filename );

    dialogue ( tmp_str );
    g_free (tmp_str);

    debug_file = g_fopen ( debug_filename, "w" );

    g_free ( debug_filename );

    if ( debug_file )
        GtkWidget *widget;
        gchar *tmp_str_2;
        GtkUIManager *ui_manager = gsb_menu_get_ui_manager ( );

        widget = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( ui_manager, "/menubar/FileMenu/DebugMode" );
        etat.debug_mode = TRUE;

        /* unsensitive the menu, we cannot reverse the debug mode */
        if ( widget && GTK_IS_WIDGET ( widget ) )
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, FALSE );

        /* début du mode débogage */
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf(_("%s, %2f : Debug - %s:%d:%s\n\n"),
                        get_debug_time ( ),
                        (double ) clock ( )/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC,
                        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        /* write locales */
        tmp_str = gsb_main_get_print_locale_var ( );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ( "gint64\n"
                        "\tG_GINT64_MODIFIER = \"%s\"\n"
                        G_GINT64_MODIFIER, G_MAXINT64 );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = gsb_main_get_print_dir_var ( );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = g_strdup ( "Formats importés\n" );
        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = gsb_import_formats_get_list_formats_to_string ( );
        tmp_str_2 = g_strconcat ( tmp_str, "\n", NULL );

        fwrite ( tmp_str_2, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str_2 ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str_2 );
        dialogue_error (_("Grisbi failed to create the log file...") );

    return FALSE;
 * open a new grisbi file, don't check anything about another opened file that must
 * have been done before
 * \para filename the name of the file
 * \return TRUE ok, FALSE problem
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_open_file ( gchar *filename )
    GSList *list_tmp;

    devel_debug (filename);

    if ( !filename
	 !strlen (filename))
	return FALSE;

    gsb_status_wait ( TRUE );
    gsb_status_message ( _("Loading accounts") );

    /* try to load the file */
    /* FIXME:BUG under Windows: for unknwon reason yet filename is cleared
     * when returning from gsb_file_load_open_file!
     * making application crashes! */

    if ( gsb_file_load_open_file (filename))
        /* the file has been opened succesfully */
        /* we make a backup if necessary */
        if ( conf.sauvegarde_demarrage )
            gsb_file_save_backup ();
            gsb_file_set_modified ( FALSE );
        /* Loading failed. */
        gsb_status_message ( _("Failed to load accounts") );

        if ( conf.sauvegarde_demarrage || conf.make_backup || conf.make_backup_every_minutes )
            gchar *tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Error loading file '%s'"), filename);
            gchar *tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf (
                                _("Grisbi was unable to load file. You should find the last "
                                  "backups in '%s', they are saved with date and time into "
                                  "their name so you should find easily the last backup "
                                  "Please contact the Grisbi's team on [email protected] "
                                  "to find what happened to you current file."),
                                gsb_file_get_backup_path ());
            dialogue_error_hint ( tmpstr2, tmpstr );
            g_free ( tmpstr );
            g_free ( tmpstr2 );
            gsb_status_stop_wait ( TRUE );
            return FALSE;
            gchar *tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Error loading file '%s'"), filename);
            gchar *tmpstr2;

            if (gsb_file_get_backup_path ())
            tmpstr2 = g_strdup_printf (
                            _("Grisbi was unable to load file and the backups seem not to "
                              "be activated... This is a bad thing.\nYour backup path is '%s', "
                              "try to find if earlier you had some backups in there ?\n"
                              "Please contact the Grisbi's team on [email protected] "
                              "to find what happened to you current file."),
                            gsb_file_get_backup_path ());
            tmpstr2 = my_strdup ( _("Grisbi was unable to load file and the backups seem not "
                                    "to be activated... This is a bad thing.\n"
                                    "Please contact the Grisbi's team on "
                                    "[email protected] to find what happened to you "
                                    "current file."));

            dialogue_error_hint ( tmpstr2, tmpstr );
            g_free ( tmpstr );
            g_free ( tmpstr2 );
            gsb_status_stop_wait ( TRUE );
            return FALSE;

    /* ok, here the file or backup is loaded */
    gsb_status_message ( _("Checking schedulers"));

    /* the the name in the last opened files */
    gsb_file_append_name_to_opened_list ( filename );

    /* create the archives store data, ie the transaction wich will replace the archive in
     * the list of transactions */
    gsb_data_archive_store_create_list ();

