//它向字典中添加一个key值并且返回新创建的 entry对象,这个对象交给调用者操作
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key)
    int index;
    dictEntry *entry;
    dictht *ht;

    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);

    /* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if
     * the element already exists. */
    if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate the memory and store the new entry */
    ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0];
    entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
    entry->next = ht->table[index];
    ht->table[index] = entry;

    /* Set the hash entry fields. */
    dictSetKey(d, entry, key);
    return entry;
文件: dict.c 项目: tonyley/redis_stu
/* Low level add. This function adds the entry but instead of setting
 * a value returns the dictEntry structure to the user, that will make
 * sure to fill the value field as he wishes.
 * This function is also directly exposed to the user API to be called
 * mainly in order to store non-pointers inside the hash value, example:
 * entry = dictAddRaw(dict,mykey);
 * if (entry != NULL) dictSetSignedIntegerVal(entry,1000);
 * Return values:
 * If key already exists NULL is returned.
 * If key was added, the hash entry is returned to be manipulated by the caller.
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key)
    int index;
    dictEntry *entry;
    dictht *ht;

    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);

    /* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if
     * the element already exists. */
    if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Allocate the memory and store the new entry */
    ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0];
    entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
    entry->next = ht->table[index];
    ht->table[index] = entry;

    /* Set the hash entry fields. */
    dictSetKey(d, entry, key);
    return entry;
/* 添加元素的底层实现函数(由 dictAdd 调用)
 * 新元素的添加操作被分为两步:
 * 1) 创建节点并设置节点的 key ,然后返回节点
 * 2) 设置节点的值
 * 这个函数执行第一步,第二步由函数 dictSetVal 进行
 * Args:
 *  d 字典
 *  key 新节点的关键字
 * Returns:
 *  NULL 关键字已经存在
 *  entry 设置了关键字的新节点,返回给调用者进行进一步的处理
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key)
    int index;
    dictEntry *entry;
    dictht *ht;

    // 检查字典(的哈希表)能否执行 rehash 操作
    // 如果可以的话,执行平摊 rehash 操作
    if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);

    // 计算 key 的 index 值
    // 如果 key 已经存在,_dictKeyIndex 返回 -1 
    if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    // 如果字典正在进行 rehash ,那么将新元素添加到 1 号哈希表,
    // 否则,使用 0 号哈希表
    ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0];

    entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));    // 为新节点分配内存
    entry->next = ht->table[index];     // 调整节点的 next 指针
    ht->table[index] = entry;           // 然后将新节点设为链头
    ht->used++;                         // 更新正在使用的节点数量

    // 设置节点的 key 域
    dictSetKey(d, entry, key);

    return entry;   // 返回新节点
文件: t_set.c 项目: ericbbcc/redis
/* Add the specified value into a set.
 * If the value was already member of the set, nothing is done and 0 is
 * returned, otherwise the new element is added and 1 is returned. */
int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, sds value) {
    long long llval;
    if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
        dict *ht = subject->ptr;
        dictEntry *de = dictAddRaw(ht,value);
        if (de) {
            return 1;
    } else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
        if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,&llval) == C_OK) {
            uint8_t success = 0;
            subject->ptr = intsetAdd(subject->ptr,llval,&success);
            if (success) {
                /* Convert to regular set when the intset contains
                 * too many entries. */
                if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > server.set_max_intset_entries)
                return 1;
        } else {
            /* Failed to get integer from object, convert to regular set. */

            /* The set *was* an intset and this value is not integer
             * encodable, so dictAdd should always work. */
            serverAssert(dictAdd(subject->ptr,sdsdup(value),NULL) == DICT_OK);
            return 1;
    } else {
        serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
    return 0;