/* TranslationEditorDialog::onBtnSave
 * Called when the 'Save Translation' button is clicked
void TranslationEditorDialog::onBtnSave(wxCommandEvent& e)
	// If the directory doesn't exist create it
	string dir = appPath("translations", DIR_USER);
	if (!wxDirExists(dir))

	// Create save file dialog
	wxFileDialog dialog_save(this, "Save Translation to File", dir, wxEmptyString,
	                         "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt", wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxDefaultPosition);

	// Run the dialog & check that the user didn't cancel
	if (dialog_save.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
		// Get translation as text string
		string str = translation.asText();

		// Open file for writing
		wxFile file(dialog_save.GetPath(), wxFile::write);

		// Write string to file

		// Close file
/* MapEntryPanel::createImage
 * Creates a PNG file of the map preview
 * TODO: Preference panel for background and line colors,
 * as well as for image size
bool MapEntryPanel::createImage()
	if (entry == NULL)
		return false;

	ArchiveEntry temp;
	// Stupid OpenGL grumble grumble grumble
	if (GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object)
		map_canvas->createImage(temp, map_image_width, map_image_height);
		map_canvas->createImage(temp, min<int>(map_image_width, map_canvas->GetSize().x),
		                        min<int>(map_image_height, map_canvas->GetSize().y));
	string name = S_FMT("%s_%s", CHR(entry->getParent()->getFilename(false)), CHR(entry->getName()));
	wxFileName fn(name);

	// Create save file dialog
	wxFileDialog dialog_save(this, S_FMT("Save Map Preview \"%s\"", name.c_str()),
	                         dir_last, fn.GetFullName(), "PNG (*.PNG)|*.png",
	                         wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wxDefaultPosition);

	// Run the dialog & check that the user didn't cancel
	if (dialog_save.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
		// If a filename was selected, export it
		bool ret = temp.exportFile(dialog_save.GetPath());

		// Save 'dir_last'
		dir_last = dialog_save.GetDirectory();

		return ret;
	return true;