 * duplicate the form organization of the account in the param
 * \param origin_account
 * \param target_account
 * \return TRUE, FALSE if problem
 * */
gboolean gsb_data_form_dup_organization ( gint origin_account,
					  gint target_account )
    form_organization *origin_form;
    form_organization *new_form;

    origin_form = gsb_data_account_get_form_organization (origin_account);

    if ( !origin_form )
	return FALSE;

    new_form = g_malloc0 ( sizeof (form_organization));

     if ( !new_form )
	dialogue_error_memory ();
	return FALSE;

    memcpy ( new_form,
	     sizeof (form_organization));

    gsb_data_account_set_form_organization ( target_account,
					     new_form );

    return TRUE;
 * ajoute une nouvelle icone pour le compte passé en paramètre
 * /param la chaine codée de l'icone
 * return TRUE if OK else FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_select_icon_new_account_icon_from_file ( gint account_number,
                        const gchar *filename )
    struct_account_icon *icon;
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
    GError *error = NULL;

    if ( !filename || !strlen ( filename ) )
        return FALSE;
        if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
            return FALSE;

    icon = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_account_icon ) );
    icon_buffer = icon;

    if ( !icon )
        dialogue_error_memory ();

        return FALSE;

    icon -> account_number = account_number;

    pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size ( filename , 32, 32, &error );

    if ( pixbuf )
        icon -> pixbuf = pixbuf;
        list_accounts_icon = g_slist_prepend ( list_accounts_icon, icon );

        return TRUE;
        gchar* tmp_str;

        tmp_str = g_strconcat( "Erreur de pixbuf : ",
                        error -> message, " image ",
                        filename, NULL );
        devel_debug ( tmp_str );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_error_free ( error );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( icon );

        return FALSE;
 * create a new form organization
 * and append it to the account
 * the form struct is set to 0 and has to be filled
 * \param account_number
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_data_form_new_organization ( gint account_number )
    form_organization *new_form;

    new_form = g_malloc0 (sizeof (form_organization));

    if ( !new_form )
	dialogue_error_memory ();
	return FALSE;

    gsb_data_account_set_form_organization ( account_number,
					     new_form );
    return FALSE;
 * create a new reconcile, give it a number, append it to the list
 * and return the number
 * \param name the name of the reconcile (can be freed after, it's a copy) or NULL
 * \return the number of the new reconcile or 0 if memory problem (a message will be showed)
 * */
gint gsb_data_reconcile_new ( const gchar *name )
    struct_reconcile *reconcile;

    reconcile = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_reconcile ));
    if (!reconcile)
	dialogue_error_memory ();
	return 0;

    reconcile -> reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_max_number () + 1;

    if (name)
	reconcile -> reconcile_name = my_strdup (name);

    reconcile_list = g_list_append ( reconcile_list, reconcile );

    return reconcile -> reconcile_number;
 * ajoute une nouvelle icone pour le compte passé en paramètre
 * return TRUE if OK else FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_select_icon_new_account_icon ( gint account_number,
                        GdkPixbuf *pixbuf )
    struct_account_icon *icon;

    icon = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_account_icon ) );
    icon_buffer = icon;

    if ( !icon )
        dialogue_error_memory ();
        return FALSE;

    icon -> account_number = account_number;
    icon -> pixbuf = pixbuf;

    list_accounts_icon = g_slist_prepend ( list_accounts_icon, icon );

    return TRUE;
 * create a new archive, give him a number, append it to the list
 * and return the number
 * \param name the name of the archive (can be freed after, it's a copy) or NULL
 * \return the number of the new archive
 * */
gint gsb_data_archive_new ( const gchar *name )
    struct_archive *archive;

    archive = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_archive ));
    if (!archive)
    dialogue_error_memory ();
    return 0;
    archive -> archive_number = gsb_data_archive_max_number () + 1;

    if (name)
    archive -> archive_name = my_strdup (name);
    archive -> archive_name = NULL;

    archive_list = g_slist_append ( archive_list, archive );
    archive_buffer = archive;

    return archive -> archive_number;
 * function called when the user come to the automatically association page
 * fill the label and show the button if possible
 * \param assistant
 * \param new_page
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_update_auto_asso ( GtkWidget *assistant,
                        gint new_page )
    gchar *string;
    GSList *tmp_list;
    gint associate_number;

