int main(void) { uint8_t i; cpu_init(); while(1) { dint(); ir_setup(); eint(); while(times_index < SAMPLES) { // spin } P1IE &= ~IR_BIT; // interrupt enable dint(); uart_init(); eint(); #ifdef DUMP_RAW_PULSES for (i=0;i<times_index;i++) { dbg_putdec(times[i]); dbg_putc(','); } dbg_newline(); #else for (i=0;i<times_index;i++) { dbg_putc(times[i] > 40 ? '1' : '0'); } dbg_newline(); dbg_newline(); #endif } }
void sc_write_conf(scandal_config* conf){ u16 i; uint8_t* ptr; uint8_t* flash_ptr; uint16_t saved_sr; saved_sr = READ_SR; dint(); ptr = (u08*)conf; flash_ptr = (u08*)0x1080; /* Segment A */ /* Erase the flash segment */ FCTL1 = FWKEY + ERASE; FCTL3 = FWKEY; *flash_ptr = 0; /* Dummy write erases the segment */ /* Write the flash segment */ for(i=0;i<(sizeof(scandal_config)) && (i < 128); i++){ FCTL3 = FWKEY; FCTL1 = FWKEY + WRT; /* Set for write operation */ *flash_ptr++ = *ptr++; FCTL1 = FWKEY; FCTL3 = FWKEY + LOCK; } if(i < sizeof(scandal_config)){ flash_ptr = (u08*)0x1000; /* Segment B */ /* Erase the flash segment */ FCTL1 = FWKEY + ERASE; FCTL3 = FWKEY; *flash_ptr = 0; /* Write the flash segment */ FCTL1 = FWKEY + WRT; for(;i<(sizeof(scandal_config));i++){ FCTL3 = FWKEY; FCTL1 = FWKEY + WRT; /* Set for write operation */ *flash_ptr++ = *ptr++; FCTL1 = FWKEY; FCTL3 = FWKEY + LOCK; } } if((saved_sr & GIE) != 0) { eint(); } }
/* wait until we can tx */ static void arm_uart_tx_wait(struct RS232 *rs232) { dint(); if (rs232->tx_cnt > 0) { rs232->tx_wait = 1; rs232->task = kernel_getTask(); kernel_suspend(); eint(); kernel_yield(); } eint(); }
int serial_ring_get(uint8_t *data) { int ret = 0; dint(); if (serial_rx_size > 0) { *data = serial_rx_buffer[serial_rx_rptr]; serial_rx_rptr = (serial_rx_rptr + 1) % SERIAL_RX_FIFO_SIZE; serial_rx_size --; ret = 1; } eint(); return ret; }
bool set(Type numValue) { DENG2_ASSERT(type == Int || type == UInt || type == Float); switch(type) { case Int: if(value.int32 != dint(numValue)) { value.int32 = dint(numValue); return true; } break; case UInt: if(value.uint32 != duint(numValue)) { value.uint32 = duint(numValue); return true; } break; case Float: if(!fequal(value.float32, dfloat(numValue))) { value.float32 = dfloat(numValue); return true; } break; default: break; } return false; }
uint8_t i2c_receive_n(uint8_t byte_ctr, uint8_t *rx_buf) { rx_byte_tot = byte_ctr; rx_byte_ctr = byte_ctr; rx_buf_ptr = rx_buf; while ((UCB1CTL1 & UCTXSTT) || (UCB1STAT & UCNACKIFG)) // Slave acks address or not? PRINTFDEBUG ("____ UCTXSTT not clear OR NACK received\n"); #if I2C_RX_WITH_INTERRUPT PRINTFDEBUG(" RX Interrupts: YES \n"); // SPECIAL-CASE: Stop condition must be sent while receiving the 1st byte for 1-byte only read operations if(rx_byte_tot == 1){ // See page 537 of slau144e.pdf dint(); UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTT; // I2C start condition while(UCB1CTL1 & UCTXSTT) // Waiting for Start bit to clear PRINTFDEBUG ("____ STT clear wait\n"); UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTP; // I2C stop condition eint(); } else{ // all other cases UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTT; // I2C start condition } return 0; #else uint8_t n_received = 0; PRINTFDEBUG(" RX Interrupts: NO \n"); UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTT; // I2C start condition while (rx_byte_ctr > 0){ if (UC1IFG & UCB1RXIFG) { // Waiting for Data rx_buf[rx_byte_tot - rx_byte_ctr] = UCB1RXBUF; rx_byte_ctr--; UC1IFG &= ~UCB1RXIFG; // Clear USCI_B1 RX int flag n_received++; } } UCB1CTL1 |= UCTXSTP; // I2C stop condition return n_received; #endif }
void low_power(void) { /* Use as little power as possible */ random_walk_disable(); motor_off(); fled_off(); /* IR Led off */ P4OUT &= ~1; P4DIR |= 1; P4SEL &= ~1; dint(); _BIS_SR(LPM3_bits); while(1); }
/* Sends the lower 12 bits of data via IR, turns interrupt off while it's sending. */ void ir_send(unsigned short data) { volatile unsigned short mask = 0x2000; data |= 0xF000; dint(); while(mask != 0){ if(!(mask & data)){ send1bit(); send0bit(); } else { send0bit(); send1bit(); } mask /= 2; } eint(); }
void msp430_set_cpu_speed(uint32_t speed) { dint(); __msp430_cpu_speed = speed; msp430_init_dco(); uint16_t br; UCTL1 = SWRST | CHAR; // 8-bit character UTCTL1 |= SSEL1 | URXSE; // UCLK = MCLK // activate U1ME |= UTXE1 | URXE1; // Enable USART1 TXD/RXD br = (uint16_t)(__msp430_cpu_speed / 115200uL); UBR01 = br; // set baudrate UBR11 = br>>8; UMCTL1 = calc_umctl(br); // set modulation UCTL1 &= ~SWRST; //clock_init(); eint(); }
//#warning "sc_user_eeprom_write_block implementation presently ignores the loc parameter" void sc_user_eeprom_write_block(u32 loc, u08* data, u08 length){ u16 i; u08* flash_ptr; uint16_t saved_sr; saved_sr = READ_SR; dint(); { volatile int blerg; for(blerg = 0; blerg < 10000; blerg++) ; } #if SIZEOF_SCANDAL_CONFIG <= 128 flash_ptr = (u08*)0x1000; /* Segment B */ /* Erase the flash segment */ FCTL1 = FWKEY + ERASE; FCTL3 = FWKEY; *flash_ptr = 0; /* Write the flash segment */ FCTL1 = FWKEY + WRT; for(i=0;i<length;i++){ FCTL3 = FWKEY; FCTL1 = FWKEY + WRT; /* Set for write operation */ *flash_ptr++ = *data++; FCTL1 = FWKEY; FCTL3 = FWKEY + LOCK; } #else #warning USER CONFIG WILL NOT BE WRITTEN TO EEPROM #endif if(saved_sr & GIE) eint(); }
interrupt (TIMERB0_VECTOR) timerb0_int(void) { dint(); TBCCR0 += (SAMPLE_1MS); /* MIDI output is in 1ms steps */ if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer1[SC_MIDIOutput])) { /* Update the Digital States */ ScanDigitalInputs(); MIDI_Output(); MIDI_DigitalOutput(); MIDI_MetronomeOutput(); ResetValues(); SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer1[SC_MIDIOutput]); /* Benchmark reporting */ /*UART_Tx( (uint8_t)(BenchMarkCount>>8) ); UART_Tx( (uint8_t)(BenchMarkCount) ); BenchMarkCount = 0;*/ } if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer1[SC_RetriggerReset])) { SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer1[SC_RetriggerReset]); uint8_t i; /* Each increment of Retrigger increases the time by 1ms */ for( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_INPUTS ; i++ ) { if(SoftTimerInterrupt(RetriggerPeriod[i])) { SoftTimerStop(RetriggerPeriod[i]); SoftTimerReset(RetriggerPeriod[i]); } } } eint(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void flash_setup(void) { /* disable all interrupts to protect CPU during programming from system crash */ dint(); /* Clear interrupt flag1. */ SFRIFG1 = 0; /* The IFG1 = 0; statement locks up contikimac - not sure if this statement needs to be here at all. I've removed it for now, since it seems to work, but leave this little note here in case someone stumbles over this code at some point. */ /* Stop watchdog. */ watchdog_stop(); /* disable all NMI-Interrupt sources */ sfrie = SFRIE1; SFRIE1 = 0x00; }
void * link_update(void * arg){ int err; link_data_t data; data.op.cmd = 0; err = 0; dstr("Enter update loop\n"); while(1){ //Wait for data to arrive on the USB while( 1 ){ if ( (err = link_protocol_slaveread(phy_handle, &data.op, sizeof(link_op_t), NULL, NULL)) < 0 ){ continue; core_reset(0); } if( err > 0 ){ break; } } dstr("EXEC CMD: "); dint(data.op.cmd); dstr("\n"); if ( data.op.cmd < LINK_BOOTLOADER_CMD_TOTAL ){ link_cmd_func_table[data.op.cmd](&data); } else { data.reply.err = -1; data.reply.err_number = EINVAL; } //send the reply if( data.op.cmd != 0 ){ link_protocol_slavewrite(phy_handle, &data.reply, sizeof(data.reply), NULL, NULL); data.op.cmd = 0; } } return NULL; }
