static DFBResult
stmfbdevTestConfig (CoreSurfacePool         *pool,
                    void                    *pool_data,
                    void                    *pool_local,
                    CoreSurfaceBuffer       *buffer,
                    const CoreSurfaceConfig *config)
  CoreSurface           *surface;
  STMfbdevPoolData      * const data  = pool_data;
  STMfbdevPoolLocalData * const local = pool_local;
  DFBResult              ret;

  D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces, "%s (%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer);

  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (pool, CoreSurfacePool);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (data, STMfbdevPoolData);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (local, STMfbdevPoolLocalData);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer);
  D_ASSERT (config != NULL);

  surface = buffer->surface;
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (surface, CoreSurface);

  D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces, "  -> buffer/type/id %p/0x%x/%lu\n",
              buffer, surface->type, surface->resource_id);

  ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate (local->core, data->manager,
                                     buffer, NULL, NULL);

  D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces, "  -> %s\n", DirectFBErrorString (ret));

  return ret;
static DFBResult
fbdevTestConfig( CoreSurfacePool         *pool,
                 void                    *pool_data,
                 void                    *pool_local,
                 CoreSurfaceBuffer       *buffer,
                 const CoreSurfaceConfig *config )
     DFBResult           ret;
     CoreSurface        *surface;
     FBDevPoolData      *data  = pool_data;
     FBDevPoolLocalData *local = pool_local;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, FBDevPoolData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( local, FBDevPoolLocalData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     if (surface->type & CSTF_LAYER)
          return DFB_OK;

     ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( local->core, data->manager, buffer, NULL, NULL );

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "  -> %s\n", DirectFBErrorString(ret) );

     return ret;
static DFBResult
devmemAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
     DFBResult             ret;
     Chunk                *chunk;
     CoreSurface          *surface;
     DevMemPoolData       *data  = pool_data;
     DevMemPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     DevMemAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;


     D_DEBUG_AT( DevMem_Surfaces, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, DevMemPoolData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( local, DevMemPoolLocalData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( local->core, data->manager, buffer, allocation, &chunk );
     if (ret)
          return ret;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( chunk, Chunk );

     alloc->offset = chunk->offset;
     alloc->pitch  = chunk->pitch;
     alloc->size   = chunk->length;

     alloc->chunk  = chunk;

     D_DEBUG_AT( DevMem_Surfaces, "  -> offset %d, pitch %d, size %d\n", alloc->offset, alloc->pitch, alloc->size );

     allocation->size   = alloc->size;
     allocation->offset = alloc->offset;

     D_MAGIC_SET( alloc, DevMemAllocationData );

     return DFB_OK;
static DFBResult
fbdevAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
     DFBResult            ret;
     CoreSurface         *surface;
     FBDevPoolData       *data  = pool_data;
     FBDevPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     FBDevAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, FBDevPoolData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( local, FBDevPoolLocalData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     if (surface->type & CSTF_LAYER && surface->resource_id == DLID_PRIMARY) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "  -> primary layer buffer (index %d)\n", dfb_surface_buffer_index( buffer ) );

          dfb_surface_calc_buffer_size( surface, 8, 1, NULL, &allocation->size );
     else {
          ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( local->core, data->manager, buffer, allocation, &alloc->chunk );
          if (ret)
               return ret;

          D_MAGIC_ASSERT( alloc->chunk, Chunk );

          allocation->offset = alloc->chunk->offset;
          allocation->size   = alloc->chunk->length;

     D_MAGIC_SET( alloc, FBDevAllocationData );

     return DFB_OK;
static DFBResult
fbdevAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
     DFBResult            ret;
     CoreSurface         *surface;
     FBDevPoolData       *data  = pool_data;
     FBDevPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     FBDevAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, FBDevPoolData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( local, FBDevPoolLocalData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     if ((surface->type & CSTF_LAYER) && surface->resource_id == DLID_PRIMARY) {
          FBDevShared *shared = dfb_fbdev->shared;
          int          index  = dfb_surface_buffer_index( buffer );

          D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "  -> primary layer buffer (index %d)\n", index );

          if (( (surface->config.caps & DSCAPS_FLIPPING) && index == 1) ||
              (!(surface->config.caps & DSCAPS_FLIPPING) && index == 0) )
               const VideoMode *highest;
               /* FIXME: this should use source.w/source.h from layer region config! */
               unsigned int     width  = surface->config.size.w;
               unsigned int     height = surface->config.size.h;

