int main(void) { static const char mibvar[] = "net.inet.tcp.pcblist"; static struct xinpgen *xigs; static struct xinpgen *xig; struct xtcpcb *xt; size_t len; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, 0, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { diesys("sysctl"); } if (!(xigs = realloc(xigs, len))) { diesys("realloc"); } if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, xigs, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { diesys("sysctl"); } xig = xigs; for (;;) { xig = (struct xinpgen *)((char *)xig + xig->xig_len); if (xig->xig_len <= sizeof(struct xinpgen)) { break; } xt = (struct xtcpcb *)xig; if (xt->xt_inp.inp_gencnt > xigs->xig_gen) { continue; } print("local ", &xt->xt_inp.in6p_laddr, &xt->xt_inp.inp_laddr, xt->xt_inp.inp_lport); print("remote", &xt->xt_inp.in6p_faddr, &xt->xt_inp.inp_faddr, xt->xt_inp.inp_fport); printf("uid = %ld\n", (long)xt->xt_socket.so_uid); printf("\n"); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int fd; static struct cdb c; errmsg_iam("cdbget"); if(argc < 3) die(1, "usage: cdbget data.cdb key"); fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if(fd == -1) diesys(1, "open"); cdb_init(&c, fd); if(cdb_find(&c, argv[2], str_len(argv[2])) > 0) { do { char* x = malloc(cdb_datalen(&c)); if(!x) die(1, "out of memory"); if(cdb_read(&c, x, cdb_datalen(&c), cdb_datapos(&c)) == -1) diesys(1, "cdb_read"); buffer_put(buffer_1, x, cdb_datalen(&c)); buffer_put(buffer_1, "\n", 1); free(x); } while(cdb_findnext(&c, argv[2], str_len(argv[2])) > 0); } buffer_flush(buffer_1); }
/* usage: rellink "" downloaded-data.html */ int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { char* baseurl; char* map,* max,* x; struct stat ss; static stralloc sa; if (argc!=3) die(0,"usage: rellink http://base/url downloaded-data.html"); errmsg_iam("rellink"); baseurl=argv[1]; map=mmap_read_stat(argv[2],&ss); if (map==0) diesys(111,"open \"",argv[2],"\" failed"); max=map+ss.st_size; for (x=map; x<max; ) { stralloc tag; /* copy non-tag */ for (; x<max && *x!='<'; ++x) if (stralloc_append(&sa,x)==0) nomem: die(111,"out of memory"); if (x>=max) break; stralloc_copys(&tag,""); { int indq,insq,ok; indq=insq=ok=0; for (; x<max; ++x) { if (*x == '\'') insq^=1; else if (*x == '"') indq^=1; if (stralloc_append(&tag,x)==0) goto nomem; if (*x == '>' && !insq && !indq) { ok=1; ++x; break; } } if (ok) if (mangleurl(&tag,baseurl)==-1) goto nomem; } if (stralloc_cat(&sa,&tag)==0) goto nomem; } if (sa.len == ss.st_size && byte_equal(sa.s,ss.st_size,map)) return 0; munmap(map,ss.st_size); { struct utimbuf utb; int fd=open(argv[2],O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,0600); if (fd==-1) die(111,"open(\"",argv[2],"\")"); write(fd,sa.s,sa.len); close(fd); utb.actime=ss.st_atime; utb.modtime=ss.st_mtime; utime(argv[2],&utb); } return 0; }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { static size_t x; x=23; atomic_add(&x,3); printf("%u\n",x); printf("%u\n",atomic_add_return(&x,-3)); printf("%u\n",compare_and_swap(&x,26,17)); printf("%u\n",compare_and_swap(&x,23,17)); #if 0 atomic_add(&x,3); printf("%u\n",x); x=23; atomic_add(&x,3); assert(x==26); atomic_or(&x,1); assert(x==27); atomic_and(&x,-2); assert(x==26); #endif #if 0 iarray a; char* c; iarray_init(&a,sizeof(io_entry)); printf("15 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,15)); printf("23 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,23)); printf("1234567 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,1234567)); printf("23 -> %p\n",iarray_get(&a,23)); #endif #if 0 io_batch* b=iob_new(1234); int64 fd=open("t.c",0); iob_addbuf(b,"fnord",5); iob_addfile_close(b,fd,0,7365); iob_write(1,b,writecb); #endif #if 0 char dest[1024]; unsigned long len; scan_urlencoded2("libstdc++.tar.gz",dest,&len); buffer_putmflush(buffer_1,dest,"\n"); #endif #if 0 static stralloc sa; stralloc_copym(&sa,"foo ","bar ","baz.