    /* create all the gui */
    gsb_file_new_gui ();

    /* check the amounts of all the accounts */
    gsb_status_message ( _("Checking amounts"));
    list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();

    while ( list_tmp )
	gint account_number;
	volatile gint value;

	account_number = gsb_data_account_get_no_account ( list_tmp -> data );

	/* set the minimum balances to be shown or not */
	value = gsb_real_cmp ( gsb_data_account_get_current_balance (account_number),
                          gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_authorized (account_number) ) == -1;
    gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized_message ( account_number, value);
    value = gsb_real_cmp ( gsb_data_account_get_current_balance (account_number),
                          gsb_data_account_get_mini_balance_wanted (account_number) ) == -1;
    gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted_message ( account_number, value);
	list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;

    /* set Grisbi title */
    gsb_main_set_grisbi_title ( -1 );

    /* update the main page */
    mise_a_jour_accueil (TRUE);

    /* for now, the flag for modification of the file is ok, but the menu couldn't be set
     * as sensitive/unsensitive so do it now */
    gsb_file_set_modified ( gsb_file_get_modified ( ) );

    gsb_status_message ( _("Done") );
    gsb_status_stop_wait ( TRUE );

    /* go to the home page */
    gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_HOME_PAGE, -1, NULL );

    /* set the focus to the selection tree at left */
    gtk_widget_grab_focus ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_tree_view ( ) );

    return TRUE;
 * append a new name to the list of recently opened file
 * \param path_fichier
 * \return
 * */
void gsb_file_append_name_to_opened_list ( gchar * path_fichier )
    gint i, position;
    gchar * dernier, * real_name;

    devel_debug (path_fichier);

    if ( !path_fichier )

    if ( conf.nb_max_derniers_fichiers_ouverts == 0 )

    if ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts < 0 )
        conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts = 0;

    if ( !g_path_is_absolute ( nom_fichier_comptes ) )
        real_name = g_strdup( (gchar*)realpath ( nom_fichier_comptes, NULL ));
        if ( ! real_name )
            notice_debug ( "could not resolve relative file name" );
        devel_debug ( real_name );
        real_name = g_strdup ( path_fichier );

    /* on commence par vérifier si ce fichier n'est pas dans les nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts
     * noms */
    position = 0;

    if ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts )
        for ( i = 0; i < conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts; i++ )
            if ( !strcmp ( real_name, tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i] ) )
                /* 	si ce fichier est déjà le dernier ouvert, on laisse tomber */
                if ( !i )
                    g_free ( real_name );

                position = i;

        efface_derniers_fichiers_ouverts ( );

        if ( position )
            /* le fichier a été trouvé, on fait juste une rotation */
            for ( i = position; i > 0 ; i-- )
                tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i] = tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i-1];
            if ( real_name )
                tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[0] = my_strdup ( real_name );
                tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[0] = my_strdup ( "<no file>" );

            affiche_derniers_fichiers_ouverts ( );
            g_free ( real_name );

        /* le fichier est nouveau, on décale tout d'un cran et on met le nouveau à 0 */

        /* si on est déjà au max, c'est juste un décalage avec perte du dernier */
        /* on garde le ptit dernier dans le cas contraire */
        dernier = tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts-1];
        for ( i = conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
            tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i] = tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[i-1];
        dernier = NULL;

    if ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts < conf.nb_max_derniers_fichiers_ouverts )
        tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts = g_realloc ( tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts,
						    ( ++conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts ) * sizeof ( gpointer ) );
        tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts-1] = dernier;

    tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts[0] = my_strdup ( real_name );

    g_free ( real_name );
 * Set all the config variables to their default values.
 * called before loading the config
 * or for a new opening
static void gsb_file_config_clean_config ( void )
    devel_debug (NULL);

    conf.main_width = 0;
    conf.main_height = 0;
    conf.prefs_width = 600;

    conf.force_enregistrement = 1;