void i2c_init(uint16_t usi_clock_divider, uint16_t usi_clock_source) {//, uint8_t slave_address) { // _disable_interrupts(); dint(); UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; //Keep in reset until configured UCB0CTL0 = UCMODE0 + UCMODE1 + UCMST + UCSYNC; // Master mode, I2C mode, synchronous mode //7 bit addressing UCB0CTL1 = UCSWRST + usi_clock_source; UCB0BR0 = usi_clock_divider & 0x00FF; UCB0BR1 = usi_clock_divider >> 8; // UCB0I2CSA = slave_address; // UCB0I2CSA contains the slave address (7 or 10 bit) of the slave // that the msp430 is talking to over I2C bus. UCB0CTL1 &= ~(UCSWRST); // need to unset the reset bit before setting interrupts // UCB0I2CIE = UCNACKIE; // Interrupt when NACK occurs but ACK was expected // there is also stop condition, start condition for when msp430 is slave // and arbitration lost interrupt when multimaster mode is set IE2 = UCB0RXIE;//UCB0TXIE + // interrupt when USCI_B0 UCB0TXBUF is empty and when UCB0RXBUF has a complete character // _enable_interrupts(); eint(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void clock_init(void) { dint(); /* Select SMCLK (2.4576MHz), clear TAR */ /* TACTL = TASSEL1 | TACLR | ID_3; */ /* Select ACLK 32768Hz clock, divide by 8 */ TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR | ID_3; /* Initialize ccr1 to create the X ms interval. */ /* CCR1 interrupt enabled, interrupt occurs when timer equals CCR1. */ TACCTL1 = CCIE; /* Interrupt after X ms. */ TACCR1 = INTERVAL; /* Start Timer_A in continuous mode. */ TACTL |= MC1; count = 0; /* Select ACLK 32768Hz clock, divide by 8 */ TBCTL = TBSSEL0 | TBCLR | ID_3; #if WITH_FTSP TBCCR1 = 0; TBCCTL1 = CCIE; // TBCTL |= TBIE; sw_ext = 0; #endif /* WITH_FTSP */ TBCTL |= MC1; /* Enable interrupts. */ eint(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void clock_init(void) { dint(); /* Select SMCLK (2.4576MHz), clear TAR */ /* TACTL = TASSEL1 | TACLR | ID_3; */ /* Select ACLK 32768Hz clock, divide by 2 */ /* TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR | ID_1;*/ /* Select ACLK 32768Hz clock */ /* TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR; */ #if INTERVAL==32768/CLOCK_SECOND TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR; #elif INTERVAL==16384/CLOCK_SECOND TACTL = TASSEL0 | TACLR | ID_1; #else #error NEED TO UPDATE clock.c to match interval! #endif /* Initialize ccr1 to create the X ms interval. */ /* CCR1 interrupt enabled, interrupt occurs when timer equals CCR. */ TACCTL1 = CCIE; /* Interrupt after X ms. */ TACCR1 = INTERVAL; /* Start Timer_A in continuous mode. */ TACTL |= MC1; count = 0; /* Enable interrupts. */ eint(); }
PROCESS_THREAD(scanning, ev, data) { PROCESS_BEGIN(); // Initial operations leds_off(LEDS_ALL); watchdog_stop(); // Avoiding wrong RSSI readings unsigned temp; CC2420_READ_REG(CC2420_AGCTST1, temp); CC2420_WRITE_REG(CC2420_AGCTST1, (temp + (1 << 8) + (1 << 13))); // Selecting the channel SPI_SETCHANNEL_SUPERFAST(357+((CHANNEL-11)*5)); // Avoiding the initial wrong readings by discarding the wrong readings CC2420_SPI_ENABLE(); unsigned long k=0; for (k=0; k<=15; k++) {MY_FASTSPI_GETRSSI(temp);} CC2420_SPI_DISABLE(); static struct etimer et; while(1){ #if VERBOSE printf("#START (dBm: occurrencies)\n"); #endif // Resetting everything for(k=0;k<BUFFER_SIZE;k++){ buffer0[k] = 0; } dint(); // Disable interrupts boost_cpu(); // Temporarily boost CPU speed CC2420_SPI_ENABLE(); // Enable SPI // Actual scanning static signed char rssi; for(k=0; k<MAX_VALUE; k++){ MY_FASTSPI_GETRSSI(rssi); buffer0[rssi+55]++; } CC2420_SPI_DISABLE(); // Disable SPI restore_cpu(); // Restore CPU speed eint(); // Re-enable interrupts // Printing the stored values in compressed form unsigned long sum_cca = 0; unsigned long max = 0, max_value = 0; for(temp=0; temp<BUFFER_SIZE; temp++) { sum_cca += (temp * buffer0[temp]); if(buffer0[temp] > max){ max = buffer0[temp]; max_value = temp; } } // Printing the results of the CCA float f_cca = (((float) sum_cca*1.0000) / MAX_VALUE)-100.0000; #if VERBOSE printf("Average noise: %ld.%04u\nStatistic Mode noise: %ld\n", (long) f_cca, (unsigned)((f_cca-floor(f_cca))*10000), max_value-100); #else printf("%ld.%04u\n", (long) f_cca, (unsigned)((f_cca-floor(f_cca))*10000)); #endif #if VERBOSE printf("#END\n"); #endif // Waiting for timer etimer_set(&et, PERIOD_TIME); PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&et)); } PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); PROCESS_END(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_RED); uart1_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); /* Must come before first printf */ #if WITH_UIP slip_arch_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); #endif /* WITH_UIP */ leds_on(LEDS_GREEN); ds2411_init(); /* XXX hack: Fix it so that the 802.15.4 MAC address is compatible with an Ethernet MAC address - byte 0 (byte 2 in the DS ID) cannot be odd. */ ds2411_id[2] &= 0xfe; leds_on(LEDS_BLUE); xmem_init(); leds_off(LEDS_RED); rtimer_init(); /* * Hardware initialization done! */ /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ node_id_restore(); random_init(ds2411_id[0] + node_id); leds_off(LEDS_BLUE); /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); /* * Initialize light and humidity/temp sensors. */ sensors_light_init(); battery_sensor.activate(); sht11_init(); ctimer_init(); cc2420_init(); cc2420_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, 0 /*XXX*/, ds2411_id); cc2420_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); printf(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING " started. "); if(node_id > 0) { printf("Node id is set to %u.\n", node_id); } else { printf("Node id is not set.\n"); } set_rime_addr(); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", ds2411_id[0], ds2411_id[1], ds2411_id[2], ds2411_id[3], ds2411_id[4], ds2411_id[5], ds2411_id[6], ds2411_id[7]); #if WITH_UIP6 memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, ds2411_id, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); sicslowpan_init(sicslowmac_init(&cc2420_driver)); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf(" %s channel %u\n",, RF_CHANNEL); #if UIP_CONF_ROUTER rime_init(rime_udp_init(NULL)); uip_router_register(&rimeroute); #endif /* UIP_CONF_ROUTER */ #else /* WITH_UIP6 */ rime_init(MAC_DRIVER.init(&cc2420_driver)); printf(" %s channel %u\n", rime_mac->name, RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* WITH_UIP6 */ #if !WITH_UIP && !WITH_UIP6 uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_init(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ leds_off(LEDS_GREEN); #if WITH_FTSP ftsp_init(); #endif /* WITH_FTSP */ #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level(rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0]); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ #if WITH_UIP process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); process_start(&uip_fw_process, NULL); /* Start IP output */ process_start(&slip_process, NULL); slip_set_input_callback(set_gateway); { uip_ipaddr_t hostaddr, netmask; uip_init(); uip_ipaddr(&hostaddr, 172,16, rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0],rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]); uip_ipaddr(&netmask, 255,255,0,0); uip_ipaddr_copy(&meshif.ipaddr, &hostaddr); uip_sethostaddr(&hostaddr); uip_setnetmask(&netmask); uip_over_mesh_set_net(&hostaddr, &netmask); /* uip_fw_register(&slipif);*/ uip_over_mesh_set_gateway_netif(&slipif); uip_fw_default(&meshif); uip_over_mesh_init(UIP_OVER_MESH_CHANNEL); printf("uIP started with IP address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", uip_ipaddr_to_quad(&hostaddr)); } #endif /* WITH_UIP */ button_sensor.activate(); energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); print_processes(autostart_processes); autostart_start(autostart_processes); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ #if DCOSYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timer_set(&mgt_timer, DCOSYNCH_PERIOD * CLOCK_SECOND); #endif watchdog_start(); /* watchdog_stop();*/ while(1) { int r; #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_start(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_end(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ /* uart1_active is for avoiding LPM3 when still sending or receiving */ if(process_nevents() != 0 || uart1_active()) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; #if DCOSYNCH_CONF_ENABLED /* before going down to sleep possibly do some management */ if (timer_expired(&mgt_timer)) { timer_reset(&mgt_timer); msp430_sync_dco(); } #endif /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | SCG1 | CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. This statement will block until the CPU is woken up by an interrupt that sets the wake up flag. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); watchdog_start(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } return 0; }
ContactList &R_ContactList(world::ConvexSubspace &subspace, ContactType type) { return subspaceContactLists[subspace.indexInMap() * ContactTypeCount + dint( type )]; }
/* Main function */ int main(void) { sc_time_t my_timer; P5OUT = CAN_CS; dint(); WDTCTL = WDTCTL_INIT; //Init watchdog timer init_ports(); init_clock(); sc_init_timer(); UART_Init(); scandal_init(); eint(); /* Set the tyremaster to use 4800 baud */ UART_baud_rate(2400, CLOCK_SPEED); my_timer = sc_get_timer(); while(1) { handle_scandal(); if(UART_is_received()) { uint8_t preamble, tyre_id, air_temp, batt_voltage, chksum, chksum_data, tyre_pressure_0, tyre_pressure_1; uint16_t tyre_pressure; preamble = UART_ReceiveByte(); if(preamble == 0xAA) { tyre_id = UART_ReceiveByte(); // the tyre tyre_pressure_0 = UART_ReceiveByte(); // pressure low byte tyre_pressure_1 = UART_ReceiveByte(); // pressure hi byte air_temp = UART_ReceiveByte(); // air temp batt_voltage = UART_ReceiveByte(); // batt voltage chksum = UART_ReceiveByte(); // chksum chksum_data = tyre_id + air_temp + tyre_pressure_0 + tyre_pressure_1 + batt_voltage; if(chksum == chksum_data) { tyre_pressure = (tyre_pressure_1 << 8) | tyre_pressure_0; toggle_red_led(); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, tyre_id + TYREMASTER_PRESSURE, ((uint32_t)tyre_pressure)*2970); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, tyre_id + TYREMASTER_AIR_TEMP, ((uint32_t)(air_temp-50))*1000); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, tyre_id + TYREMASTER_BATT_VOLTAGE, ((double)batt_voltage)*18.4+1730); } else { scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, tyre_id + 4, (int)chksum); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, tyre_id + 5, (int)chksum_data); } } } if(sc_get_timer() >= my_timer + 1000) { my_timer = sc_get_timer(); toggle_yellow_led(); } } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_RED); uart1_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); /* Must come before first printf */ leds_on(LEDS_GREEN); /* xmem_init(); */ rtimer_init(); lcd_init(); watchdog_init(); PRINTF(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING "\n"); /* PRINTF("Compiled at %s, %s\n", __TIME__, __DATE__);*/ /* * Hardware initialization done! */ leds_on(LEDS_RED); /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ #ifdef NODEID node_id = NODEID; #ifdef BURN_NODEID node_id_burn(node_id); node_id_restore(); /* also configures node_mac[] */ #endif /* BURN_NODEID */ #else node_id_restore(); /* also configures node_mac[] */ #endif /* NODE_ID */ /* for setting "hardcoded" IEEE 802.15.4 MAC addresses */ #ifdef MAC_1 { uint8_t ieee[] = { MAC_1, MAC_2, MAC_3, MAC_4, MAC_5, MAC_6, MAC_7, MAC_8 }; memcpy(node_mac, ieee, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); } #endif /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); set_rime_addr(); random_init(node_id); NETSTACK_RADIO.init(); #if CC11xx_CC1101 || CC11xx_CC1120 printf("Starting up cc11xx radio at channel %d\n", RF_CHANNEL); cc11xx_channel_set(RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* CC11xx_CC1101 || CC11xx_CC1120 */ #if CONFIGURE_CC2420 || CONFIGURE_CC2520 { uint8_t longaddr[8]; uint16_t shortaddr; shortaddr = (rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 8) + rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]; memset(longaddr, 0, sizeof(longaddr)); rimeaddr_copy((rimeaddr_t *)&longaddr, &rimeaddr_node_addr); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", longaddr[0], longaddr[1], longaddr[2], longaddr[3], longaddr[4], longaddr[5], longaddr[6], longaddr[7]); #if CONFIGURE_CC2420 cc2420_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2420 */ #if CONFIGURE_CC2520 cc2520_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2520 */ } #if CONFIGURE_CC2420 cc2420_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2420 */ #if CONFIGURE_CC2520 cc2520_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2520 */ #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2420 || CONFIGURE_CC2520 */ NETSTACK_RADIO.on(); leds_off(LEDS_ALL); if(node_id > 0) { PRINTF("Node id %u.\n", node_id); } else { PRINTF("Node id not set.\n"); } #if WITH_UIP6 memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, node_mac, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); /* Setup nullmac-like MAC for 802.15.4 */ queuebuf_init(); netstack_init(); printf("%s/%s %lu %u\n",,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf("IPv6 "); { uip_ds6_addr_t *lladdr; int i; lladdr = uip_ds6_get_link_local(-1); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[14], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[15]); } if(1) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; int i; uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, 0xfc00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_ds6_set_addr_iid(&ipaddr, &uip_lladdr); uip_ds6_addr_add(&ipaddr, 0, ADDR_TENTATIVE); printf("Tentative global IPv6 address "); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", ipaddr.u8[i * 2], ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", ipaddr.u8[7 * 2], ipaddr.u8[7 * 2 + 1]); } #else /* WITH_UIP6 */ netstack_init(); printf("%s %lu %u\n",, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* WITH_UIP6 */ #if !WITH_UIP6 uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif #ifdef NETSTACK_AES_H #ifndef NETSTACK_AES_KEY #error Please define NETSTACK_AES_KEY! #endif /* NETSTACK_AES_KEY */ { const uint8_t key[] = NETSTACK_AES_KEY; netstack_aes_set_key(key); } /*printf("AES encryption is enabled: '%s'\n", NETSTACK_AES_KEY);*/ printf("AES encryption is enabled\n"); #else /* NETSTACK_AES_H */ printf("Warning: AES encryption is disabled\n"); #endif /* NETSTACK_AES_H */ #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level(rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0]); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ #if CC11xx_CC1101 || CC11xx_CC1120 printf("cc11xx radio at channel %d\n", RF_CHANNEL); cc11xx_channel_set(RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* CC11xx_CC1101 || CC11xx_CC1120 */ #if CONFIGURE_CC2420 { uint8_t longaddr[8]; uint16_t shortaddr; shortaddr = (rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 8) + rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]; memset(longaddr, 0, sizeof(longaddr)); rimeaddr_copy((rimeaddr_t *)&longaddr, &rimeaddr_node_addr); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", longaddr[0], longaddr[1], longaddr[2], longaddr[3], longaddr[4], longaddr[5], longaddr[6], longaddr[7]); cc2420_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); } cc2420_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* CONFIGURE_CC2420 */ NETSTACK_RADIO.on(); /* process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor);*/ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); simple_rpl_init(); watchdog_start(); print_processes(autostart_processes); autostart_start(autostart_processes); duty_cycle_scroller_start(CLOCK_SECOND * 2); #if IP64_CONF_UIP_FALLBACK_INTERFACE_SLIP && WITH_SLIP /* Start the SLIP */ printf("Initiating SLIP: my IP is\n"); slip_arch_init(0); { uip_ip4addr_t ipv4addr, netmask; uip_ipaddr(&ipv4addr, 172, 16, 0, 2); uip_ipaddr(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); ip64_set_ipv4_address(&ipv4addr, &netmask); } uart1_set_input(slip_input_byte); #endif /* IP64_CONF_UIP_FALLBACK_INTERFACE_SLIP */ /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ while(1) { int r; do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ /* uart1_active is for avoiding LPM3 when still sending or receiving */ if(process_nevents() != 0 || uart1_active()) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | SCG1 | CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. This statement will block until the CPU is woken up by an interrupt that sets the wake up flag. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); watchdog_start(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_RED); uart1_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); /* Must come before first printf */ #if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 slip_arch_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); #endif /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 */ leds_on(LEDS_GREEN); /* xmem_init(); */ rtimer_init(); lcd_init(); PRINTF(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING "\n"); /* * Hardware initialization done! */ leds_on(LEDS_RED); /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ // node_id_restore(); #ifdef NODEID node_id = NODEID; #ifdef BURN_NODEID flash_setup(); flash_clear(0x1800); flash_write(0x1800, node_id); flash_done(); #endif /* BURN_NODEID */ #endif /* NODE_ID */ if(node_id == 0) { node_id = *((unsigned short *)0x1800); } memset(node_mac, 0, sizeof(node_mac)); node_mac[6] = node_id >> 8; node_mac[7] = node_id & 0xff; /* for setting "hardcoded" IEEE 802.15.4 MAC addresses */ #ifdef MAC_1 { uint8_t ieee[] = { MAC_1, MAC_2, MAC_3, MAC_4, MAC_5, MAC_6, MAC_7, MAC_8 }; memcpy(node_mac, ieee, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); } #endif /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); set_rime_addr(); cc2420_init(); { uint8_t longaddr[8]; uint16_t shortaddr; shortaddr = (linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 8) + linkaddr_node_addr.u8[1]; memset(longaddr, 0, sizeof(longaddr)); linkaddr_copy((linkaddr_t *)&longaddr, &linkaddr_node_addr); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", longaddr[0], longaddr[1], longaddr[2], longaddr[3], longaddr[4], longaddr[5], longaddr[6], longaddr[7]); cc2420_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); } leds_off(LEDS_ALL); if(node_id > 0) { PRINTF("Node id %u.\n", node_id); } else { PRINTF("Node id not set.\n"); } #if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, node_mac, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); /* Setup nullmac-like MAC for 802.15.4 */ queuebuf_init(); NETSTACK_RDC.init(); NETSTACK_MAC.init(); NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %lu %u\n",, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), CC2420_CONF_CHANNEL); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf("IPv6 "); { uip_ds6_addr_t *lladdr; int i; lladdr = uip_ds6_get_link_local(-1); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[14], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[15]); } if(!UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; int i; uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, UIP_DS6_DEFAULT_PREFIX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_ds6_set_addr_iid(&ipaddr, &uip_lladdr); uip_ds6_addr_add(&ipaddr, 0, ADDR_TENTATIVE); printf("Tentative global IPv6 address "); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", ipaddr.u8[i * 2], ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", ipaddr.u8[7 * 2], ipaddr.u8[7 * 2 + 1]); } #else /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 */ NETSTACK_RDC.init(); NETSTACK_MAC.init(); NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %lu %u\n",, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), CC2420_CONF_CHANNEL); #endif /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 */ #if !NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level(linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0]); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ /* process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor);*/ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); print_processes(autostart_processes); autostart_start(autostart_processes); duty_cycle_scroller_start(CLOCK_SECOND * 2); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ watchdog_start(); watchdog_stop(); /* Stop the wdt... */ while(1) { int r; do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ /* uart1_active is for avoiding LPM3 when still sending or receiving */ if(process_nevents() != 0 || uart1_active()) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU, ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | SCG1 | CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. This statement will block until the CPU is woken up by an interrupt that sets the wake up flag. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); watchdog_start(); ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM, ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_RED); clock_wait(100); uart0_init(BAUD2UBR(UART0_BAUD_RATE)); /* Must come before first printf */ #if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 slip_arch_init(BAUD2UBR(UART0_BAUD_RATE)); #endif /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 */ xmem_init(); rtimer_init(); /* * Hardware initialization done! */ /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ node_id_restore(); /* If no MAC address was burned, we use the node id or the Z1 product ID */ if(!