               D_INFO( "FBDev/Mode: Setting %dx%d %s\n", width, height, dfb_pixelformat_name(surface->config.format) );

               highest = dfb_fbdev_find_mode( width, height );
               if (!highest)
                    return DFB_UNSUPPORTED;

               ret = dfb_fbdev_set_mode( highest, surface, 0, 0 );
               if (ret)
                    return ret;

          alloc->pitch  = shared->fix.line_length;
          alloc->size   = surface->config.size.h * alloc->pitch;
          alloc->offset = index * alloc->size;

          D_INFO( "FBDev/Surface: Allocated %dx%d %d bit %s buffer (index %d) at offset %d and pitch %d.\n",
                  surface->config.size.w, surface->config.size.h, shared->current_var.bits_per_pixel,
                  dfb_pixelformat_name(buffer->format), index, alloc->offset, alloc->pitch );
     else {
          Chunk *chunk;

          ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( local->core, data->manager, buffer, allocation, &chunk );
          if (ret)
               return ret;

          D_MAGIC_ASSERT( chunk, Chunk );

          alloc->offset = chunk->offset;
          alloc->pitch  = chunk->pitch;
          alloc->size   = chunk->length;

          alloc->chunk  = chunk;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "  -> offset %d, pitch %d, size %d\n", alloc->offset, alloc->pitch, alloc->size );

     allocation->size   = alloc->size;
     allocation->offset = alloc->offset;

     D_MAGIC_SET( alloc, FBDevAllocationData );

     return DFB_OK;
DFBResult dfb_surfacemanager_assure_video( SurfaceManager *manager,
                                           SurfaceBuffer  *buffer )
     DFBResult    ret;
     CoreSurface *surface = buffer->surface;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, SurfaceManager );

     if (manager->suspended)
          return DFB_NOVIDEOMEMORY;

     switch (buffer->video.health) {
          case CSH_STORED:
               if (buffer->video.chunk)
                    buffer->video.chunk->tolerations = 0;

               return DFB_OK;

          case CSH_INVALID:
               ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( manager, buffer );
               if (ret)
                    return ret;

               /* FALL THROUGH, because after successful allocation
                  the surface health is CSH_RESTORE */

          case CSH_RESTORE:
               if (buffer->system.health != CSH_STORED)
                    D_BUG( "system/video instances both not stored!" );

               if (buffer->flags & SBF_WRITTEN) {
                    int   i;
                    char *src = buffer->system.addr;
                    char *dst = dfb_system_video_memory_virtual( buffer->video.offset );

                    for (i=0; i<surface->height; i++) {
                         direct_memcpy( dst, src,
                                        DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE(buffer->format, surface->width) );
                         src += buffer->system.pitch;
                         dst += buffer->video.pitch;

                    if (buffer->format == DSPF_YV12 || buffer->format == DSPF_I420) {
                         for (i=0; i<surface->height; i++) {
                              direct_memcpy( dst, src, DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE(buffer->format,
                                                                          surface->width / 2) );
                              src += buffer->system.pitch / 2;
                              dst += buffer->video.pitch  / 2;
                    else if (buffer->format == DSPF_NV12 || buffer->format == DSPF_NV21) {
                         for (i=0; i<surface->height/2; i++) {
                              direct_memcpy( dst, src, DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE(buffer->format,
                                                                          surface->width) );
                              src += buffer->system.pitch;
                              dst += buffer->video.pitch;
                    else if (buffer->format == DSPF_NV16) {
                         for (i=0; i<surface->height; i++) {
                              direct_memcpy( dst, src, DFB_BYTES_PER_LINE(buffer->format,
                                                                          surface->width) );
                              src += buffer->system.pitch;
                              dst += buffer->video.pitch;

               buffer->video.health             = CSH_STORED;
               buffer->video.chunk->tolerations = 0;

               dfb_surface_notify_listeners( surface, CSNF_VIDEO );

               return DFB_OK;