    conf.r_modifiable = 0;       /* we can not change the reconciled transaction */
    conf.dernier_fichier_auto = 1;   /*  on n'ouvre pas directement le dernier fichier */
    conf.sauvegarde_auto = 0;    /* on NE sauvegarde PAS * automatiquement par défaut */
    conf.entree = 1;    /* la touche entree provoque l'enregistrement de l'opération */
    nb_days_before_scheduled = 0;     /* nb de jours avant l'échéance pour prévenir */
    conf.execute_scheduled_of_month = FALSE;
    conf.balances_with_scheduled = TRUE;
    conf.formulaire_toujours_affiche = 0;           /* le formulaire ne s'affiche que lors de l'edition d'1 opé */
    conf.affichage_exercice_automatique = 0;        /* l'exercice est choisi en fonction de la date */
    conf.automatic_completion_payee = 1;            /* by default automatic completion */
    conf.limit_completion_to_current_account = 0;   /* By default, do full search */
    conf.automatic_recover_splits = 1;
    conf.automatic_erase_credit_debit = 0;

    conf.display_grisbi_title = GSB_ACCOUNTS_TITLE; /* show Accounts file title par défaut */
    conf.display_toolbar = GSB_BUTTON_BOTH;         /* How to display toolbar icons. */
    conf.active_scrolling_left_pane = FALSE;        /* Active_scrolling_left_pane or not. */
    conf.show_headings_bar = TRUE;                  /* Show toolbar or not. */
    conf.show_transaction_selected_in_form = 1;     /* show selected transaction in form */
    conf.show_transaction_gives_balance = 1;        /* show transaction that gives the balance of the day */
    conf.transactions_list_primary_sorting = 1;     /* Primary sorting option for the transactions */
    conf.transactions_list_secondary_sorting = 0;   /* Secondary sorting option for the transactions */
    conf.show_closed_accounts = FALSE;

    if ( conf.font_string )
    g_free ( conf.font_string );
    conf.font_string = NULL;

    conf.force_enregistrement = 1;     /* par défaut, on force l'enregistrement */
    gsb_file_update_last_path (g_get_home_dir ());
    gsb_file_set_backup_path ( gsb_dirs_get_user_data_dir () );
    conf.make_backup = 1;
    conf.make_backup_every_minutes = FALSE;
    conf.make_backup_nb_minutes = 0;

    conf.stable_config_file_model = 0;

    conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts = 0;
    conf.nb_max_derniers_fichiers_ouverts = 3;
    tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts = NULL;

    /* no compress by default */
    conf.compress_file = 0;
    conf.compress_backup = 0;

    /* archive data */
    conf.check_for_archival = TRUE;
    conf.max_non_archived_transactions_for_check = 3000;

    conf.last_tip = -1;
    conf.show_tip = FALSE;

    /* mise en conformité avec les recommandations FreeDesktop. */
    if ( conf.browser_command )
        g_free ( conf.browser_command );
    conf.browser_command = g_strdup ( ETAT_WWW_BROWSER );

    conf.metatree_action_2button_press = 0;     /* action par défaut pour le double clic sur division */

    memset ( etat.csv_skipped_lines, '\0', sizeof(gboolean) * CSV_MAX_TOP_LINES );
 * save the config file
 * it uses the glib config utils after 0.6.0
 * if cannot load, try the xml file before that version
 * \param
 * \return TRUE if ok
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_config_save_config ( void )
    GKeyFile *config;
    const gchar *filename;
    gchar *file_content;
    gchar *name;
    gsize length;
    FILE *conf_file;
    gint i;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    filename = gsb_dirs_get_grisbirc_filename ();
    config = g_key_file_new ();

    /* set config model */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.stable_config_file_model );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.root_x );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.root_y );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.main_width );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.main_height );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.full_screen );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.maximize_screen );

    /* Remember size of main panel */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.panel_width );

    /* preferences size */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.prefs_width );

    /* save general */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Can modify R",
                        conf.r_modifiable );

    g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        gsb_file_get_last_path () );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show permission alert",
                        conf.alerte_permission );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Function of enter",
                        conf.entree );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show alert messages",
                        conf.alerte_mini );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Use user font",
                        conf.utilise_fonte_listes );

    if ( conf.font_string )
        g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        "Font name",
                        conf.font_string );

    if ( conf.browser_command )
        gchar *string;

        string = my_strdelimit ( conf.browser_command, "&", "\\e" );
        if ( string )
            g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        string );
        g_free (string);

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.pluriel_final );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.metatree_action_2button_press );

     /* save backup part */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup",
                        conf.make_backup );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup single file",
                        conf.make_bakup_single_file );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup every x minutes",
                        conf.make_backup_every_minutes );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Compress backup",
                        conf.compress_backup );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup nb minutes",
                        conf.make_backup_nb_minutes );

    if (gsb_file_get_backup_path ())
        g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        "Backup path",
                        gsb_file_get_backup_path ());