(node_mac[0] | node_mac[1] | node_mac[2] | node_mac[3] | node_mac[4] | node_mac[5] | node_mac[6] | node_mac[7])) { #ifdef SERIALNUM if(!node_id) { PRINTF("Node id is not set, using Z1 product ID\n"); node_id = SERIALNUM; } #endif node_mac[0] = 0xc1; /* Hardcoded for Z1 */ node_mac[1] = 0x0c; /* Hardcoded for Revision C */ node_mac[2] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded to arbitrary even number so that the 802.15.4 MAC address is compatible with an Ethernet MAC address - byte 0 (byte 2 in the DS ID) */ node_mac[3] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[4] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[5] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[6] = node_id >> 8; node_mac[7] = node_id & 0xff; } /* Overwrite node MAC if desired at compile time */ #ifdef MACID #warning "***** CHANGING DEFAULT MAC *****" node_mac[0] = 0xc1; /* Hardcoded for Z1 */ node_mac[1] = 0x0c; /* Hardcoded for Revision C */ node_mac[2] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded to arbitrary even number so that the 802.15.4 MAC address is compatible with an Ethernet MAC address - byte 0 (byte 2 in the DS ID) */ node_mac[3] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[4] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[5] = 0x00; /* Hardcoded */ node_mac[6] = MACID >> 8; node_mac[7] = MACID & 0xff; #endif #ifdef IEEE_802154_MAC_ADDRESS /* for setting "hardcoded" IEEE 802.15.4 MAC addresses */ { uint8_t ieee[] = IEEE_802154_MAC_ADDRESS; memcpy(node_mac, ieee, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); node_mac[7] = node_id & 0xff; } #endif /* IEEE_802154_MAC_ADDRESS */ /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ random_init(node_mac[6] + node_mac[7]); process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); init_platform(); set_rime_addr(); cc2420_init(); SENSORS_ACTIVATE(adxl345); { uint8_t longaddr[8]; uint16_t shortaddr; shortaddr = (linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 8) + linkaddr_node_addr.u8[1]; memset(longaddr, 0, sizeof(longaddr)); linkaddr_copy((linkaddr_t *)&longaddr, &linkaddr_node_addr); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ", longaddr[0], longaddr[1], longaddr[2], longaddr[3], longaddr[4], longaddr[5], longaddr[6], longaddr[7]); cc2420_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); } leds_off(LEDS_ALL); #ifdef SERIALNUM PRINTF("Ref ID: %u\n", SERIALNUM); #endif PRINTF(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING " started. "); if(node_id) { PRINTF("Node id is set to %u.\n", node_id); } else { PRINTF("Node id not set\n"); } #if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, node_mac, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); /* Setup nullmac-like MAC for 802.15.4 */ /* sicslowpan_init(sicslowmac_init(&cc2420_driver)); */ /* printf(" %s channel %u\n",, CC2420_CONF_CHANNEL); */ /* Setup X-MAC for 802.15.4 */ queuebuf_init(); netstack_init(); // NETSTACK_RDC.init(); // NETSTACK_MAC.init(); // NETSTACK_LLSEC.init(); // NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %s %s, channel check rate %lu Hz, radio channel %u\n",,,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1 : NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), CC2420_CONF_CHANNEL); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf("Tentative link-local IPv6 address "); { uip_ds6_addr_t *lladdr; int i; lladdr = uip_ds6_get_link_local(-1); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[14], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[15]); } if(!UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; int i; uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, UIP_DS6_DEFAULT_PREFIX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_ds6_set_addr_iid(&ipaddr, &uip_lladdr); uip_ds6_addr_add(&ipaddr, 0, ADDR_TENTATIVE); printf("Tentative global IPv6 address "); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", ipaddr.u8[i * 2], ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", ipaddr.u8[7 * 2], ipaddr.u8[7 * 2 + 1]); } #else /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 */ netstack_init(); //NETSTACK_RDC.init(); //NETSTACK_MAC.init(); //NETSTACK_LLSEC.init(); //NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %s %s, channel check rate %lu Hz, radio channel %u\n",,,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1 : NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), CC2420_CONF_CHANNEL); #endif /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 */ #if !NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 && !NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV6 uart0_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif leds_off(LEDS_GREEN); #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level(linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0]); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ #if NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); process_start(&uip_fw_process, NULL); /* Start IP output */ process_start(&slip_process, NULL); slip_set_input_callback(set_gateway); { uip_ipaddr_t hostaddr, netmask; uip_init(); uip_ipaddr(&hostaddr, 172, 16, linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[1]); uip_ipaddr(&netmask, 255, 255, 0, 0); uip_ipaddr_copy(&meshif.ipaddr, &hostaddr); uip_sethostaddr(&hostaddr); uip_setnetmask(&netmask); uip_over_mesh_set_net(&hostaddr, &netmask); /* uip_fw_register(&slipif);*/ uip_over_mesh_set_gateway_netif(&slipif); uip_fw_default(&meshif); uip_over_mesh_init(UIP_OVER_MESH_CHANNEL); printf("uIP started with IP address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", uip_ipaddr_to_quad(&hostaddr)); } #endif /* NETSTACK_CONF_WITH_IPV4 */ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); print_processes(autostart_processes); autostart_start(autostart_processes); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ #if DCOSYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timer_set(&mgt_timer, DCOSYNCH_PERIOD * CLOCK_SECOND); #endif watchdog_start(); /* watchdog_stop();*/ while(1) { int r; do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ /* uart0_active is for avoiding LPM3 when still sending or receiving */ if(process_nevents() != 0 || uart0_active()) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; #if DCOSYNCH_CONF_ENABLED /* before going down to sleep possibly do some management */ if(timer_expired(&mgt_timer)) { timer_reset(&mgt_timer); msp430_sync_dco(); } #endif /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU, ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | SCG1 | CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. This statement will block until the CPU is woken up by an interrupt that sets the wake up flag. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); watchdog_start(); ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM, ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } return 0; }
int main(void) { #if WITH_SD int r; #endif /* WITH_SD */ msp430_cpu_init(); watchdog_stop(); /* Platform-specific initialization. */ msb_ports_init(); adc_init(); clock_init(); rtimer_init(); sht11_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_ALL); irq_init(); process_init(); /* serial interface */ rs232_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); rs232_init(); serial_line_init(); uart_lock(UART_MODE_RS232); uart_unlock(UART_MODE_RS232); #if WITH_UIP slip_arch_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); #endif #if WITH_SD r = sd_initialize(); if(r < 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the SD driver: %s\n", sd_error_string(r)); } else { sd_offset_t capacity; printf("The SD driver was successfully initialized\n"); capacity = sd_get_capacity(); if(capacity < 0) { printf("Failed to get the SD card capacity: %s\n", sd_error_string(r)); } else { printf("SD card capacity: %u MB\n", (unsigned)(capacity / (1024UL * 1024))); } } #endif /* System services */ process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); node_id_restore(); init_net(); energest_init(); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_init(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ leds_off(LEDS_ALL); printf(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING " started. Node id %u, using %s.\n", node_id, rime_mac->name); autostart_start(autostart_processes); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); while (1) { int r; #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_start(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_end(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ if (process_nevents() != 0) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* * We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we * are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we * were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); if (uart_edge) { _BIC_SR(LPM1_bits + GIE); } else { _BIS_SR(LPM1_bits + GIE); } /* * We get the current processing time for interrupts that was * done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_clear_timestamps(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ } } return 0; }
