static char *findType(struct hash *cvHash,char **requested,int requestCount,
                      char **queryBy, char **org,boolean silent)
/* returns the type that was requested or else the type associated with the term requested */
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(cvHash);
struct hashEl *hEl;
struct hash *ra;
char *type = typeOpt;

if (requested != NULL) // if no type, find it from requested terms.  Will validate terms match type
    {              // NOTE: Enter here even if there is a type, to confirm the type
    while ((hEl = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)  // FIXME: This should be using mdbCv APIs to get hashes.
        {                                  // One per "request[]"
        ra = (struct hash *)hEl->val;
        if (sameWord(hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE),CV_TOT)) // TOT = typeOfTerm
        char *val = hashFindVal(ra, *queryBy);
        if (val != NULL)
            int ix = stringArrayIx(val,requested,requestCount);
            if (ix != -1) // found
                char *thisType = hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE);
                char *thisOrg = hashFindVal(ra, ORGANISM);
                if (type == NULL)
                    if (thisOrg != NULL)
                        *org = strLower(cloneString(thisOrg));
                    type = thisType;
                else if (differentWord(type,thisType))
                    if (sameWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,type))
                        type = thisType;
                    else if (differentWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,thisType))
                        errAbort("Error: Requested %s of type '%s'.  But '%s' has type '%s'\n",
if (type == NULL && sameWord(*queryBy,CV_TERM))    // Special case of term becoming target
    char *queryByTarget = CV_TARGET;
    type = findType(cvHash,requested,requestCount,&queryByTarget,org,TRUE); // silent here
    if (type != NULL)
        *queryBy = queryByTarget;
if (type == NULL && !silent)    // Still not type? abort
    errAbort("Error: Required %s=%s ['%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s'] argument not found\n",
                    *queryBy,(requested != NULL) ? *requested : "?",
                    CV_TYPE, CV_TERM, CV_TAG, CV_TARGET, CV_LABEL);

return normalizeType(type);
enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum wigFetchAggregateFunctionWithCart(struct cart *theCart,
                                               struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, char **optString)
/****** windowingFunction - Whiskers by default **************************/
char *Default = wiggleAggregateFunctionEnumToString(wiggleAggregateTransparent);
boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
char *aggregateFunction = NULL;
enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum ret;

aggregateFunction = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 

/*      If windowingFunction is a string, it came from the cart, otherwise
 *      see if it is specified in the trackDb option, finally
 *	return the default.
if (!aggregateFunction)
    char * tdbDefault =
        trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, AGGREGATE, Default);

    if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
        aggregateFunction = cloneString(tdbDefault);
	struct hashEl *hel;
	/*	no aggregateFunction from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
	 *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
	aggregateFunction = cloneString(Default);
	if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	    (tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	    if ((hel =hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, AGGREGATE)) !=NULL)
		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
		    aggregateFunction = cloneString((char *)hel->val);

if (optString)
    *optString = cloneString(aggregateFunction);

ret = wiggleAggregateFunctionStringToEnum(aggregateFunction);
}       /*      enum wiggleWindowingEnum wigFetchWindowingFunctionWithCart() */
static char *wigCheckBinaryOption(struct trackDb *tdb, char *Default,
    char *notDefault, char *tdbString, char *secondTdbString)
/*      A common operation for binary options (two values possible)
 *	check for trackDb.ra, then tdb->settings values
 *	return one of the two possibilities if found
 *	(the tdbString and secondTdbString are a result of
 *		early naming conventions changing over time resulting in
 *		two possible names for the same thing ...)
char *tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, tdbString, "NONE");
char *ret;

ret = Default;	/* the answer, unless found to be otherwise	*/

if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault) && (secondTdbString != (char *)NULL))
    tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, secondTdbString, "NONE");

if (differentWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
    if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
        ret = notDefault;
    struct hashEl *hel;
    /*	no setting from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
     *	(custom tracks keep settings here)

    if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, tdbString)) != NULL)
	    if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
		ret = notDefault;
	else if (secondTdbString != (char *)NULL)
	    if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, secondTdbString)) != NULL)
		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
		    ret = notDefault;
static void intersectDataVector(char *table, struct dataVector *dataVector1,
			struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Perform intersection (if specified) on dataVector. */
/* If table is type wig (not bedGraph), then intersection has already been
 * performed on each input (other selected subtracks must be the same type
 * as table).
 * Otherwise, handle intersection here. */
if (anyIntersection() && !isWiggle(database, table) && !isBigWigTable(table))
    char *track2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTrack);
    char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
    if (table2 && differentWord(table2, table))
	struct trackDb *tdb2 = findTrack(track2, fullTrackList);
	struct trackTable *tt2 = trackTableNew(tdb2, table2, conn);
	struct dataVector *dataVector2 = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt2, region,
	char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
	boolean dv2IsWiggle = (isWiggle(database, table2) || isBigWigTable(table2) ||
	dataVectorIntersect(dataVector1, dataVector2,
			    dv2IsWiggle, sameString(op, "none"));
文件: web.c 项目: elmargb/kentUtils
static char *getDbForGenome(char *genome, struct cart *cart)
  Function to find the default database for the given Genome.
It looks in the cart first and then, if that database's Genome matches the
passed-in Genome, returns it. If the Genome does not match, it returns the default
database that does match that Genome.

param Genome - The Genome for which to find a database
param cart - The cart to use to first search for a suitable database name
return - The database matching this Genome type

char *retDb = cartUsualString(cart, dbCgiName, NULL);

if ((retDb == NULL) || !hDbExists(retDb))
    retDb = hDefaultDb();

/* If genomes don't match, then get the default db for that genome */
if (differentWord(genome, hGenome(retDb)))
    retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(genome);

return retDb;
enum wiggleSmoothingEnum wigFetchSmoothingWindowWithCart(struct cart *theCart, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                                         char *name, char **optString)
/****** smoothingWindow - OFF by default **************************/
char * Default = wiggleSmoothingEnumToString(wiggleSmoothingOff);
boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
char * smoothingWindow = NULL;
enum wiggleSmoothingEnum ret;

smoothingWindow = cloneString(cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, 

if (!smoothingWindow) /* if nothing from the Cart, check trackDb/settings */
    char * tdbDefault =
        trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, SMOOTHINGWINDOW, Default);

    if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
        smoothingWindow = cloneString(tdbDefault);
	struct hashEl *hel;
	/*	no smoothingWindow from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
	 *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
	smoothingWindow = cloneString(Default);
	if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	    (tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	    if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, SMOOTHINGWINDOW)) != NULL)
		if (differentWord(Default,(char *)hel->val))
		    smoothingWindow = cloneString((char *)hel->val);

if (optString)
    *optString = cloneString(smoothingWindow);

ret = wiggleSmoothingStringToEnum(smoothingWindow);
}       /*      enum wiggleSmoothingEnum wigFetchSmoothingWindowWithCart()      */
char *showTableField(struct trackDb *track, char *varName, boolean useJoiner)
/* Show table control and label. */
struct slName *name, *nameList = NULL;
char *selTable;

if (track == NULL)
    nameList = tablesForDb(findSelDb());
    nameList = cartTrackDbTablesForTrack(database, track, useJoiner);

/* Get currently selected table.  If it isn't in our list
 * then revert to first in list. */
selTable = cartUsualString(cart, varName, nameList->name);
if (!slNameInListUseCase(nameList, selTable))
    selTable = nameList->name;