\n"); write(1,sa.s,sa.len); #endif #if 0 buffer_putmflush(buffer_1,"foo ","bar ","baz.\n"); #endif #if 0 char* c="fnord"; int fd=open_read(c); errmsg_iam(argv[0]); carp("could not open file `",c,"'"); diesys(23,"could not open file `",c,"'"); #endif #if 0 errmsg_warn("could not open file `",c,"'",0); errmsg_warnsys("could not open file `",c,"'",0); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="/usr/bin/sh"; int len=str_len(buf); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'/')==8); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'@')==len); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'h')==len-1); printf("%d\n",byte_rchr("x",1,'x')); #endif #if 0 char buf[IP6_FMT+100]; int i; char ip[16]; uint32 scope_id; char* s="fec0::1:220:e0ff:fe69:ad92%eth0/64"; char blubip[16]="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\x7f\0\0\001"; i=scan_ip6if(s,ip,&scope_id); assert(s[i]=='/'); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6if(buf,ip,scope_id)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6ifc(buf,blubip,scope_id)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); scan_ip6("2001:7d0:0:f015:0:0:0:1",ip); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6(buf,ip)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; int i; printf("%d\n",i=fmt_pad(buf,"fnord",5,7,10)); buf[i]=0; puts(buf); #endif #if 0 char ip[16]; char buf[32]; printf("%d (expect 2)\n",scan_ip6("::",ip)); printf("%d (expect 3)\n",scan_ip6("::1",ip)); printf("%d (expect 16)\n",scan_ip6("fec0:0:0:ffff::1/0",ip)); printf("%.*s\n",fmt_ip6(buf,ip),buf); #endif #if 0 static stralloc s,t; stralloc_copys(&s,"fnord"); stralloc_copys(&t,"abc"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnor"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnord"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnordh"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"hausen"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); #endif #if 0 static stralloc s; stralloc_copys(&s,"fnord"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"abc")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnor")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnord")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnordh")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"hausen")); #endif #if 0 printf("%d\n",case_starts("fnordhausen","FnOrD")); printf("%d\n",case_starts("fnordhausen","blah")); #endif #if 0 char buf[]="FnOrD"; case_lowers(buf); puts(buf); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="foo bar baz"; printf("%d (expect 7)\n",byte_rchr(buf,11,' ')); #endif #if 0 unsigned long size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_yenc(0,buf,size); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_yenc(tmp,buf,size); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; char buf2[100]; unsigned int len,len2; buf[fmt_yenc(buf,"http://localhost/~fefe",22)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); if ((buf[len2=scan_yenc(buf,buf2,&len)])!