    /* save input/output */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Load last file",
                        conf.dernier_fichier_auto );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Save at closing",
                        conf.sauvegarde_auto );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Save at opening",
                        conf.sauvegarde_demarrage );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Nb last opened files",
                        conf.nb_max_derniers_fichiers_ouverts );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Compress file",
                        conf.compress_file );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Force saving",
                        conf.force_enregistrement );

    if ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts > 0
        g_key_file_set_string_list ( config,
                        "Names last files",
                        (const gchar **) tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts,

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.check_for_archival );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.max_non_archived_transactions_for_check );

    /* save scheduled section */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Days before remind",
                        nb_days_before_scheduled );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Execute scheduled of month",
                        conf.execute_scheduled_of_month );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Balances with scheduled",
                        conf.balances_with_scheduled );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.group_partial_balance_under_accounts );

    /* save shown section */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show transaction form",
                        conf.formulaire_toujours_affiche );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show selected transaction in form",
                        conf.show_transaction_selected_in_form );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show transaction gives balance",
                        conf.show_transaction_gives_balance );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.transactions_list_primary_sorting );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.transactions_list_secondary_sorting );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show automatic financial year",
                        conf.affichage_exercice_automatique );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Automatic completion payee",
                        conf.automatic_completion_payee );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Limit payee completion",
                        conf.limit_completion_to_current_account );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.automatic_recover_splits );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.automatic_erase_credit_debit );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Display toolbar",
                        conf.display_toolbar );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.active_scrolling_left_pane );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show headings bar",
                        conf.show_headings_bar );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show closed accounts",
                        conf.show_closed_accounts );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Display grisbi title",
                        conf.display_grisbi_title );

    /* save messages */
    for ( i = 0; messages[i].name; i ++ )
        name = g_strconcat ( messages[i].name , "-answer", NULL );

        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", messages[i].name, messages[i].hidden );
        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", name, messages[i].default_answer );
        g_free ( name );

    for ( i = 0; delete_msg[i].name; i ++ )
        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", delete_msg[i].name,
                        delete_msg[i].hidden );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Last tip",
                        conf.last_tip );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show tip",
                        conf.show_tip );

    /* save into a file */
    file_content = g_key_file_to_data ( config, &length, NULL );

    conf_file = fopen ( filename, "w" );

    #ifndef _WIN32
    if ( !conf_file )
        utils_files_create_XDG_dir ( );
        conf_file = fopen ( filename, "w" );

    if ( !conf_file
     !fwrite ( file_content, sizeof ( gchar ), length, conf_file ) )
        gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot save configuration file '%s': %s"),
                        g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( file_content);
        g_key_file_free (config);
        return ( FALSE );

    fclose ( conf_file );
    g_free ( file_content);
    g_key_file_free (config);

    return TRUE;
/* get the line af the file,
 * convert it in UTF8 and fill string with that line
 * \param fichier
 * \param string
 * \param coding_system	the orig coding system of the string
 * \return EOF, 1 if ok, 0 if problem
 * */
gint get_utf8_line_from_file ( FILE *fichier,
                        gchar **string,
                        const gchar *coding_system )
    gchar c = 0;
    gint i = 0;
    gint j = 0;
    gchar *pointeur_char = NULL;
    gchar *tmp_string;

    if ( !fichier )
	return 0;
    /* allocate 30 characters, and increase it 30 by 30 */
    pointeur_char = (gchar*)g_realloc(pointeur_char,30*sizeof(gchar));

    if ( !pointeur_char )
	/* ouch, not enough memory */
	dialogue_error ( _("Memory allocation error" ));
	return 0;

    /* get the string untill \n or \r (windows format) */
    c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
    while ( ( c != '\n' ) && (c != '\r') && !feof (fichier))
	pointeur_char[j++] = c;

	if ( ++i == 29 )
	    pointeur_char = (gchar*)g_realloc(pointeur_char, j + 1 + 30*sizeof(gchar));

	    if ( !pointeur_char )
		/* ouch, not enough memory */
		dialogue_error ( _("Memory allocation error" ));
		return 0;
	    i = 0;
	c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
    pointeur_char[j] = 0;