/* Print out label and drop-down list. */
hPrintf("<B>table: </B>");
hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\" %s>\n", varName, onChangeTable());
struct trackDb *selTdb = NULL;
for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next)
    struct trackDb *tdb = NULL;
    if (track != NULL)
	tdb = findTdbForTable(database,track,name->name, ctLookupName);
    hPrintf("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\"", name->name);
    // Disable options for related tables that are noGenome -- if a non-positional table
    // is selected then we output its entire contents.
    if (cartTrackDbIsNoGenome(database, name->name) &&
        (track == NULL || differentString(track->table, name->name)))
        hPrintf(" DISABLED"NO_GENOME_CLASS);
    else if (sameString(selTable, name->name))
        hPrintf(" SELECTED");
        selTdb = tdb;
    if (tdb != NULL)
	if ((curTrack == NULL) || differentWord(tdb->shortLabel, curTrack->shortLabel))
	    hPrintf(">%s (%s)\n", tdb->shortLabel, name->name);
	    hPrintf(">%s\n", name->name);
	hPrintf(">%s\n", name->name);
if (!trackHubDatabase(database))
    char *restrictDate = encodeRestrictionDateDisplay(database,selTdb);
    if (restrictDate)
	hPrintf("<A HREF=\'%s\' TARGET=BLANK>restricted until:</A>&nbsp;%s",
		    ENCODE_DATA_RELEASE_POLICY, restrictDate);
return selTable;
void chainMethods(struct track *tg, struct trackDb *tdb, 
	int wordCount, char *words[])
/* Fill in custom parts of alignment chains. */

struct cartOptions *chainCart;


boolean normScoreAvailable = chainDbNormScoreAvailable(tdb);

/*	what does the cart say about coloring option	*/
chainCart->chainColor = chainFetchColorOption(cart, tdb, FALSE);
chainCart->scoreFilter = cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tdb,

tg->itemColor = lfChromColor;	/*	default coloring option */

/*	if normScore column is available, then allow coloring	*/
if (normScoreAvailable)
    switch (chainCart->chainColor)
	case (chainColorScoreColors):
	    tg->itemColor = chainScoreColor;
	    tg->colorShades = shadesOfGray;
	case (chainColorNoColors):
	case (chainColorChromColors):
    char *optionStr;	/* this old option was broken before */

    optionStr = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, "color", "on");
    if (differentWord("on",optionStr))
	chainCart->chainColor = chainColorNoColors;
	chainCart->chainColor = chainColorChromColors;

tg->loadItems = chainLoadItems;
tg->drawItems = chainDraw;
tg->mapItemName = lfMapNameFromExtra;
tg->subType = lfSubChain;
tg->extraUiData = (void *) chainCart;
int findChromIx(char *name)
int i;
for (i=0; i<chromCount; ++i)
    if (!differentWord(chromNames[i], name))
        return i;
errAbort("Unknown chromosome %s", name);
return -1;
static void gapSanityCheck(struct agpGap *gapList)
int prevEnd = 0;
int prevStart = 0;
char *prevChr = NULL;
char *prevType = NULL;
struct agpGap *gap;

for (gap = gapList; gap; gap = gap->next)
    int chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, gap->chrom);
    if (gap->chromStart < 0)
	verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromStart < 0 at %s:%d-%d\n",
		gap->chrom, gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
    if (gap->chromEnd > chrSize)
	verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromEnd > chromSize(%d) "
	    "at %s:%d-%d\n", chrSize, gap->chrom,
		gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
    if (gap->chromEnd == chrSize && differentString(gap->type, "telomere"))
	verbose(1, "WARNING: gap at end of chromosome not telomere "
	    "at %s:%d-%d, type: %s\n", gap->chrom,
		gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd, gap->type);
    if (gap->chromStart >= gap->chromEnd)
	verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromStart >= chromEnd at %s:%d-%d\n",
	    gap->chrom, gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
    if (prevEnd > 0)
	if (sameWord(prevChr, gap->chrom) &&
		(prevEnd >= gap->chromStart))
	    verbose(1,"WARNING: overlapping gap at "
		"%s:%d-%d(%s) and %s:%d-%d(%s)\n",
		    gap->chrom, prevStart, prevEnd, prevType, gap->chrom,
			gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd, gap->type);
	prevStart = gap->chromStart;
	prevEnd = gap->chromEnd;
	prevType = gap->type;
    if (isNotEmpty(prevChr))
	if (differentWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
	    prevChr = cloneString(gap->chrom);
	prevChr = cloneString(gap->chrom);
    prevStart = gap->chromStart;
    prevEnd = gap->chromEnd;
文件: oldGff.c 项目: ma-compbio/RACA
struct gffGene *gffFindGeneIgnoreCase(struct gff *gff, char *geneName)
/* Find gene with given name.  Not case sensitive. */
struct gffGene *g;

for (g=gff->genes; g!=NULL; g=g->next)
    if (differentWord(geneName, g->name) == 0)
	return g;
return NULL;
struct hash *hashPsls(char *pslFileName)
struct psl *pslList = NULL, *psl = NULL, *pslSubList = NULL, *pslNext = NULL;
struct hash *pslHash = newHash(15);
char *last = NULL;

char key[128];
char *tmp = NULL;
pslList = pslLoadAll(pslFileName);

/* Fix psl names */
for(psl = pslList; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
    tmp = strrchr(psl->qName, ';');
    *tmp = '\0';
    tmp = strstr(psl->qName,prefix);
    /* checks if there are 2 occurrences of ":" in probe name as in full name */
    /* if probe name is shortened to fit in the seq table, there is only 1 ":"*/
    /* e.g. full: consensus:HG-U133A:212933_x_at; short:HG-U133A:212933_x_at;*/

    if (countChars(psl->qName, *prefix) == 2) 
        tmp = strstr(tmp+1,prefix);
    tmp = tmp + strlen(prefix);
    safef(psl->qName, strlen(psl->qName), "%s", tmp);

/* Sort based on query name. */

slSort(&pslList, pslCmpQuery);
/* For each psl, if it is has the same query name add it to the
   sublist. Otherwise store the sublist in the hash and start
   another. */
for(psl = pslList; psl != NULL; psl = pslNext)
    pslNext = psl->next;
    if(last != NULL && differentWord(last, psl->qName))
	hashAddUnique(pslHash, last, pslSubList);
	pslSubList = NULL;
    slAddTail(&pslSubList, psl);
    last = psl->qName;
/* Add the last sublist */
hashAddUnique(pslHash, last, pslSubList);
return pslHash;
文件: wikiTrack.c 项目: bowhan/kent
static void wikiTrackMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item,
	char *itemName, char *mapItemName, int start, int end, int x, int y, int width, int height)
/* create a special map box item with different i=hgcClickName and
 * pop-up statusLine with the item name
char *userName;

/* already been determined to be enabled by getting here, need to verify
 *	userName vs editors and vs owner
(void) wikiTrackEnabled(database, &userName);
char *hgcClickName = tg->mapItemName(tg, item);
char *statusLine = tg->itemName(tg, item);
boolean editor = isWikiEditor(userName);
struct wikiTrack *wikiItem = NULL;
boolean enableHgcClick = FALSE;

/* allow hgc click (i.e. delete privs) if the following are true
    1. this is the item 0 "add new item"
    2. logged into the wiki
    3. user is an editor or user is the owner

if (differentWord("0", hgcClickName))
    wikiItem = findWikiItemId(hgcClickName);
    enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* item 0 "add new item" must go to hgc */

if (wikiItem)
    if (isNotEmpty(userName) && sameWord(userName, wikiItem->owner))
	enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* owner has delete privls */
    if (editor)
	enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* editors have delete privls */

if (enableHgcClick)
    mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, start, end, x, y, width, height, tg->track, 
                  hgcClickName, statusLine, NULL, FALSE, NULL         );
    {	/* go directly to the wiki description */
    char *directUrl = wikiUrl(wikiItem);
    mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, start, end, x, y, width, height, tg->track, 
                  hgcClickName, statusLine, directUrl, FALSE, NULL);
void wigFetchYLineMarkValueWithCart(struct cart *theCart,struct trackDb *tdb, char *name, double *tDbYMark )
/*      y= marker line value
 *      User requested value is defined in the cart
 *	A Default value can be defined as
 *		yLineMark declaration from trackDb
boolean parentLevel = isNameAtParentLevel(tdb,name);
char *yLineMarkValue = NULL;  /*	string from cart	*/
double yLineValue;   /*	value from cart or trackDb */
char * tdbDefault = cloneString(
    trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOrDefault(tdb, YLINEMARK, "NONE") );

if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
    struct hashEl *hel;
    /*	no yLineMark from trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
     *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
    if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, YLINEMARK)) != NULL)
	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);