='\n') { buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); return 1; } buffer_put(buffer_1,buf2,len2); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); return 0; #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; char buf2[100]; unsigned int len,len2; buf[fmt_base64(buf,"foo:bar",7)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); if ((buf[len2=scan_base64(buf,buf2,&len)])!=0) { buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); return 1; } buffer_put(buffer_1,buf2,len2); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); return 0; #endif #if 0 unsigned long size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_uuencoded(0,buf,size); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_uuencoded(tmp,buf,size); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 char buf[]="00000000000000000000000000000001"; char ip[16]; if (scan_ip6_flat(buf,ip) != str_len(buf)) buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); #endif #if 0 int fd=open_read("t.c"); buffer b; char buf[1024]; char line[20]; int i; buffer_init(&b,read,fd,buf,1024); i=buffer_getline(&b,line,19); buffer_puts(buffer_1,"getline returned "); buffer_putulong(buffer_1,i); buffer_puts(buffer_1,"\n"); buffer_puts(buffer_1,line); buffer_flush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 buffer_putulong(buffer_1,23); // buffer_putspace(buffer_1); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); // buffer_flush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 long a,b,c; char buf[4096]; char buf2[4096]; memcpy(buf,buf2,4096); byte_copy(buf,4096,buf2); rdtscl(a); memcpy(buf,buf2,4096); rdtscl(b); byte_copy(buf,4096,buf2); rdtscl(c); printf("memcpy: %d - byte_copy: %d\n",b-a,c-b); #endif #if 0 char ip[16]; int i; if ((i=scan_ip6(argv[1],ip))) { char buf[128]; buf[fmt_ip6(buf,ip)]=0; puts(buf); } #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; strcpy(buf,"foobarbaz"); buf[fmt_fill(buf,3,5,100)]=0; printf("\"%s\"\n",buf); #endif #if 0 unsigned long len; char *c=mmap_read("/etc/passwd",&len); printf("got map %p of len %lu\n",c,len); #endif #if 0 char c; printf("%d\n",buffer_getc(buffer_0,&c)); printf("%c\n",c); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"; long a,b,c; #endif #if 0 buf[ip4_fmt(buf,ip4loopback)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1small,buf); buffer_flush(buffer_1small); #endif #if 0 buf[0]=0; buf[fmt_8long(buf,0)]=0; puts(buf); rdtscl(a); c=str_len(buf); rdtscl(b); /*byte_zero_djb(buf,j); */ // printf("\n%lu %d\n",b-a,c); #endif #if 0 buffer_puts(buffer_1small,"hello, world\n"); buffer_flush(buffer_1small); #endif #if 0 int s=socket_tcp4(); char ip[4]={127,0,0,1}; int t=socket_connect4(s,ip,80); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="foo bar baz fnord "; char buf2[100]="foo braz fnord"; long a,b,c; long i=0,j=0,k=0; double d; uint32 l,m,n; stralloc sa={0}; stralloc_copys(&sa,"fnord"); stralloc_catlong0(&sa,-23,5); stralloc_append(&sa,"\n"); printf("%d %d\n",str_equal("fnord","fnord1"),str_equal("fnord1","fnord")); write(1,sa.s,sa.len); printf("%d %d\n",stralloc_starts(&sa,"fnord"),stralloc_starts(&sa,"fnord\na")); l=0xdeadbeef; uint32_pack_big((char*)&m,l); uint32_unpack_big((char*)&m,&n); printf("%x %x %x\n",l,m,n); rdtscl(a); /* i=scan_double("3.1415",&d); */ rdtscl(b); /*byte_zero_djb(buf,j); */ rdtscl(c); printf("%lu %lu\n",b-a,c-b); #endif #if 0 size_t size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_urlencoded2(0,buf,size,"x"); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_urlencoded2(tmp,buf,size,"x"); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 printf("%d %d\n",strcmp("foo","bar"),str_diff("foo","bar")); printf("%d %d\n",strcmp("foo","üar"),str_diff("foo","üar")); #endif #if 0 { int16 a; int32 b; int64 c; assert(imult16(4,10000,&a)==0); assert(imult16(-4,10000,&a)==0); assert(imult16(5,10,&a)==1 && a==50); assert(imult16(-3,10000,&a)==1 && a==-30000); assert(imult32(0x40000000,2,&b)==0); assert(imult32(0x3fffffff,2,&b)==1 && b==0x7ffffffe); assert(imult64(0x4000000000000000ll,2,&c)==0); assert(imult64(0x3fffffffffffffffll,2,&c)==1 && c==0x7ffffffffffffffell); } #endif #if 0 stralloc a; printf("%d\n",stralloc_copym(&a,"fnord",", ","foo")); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { char server[1024]; int* fds; int* avail; int* keepleft; long long* expected; unsigned long n=10000; /* requests */ unsigned long c=10; /* concurrency */ unsigned long t=0; /* time limit in seconds */ unsigned long k=0; /* keep-alive */ unsigned long K=1; /* keep-alive counter */ int report=0; unsigned long long errors=0; unsigned long long bytes=0; int v=0; unsigned long i,done; uint16 port=80; uint32 scope_id=0; stralloc ips={0}; char* request,* krequest; unsigned long rlen, krlen; tai6464 first,now,next,last; enum { SAME, REPLAY } mode; char* hostname; server[0]=0; errmsg_iam("bench"); #ifndef __MINGW32__ signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); #endif for (;;) { int i; int ch=getopt(argc,argv,"n:c:t:kvK:C:r"); if (ch==-1) break; switch (ch) { case 'r': report=1; break; case 'n': i=scan_ulong(optarg,&n); if (i==0) die(1,"could not parse -n argument \"",optarg,"\".\n"); break; case 'c': i=scan_ulong(optarg,&c); if (i==0) die(1,"could not parse -c argument \"",optarg,"\".\n"); break; case 't': i=scan_ulong(optarg,&t); if (i==0) die(1,"could not parse -t argument \"",optarg,"\".\n"); break; case 'k': k=1; break; case 'K': i=scan_ulong(optarg,&K); break; case 'v': v=1; break; case 'C': cookiefile(optarg); break; case '?': break; default: usage(); } } if (n<1 || c<1 || !argv[optind]) usage(); if (argv[optind][0]=='@') { mode=REPLAY; char* host; n=(unsigned long)-1; host=argv[optind]+1; { int tmp; tmp=str_chr(host,'/'); if (host[tmp]) { host[tmp]=0; if (!scan_ushort(host+tmp+1,&port)) usage(); } tmp=str_chr(host,'%'); if (host[tmp]) { host[tmp]=0; scope_id=socket_getifidx(host+tmp+1); if (scope_id==0) carp("warning: network interface \"",host+tmp+1,"\" not found."); } } { stralloc a={0}; stralloc_copys(&a,host); if (dns_ip6(&ips,&a)==-1) die(1,"could not find IP for \"",host,"\"!"); } hostname=host; request=krequest=0; rlen=krlen=0; } else { char* host=argv[optind]; int colon; int slash; char* c; mode=SAME; if (byte_equal(host,7,"http://")) host+=7; colon=str_chr(host,':'); slash=str_chr(host,'/'); if (host[0]=='[') { /* ipv6 IP notation */ int tmp; ++host; --colon; --slash; tmp=str_chr(host,']'); if (host[tmp]==']') host[tmp]=0; if (host[tmp+1]==':') colon=tmp+1; if (colon<tmp+1) colon=tmp+1+str_len(host+tmp+1); } if (colon<slash) { host[colon]=0; c=host+colon+1; if (c[scan_ushort(c,&port)]!