/* Main function */ int main(void) { sc_time_t my_timer; int32_t value; dint(); #if USE_WATCHDOG init_watchdog(); #else WDTCTL = WDTCTL_INIT; //Init watchdog timer #endif init_ports(); init_clock(); sc_init_timer(); scandal_init(); config_read(); {volatile int i; for(i=0; i<100; i++) ; } /* Below here, we assume we have a config */ /* Send out the error that we've reset -- it's not fatal obviously, but we want to know when it happens, and it really is an error, since something that's solar powered should be fairly constantly powered */ scandal_do_user_err(UNSWMPPTNG_ERROR_WATCHDOG_RESET); /* Make sure our variables are set up properly */ tracker_status = 0; /* Initialise FPGA (or, our case, CPLD) stuff */ fpga_init(); /* Starts the ADC and control loop interrupt */ control_init(); /* Initialise the PV tracking mechanism */ pv_track_init(); eint(); my_timer = sc_get_timer(); while (1) { sc_time_t timeval; timeval = sc_get_timer(); handle_scandal(); /* pv_track sends data when it feels like it */ pv_track_send_data(); /* Periodically send out the values recorded by the ADC */ if(timeval >= my_timer + TELEMETRY_UPDATE_PERIOD){ my_timer = timeval; toggle_yellow_led(); #if USE_WATCHDOG kick_watchdog(); #endif mpptng_do_errors(); pv_track_send_telemetry(); /* We send the Input current and voltage from within the pvtrack module */ /* scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_IN_VOLTAGE, sample_adc(MEAS_VIN1)); scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_IN_CURRENT, sample_adc(MEAS_IIN1));*/ scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_OUT_VOLTAGE, sample_adc(MEAS_VOUT)); scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_HEATSINK_TEMP, sample_adc(MEAS_THEATSINK)); scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_15V, sample_adc(MEAS_15V)); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_STATUS, tracker_status); /* Pre-scale for the temperature */ { int32_t degC = sample_adc(MEAS_TAMBIENT); degC = (((degC - 1615)*704*1000)/4095); scandal_send_scaled_channel(TELEM_LOW, UNSWMPPTNG_AMBIENT_TEMP, degC); } #if DEBUG >= 1 scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, 134, output); scandal_send_channel(TELEM_LOW, 136, fpga_nFS()); #endif } /* If we're not tracking, check to see that our start-up criteria are satisfied, and then initialise the control loops and restart tracking */ if((tracker_status & STATUS_TRACKING) == 0){ /* Check the input voltage */ value = sample_adc(MEAS_VIN1); scandal_get_scaled_value(UNSWMPPTNG_IN_VOLTAGE, &value); if(value < config.min_vin) continue; /* Check the output voltage */ value = sample_adc(MEAS_VOUT); scandal_get_scaled_value(UNSWMPPTNG_OUT_VOLTAGE, &value); if(value > config.max_vout) continue; tracker_status |= STATUS_TRACKING; /* Initialise the tracking algorithm */ // pv_track_init(); /* Reset the FPGA */ fs_reset(); /* Initialise the control loop */ control_start(); /* Enable the FPGA */ fpga_enable(FPGA_ON); } } }
/** * Application main entry point * * Initialize device drivers, start applications and handle * cooperative scheduling. If no task is requiring CPU time, the * controller enters low power mode. */ int main(void) { msp430_cpu_init(); watchdog_stop(); /* Platform-specific initialization. */ msb_ports_init(); adc_reset(); clock_init(); rtimer_init(); // use XT2 as main clock, set clock divder for SMCLK to 1 // MLCK: 8 MHz // SMCLK: 8 MHz // ACLK: 32.768 kHz BCSCTL1 = RSEL2 | RSEL1 | RSEL0; BCSCTL2 = SELM1 | SELS; leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_ALL); bluetooth_disable(); mma7361_init(); process_init(); /* System timers */ process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); leds_off(LEDS_ALL); ds2411_init(); /* Overwrite unique id, this was taken from the original Shimmer software */ /* University of California Berkeley's OUI */ ds2411_id[0] = 0x00; ds2411_id[1] = 0x12; ds2411_id[2] = 0x6d; /* Following two octets must be 'LO' -- "local" in order to use UCB's OUI */ ds2411_id[3] = 'L'; ds2411_id[4] = 'O'; autostart_start(autostart_processes); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); while (1) { int r; #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_start(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_episode_end(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ if (process_nevents() != 0) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* * We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we * are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we * were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); /* * If a Bluetooth transmission is running, go only to LPM0. * LPM1 and higher interrupt running UART communications. */ if (bluetooth_active()) { _BIS_SR(GIE | LPM0_bits); } else { _BIS_SR(GIE | LPM1_bits); } watchdog_start(); /* * We get the current processing time for interrupts that was * done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); #if PROFILE_CONF_ON profile_clear_timestamps(); #endif /* PROFILE_CONF_ON */ } } return 0; }
/** * \brief Main routine for the cc2538dk platform */ int main(void) { nvic_init(); sys_ctrl_init(); clock_init(); dint(); /*Init Watchdog*/ watchdog_init();//Need to check the watchdog on 123gxl rtimer_init(); lpm_init(); gpio_init(); ioc_init(); leds_init(); fade(LEDS_YELLOW); button_sensor_init(); /* * Character I/O Initialisation. * When the UART receives a character it will call serial_line_input_byte to * notify the core. The same applies for the USB driver. * * If slip-arch is also linked in afterwards (e.g. if we are a border router) * it will overwrite one of the two peripheral input callbacks. Characters * received over the relevant peripheral will be handled by * slip_input_byte instead */ #if UART_CONF_ENABLE uart_init(0); uart_init(1); uart_set_input(SERIAL_LINE_CONF_UART, serial_line_input_byte); #endif #if USB_SERIAL_CONF_ENABLE usb_serial_init(); usb_serial_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); #endif serial_line_init(); /*Enable EA*/ eint(); INTERRUPTS_ENABLE(); fade(LEDS_GREEN); PRINTF("=================================\r\n"); PUTS(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING); PRINTF("======================\r\n"); PRINTF("\r\n"); PUTS(BOARD_STRING); PRINTF("\r\n"); #ifdef NODEID node_id = NODEID; #ifdef BURN_NODEID node_id_burn(node_id); node_id_restore(); /* also configures node_mac[] */ #endif /* BURN_NODEID */ #else node_id_restore(); /* also configures node_mac[] */ #endif /* NODE_ID */ /* for setting "hardcoded" IEEE 802.15.4 MAC addresses */ #ifdef MAC_1 { uint8_t ieee[] = { MAC_1, MAC_2, MAC_3, MAC_4, MAC_5, MAC_6, MAC_7, MAC_8 }; memcpy(node_mac, ieee, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); } #endif /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); button_sensor_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); set_rime_addr(); printf("finish addr seting\r\n"); /* Initialise the H/W RNG engine. */ random_init(0); udma_init(); if(node_id > 0) { printf("Node id %u.