/*	If nothing else, it is zero	*/
yLineValue = 0.0;

/*      Let's see if a value is available in the cart */
yLineMarkValue = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(theCart, tdb, parentLevel, YLINEMARK);

/*      if yLineMarkValue is non-Null, it is the requested value        */
if (yLineMarkValue)
    yLineValue = atof(yLineMarkValue);
else /*    See if a default line is specified in the trackDb.ra file */
    if (differentWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
	yLineValue = atof(tdbDefault);

/*	If possible to return	*/
if (tDbYMark)
	*tDbYMark = yLineValue;

}       /*      void wigFetchYLineMarkValueWithCart()   */
static int linkCmpPriority(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare to sort links based on priority. */
const struct link *a = *((struct link **)va);
const struct link *b = *((struct link **)vb);
float dif = a->priority - b->priority;
if (dif < 0)
    return -1;
else if (dif > 0)
    return 1;
    return differentWord(b->shortLabel, a->shortLabel);
/******	itemRgb - not on by default **************************/
boolean bedItemRgb(struct trackDb *tdb)
char *Default="Off";	/* anything different than this will turn it on */
char *tdbDefault = (char *)NULL;

if (tdb)
    tdbDefault = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, OPT_ITEM_RGB);

if (tdbDefault)
    if (differentWord(Default,tdbDefault))
	return TRUE;

return FALSE;
}	/*	boolean bedItemRgb(struct trackDb *tdb)	*/
static void initialPlacement(struct chrGapList *bounding, struct bed *placed)
/*	simply place the items from the 'placed' list into the gaps
 *	defined by the 'bounding' list, the locations of the 'placed'
 *	items are what they say they are in their bed structure.
struct bed *bedEl;
int unplacedCount = 0;

for (bedEl = placed; bedEl != NULL; bedEl = bedEl->next)
    struct chrGapList *cl;
    boolean placedOK = FALSE;
    for (cl = bounding; cl != NULL; cl = cl->next)
	struct gap *gl;
        if (differentWord(cl->chrom, bedEl->chrom))
	for (gl = cl->gList; gl != NULL; gl = gl->next)
	    if ( ((gl->downstream != NULL) && (gl->upstream != NULL)) &&
		    ((bedEl->chromEnd <= gl->downstream->chromStart) &&
			(bedEl->chromStart >= gl->upstream->chromEnd)) )
		placeItem(bedEl, gl);
		placedOK = TRUE;
		verbose(5,"item: %s:%d-%d, gap: %s:%d-%d\n",
		    bedEl->chrom, bedEl->chromStart, bedEl->chromEnd,
			bedEl->chrom, gl->upstream->chromEnd,
    if (! placedOK)
	verbose(3,"can not place item: %s:%d-%d\n", bedEl->chrom,
		bedEl->chromStart, bedEl->chromEnd);
if (unplacedCount)
    verbose(2,"Could not place %d items\n", unplacedCount);
static void linksPrint(struct section *section, struct sqlConnection *conn,
	char *geneId)
/* Print the links section. */
int maxPerRow = 6, itemPos = 0;
int rowIx = 0;
struct link *link, *linkList = section->items;

printGenomicSeqLink(conn, geneId, curGeneChrom, curGeneStart, curGeneEnd);

for (link = linkList; link != NULL; link = link->next)
    char *url = linkGetUrl(link, conn, geneId);
    if (url != NULL)
	boolean fakeOut = link->useHgsid &&
	char *target = (fakeOut ? "" : " TARGET=_blank");
	if (++itemPos > maxPerRow)
	    itemPos = 1;
	if (fakeOut)
	hPrintf("<A HREF=\"%s\"%s class=\"toc\">", url, target);
	hPrintf("%s", link->shortLabel);
webFinishPartialLinkOutTable(rowIx, itemPos, maxPerRow);
void readPrimerInfo(struct lineFile *sf)
/* Read in primer info from all.primers file */
int wordCount;
char *words[5];
char *dist1, *dist[2];
struct sts *sts;

stsHash = newHash(16);

while (lineFileChopCharNext(sf, '\t', words, 5))
      verbose(2, "# line %d words1-4: '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'\n", sf->lineIx, words[1], words[2], words[3], words[4]);
      if (words[1] && words[2] && words[3] && words[4])
	  sts->dbstsId = cloneString(words[0]);
	  sts->leftPrimer = cloneString(words[1]);
	  sts->rightPrimer = cloneString(words[2]);
	  sts->size = cloneString(words[3]);
	  sts->ucscId = cloneString(words[4]);
	  sts->found = FALSE;
	  dist1 = cloneString(words[3]);
	  if (sts->leftPrimer && dist1 && differentWord("-", dist1))
	      wordCount = chopByChar(dist1, '-', dist, ArraySize(dist));
	      sts->minSize = sqlUnsigned(dist[0]);
	      if (wordCount == 1) 
		sts->maxSize = sqlUnsigned(dist[0]);
		sts->maxSize = sqlUnsigned(dist[1]);
	      if (sts->maxSize == 0) 
		sts->maxSize = 1000;
	      sts->next = NULL;
	      sts->place = NULL;
	      sts->epcr = NULL;
	      hashAdd(stsHash, sts->dbstsId, sts);
	  slAddHead(&stsList, sts);
static void synonymPrint(struct section *section, 
	struct sqlConnection *conn, char *id)
/* Print out SwissProt comments - looking up typeId/commentVal. */
char *protAcc = getSwissProtAcc(conn, spConn, id);
char *spDisplayId;
char *refSeqAcc = "";
char *mrnaAcc = "";
char *oldDisplayId;
char condStr[255];
char *kgProteinID;
char *parAcc; /* parent accession of a variant splice protein */
char *chp;

if (isRgdGene(conn))
    rgdGene2SynonymPrint(section,conn, id);
if (sqlTablesExist(conn, "kgAlias"))
    printAlias(id, conn);
if (sameWord(genome, "Zebrafish"))
    char *xrefTable = "ensXRefZfish";
    char *geneIdCol = "ensGeneId";
    /* get Gene Symbol and RefSeq accession from Zebrafish-specific */
    /* cross-reference table */
    printGeneSymbol(id, xrefTable, geneIdCol, conn);
    refSeqAcc = getRefSeqAcc(id, xrefTable, geneIdCol, conn);
    hPrintf("<B>ENSEMBL ID:</B> %s", id);
    char query[256];
    char *toRefTable = genomeOptionalSetting("knownToRef");
    if (toRefTable != NULL && sqlTableExists(conn, toRefTable))
	safef(query, sizeof(query), "select value from %s where name='%s'", toRefTable,
	refSeqAcc = emptyForNull(sqlQuickString(conn, query));
    if (sqlTableExists(conn, "kgXref"))
	safef(query, sizeof(query), "select mRNA from kgXref where kgID='%s'", id);
	mrnaAcc = emptyForNull(sqlQuickString(conn, query));
    if (sameWord(genome, "C. elegans"))
	hPrintf("<B>WormBase ID:</B> %s<BR>", id);
	hPrintf("<B>UCSC ID:</B> %s<BR>", id);
if (refSeqAcc[0] != 0)
    hPrintf("<B>RefSeq Accession: </B> <A HREF=\"");
    printOurRefseqUrl(stdout, refSeqAcc);
    hPrintf("\">%s</A><BR>\n", refSeqAcc);
else if (mrnaAcc[0] != 0)
    safef(condStr, sizeof(condStr), "acc = '%s'", mrnaAcc);
    if (sqlGetField(database, "gbCdnaInfo", "acc", condStr) != NULL)
    	hPrintf("<B>Representative RNA: </B> <A HREF=\"");
    	printOurMrnaUrl(stdout, mrnaAcc);
    	hPrintf("\">%s</A><BR>\n", mrnaAcc);
    /* do not show URL link if it is not found in gbCdnaInfo */
    	hPrintf("<B>Representative RNA: %s </B>", mrnaAcc);
if (protAcc != NULL)
    kgProteinID = cloneString("");
    if (hTableExists(sqlGetDatabase(conn), "knownGene")
        && (isNotEmpty(cartOptionalString(cart, hggChrom)) &&
	      differentWord(cartOptionalString(cart, hggChrom),"none")))
    	safef(condStr, sizeof(condStr), "name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and txStart=%s and txEnd=%s", 
	        id, cartOptionalString(cart, hggChrom), 
    	        cartOptionalString(cart, hggStart), 
		cartOptionalString(cart, hggEnd));
    	kgProteinID = sqlGetField(database, "knownGene", "proteinID", condStr);