    /* if we finished on \r, jump the \n after it */
    if ( c == '\r' )
	c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
	if ( c != '\n' )
	    ungetc ( c, fichier );

    tmp_string = g_convert ( pointeur_char, -1, "UTF-8", 
			     coding_system, NULL, NULL,
			     NULL );
    if (!tmp_string)
        devel_debug ("convert to utf8 failed, will use latin2utf8");
        tmp_string = latin2utf8 (pointeur_char);
        if ( tmp_string == NULL )
            dialogue_special ( GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, make_hint (
                            _("Convert to utf8 failed."),
                            _("If the result is not correct, try again by selecting the "
                            "correct character set in the window for selecting files.") ) );
            return 0;
    *string = tmp_string;
    g_free (pointeur_char);

    if ( feof(fichier))
        return EOF;
        return 1;
 * initialisation of all the variables of grisbi
 * if some are not empty, free them before set it to NULL
 * \param
 * \return
 * */
void init_variables ( void )
    gint bet_array_col_width_init[BET_ARRAY_COLUMNS] = {15, 40, 15, 15, 15 };
    gint transaction_col_align_init[CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2 };
    gint i;

/* xxx on devrait séparer ça en 2 : les variables liées au fichier de compte, qui doivent être remises  à 0,
 * et les variables liées à grisbi (ex sauvegarde auto...) qui doivent rester */
    devel_debug (NULL);

    /* init the new crypted file */
    run.new_crypted_file = FALSE;

    /* init the format date */
    initialise_format_date ( );

    /* init the decimal point and the thousands separator. */
    initialise_number_separators ( );

    /* initialise l'ordre des pages du panneau de gauche */
    gsb_gui_navigation_init_pages_list ( );

    /* if ever there is still something from the previous list,
     * erase now */

    gsb_data_account_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_transaction_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_payee_init_variables ();
    payees_init_variables_list ();
    gsb_data_category_init_variables ();
    categories_init_variables_list ();
    gsb_data_budget_init_variables ();
    budgetary_lines_init_variables_list ();
    gsb_data_report_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_report_amount_comparison_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_report_text_comparison_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_scheduled_init_variables ();
    gsb_scheduler_list_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_currency_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_currency_link_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_fyear_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_bank_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_reconcile_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_payment_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_archive_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_archive_store_init_variables ();
    gsb_data_import_rule_init_variables ();
    gsb_import_associations_init_variables ( );
    gsb_data_partial_balance_init_variables ( );

    gsb_currency_init_variables ();
    gsb_fyear_init_variables ();
    gsb_report_init_variables ();
    gsb_regex_init_variables ();

    gsb_data_print_config_init ();

    /* no bank in memory for now */
    bank_list_model = NULL;

    run.mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = FALSE;
    run.mise_a_jour_liste_echeances_manuelles_accueil = FALSE;
    run.mise_a_jour_liste_echeances_auto_accueil = FALSE;
    run.mise_a_jour_soldes_minimaux = FALSE;
    run.mise_a_jour_fin_comptes_passifs = FALSE;

    orphan_child_transactions = NULL;

    /* the main notebook is set to NULL,
     * important because it's the checked variable in a new file
     * to know if the widgets are created or not */
    gsb_gui_init_general_notebook ( );

    if ( nom_fichier_comptes )
        g_free ( nom_fichier_comptes );
    nom_fichier_comptes = NULL;

    affichage_echeances = SCHEDULER_PERIODICITY_ONCE_VIEW;
    affichage_echeances_perso_nb_libre = 0;
    affichage_echeances_perso_j_m_a = PERIODICITY_DAYS;

    /* initialization of titles and logo part */
    if ( titre_fichier && strlen ( titre_fichier ) )
        g_free ( titre_fichier );
    titre_fichier = g_strdup( _("My accounts") );

    etat.is_pixmaps_dir = TRUE;
    if ( etat.name_logo && strlen ( etat.name_logo ) )
        g_free ( etat.name_logo );
    etat.name_logo = NULL;
    etat.utilise_logo = 1;
    gsb_select_icon_init_logo_variables ();

    etat.retient_affichage_par_compte = 0;

    /* reconcile (etat) */
    run.reconcile_account_number = -1;
    g_free ( run.reconcile_final_balance );
    if ( run.reconcile_new_date )
        g_date_free ( run.reconcile_new_date );
    run.reconcile_final_balance = NULL;
    run.reconcile_new_date = NULL;

    adresse_commune = NULL;
    adresse_secondaire = NULL;

    current_tree_view_width = 0;
    scheduler_current_tree_view_width = 0;


    valeur_echelle_recherche_date_import = 2;
    etat.get_fyear_by_value_date = FALSE;