='/') usage(); *c=0; } host[colon]=0; c=host+slash; *c=0; { char* tmp=alloca(str_len(host)+1); tmp[fmt_str(tmp,host)]=0; host=tmp; } *c='/'; { int tmp=str_chr(host,'%'); if (host[tmp]) { host[tmp]=0; scope_id=socket_getifidx(host+tmp+1); if (scope_id==0) carp("warning: network interface \"",host+tmp+1,"\" not found."); } } { stralloc a={0}; stralloc_copys(&a,host); if (dns_ip6(&ips,&a)==-1) die(1,"could not find IP for \"",host,"\"!"); } request=alloca(1300+str_len(host)+3*str_len(c)); krequest=alloca(1300+str_len(host)+3*str_len(c)); { int i,j; i=fmt_str(request,"GET "); i+=fmt_urlencoded(request+i,c,str_len(c)); i+=fmt_str(request+i," HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: "); i+=fmt_str(request+i,host); i+=fmt_str(request+i,":"); i+=fmt_ulong(request+i,port); i+=fmt_str(request+i,"\r\nUser-Agent: bench/1.0\r\nConnection: "); j=i; i+=fmt_str(request+i,"close\r\n\r\n"); rlen=i; request[rlen]=0; byte_copy(krequest,rlen,request); i=j+fmt_str(krequest+j,"keep-alive\r\n\r\n"); krlen=i; krequest[krlen]=0; } hostname=host; } fds=alloca(c*sizeof(*fds)); avail=alloca(c*sizeof(*avail)); expected=alloca(c*sizeof(*expected)); keepleft=alloca(c*sizeof(*keepleft)); last.sec.x=23; if (!k) K=1; for (i=0; i<c; ++i) { fds[i]=-1; avail[i]=1; keepleft[i]=K; } taia_now(&first); for (done=0; done<n; ) { if (t) { /* calculate timeout */ taia_now(&now); if (now.sec.x != last.sec.x) { byte_copy(&last,sizeof(now),&now); byte_copy(&next,sizeof(now),&now); next.sec.x += t; while ((i=io_timeouted())!=-1) { unsigned long j; char numbuf[FMT_ULONG]; numbuf[fmt_ulong(numbuf,i)]=0; carp("timeout on fd ",numbuf,"!"); j=(unsigned long)io_getcookie(i); io_close(i); avail[j]=1; fds[j]=-1; } } } /* first, fill available connections */ for (i=0; i<c; ++i) if (avail[i]==1 && fds[i]==-1) { fds[i]=make_connection(ips.s,port,scope_id,-1); if (fds[i]==-1) diesys(1,"socket/connect"); avail[i]=2; if (io_fd(fds[i])==0) diesys(1,"io_fd"); io_setcookie(fds[i],(void*)i); // io_wantread(fds[i]); io_wantwrite(fds[i]); } if (t) io_waituntil(next); else io_wait(); /* second, see if we can write on a connection */ while ((i=io_canwrite())!=-1) { int j; j=(unsigned long)io_getcookie(i); if (avail[j]==2) { if (make_connection(ips.s,port,scope_id,i)==-1) { ++errors; if (v) write(1,"!",1); io_close(i); avail[j]=1; fds[j]=-1; continue; } } { char* towrite; int writelen; if (mode==REPLAY) { static long lines; char line[1024]; char req[2048]; int len; int i; char* c; char* host; int hlen; if ((len=buffer_getline(buffer_0,line,sizeof(line)))) { ++lines; if (line[len]!='\n') die(0,"line too long: ",line); line[len]=0; c=line; if (str_start(line,"http://")) c+=7; if (c[0]=='/') { host=hostname; hlen=strlen(hostname); } else { host=c; c+=(hlen=str_chr(c,'/')); } if (!*c) c="/"; i=fmt_str(req,"GET "); i+=fmt_urlencoded(req+i,c,str_len(c)); i+=fmt_str(req+i," HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: "); byte_copy(req+i,hlen,host); i+=hlen; i+=fmt_str(req+i,":"); i+=fmt_ulong(req+i,port); if (cookies) { int j; i+=fmt_str(req+i,"\r\n"); j=nextcookie(req+i,sizeof(req)-i-100); if (j!=-1) i+=j; else i-=2; } i+=fmt_str(req+i,"\r\nUser-Agent: bench/1.0\r\nConnection: "); i+=fmt_str(req+i,keepleft[j]>1?"keep-alive\r\n\r\n":"close\r\n\r\n"); req[i]=0; towrite=req; writelen=i; } else { n=done; break; } } else { if (keepleft[j]>1) { towrite=krequest; writelen=krlen; } else { towrite=request; writelen=rlen; } if (cookies) { int i=writelen-2; int j=nextcookie(towrite+i,900); if (j!=-1) i+=j; i+=fmt_str(towrite+i,"\r\n\r\n"); writelen=i; } } if (io_trywrite(i,towrite,writelen)!