    hPrintf("<B>Protein: ");
    if (strstr(kgProteinID, "-") != NULL)
	parAcc = cloneString(kgProteinID);
	chp = strstr(parAcc, "-");
	*chp = '\0';
        /* show variant splice protein and the UniProt link here */
	hPrintf("<A HREF=\"http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot%s\" "
	    "TARGET=_blank>%s</A></B>, splice isoform of ",
	    kgProteinID, kgProteinID);
        hPrintf("<A HREF=\"http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/%s\" "
	    parAcc, parAcc);
        hPrintf("<A HREF=\"http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/%s\" "
	    protAcc, protAcc);
    /* show SWISS-PROT display ID if it is different than the accession ID */
    /* but, if display name is like: Q03399 | Q03399_HUMAN, then don't show display name */
    spDisplayId = spAnyAccToId(spConn, protAcc);
    if (spDisplayId == NULL) 
	errAbort("<br>%s seems to no longer be a valid protein ID in our latest UniProtKB DB.", protAcc);
    if (strstr(spDisplayId, protAcc) == NULL)
	hPrintf(" (aka %s", spDisplayId);
	/* show once if the new and old displayId are the same */
 	oldDisplayId = oldSpDisplayId(spDisplayId);
	if (oldDisplayId != NULL)
            if (!sameWord(spDisplayId, oldDisplayId)
                && !sameWord(protAcc, oldDisplayId))
	    	hPrintf(" or %s", oldDisplayId);
printCcds(id, conn);

void analyse(int start, int stop)
struct hash *hash;
char line[512];
int lineCount = 0;
char *words[32];
int wordCount;
struct cdnaInfo *cdnaList = NULL;
struct cdnaInfo *ci = NULL;
int cdnaCount;
int maxCdnaCount = stop - start;

cdnaCount = 1;
if (start > 1)
    for (;;)
        if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), inFile))
            errAbort("Not %d cDNAs in file, only %d\n", start, cdnaCount);
        if (line[0] == '#') /* Skip comments. */
        wordCount = chopString(line, whiteSpaceChopper, words, ArraySize(words));
        if (wordCount <= 0) /* Skip empty lines. */
        if (!differentWord(words[1], "alignments"))
            if (cdnaCount >= start)
cdnaCount = 0;
hash = newHash(14); /* Hash table with 16k entries. */
for (;;)
    if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), inFile))
    if (line[0] == '#') /* Skip comments. */
    wordCount = chopString(line, whiteSpaceChopper, words, ArraySize(words));
    if (wordCount <= 0) /* Skip empty lines. */
    if (wordCount < 4)  /* Everyone else has at least four words. */
        errAbort("Short line %d:\n", lineCount);
    if (sameWord(words[1], "Blasting"))
        char *cdnaName = words[2];
        if ((ci = lookupInfo(hash, cdnaName)) == NULL)
            struct hashEl *hel;
            ci = needMem(sizeof(*ci));
            hel = hashAdd(hash, cdnaName, ci);
            ci->next = cdnaList;
            cdnaList = ci;
            ci->ix = atoi(words[0]);
            ci->name = hel->name;
    else if (sameWord(words[2], "hits"))
        /* Newer style - includes cDNA matching range. */
        if (ci == NULL)
        hitLine(ci, lineCount, words[0], words[1], words[3], words[4], words[5], words[9]);
    else if (sameWord(words[1], "hits"))
        /* Older style - no cDNA matching range. */
        if (ci == NULL)
        hitLine(ci, lineCount, words[0],     NULL, words[2], words[3], words[4], words[8]);
   else if (sameWord(words[1], "alignments"))
        struct dnaSeq *cdnaSeq;
        struct wormCdnaInfo info;
        if (ci == NULL)
        if (differentWord(ci->name, words[3]))
            errAbort("Line %d - %s is not %s", lineCount, words[3], ci->name);
        if (!ci->finished)
            if (!anyCdnaSeq(ci->name, &cdnaSeq, &info))
                warn("Can't find cDNA %s", ci->name);
                ci->isDupe = TRUE;
                ci->baseCount = cdnaSeq->size;
                ci->baseCrc = dnaCrc(cdnaSeq->dna, cdnaSeq->size);
                ci->roughScore = bestRoughScore(ci->roughAli);
                filterDupeCdna(ci, cdnaSeq);
                ci->isBackwards = (info.orientation == '-');
                refineAlis(ci, cdnaSeq);
                ci->fineScore = bestFineScore(ci->fineAli);
                ci->isEmbryonic = info.isEmbryonic;  
                ci->finished = TRUE;  
                if (cdnaCount >= maxCdnaCount)
        errAbort("Can't deal with line %d\n", lineCount);



/* Clean up. */

/* These two are slow and not really necessary. */

uglyf("Done analyse\n");
文件: from_kent.c 项目: lidaof/iteres
void bedItemOverlapCount(struct hash *chromHash, char *infile, char *outfile){
unsigned maxChromSize = 0;
unitSize *counts = (unitSize *)NULL;
FILE *f = mustOpen(outfile, "w");
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(chromHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while( (hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL) {
    unsigned num = (unsigned) ptToInt(hel->val);
    maxChromSize = max(num, maxChromSize);
verbose(2,"#\tmaxChromSize: %u\n", maxChromSize);
if (maxChromSize < 1)
    errAbort("maxChromSize is zero ?");

/*	Allocate just once for the largest chrom and reuse this array */
counts = needHugeMem(sizeof(unitSize) * maxChromSize);

/*	Reset the array to be zero to be reused */
memset((void *)counts, 0, sizeof(unitSize)*(size_t)maxChromSize);

unsigned chromSize = 0;
char *prevChrom = (char *)NULL;
boolean outputToDo = FALSE;
struct hash *seenHash = newHash(5);

    struct lineFile *bf = lineFileOpen(infile , TRUE);
    struct bed *bed = (struct bed *)NULL;
    char *row[12];
    int numFields = doBed12 ? 12 : 3;

    while (lineFileNextRow(bf,row, numFields))
	int i;
	bed = bedLoadN(row, numFields);

	verbose(3,"#\t%s\t%d\t%d\n",bed->chrom,bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);

	if (prevChrom && differentWord(bed->chrom,prevChrom)) // End a chr
	    verbose(2,"#\tchrom %s done, size %d\n", prevChrom, chromSize);
	    if (outputToDo)
		outputCounts(counts, prevChrom, chromSize, f);
	    outputToDo = FALSE;
	    memset((void *)counts, 0,
		sizeof(unitSize)*(size_t)maxChromSize); /* zero counts */
	    // prevChrom is now NULL so it will be caught by next if!
	if ((char *)NULL == prevChrom)  // begin a chr
	    if (hashLookup(seenHash, bed->chrom))
		errAbort("ERROR:input file not sorted. %s seen before on line %d\n",
		    bed->chrom, bf->lineIx);