\r\n", node_id); } else { printf("Node id not set.\r\n"); } #if WITH_UIP6 memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, node_mac, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); /* Setup nullmac-like MAC for 802.15.4 */ queuebuf_init(); netstack_init(); PRINTF("CC2538 IEEE802154 PANID %d\r\n", IEEE802154_PANID); cc2538_rf_set_addr(IEEE802154_PANID); printf("%s/%s %lu %u\r\n",,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf("IPv6 "); { uip_ds6_addr_t *lladdr; int i; lladdr = uip_ds6_get_link_local(-1); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\r\n", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[14], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[15]); } if(1) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; int i; uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, 0xfc00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_ds6_set_addr_iid(&ipaddr, &uip_lladdr); uip_ds6_addr_add(&ipaddr, 0, ADDR_TENTATIVE); printf("Tentative global IPv6 address "); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", ipaddr.u8[i * 2], ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\r\n", ipaddr.u8[7 * 2], ipaddr.u8[7 * 2 + 1]); } #else /* WITH_UIP6 */ netstack_init(); PRINTF("CC2538 IEEE802154 PANID %d\r\n", IEEE802154_PANID); cc2538_rf_set_addr(IEEE802154_PANID); printf("%s %lu %u\r\n",, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* WITH_UIP6 */ #if !WITH_UIP6 uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif #ifdef NETSTACK_AES_H #ifndef NETSTACK_AES_KEY #error Please define NETSTACK_AES_KEY! #endif /* NETSTACK_AES_KEY */ { const uint8_t key[] = NETSTACK_AES_KEY; netstack_aes_set_key(key); } /*printf("AES encryption is enabled: '%s'\n", NETSTACK_AES_KEY);*/ printf("AES encryption is enabled\r\n"); #else /* NETSTACK_AES_H */ printf("Warning: AES encryption is disabled\r\n"); #endif /* NETSTACK_AES_H */ #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level(rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0]); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); simple_rpl_init(); /*Watch dog configuration*/ watchdog_periodic(); watchdog_start(); autostart_start(autostart_processes); //duty_cycle_scroller_start(CLOCK_SECOND * 2); #if IP64_CONF_UIP_FALLBACK_INTERFACE_SLIP && WITH_SLIP /* Start the SLIP */ printf("Initiating SLIP: my IP is\r\n"); slip_arch_init(0); { uip_ip4addr_t ipv4addr, netmask; uip_ipaddr(&ipv4addr, 172, 16, 0, 2); uip_ipaddr(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); ip64_set_ipv4_address(&ipv4addr, &netmask); } uart1_set_input(slip_input_byte); #endif /* IP64_CONF_UIP_FALLBACK_INTERFACE_SLIP */ fade(LEDS_ORANGE); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ while(1) { uint8_t r; do { /* Reset watchdog and handle polls and events */ // printf("reset watchdog\r\n"); watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); /* We have serviced all pending events. Enter a Low-Power mode. */ lpm_enter(); } }
interrupt (TIMERB1_VECTOR) timerb1_int(void) { dint(); uint8_t intVec = TBIV; if( intVec & TBIV_CCR2 ) { TBCCR2 += SAMPLE_1MS; if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_AutoMenuUpdate])) { /* Update the Threshold and Retrigger bar */ MenuSetInput(ActiveMenu, KP_UPDATE); MenuUpdate(ActiveMenu, RESET_MENU); //ThresholdBar(); SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer2[SC_AutoMenuUpdate]); } if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_VUDecay])) { SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer2[SC_VUDecay]); /* Decay the VU Meters here */ if( ActiveProcess == PLAY_MODE ) { VULevelDecay(ALL_METERS); } } if( SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_LCD_BL_Period]) ) { SoftTimerReset( SoftTimer2[SC_LCD_BL_Period] ); SoftTimerStop( SoftTimer2[SC_LCD_BL_Period] ); UI_LCD_BL_Off(); /* If no SoftTimer2's are enabled, then turn off the Timer2 module */ if( !SoftTimer_IsTimer2Active() ) { /* Stop the Auxuliary Timer */ TBCCTL2 &= ~(CCIE); } } if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_VUMeterUpdate])) { SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer2[SC_VUMeterUpdate]); /* Do the VU Meter*/ uint16_t i; uint8_t VURows = GetVURows(); for( i = 0 ; i < ANALOGUE_INPUTS; i++ ) { if( GetChannelStatus(i) ) { if( VUValues[i] > GetChannelThresh(i) ) { uint16_t conditionedSignal = (VUValues[i] - GetChannelThresh(i)); conditionedSignal = GainFunction(i, conditionedSignal); /* Normalise with x rows */ VUSetLevel(i, VUNormaliseMIDI(conditionedSignal, VURows), VURows); } } } VUMeterPrint(SEQUENTIAL_METERS | 0x0F, VURows); ResetVUValues(); } /* Digital & Metronome VU Meter */ if(SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_DigitalVUUpdate])) { SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer2[SC_DigitalVUUpdate]); /* Do the VU Meter*/ uint16_t i; uint8_t VURows = GetVURows(); for( i = 0 ; i < DIGITAL_INPUTS+METRONOME_INPUTS; i++ ) { uint8_t ActualChannel = i + ANALOGUE_INPUTS; if( GetChannelStatus(ActualChannel) ) { if( VUValues[i] ) { VUSetLevel(i, VUNormaliseMIDI(GetDigitalVelocity(i), VURows), VURows); } } } VUMeterPrint(SEQUENTIAL_METERS | 0x0F, VURows); ResetVUValues(); } /* About Strings Update routine */ if( SoftTimerInterrupt(SoftTimer2[SC_AboutUpdate]) ) { uint8_t nameIndex = 0; nameIndex = ThanksIndex(GET); if( ++nameIndex == SIZEOFTHANKS ) { nameIndex = ThanksIndex(MAIN_SCREEN); } ThanksIndex(nameIndex); aboutScroll(nameIndex); SoftTimerReset(SoftTimer2[SC_AboutUpdate]); } } eint(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_RED); clock_wait(2); uart1_init(115200); /* Must come before first printf */ #if WITH_UIP slip_arch_init(115200); #endif /* WITH_UIP */ clock_wait(1); leds_on(LEDS_GREEN); //ds2411_init(); /* XXX hack: Fix it so that the 802.15.4 MAC address is compatible with an Ethernet MAC address - byte 0 (byte 2 in the DS ID) cannot be odd. */ //ds2411_id[2] &= 0xfe; leds_on(LEDS_BLUE); //xmem_init(); leds_off(LEDS_RED); rtimer_init(); /* * Hardware initialization done! */ node_id = NODE_ID; /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ //node_id_restore(); /* for setting "hardcoded" IEEE 802.15.4 MAC addresses */ #ifdef IEEE_802154_MAC_ADDRESS { uint8_t ieee[] = IEEE_802154_MAC_ADDRESS; //memcpy(ds2411_id, ieee, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); //ds2411_id[7] = node_id & 0xff; } #endif //random_init(ds2411_id[0] + node_id); leds_off(LEDS_BLUE); /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); init_platform(); set_rime_addr(); cc2520_init(); { uint8_t longaddr[8]; uint16_t shortaddr; shortaddr = (rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 8) + rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]; memset(longaddr, 0, sizeof(longaddr)); rimeaddr_copy((rimeaddr_t *)&longaddr, &rimeaddr_node_addr); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ", longaddr[0], longaddr[1], longaddr[2], longaddr[3], longaddr[4], longaddr[5], longaddr[6], longaddr[7]); cc2520_set_pan_addr(IEEE802154_PANID, shortaddr, longaddr); } cc2520_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); printf(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING " started. "); if(node_id > 0) { printf("Node id is set to %u.