     D_BUG( "unknown video instance health" );
     return DFB_BUG;
static DFBResult
fbdevAllocateBuffer( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                     void                  *pool_data,
                     void                  *pool_local,
                     CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                     CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                     void                  *alloc_data )
     DFBResult            ret;
     CoreSurface         *surface;
     FBDevPoolData       *data  = pool_data;
     FBDevPoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     FBDevAllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( data, FBDevPoolData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( local, FBDevPoolLocalData );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     if ((surface->type & CSTF_LAYER) && surface->resource_id == DLID_PRIMARY) {
          int i, index = dfb_surface_buffer_index( buffer );

          for (i=0; i<surface->num_buffers; i++) {
               if (surface->buffers[i]->allocs.elements)

          if (i == surface->num_buffers && dfb_fbdev->shared->test_mode) {
               ret = dfb_fbdev_set_mode( surface, dfb_fbdev->shared->test_mode, &dfb_fbdev->shared->test_config );
               if (ret)
                    return ret;

               dfb_fbdev->shared->test_mode = NULL;

          alloc->pitch  = dfb_fbdev->shared->fix.line_length;
          alloc->size   = surface->config.size.h * alloc->pitch;
          alloc->offset = index * alloc->size;

          D_INFO( "FBDev/Surface: Allocated %dx%d %dbit %s buffer at offset %d and pitch %d.\n",
                  surface->config.size.w, surface->config.size.h, dfb_fbdev->shared->current_var.bits_per_pixel,
                  dfb_pixelformat_name(buffer->format), alloc->offset, alloc->pitch );
     else {
          Chunk *chunk;

          ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate( local->core, data->manager, buffer, &chunk );
          if (ret)
               return ret;

          D_MAGIC_ASSERT( chunk, Chunk );

          alloc->offset = chunk->offset;
          alloc->pitch  = chunk->pitch;
          alloc->size   = chunk->length;// DFB_PLANE_MULTIPLY( buffer->format, surface->config.size.h ) * alloc->pitch;

          alloc->chunk  = chunk;

     D_DEBUG_AT( FBDev_Surfaces, "  -> offset %d, pitch %d, size %d\n", alloc->offset, alloc->pitch, alloc->size );

     allocation->size   = alloc->size;
     allocation->offset = alloc->offset;

     D_MAGIC_SET( alloc, FBDevAllocationData );

     return DFB_OK;
static DFBResult
stmfbdevAllocateBuffer (CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                        void                  *pool_data,
                        void                  *pool_local,
                        CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                        CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                        void                  *alloc_data)
  CoreSurface                *surface;
  STMfbdevPoolData           * const data  = pool_data;
  STMfbdevPoolLocalData      * const local = pool_local;
  STMfbdevPoolAllocationData * const alloc = alloc_data;
  DFBResult                   ret;
  Chunk                      *chunk;

  D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces, "%s (%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer);

  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (pool, CoreSurfacePool);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (data, STMfbdevPoolData);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (local, STMfbdevPoolLocalData);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer);
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (allocation, CoreSurfaceAllocation);

  surface = buffer->surface;
  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (surface, CoreSurface);

  ret = dfb_surfacemanager_allocate (local->core, data->manager, buffer,
                                     allocation, &chunk);
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  D_MAGIC_ASSERT (chunk, Chunk);

  alloc->chunk = chunk;

  D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces,
              "  -> offset 0x%.8x (%u), format: %s, pitch %d, size %d\n",
              chunk->offset, chunk->offset,
              dfb_pixelformat_name (buffer->format), chunk->pitch,

  allocation->size   = chunk->length;
  allocation->offset = chunk->offset;

  if (unlikely (buffer->format == DSPF_RGB32))
      /* for RGB32, we need to set the alpha to 0xff */
      STGFX2DriverData * const stdrv = dfb_gfxcard_get_driver_data ();
      STGFX2DeviceData * const stdev = dfb_gfxcard_get_device_data ();
      DFBRectangle      rect = { .x = 0, .y = 0,
                                 .w = buffer->surface->config.size.w,
                                 .h = buffer->surface->config.size.h };

      D_WARN ("BDisp/Surfaces: RGB32 support is experimental and slow!");
      if (dfb_system_type () != CORE_STMFBDEV)
        D_WARN ("BDisp/Surfaces: RGB32 is only supported in STMfbdev system!");

      D_DEBUG_AT (STMfbdev_Surfaces, "  -> rgb32 allocation!\n");
      dfb_gfxcard_lock (GDLF_WAIT);

      _bdisp_aq_RGB32_init (stdrv, stdev,
                            data->physical + chunk->offset, chunk->pitch,
      dfb_gfxcard_unlock ();

  D_MAGIC_SET (alloc, STMfbdevPoolAllocationData);

  return DFB_OK;