	    hashAdd(seenHash, bed->chrom, NULL);
	    prevChrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
	    chromSize = hashIntVal(chromHash, prevChrom);
	    verbose(2,"#\tchrom %s starting, size %d\n", prevChrom,chromSize);
	if (bed->chromEnd > chromSize)
	    // check for circular chrM
	    if (doBed12 || bed->chromStart>=chromSize 
		|| differentWord(bed->chrom,"chrM")) 
		warn("ERROR: %s\t%d\t%d", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart,
		errAbort("chromEnd > chromSize ?  %d > %d", 

	    for (i = bed->chromStart; i < chromSize; ++i)
	    for (i = 0; i < (bed->chromEnd - chromSize); ++i)
	else if (doBed12)
	    int *starts = bed->chromStarts;
	    int *sizes = bed->blockSizes;
	    int *endStarts = &bed->chromStarts[bed->blockCount];

	    for(; starts < endStarts; starts++, sizes++)
		unsigned int end = *starts + *sizes + bed->chromStart;
		for (i = *starts + bed->chromStart; i < end; ++i)
	    for (i = bed->chromStart; i < bed->chromEnd; ++i)
		INCWOVERFLOW(counts, i);
	outputToDo = TRUE;
	bedFree(&bed); // plug the memory leak

    // Note, next file could be on same chr!

if (outputToDo)
    outputCounts(counts, prevChrom, chromSize, f);

if (doOutBounds)
    fprintf(stderr, "min %lu max %lu\n", (unsigned long)overMin, (unsigned long)overMax);

verbose(2,"#\tchrom %s done, size %d\n", prevChrom, chromSize);
// hashFreeWithVals(&chromHash, freez);
void hitLine(struct cdnaInfo *ci, int lineCount, char *cdnaName, char *cdnaRange,
    char *mitoChrom, char *chromName, char *genomeRange, char *scoreString)
/* Process line with hit info. */
char *s;
struct roughAli *ra;

if (ci == NULL || differentWord(cdnaName, ci->name))
    errAbort("Got hit line %d without corresponding blasting for cDNA %s",
        lineCount, cdnaName);
/* Allocate structure to hold data for line. */
ra = needMem(sizeof(*ra));
/* Grab range of bases covered in cDNA */
if (cdnaRange != NULL)
    s = cdnaRange;
    ra->cStart = atoi(s);
    s = strchr(s, '-')+1;
    ra->cEnd = atoi(s)+1;
    if (ra->cStart >= ra->cEnd)
        int temp;
        warn("%s line %d cdna %s: cStart %d > cEnd %d. Swapping.",
            cdnaName, lineCount, cdnaName, ra->cStart, ra->cEnd);
        addRedoHash(ci, "swappedCdna");
        temp = ra->cStart;
        ra->cStart = ra->cEnd;
        ra->cEnd = ra->cStart;
/* Grab range of bases covered in genome. */
s = genomeRange;
ra->gStart = atoi(s);
s = strchr(s, '-')+1;
ra->gEnd = atoi(s)+1;
if (ra->gStart >= ra->gEnd)
    int temp;
    warn("%s line %d cdna %s: gStart %d > gEnd %d. Swapping.",
        cdnaName, lineCount, cdnaName, ra->gStart, ra->gEnd);
    addRedoHash(ci, "swappedGenome");
    temp = ra->gStart;
    ra->gStart = ra->gEnd;
    ra->gEnd = ra->gStart;
/* Figure out chromosome it's on. */
if (!differentWord(mitoChrom, "Mitochondrial"))
    ra->chromIx = 6;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<chromCount; ++i)
        if (!differentWord(chromName, chromNames[i]))
            ra->chromIx = i;
/* Get alignment score. */
ra->score = atoi(scoreString);
/* Hang it on list. */
ra->next = ci->roughAli;
ci->roughAli = ra;
boolean viewableOutput(char *output)
/* Returns TRUE if this is a viewable output type */
return differentWord(output, "reads");
文件: oldGff.c 项目: ma-compbio/RACA
boolean gffReadGenes(struct gff *gff)
/* Read all the gene (as opposed to base) info in file. */
int wordCount;
struct gffSegLine seg;
char curGroup[128];
struct gffGene *gene = NULL;
GffIntron *intron = NULL;
GffExon *exon = NULL;
boolean warnedUnknown = FALSE;
boolean isNewGene;

curGroup[0] = 0; /* Start off with no group */

/* Line scanning loop. */
for (;;)
    /* Get next line and parse it into segLine data structure. */
    if (!_gffGetLine(gff)) 
	break;	 /* End of file. */
    if (gff->buf[0] == '#')
	continue; /* Ignore sharp containing lines. */
    wordCount = gffSegLineScan(gff, &seg);
    if (wordCount < 9)
	continue; /* Ignore blank lines and short ones. */

    /* Make sure that start is less than or equal end. */
    if (seg.start > seg.end)
	warn("start greater than end line %d of %s.\n",
		gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
	return FALSE;

    /* Get the gene we're working on.  First see if
     * it's the same as last time around. */
    isNewGene = FALSE;
    if (strcmp(seg.group, curGroup) != 0)
	strcpy(curGroup, seg.group);
	if ((gene = gffFindGene(gff, seg.group)) == NULL)
	    /* It's a new gene! */
	    if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
	    isNewGene = TRUE;
	    gene = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*gene));
	    strcpy(gene->name, seg.group);
	    slAddTail(&gff->genes, gene); 
	    gene->strand = seg.strand[0];
	    gene->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
	    if (differentWord(seg.feature, "CDS") == 0)
		gene->start = seg.start-1;
		gene->end = seg.end-1;

    /* Look at what sort of feature it is, and decide what to do. */

    if (differentWord(seg.feature, "CDS")==0)
	/* CDS (coding segments) have been processed already
	 * for the most part. Here just make sure they aren't
	 * duplicated. */
	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
	if (!isNewGene)
	    if (gene->start != 0 || gene->end != 0)
		warn("Warning duplicate CDS for %s\n",
		warn("Line %d of %s\n", 
			gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
    else if (differentWord(seg.feature, "SE") == 0 
	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "IE") == 0
	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "FE") == 0
	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "E") == 0
	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "exon") == 0)
	/* It's some sort of exon.  We'll deal with the complications
	 * of it being possibly on the minus strand later, so can
	 * tread initial, final, single, and regular exons the same
	 * here. */
	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
	exon = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*exon));
	exon->start = seg.start-1;
	exon->end = seg.end-1;
	exon->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
	gffSegmentInsertSort(&gene->exons, exon);
    else if (differentWord(seg.feature, "I") == 0 
	||   differentWord(seg.feature, "intron") == 0)
	/* It's an intron. */
	if (!checkWordCount(gff, wordCount)) return FALSE;
	intron = gffNeedMem(gff, sizeof(*intron));
	intron->start = seg.start-1;
	intron->end = seg.end-1;
	intron->frame = atoi(seg.frame);
	gffSegmentInsertSort(&gene->introns, intron);
    else if (strcmp(seg.feature, "IG")  == 0)
	/* I don't know what it is, but we can ignore it. */
	if (!warnedUnknown)
	    warn("Unknown feature %s line %d of %s, ignoring\n",
		    seg.feature,  gff->lineNumber, gff->fileName);
	    warnedUnknown = TRUE;