\n", node_id); } else { printf("Node id is not set.\n"); } #if WITH_UIP6 /* memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, ds2411_id, sizeof(uip_lladdr.addr)); */ memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, rimeaddr_node_addr.u8, UIP_LLADDR_LEN > RIMEADDR_SIZE ? RIMEADDR_SIZE : UIP_LLADDR_LEN); /* Setup nullmac-like MAC for 802.15.4 */ /* sicslowpan_init(sicslowmac_init(&cc2520_driver)); */ /* printf(" %s channel %u\n",, RF_CHANNEL); */ /* Setup X-MAC for 802.15.4 */ queuebuf_init(); NETSTACK_RDC.init(); NETSTACK_MAC.init(); NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %s, channel check rate %lu Hz, radio channel %u\n",,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); printf("Tentative link-local IPv6 address "); { uip_ds6_addr_t *lladdr; int i; lladdr = uip_ds6_get_link_local(-1); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", lladdr->ipaddr.u8[14], lladdr->ipaddr.u8[15]); } if(!UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL) { uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr; int i; uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, 0xaaaa, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); uip_ds6_set_addr_iid(&ipaddr, &uip_lladdr); uip_ds6_addr_add(&ipaddr, 0, ADDR_TENTATIVE); printf("Tentative global IPv6 address "); for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { printf("%02x%02x:", ipaddr.u8[i * 2], ipaddr.u8[i * 2 + 1]); } printf("%02x%02x\n", ipaddr.u8[7 * 2], ipaddr.u8[7 * 2 + 1]); } #else /* WITH_UIP6 */ NETSTACK_RDC.init(); NETSTACK_MAC.init(); NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); printf("%s %s, channel check rate %lu Hz, radio channel %u\n",,, CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0? 1: NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), RF_CHANNEL); #endif /* WITH_UIP6 */ #if !WITH_UIP && !WITH_UIP6 uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); serial_line_init(); #endif leds_off(LEDS_GREEN); #if TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED timesynch_init(); timesynch_set_authority_level((rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0] << 4) + 16); #endif /* TIMESYNCH_CONF_ENABLED */ #if WITH_UIP process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); process_start(&uip_fw_process, NULL); /* Start IP output */ process_start(&slip_process, NULL); slip_set_input_callback(set_gateway); { uip_ipaddr_t hostaddr, netmask; uip_init(); uip_ipaddr(&hostaddr, 172,16, rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0],rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]); uip_ipaddr(&netmask, 255,255,0,0); uip_ipaddr_copy(&meshif.ipaddr, &hostaddr); uip_sethostaddr(&hostaddr); uip_setnetmask(&netmask); uip_over_mesh_set_net(&hostaddr, &netmask); /* uip_fw_register(&slipif);*/ uip_over_mesh_set_gateway_netif(&slipif); uip_fw_default(&meshif); uip_over_mesh_init(UIP_OVER_MESH_CHANNEL); printf("uIP started with IP address %d.%d.%d.%d\n", uip_ipaddr_to_quad(&hostaddr)); } #endif /* WITH_UIP */ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); watchdog_start(); /* Stop the watchdog */ watchdog_stop(); #if !PROCESS_CONF_NO_PROCESS_NAMES print_processes(autostart_processes); #else /* !PROCESS_CONF_NO_PROCESS_NAMES */ putchar('\n'); /* include putchar() */ #endif /* !PROCESS_CONF_NO_PROCESS_NAMES */ autostart_start(autostart_processes); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ while(1) { int r; do { /* Reset watchdog. */ watchdog_periodic(); r = process_run(); } while(r > 0); /* * Idle processing. */ int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ /* uart1_active is for avoiding LPM3 when still sending or receiving */ if(process_nevents() != 0 || uart1_active()) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); watchdog_stop(); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | SCG1 | CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. This statement will block until the CPU is woken up by an interrupt that sets the wake up flag. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); watchdog_start(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Initalize hardware. */ msp430_cpu_init(); clock_init(); leds_init(); leds_toggle(LEDS_RED | LEDS_GREEN | LEDS_BLUE); #if WITH_UIP slip_arch_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); /* Must come before first printf */ #else /* WITH_UIP */ uart1_init(BAUD2UBR(115200)); /* Must come before first printf */ #endif /* WITH_UIP */ printf("Starting %s " "($Id: contiki-sky-main.c,v 1.9 2009/11/20 10:45:07 nifi Exp $)\n", __FILE__); ds2411_init(); xmem_init(); leds_toggle(LEDS_RED | LEDS_GREEN | LEDS_BLUE); rtimer_init(); /* * Hardware initialization done! */ /* Restore node id if such has been stored in external mem */ // node_id_burn(3); node_id_restore(); printf("node_id : %hu\n", node_id); printf("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ds2411_id[0], ds2411_id[1], ds2411_id[2], ds2411_id[3], ds2411_id[4], ds2411_id[5], ds2411_id[6], ds2411_id[7]); #if WITH_UIP uip_init(); uip_sethostaddr(&slipif.ipaddr); uip_setnetmask(&slipif.netmask); uip_fw_default(&slipif); /* Point2point, no default router. */ #endif /* WITH_UIP */ /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ process_init(); process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); /* * Initialize light and humidity/temp sensors. */ SENSORS_ACTIVATE(light_sensor); SENSORS_ACTIVATE(sht11_sensor); ctimer_init(); set_rime_addr(); cc2420_init(); cc2420_set_pan_addr(panId, 0 /*XXX*/, ds2411_id); cc2420_set_channel(RF_CHANNEL); cc2420_set_txpower(31); nullmac_init(&cc2420_driver); rime_init(&nullmac_driver); // xmac_init(&cc2420_driver); // rime_init(&xmac_driver); /* rimeaddr_set_node_addr*/ #if WITH_UIP process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); process_start(&uip_fw_process, NULL); /* Start IP output */ process_start(&slip_process, NULL); #endif /* WITH_UIP */ SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor); print_processes(autostart_processes); autostart_start(autostart_processes); energest_init(); /* * This is the scheduler loop. */ printf("process_run()...\n"); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); while (1) { do { /* Reset watchdog. */ } while(process_run() > 0); /* * Idle processing. */ if(lpm_en) { int s = splhigh(); /* Disable interrupts. */ if(process_nevents() != 0) { splx(s); /* Re-enable interrupts. */ } else { static unsigned long irq_energest = 0; /* Re-enable interrupts and go to sleep atomically. */ ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); /* We only want to measure the processing done in IRQs when we are asleep, so we discard the processing time done when we were awake. */ energest_type_set(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ, irq_energest); _BIS_SR(GIE | SCG0 | /*SCG1 |*/ CPUOFF); /* LPM3 sleep. */ /* We get the current processing time for interrupts that was done during the LPM and store it for next time around. */ dint(); irq_energest = energest_type_time(ENERGEST_TYPE_IRQ); eint(); ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); } } } return 0; }