=writelen) { ++errors; if (v) write(1,"-",1); io_close(i); avail[j]=1; fds[j]=-1; continue; } } io_dontwantwrite(i); io_wantread(i); expected[j]=-1; if (v) write(1,"+",1); } /* third, see if we got served */ while ((i=io_canread())!=-1) { char buf[8193]; int l,j; buf[8192]=0; j=(unsigned long)io_getcookie(i); if ((l=io_tryread(i,buf,sizeof(buf)-1))<=0) { if (l==0) { /* EOF. Mhh. */ if (expected[j]>0) { ++errors; if (v) write(1,"-",1); /* so whine a little */ } if (expected[j]==-2) ++done; io_close(i); avail[j]=1; fds[j]=-1; } else if (l==-3) { ++errors; if (v) write(1,"!",1); // carpsys("read"); } } else { bytes+=l; if (v) write(1,".",1); /* read something */ if (expected[j]==-1) { /* expecting header */ int k; /* OK, so this is a very simplistic header parser. No * buffering. At all. We expect the Content-Length header to * come in one piece. */ if (l>10 && !memcmp(buf,"HTTP/1.",7)) { if (buf[9]>='0' && buf[9]<='9') r[buf[9]-'0']++; else { write(1,buf,15); write(1,"\n",1); } } expected[j]=-2; if (!done) { for (k=0; k<l; ++k) if (str_start(buf+k,"\nServer: ")) { char* tmp=buf+(k+=9); for (; k<l; ++k) if (buf[k]=='\r') break; k=buf+k-tmp; if (k>sizeof(server)-1) k=sizeof(server)-1; byte_copy(server,k,tmp); server[k]=0; break; } } for (k=0; k<l; ++k) { if (str_start(buf+k,"\nContent-Length: ")) { k+=17; if (buf[k+scan_ulonglong(buf+k,(unsigned long long*)expected+j)] != '\r') die(1,"parse error in HTTP header!"); } else if (str_start(buf+k,"\r\n\r\n")) break; } if (expected[j]>0) { if (l-(k+4)>expected[j]) expected[j]=0; else expected[j]-=l-(k+4); } } else if (expected[j]==-2) { /* no content-length header, eat everything until EOF */ } else { if (l>expected[j]) { carp("got more than expected!"); expected[j]=0; } else expected[j]-=l; } if (expected[j]==0) { ++done; /* one down! */ avail[j]=1; // printf("fd %d: keepleft[%d]=%d\n",i,j,keepleft[j]); if (keepleft[j]>1) { --keepleft[j]; io_dontwantread(i); io_wantwrite(i); expected[j]=0; } else { keepleft[j]=K; io_close(i); fds[j]=-1; } } } } } taia_now(&now); taia_sub(&now,&now,&first); { char a[FMT_ULONG]; char b[FMT_ULONG]; char C[FMT_ULONG]; char d[FMT_ULONG]; char e[FMT_ULONG]; char f[FMT_ULONG]; char g[FMT_ULONG]; char h[FMT_ULONG]; char i[FMT_ULONG]; char j[FMT_ULONG]; unsigned long long l; a[fmt_ulong(a,now.sec.x)]=0; b[fmt_ulong0(b,(now.nano%1000000000)/100000,4)]=0; C[fmt_ulong(C,done)]=0; d[fmt_ulonglong(d,errors)]=0; e[fmt_ulonglong(e,bytes)]=0; /* let's say bytes = 10 MB, time = 1.2 sec. * then we want 10*1024*1024/1.2 == 8 MB/sec */ l = (now.sec.x * 1024) + now.nano/976562; if (l) { int i; l=bytes/l; if (report) i=fmt_ulong(f,l); else { i=fmt_humank(f,l*1024); i+=fmt_str(f+i,"iB/sec"); } f[i]=0; } else strcpy(f,"n/a"); l = (now.sec.x * 1000) + now.nano/1000000; l = l ? (done*10000) / l : 0; g[fmt_ulong(g,l/10)]=0; h[fmt_ulong(h,c)]=0; i[fmt_ulong(i,K)]=0; j[fmt_ulong(j,kaputt)]=0; if (server[0]) msg("Server: ",server); if (report) { errmsg_iam(0); msg("req\terr\tconcur\tkeep\tkbytes\tsec\ttput\tr/s\treset"); msg(C,"\t",d,"\t",h,"\t",i,"\t",e,"\t",a,".",b,"\t",f,"\t",g,"\t",j); } else { msg(C," requests, ",d," errors."); msg(e," bytes in ",a,".",b," seconds."); msg("Throughput: ",f); msg("Requests per second: ",g); msg("Connection refused/reset by peer: ",j); } { int i; for (i=0; i<9; ++i) { a[fmt_ulong(a,r[i])]=0; b[0]=i+'0'; b[1]=0; msg(b,"xx: ",a); } } } return 0; }