/* Fix up gene length from exons if needed. */
for (gene = gff->genes; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next)
    if (gene->start >= gene->end)
return TRUE;
static void gapToLift(char *db, char *outFile)
/* gapToLift - create lift file from gap table(s). */
FILE *out = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
struct chromInfo *cInfoList = loadChromInfo(conn);
struct agpGap *gapList = loadAllGaps(conn, db, cInfoList);
struct agpGap *gap;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
char *prevChr = NULL;
int liftCount = 0;
int chrSize = 0;
static struct hash *chrDone = NULL;

chrDone = newHash(0);

if (isNotEmpty(bedFileName))
    bedFile = mustOpen(bedFileName, "w");
    verbose(2,"#\tbed output requested to %s\n", bedFileName);

for (gap = gapList; gap; gap = gap->next)
    verbose(3,"#\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", gap->chrom, gap->chromStart,
	gap->chromEnd, gap->bridge);

    if (prevChr && sameWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
	{	/* continuing same segment, check for gap break,
		 *	or gap at end of chrom */
	if (sameWord("no",gap->bridge) || (gap->chromEnd == chrSize))
	    end = gap->chromStart;
	    liftCount = liftOutLine(out, gap->chrom, start, end, liftCount, chrSize);
	    start = gap->chromEnd;
	    end = start;
	    end = gap->chromEnd;
    else	/* new chrom encountered */
	{ /* output last segment of previous chrom when necessary */
	if (prevChr && differentWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
	    if (end < chrSize)
		liftCount = liftOutLine(out, prevChr, start, chrSize, liftCount, chrSize);
	liftCount = 0;
	chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, gap->chrom);
	hashAddInt(chrDone, gap->chrom, 1);
	if (gap->chromStart > 0)
	    {	/* starting first segment at position 0 */
	    start = 0;
	    end = gap->chromStart;
	    /* does the first gap break it ?  Or gap goes to end of chrom. */
	    if (sameWord("no",gap->bridge) || (gap->chromEnd == chrSize))
		liftCount = liftOutLine(out, gap->chrom, start, end, liftCount, chrSize);
		start = gap->chromEnd;
		end = start;
	else	/* first gap is actually the beginning of the chrom */
	    {	/* thus, first segment starts after this first gap */
	    start = gap->chromEnd;
	    end = start;
    prevChr = gap->chrom;	/* remember prev chrom to detect next chrom */
/* potentially a last one */
if (end < chrSize)
    liftCount = liftOutLine(out, prevChr, start, chrSize, liftCount, chrSize);
/* check that all chroms have been used */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(cInfoHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    if (NULL == hashLookup(chrDone, hel->name))
	chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, hel->name);
	verbose(2, "#\tno gaps on chrom: %s, size: %d\n", hel->name, chrSize);
	liftCount = liftOutLine(out, hel->name, 0, chrSize, 0, chrSize);
文件: web.c 项目: elmargb/kentUtils
void getDbGenomeClade(struct cart *cart, char **retDb, char **retGenome,
		      char **retClade, struct hash *oldVars)
/* Examine CGI and cart variables to determine which db, genome, or clade
 *  has been selected, and then adjust as necessary so that all three are
 * consistent.  Detect changes and reset db-specific cart variables.
 * Save db, genome and clade in the cart so it will be consistent hereafter.
 * The order of preference here is as follows:
 * If we got a request that explicitly names the db, that takes
 * highest priority, and we synch the organism to that db.
 * If we get a cgi request for a specific organism then we use that
 * organism to choose the DB.  If just clade, go from there.

 * In the cart only, we use the same order of preference.
 * If someone requests an Genome we try to give them the same db as
 * was in their cart, unless the Genome doesn't match.
boolean gotClade = hGotClade();
*retDb = cgiOptionalString(dbCgiName);
*retGenome = cgiOptionalString(orgCgiName);
*retClade = cgiOptionalString(cladeCgiName);
/* phoneHome business */

/* Was the database passed in as a cgi param?
 * If so, it takes precedence and determines the genome. */
if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
    *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
/* If no db was passed in as a cgi param then was the organism (a.k.a. genome)
 * passed in as a cgi param?
 * If so, the we use the proper database for that genome. */
else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
    *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
    *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
else if (*retClade && gotClade)
    *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
    *retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
/* If no cgi params passed in then we need to inspect the session */
    *retDb = cartOptionalString(cart, dbCgiName);
    *retGenome = cartOptionalString(cart, orgCgiName);
    *retClade = cartOptionalString(cart, cladeCgiName);
    /* If there was a db found in the session that determines everything. */
    if (*retDb && hDbExists(*retDb))
        *retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
    else if (*retGenome && !sameWord(*retGenome, "0"))
	*retDb = hDefaultDbForGenome(*retGenome);
    else if (*retClade && gotClade)
        *retGenome = hDefaultGenomeForClade(*retClade);
	*retDb = getDbForGenome(*retGenome, cart);
    /* If no organism in the session then get the default db and organism. */
	*retDb = hDefaultDb();
	*retGenome = hGenome(*retDb);
*retDb = cloneString(*retDb);
*retGenome = cloneString(*retGenome);
*retClade = hClade(*retGenome);

/* Detect change of database and reset db-specific cart variables: */
if (oldVars)
    char *oldDb = hashFindVal(oldVars, "db");
    char *oldOrg = hashFindVal(oldVars, "org");
    char *oldClade = hashFindVal(oldVars, "clade");
    if ((!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldDb)    && differentWord(oldDb, *retDb)) ||
        (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldOrg)   && differentWord(oldOrg, *retGenome)) ||
        (!IS_CART_VAR_EMPTY(oldClade) && differentWord(oldClade, *retClade)))
	/* Change position to default -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
	if (cgiOptionalString("position") == NULL)
	    cartSetString(cart, "position", hDefaultPos(*retDb));
	/* hgNear search term -- unless it was passed in via CGI: */
	if (cgiOptionalString("near_search") == NULL)
	    cartRemove(cart, "near_search");
	/* hgBlat results (hgUserPsl track): */
	cartRemove(cart, "ss");
	/* hgTables correlate: */
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTrack");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateTable");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateGroup");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_correlateOp");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTrack");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateTable");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateGroup");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_nextCorrelateOp");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrWinSize");
	cartRemove(cart, "hgta_corrMaxLimitCount");

/* Save db, genome (as org) and clade in cart. */
cartSetString(cart, "db", *retDb);
cartSetString(cart, "org", *retGenome);
if (gotClade)
    cartSetString(cart, "clade", *retClade);
struct trackHubSettingSpec *trackHubSettingsForVersion(char *specHost, char *version)
/* Return list of settings with support level. Version can be version string or spec url */
struct htmlPage *page = NULL;
if (version == NULL)
    version = trackHubVersionDefault(specHost, &page);
    if (version == NULL)
        errAbort("Can't get default spec from host %s", specHost);

/* Retrieve specs from file url. 
 * Settings are the first text word within any <code> tag having class="level-" attribute.
 * The level represents the level of support for the setting (e.g. base, full, deprecated)
 * The support level ('level-*') is the class value of the * <code> tag.
 * E.g.  <code class="level-full">boxedConfig on</code> produces:
 *      setting=boxedConfig, class=full */

if (page == NULL)
    page = trackHubVersionSpecMustGet(specHost, version);
if (page == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't get settings spec for version %s from host %s", version, specHost);
verbose(5, "Found %d tags\n", slCount(page->tags));

struct trackHubSettingSpec *spec, *savedSpec;
struct hash *specHash = hashNew(0);
struct htmlTag *tag;
struct htmlAttribute *attr;
char buf[256];
for (tag = page->tags; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
    if (differentWord(tag->name, "code"))
    attr = tag->attributes;
    if (attr == NULL || differentString(attr->name, "class") || !startsWith("level-", attr->val))
    int len = min(tag->next->start - tag->end, sizeof buf - 1);
    memcpy(buf, tag->end, len);
    buf[len] = 0;
    verbose(6, "Found spec: %s\n", buf);
    spec->name = cloneString(firstWordInLine(buf));
    if (spec->name == NULL || strlen(spec->name) == 0)
        warn("ERROR: format problem with trackDbHub.html -- contact UCSC.");
    spec->level = cloneString(chopPrefixAt(attr->val, '-'));
    verbose(6, "spec: name=%s, level=%s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
    savedSpec = (struct trackHubSettingSpec *)hashFindVal(specHash, spec->name);
    if (savedSpec != NULL)
        verbose(6, "found spec %s level %s in hash\n", savedSpec->name, savedSpec->level);
    if (savedSpec == NULL)
        hashAdd(specHash, spec->name, spec);
        verbose(6, "added spec %s at level %s\n", spec->name, spec->level);
    else if (trackHubSettingLevelCmp(spec, savedSpec) > 0)
        hashReplace(specHash, spec->name, spec);
        verbose(6, "replaced spec %s at level %s, was %s\n", 
            spec->name, spec->level, savedSpec->level);
struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(specHash);