    /* init default combofix values */
    etat.combofix_mixed_sort = FALSE;
    etat.combofix_max_item = 0;
    etat.combofix_case_sensitive = FALSE;
    etat.combofix_enter_select_completion = FALSE;
    etat.combofix_force_payee = FALSE;
    etat.combofix_force_category = FALSE;

    /* mis à NULL prévient un plantage aléatoire dans
     * gsb_currency_update_combobox_currency_list */
    detail_devise_compte = NULL;

    /* defaut value for width and align of columns */
    initialise_largeur_colonnes_tab_affichage_ope ( GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE, transaction_col_width_init );
    initialise_largeur_colonnes_tab_affichage_ope ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, scheduler_col_width_init );
    for ( i = 0 ; i < CUSTOM_MODEL_VISIBLE_COLUMNS ; i++ )
        transaction_col_align[i] = transaction_col_align_init[i];

    if ( etat.transaction_column_width && strlen ( etat.transaction_column_width ) )
        g_free ( etat.transaction_column_width );
        etat.transaction_column_width = NULL;
    if ( etat.scheduler_column_width && strlen ( etat.scheduler_column_width ) )
        g_free ( etat.scheduler_column_width );
        etat.scheduler_column_width = NULL;

    gsb_gui_navigation_init_tree_view ( );

    /* free the form */
    gsb_form_widget_free_list ();
    gsb_form_scheduler_free_list ();

    /* set colors to default */
    gsb_color_set_colors_to_default ( );

    /* divers */
    etat.add_archive_in_total_balance = TRUE;   /* add the archived transactions by default */
    etat.get_fyear_by_value_date = 0;           /* By default use transaction-date */

    /* remove the timeout if necessary */
    if (id_timeout)
    g_source_remove (id_timeout);
    id_timeout = 0;

    /* initializes the variables for the estimate balance module */
    /* création de la liste des données à utiliser dans le tableau de résultats */
    bet_data_init_variables ( );
    /* initialisation des boites de dialogue */
    bet_future_initialise_dialog ( );
    etat.bet_deb_period = 1;
    /* defaut value for width of columns */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < BET_ARRAY_COLUMNS ; i++ )
        bet_array_col_width[i] = bet_array_col_width_init[i];

    bet_data_finance_data_simulator_init ( );

    bet_graph_set_configuration_variables ( NULL );

 * save the category file
 * we don't check anything here, all must be done before, here we just write
 * the file
 * use the same method as gsb_file_save_save_file
 * \param filename the name of the file
 * \return TRUE : ok, FALSE : problem
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_others_save_category ( gchar *filename )
    gchar *file_content;
    gchar *tmp_str;
    FILE *file;
    gulong iterator;
    gulong length_calculated;
    gulong length_part;

    devel_debug (filename);

    /* we begin to try to reserve enough memory to make the entire file
     * if not enough, we will make it growth later
     * the data below are about the memory to take for each part and for 1 of this part
     * with that i think we will allocate enough memory in one time but not too much */

    length_part = 500;

    length_calculated = length_part * g_slist_length (gsb_data_category_get_categories_list());
    if ( length_calculated == 0 )
        tmp_str = g_strdup ( _("There is no category to record. Back.") );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );

        return ( TRUE );

    iterator = 0;
    file_content = g_malloc0 ( length_calculated );

    /* begin the file whit xml markup */

    iterator = gsb_file_save_append_part ( iterator,
					   my_strdup ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>\n"));

    iterator = gsb_file_others_save_general_part ( iterator,

    iterator = gsb_file_save_category_part ( iterator,
					     &file_content );

    /* finish the file */

    iterator = gsb_file_save_append_part ( iterator,
					   my_strdup ("</Grisbi_categ>"));

    /* the file is in memory, we can save it */

	file = utils_files_utf8_fopen ( filename, "w" );

    if ( !file
	 !fwrite ( file_content,
		   sizeof (gchar),
		   file ))
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot save file '%s': %s"),
                        g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( file_content );
        if (file)
        return ( FALSE );

    fclose (file);
    g_free ( file_content);

    return ( TRUE );