    /* update the string containing the number of transactions to link */
    string = g_strdup_printf (_("Still %d transactions to link with a reconciliation."),

    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_2),
    g_free (string);
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ( GTK_MISC (label_transactions_to_link_2),
			     0, 0.5 );

    /* calculate how many transactions can be associated automatically,
     * to avoid to do that 2 times, we set each transactions in a structure with
     * the associated number of bank reconciliation */
    if (list_association)
	g_slist_free (list_association);
	list_association = NULL;

    tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();
    while (tmp_list)
	gint transaction_number;

	transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);

	if (gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
	    !gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number (transaction_number))
	    /* ok we are on a marked R transaction without reconcile number,
	     * we search for that reconcile */
	    gint reconcile_number;

	    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_date (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number),
								      gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number));
	    if (reconcile_number)
		struct association_transaction_reconcile *association;

		association = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct association_transaction_reconcile));
		if (!association)
		    dialogue_error_memory ();
		    return FALSE;
		association -> transaction_number = transaction_number;
		association -> reconcile_number = reconcile_number;
		list_association = g_slist_append ( list_association,
						    association );
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    /* set the number of possible links */
    associate_number = g_slist_length (list_association);

    if (associate_number)
	string = g_strdup_printf (_("Grisbi can associate %d transactions to a reconciliation.\n"
                        "Please click on the launch button to create the links."),
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( button_run_association,
				   TRUE );
	string = my_strdup (_("There is no transaction that Grisbi can link.\n"
			      "Check if you created all the necesssary reconciliations."));
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( button_run_association,
				   FALSE );
    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_possible_association),
    g_free (string);

    return FALSE;
gboolean gsb_account_new ( kind_account account_type,
			   gint currency_number,
			   gint bank_number,
			   gsb_real init_amount,
			   const gchar *name,
               gchar *name_icon )
    gint account_number;
    GtkWidget *notebook_general;

    /*     create the new account */
    account_number = gsb_data_account_new (account_type);
    if ( account_number == -1 )
	dialogue_error_memory ();
	return FALSE;

    /* set the default method of payment */
    gsb_data_payment_create_default (account_number);

    /* set the icon_name */
    if ( name_icon )
        gsb_data_account_set_name_icon ( account_number, name_icon );

    gsb_data_account_set_currency ( account_number, currency_number);
    gsb_data_account_set_bank (account_number, bank_number);
    gsb_data_account_set_init_balance (account_number, init_amount);
    gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted ( account_number, 
					       gsb_real_new ( 0, 
							      gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (currency_number) ) );
    gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized (account_number, 
						  gsb_real_new ( 0, 
								 gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (currency_number) ) );
    gsb_data_account_set_name (account_number, name);

    /* update the combofix for categ */
    gsb_category_update_combofix ( FALSE );

    /* update the name of accounts in form */
    gsb_account_update_combo_list ( gsb_form_scheduler_get_element_widget (SCHEDULED_FORM_ACCOUNT),
				    FALSE );

    /* update the main page */
    mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = 1;

    /* update the accounts lists */
    gsb_menu_update_accounts_in_menus (); 

    /* do the next part only if the widgets are created
     * (can come here at the end of the new file assistant...) */
    notebook_general = gsb_gui_get_general_notebook ( );
    if (notebook_general)
        /* Add an entry in navigation pane. */
        gsb_gui_navigation_add_account ( account_number, TRUE );

        /* Go to accounts properties */
        gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( notebook_general ), GSB_ACCOUNT_PAGE );
        gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( account_page ), GSB_PROPERTIES_PAGE );

        gsb_account_property_fill_page ();

    gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );

    return TRUE;