int settingsCt = slCount(list);
verbose(5, "Found %d settings's\n", slCount(list));
if (settingsCt == 0)
    errAbort("Can't find hub setting info for version %s (host %s)."
              " Use -version to indicate a different version number or url.", version, specHost);

slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
struct trackHubSettingSpec *specs = NULL;
int baseCt = 0;
int requiredCt = 0;
int deprecatedCt = 0;
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "base"))
    else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "required"))
    else if (sameString(((struct trackHubSettingSpec *)el->val)->level, "deprecated"))
    slAddHead(&specs, el->val);
        "Found %d supported settings for this version (%d required, %d base, %d deprecated)\n",
                slCount(specs), requiredCt, baseCt, deprecatedCt);
return specs;
int rbTreeCmpWord(void *a, void *b)	
/* Set up rbTree so as to work on case-insensitive strings. */
return differentWord(a,b);
/*	The single externally visible routine.
 *	Future improvements will need to add a couple more arguments to
 *	satisify the needs of the command line version and its options.
 *	Currently, this is used only in customTrack input parsing.
void wigAsciiToBinary( char *wigAscii, char *wigFile, char *wibFile,
   double *upperLimit, double *lowerLimit, struct wigEncodeOptions *options)
/*	given the three file names, read the ascii wigAscii file and produce
 *	the wigFile and wibFile outputs
struct lineFile *lf;			/* for line file utilities	*/
char *line = (char *) NULL;		/* to receive data input line	*/
char *words[10];				/* to split data input line	*/
int wordCount = 0;			/* result of split	*/
int validLines = 0;			/* counting only lines with data */
double dataValue = 0.0;			/* from data input	*/
boolean bedData = FALSE;		/* in bed format data */
boolean variableStep = FALSE;		/* in variableStep data */
boolean fixedStep = FALSE;		/* in fixedStep data */
char *prevChromName = (char *)NULL;	/* to watch for chrom name changes */
int trackCount = 0;			/* We abort if we see more than one track. */

if ((wigAscii == (char *)NULL) || (wigFile == (char *)NULL) ||
    (wibFile == (char *)NULL))
	errAbort("wigAsciiToBinary: missing data file names, ascii: %s, wig: %s, wib: %s", wigAscii, wigFile, wibFile);

/*	need to be careful here and initialize all the global variables */
freez(&wibFileName);			/* send this name to the global */
wibFileName = cloneString(wibFile);	/* variable for use in output_row() */
lineCount = 0;	/* to count all lines	*/
add_offset = 0;	/* to allow "lifting" of the data */
validLines = 0;	/* to count only lines with data */
rowCount = 0;	/* to count rows output */
bincount = 0;	/* to count up to binsize	*/
binsize = 1024;	/* # of data points per table row */
dataSpan = 1;	/* default bases spanned per data point */
chromStart = 0;	/* for table row data */
previousOffset = 0;  /* for data missing detection */
fileOffset = 0;	/* current location within binary data file	*/
fileOffsetBegin = 0;/* location in binary data file where this bin starts*/
data_values = (double *) needMem( (size_t) (binsize * sizeof(double)));
validData = (unsigned char *)
	    needMem( (size_t) (binsize * sizeof(unsigned char)));

if (options != NULL)
    if (options->lift != 0)
	add_offset = options->lift;
    if (options->noOverlap)
	noOverlap = TRUE;
    if (options->flagOverlapSpanData)
	flagOverlapSpanData = TRUE;
    if (options->wibSizeLimit > 0)
	wibSizeLimit = options->wibSizeLimit;

/* limits for the complete set of data, they must change from these initial
	defaults during processing */
overallLowerLimit = wigEncodeStartingLowerLimit;
overallUpperLimit = wigEncodeStartingUpperLimit;
binout = mustOpen(wibFile,"w");	/*	binary data file	*/
wigout = mustOpen(wigFile,"w");	/*	table row definition file */
#if defined(DEBUG)	/*	dbg	*/
chmod(wibFile, 0666);
chmod(wigFile, 0666);
lf = lineFileOpen(wigAscii, TRUE);	/*	input file	*/
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    boolean readingFrameSlipped;

    if ((wibSizeLimit > 0) && (wibSize >= wibSizeLimit))
        errAbort("data size limit of %lld data values has been exceeded.  This data can be efficiently displayed with the <A HREF='/goldenPath/help/bigWig.html' TARGET=_blank>bigWig file format</A> in a custom track, or in a <A HREF='/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html' TARGET=_blank>Track Hub</A> for multiple large datasets.", wibSizeLimit);
    line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
    /*	ignore blank or comment lines	*/
    if ((line == (char *)NULL) || (line[0] == '\0') || (line[0] == '#'))
	continue;		/*	!!! go to next line of input */

    wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));

    if (sameWord("track",words[0]))
	/* Allow (and ignore) one track line, but no more. */
	if (trackCount > 1)
	    errAbort("Multiple tracks seen, second at line %d of %s, can only handle one.",
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    else if (sameWord("browser", words[0]))
	continue;	/* ignore browser lines if present */
    else if (sameWord("variableStep",words[0]))
	int i;
	boolean foundChrom = FALSE;
	/*	safest thing to do if we were processing anything is to
	 *	output that previous block and start anew
	 *	Future improvement could get fancy here and decide if it
	 *	is really necessary to start over, although the concept
	 *	of a line between data points on one item may use this
	 *	block behavior later to define line segments, so don't
	 *	get too quick to be fancy here.  This line behavior
	 *	implies that feature names will need to be specified to
	 *	identify the line segments that belong together.
	if (variableStep || bedData || fixedStep)
	    validLines = 0;	/*	to cause reset for first offset	*/
	dataSpan = 1;	/* default bases spanned per data point */
	for(i = 1; i < wordCount; ++i)
	    if (startsWith("chrom",words[i]))
		foundChrom = TRUE;
	    else if (startsWith("span",words[i]))
		errAbort("illegal specification on variableStep at line %lu: %s",
		    lineCount, words[i]);
	if (!foundChrom)
	    errAbort("missing chrom=<name> specification on variableStep declaration at line %lu", lineCount);
	variableStep = TRUE;
	bedData = FALSE;
	fixedStep = FALSE;
	prevChromName = cloneString(chromName);
	continue;		/*	!!!  go to next input line	*/
    else if (sameWord("fixedStep",words[0]))
	boolean foundChrom = FALSE;
	boolean foundStart = FALSE;
	int i;

	/*	same comment as above	*/
	if (variableStep || bedData || fixedStep)
	    validLines = 0;	/*	to cause reset for first offset	*/
	stepSize = 1;	/*	default step size	*/
	dataSpan = 0;	/*      this will match step size if not set*/
	for(i = 1; i < wordCount; ++i)
	    if (startsWith("chrom",words[i]))
		foundChrom = TRUE;
	    else if (startsWith("start",words[i]))
		foundStart = TRUE;
	    else if (startsWith("step",words[i]))
	    else if (startsWith("span",words[i]))
		errAbort("illegal specification on variableStep at line %lu: %s",
		    lineCount, words[i]);
	if (dataSpan == 0)
	    dataSpan = stepSize;
	if (!foundChrom)
	    errAbort("missing chrom=<name> specification on fixedStep declaration at line %lu", lineCount);
	if (!foundStart)
	    errAbort("missing start=<position> specification on fixedStep declaration at line %lu", lineCount);
	if (noOverlap && validLines && prevChromName)
	    if (sameWord(prevChromName,chromName) && (fixedStart < chromStart))
		errAbort("specified fixedStep chromStart %llu is less than expected next chromStart %llu", fixedStart, chromStart);
	variableStep = FALSE;
	bedData = FALSE;
	fixedStep = TRUE;
	prevChromName = cloneString(chromName);
	continue;		/*	!!!  go to next input line	*/
    else if (wordCount == 4)
	/*	while in bedData, we do not necessarily need to start a new
	 *	batch unless the chrom name is changing, since dataSpan
	 *	is always 1 for bedData.  As above, this may change in
	 *	the future if each bed line specification is talking
	 *	about a different feature.
	if (variableStep || fixedStep ||
		(bedData && ((prevChromName != (char *)NULL) &&
	    validLines = 0;	/*	to cause reset for first offset	*/
	dataSpan = 1;	/* default bases spanned per data point */
	variableStep = FALSE;
	bedData = TRUE;
	fixedStep = FALSE;
	bedChromStart = sqlLongLong(words[1]);
	bedChromEnd = sqlLongLong(words[2]);
	bedDataValue = sqlDouble(words[3]);
	/* the bed format coordinate system is zero relative, half-open,
	 * hence, no adjustment of bedChromStart is needed here, unlike the
	 * fixed and variable step formats which will subtract one from the
	 * incoming coordinate.
	if (bedChromStart >= bedChromEnd)
	    errAbort("Found chromStart >= chromEnd at line %lu (%llu > %llu)",
		lineCount, bedChromStart, bedChromEnd);
	if (bedChromEnd > (bedChromStart + 10000000))
	    errAbort("Limit of 10,000,000 length specification for bed format at line %lu, found: %llu)",
		lineCount, bedChromEnd-bedChromStart);
	if ((validLines > 0) && (bedChromStart < previousOffset))
	    errAbort("chrom positions not in numerical order at line %lu. previous: %llu > %llu <-current (bed)", lineCount, previousOffset, bedChromStart);
	prevChromName = cloneString(chromName);

    /*	We must be in one of these data formats at this point */
    if (!(variableStep || fixedStep || bedData))
	errAbort("at the line beginning: %s, variableStep or fixedStep data declaration not found or BED data 4 column format not recognized.", words[0]); 
    if (variableStep && (wordCount != 2))
	errAbort("Expecting two words for variableStep data at line %lu, found %d",
	    lineCount, wordCount);
    if (fixedStep && (wordCount != 1))
	errAbort("Expecting one word for fixedStep data at line %lu, found %d",
	    lineCount, wordCount);
    if (bedData && (wordCount != 4))
	errAbort("Expecting four words for bed format data at line %lu, found %d",
	    lineCount, wordCount);

    ++validLines;		/*	counting good lines of data input */

    /*	Offset is the incoming specified position for this value,
     *	fixedStart has already been converted to zero
     *	relative half open
    if (variableStep)
	Offset = sqlLongLong(words[0]);
	Offset = BASE_0(Offset);	/* zero relative half open */
	dataValue = sqlDouble(words[1]);
    else if (fixedStep)
	Offset = fixedStart + (stepSize * (validLines - 1));
	dataValue = sqlDouble(words[0]);
    else if (bedData)
	Offset = bedChromStart;
	dataValue = bedDataValue;
    if (dataValue > overallUpperLimit) overallUpperLimit = dataValue;
    if (dataValue < overallLowerLimit) overallLowerLimit = dataValue;

    /* see if this is the first time through, establish chromStart 	*/
    if (validLines == 1)
	chromStart = Offset;
	verbose(2, "first offset: %llu\n", chromStart);
    else if ((validLines > 1) && (Offset <= previousOffset))
	errAbort("chrom positions not in numerical order at line %lu. previous: %llu > %llu "
                 "<-current (offset)", lineCount, BASE_1(previousOffset), BASE_1(Offset));

    /* if we are working on a zoom level and the data is not exactly
     * spaced according to the span, then we need to put each value
     * in its own row in order to keep positioning correct for these
     * data values.  The number of skipped bases has to be an even
     * multiple of dataSpan
    readingFrameSlipped = FALSE;
    if ((validLines > 1) && (dataSpan > 1))
	unsigned long long prevEnd = previousOffset + dataSpan;
	int skippedBases;
	int spansSkipped;
	skippedBases = Offset - previousOffset;
	if (flagOverlapSpanData && (prevEnd > Offset))
	    errAbort("ERROR: data points overlapping at input line %lu.\n"
		"previous data point position: %s:%llu-%llu overlaps current: %s:%llu-%llu",
		lineCount, chromName, BASE_1(previousOffset), prevEnd,
		chromName, BASE_1(Offset),Offset+dataSpan);
	spansSkipped = skippedBases / dataSpan;
	if ((spansSkipped * dataSpan) != skippedBases)
	    readingFrameSlipped = TRUE;

    if (readingFrameSlipped)
	verbose(2, "data not spanning %llu bases, prev: %llu, this: %llu, at line: %lu\n", dataSpan, previousOffset, Offset, lineCount);
	chromStart = Offset;	/*	a full reset here	*/
    /*	Check to see if data is being skipped	*/
    else if ( (validLines > 1) && (Offset > (previousOffset + dataSpan)) )
	unsigned long long off;
	unsigned long long fillSize;	/* number of bytes */

	verbose(2, "missing data offsets: %llu - %llu\n",
	/*	If we are just going to fill the rest of this bin with
	 *  no data, then may as well stop here.  No need to fill
	 *  it with nothing.
	fillSize = (Offset - (previousOffset + dataSpan)) / dataSpan;
	verbose(2, "filling NO_DATA for %llu bytes\n", fillSize);
	if (fillSize + bincount >= binsize)
	    verbose(2, "completing a bin due to  NO_DATA for %llu bytes, only %llu - %llu = %llu to go\n", fillSize, binsize, bincount, binsize - bincount);
	    verbose(2, "Offset: %llu, previousOffset: %llu\n",
		    Offset, previousOffset);
	    chromStart = Offset;	/*	a full reset here	*/
	    } else {
	    fillSize = 0;
	    /*	fill missing data with NO_DATA indication	*/
	    for (off = previousOffset + dataSpan; off < Offset;
		    off += dataSpan)
		++bincount;	/*	count scores in this bin */
		if (bincount >= binsize) break;
	    verbose(2, "filled NO_DATA for %llu bytes\n", fillSize);
	    /*	If that finished off this bin, output it
	     *	This most likely should not happen here.  The
	     *	check above: if (fillSize + bincount >= binsize) 
	     *	should have caught this case already.
		if (bincount >= binsize)
		    chromStart = Offset;	/* a full reset here */

    /*	With perhaps the missing data taken care of, back to the
     *	real data.
    if (bedData)
	unsigned long long bedSize = bedChromEnd - bedChromStart;
	for ( ; bedSize > 0; --bedSize )
	    Offset += 1;
	Offset -= 1;	/*	loop above increments this one too much.
			 *	This Offset is supposed to be the last
			 *	valid chrom position written, not the
			 *	next to be written */
    previousOffset = Offset;	/* remember position for gap calculations */
    }	/*	reading file input loop end	*/

/*	Done with input file, any data points left in this bin ?	*/
if (bincount)

/*	return limits if pointers are given	*/
if (upperLimit)
    *upperLimit = overallUpperLimit;
if (lowerLimit)
    *lowerLimit = overallLowerLimit;
if (wibSizeLimit > 0)
	options->wibSizeLimit = wibSize;