void TestApp::init() { glClearColor(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.22f, 1.0f); m_camera.setPosition({0.0, -0.5, 14.0}); m_shader = uptr<OGLW::Shader>(new OGLW::Shader("default.frag", "default.vert")); m_meshes = OGLW::loadOBJ("suzanne.obj"); m_quad = OGLW::quad(1.f); m_backgroundShader = uptr<OGLW::Shader>(new OGLW::Shader("background.frag", "background.vert")); for (int i = 0; i < N_SEM; ++i) { std::string file = "sem-" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg"; m_textures[file] = uptr<OGLW::Texture>(new OGLW::Texture(file)); } m_texture = m_textures.begin(); m_textId = displayText(30.f, {10.f, 30.f}, m_texture->first); displayText(20.f, {10.f, m_height - 30.f}, "'N' for next SEM"); }
void TestApp::update(float _dt) { static float time = 0.f; time += _dt; m_xrot += m_cursorX; m_yrot += m_cursorY; displayText(15.f, {m_width - 80.f, 20.f}, std::to_string(_dt).c_str() + std::string("ms"), true); if(glfwGetKey(m_window, 'N') && time > 0.5f) { m_texture++; if (m_texture == m_textures.end()) { m_texture = m_textures.begin(); } clearText(m_textId); m_textId = displayText(30.f, {10.f, 30.f}, m_texture->first); time = 0.f; } }
void drawCheckBox(GLshort x, GLshort y, const char* text) { glColor3f(0,0,0); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2s(x, y); glVertex2s(x+20, y); glVertex2s(x+20, y+20); glVertex2s(x, y+20); glEnd(); displayText(text, x+25, y+5, 'm'); }
bool PlaylistDelegateBase::helpEvent(QHelpEvent* event, QAbstractItemView* view, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) { // This function is copied from QAbstractItemDelegate, and changed to show // displayText() in the tooltip, rather than the index's naked // Qt::ToolTipRole text. Q_UNUSED(option); if (!event || !view) return false; QHelpEvent* he = static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(event); QString text = displayText(index.data(), QLocale::system()); // Special case: we want newlines in the comment tooltip if (index.column() == Playlist::Column_Comment) { text = Qt::escape(index.data(Qt::ToolTipRole).toString()); text.replace("\\r\\n", "<br />"); text.replace("\\n", "<br />"); text.replace("\r\n", "<br />"); text.replace("\n", "<br />"); } if (text.isEmpty() || !he) return false; switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::ToolTip: { QRect displayed_text; QSize real_text; bool is_elided = false; real_text = sizeHint(option, index); displayed_text = view->visualRect(index); is_elided = displayed_text.width() < real_text.width(); if (is_elided) { QToolTip::showText(he->globalPos(), text, view); } else { // in case that another text was previously displayed QToolTip::hideText(); } return true; } case QEvent::QueryWhatsThis: return true; case QEvent::WhatsThis: QWhatsThis::showText(he->globalPos(), text, view); return true; default: break; } return false; }
void QgsComposerLabel::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *itemStyle, QWidget *pWidget ) { Q_UNUSED( itemStyle ); Q_UNUSED( pWidget ); if ( !painter ) { return; } if ( !shouldDrawItem() ) { return; } drawBackground( painter ); painter->save(); //antialiasing on painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true ); double penWidth = hasFrame() ? ( pen().widthF() / 2.0 ) : 0; double xPenAdjust = mMarginX < 0 ? -penWidth : penWidth; double yPenAdjust = mMarginY < 0 ? -penWidth : penWidth; QRectF painterRect( xPenAdjust + mMarginX, yPenAdjust + mMarginY, rect().width() - 2 * xPenAdjust - 2 * mMarginX, rect().height() - 2 * yPenAdjust - 2 * mMarginY ); if ( mHtmlState ) { if ( mFirstRender ) { contentChanged(); mFirstRender = false; } painter->scale( 1.0 / mHtmlUnitsToMM / 10.0, 1.0 / mHtmlUnitsToMM / 10.0 ); mWebPage->setViewportSize( QSize( painterRect.width() * mHtmlUnitsToMM * 10.0, painterRect.height() * mHtmlUnitsToMM * 10.0 ) ); mWebPage->settings()->setUserStyleSheetUrl( createStylesheetUrl() ); mWebPage->mainFrame()->render( painter ); } else { const QString textToDraw = displayText(); painter->setFont( mFont ); //debug //painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::red ) ); //painter->drawRect( painterRect ); QgsComposerUtils::drawText( painter, painterRect, textToDraw, mFont, mFontColor, mHAlignment, mVAlignment, Qt::TextWordWrap ); } painter->restore(); drawFrame( painter ); if ( isSelected() ) { drawSelectionBoxes( painter ); } }
// Will be called when WiFi station was connected to AP void connectOk() { Serial.println("I'm CONNECTED"); displayText("I'm CONNECTED to AP"); // Run MQTT client startMqttClient(); // Start publishing loop procTimer.initializeMs(60*1000, publishMessage).start(); }
void display(void) { char buffer[256]; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); /* keep in mind that `D` and `E` are simply pointers to the corresponding control points of `spline`. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { D[i] = A[i] + t*v[i]; E[i] = C[i] + t*w[i]; } ts_bspline_set_control_points(&spline, ctrlp, NULL); /* draw spline */ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glLineWidth(3); gluBeginCurve(theNurb); gluNurbsCurve( theNurb, (GLint)ts_bspline_num_knots(&spline), knots, (GLint)ts_bspline_dimension(&spline), ctrlp, (GLint)ts_bspline_order(&spline), GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 ); gluEndCurve(theNurb); /* draw control points */ glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); glPointSize(5.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (i = 0; i < ts_bspline_num_control_points(&spline); i++) glVertex3fv(&ctrlp[i * ts_bspline_dimension(&spline)]); glEnd(); /* draw B */ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3fv(B); glEnd(); /* display t */ sprintf(buffer, "t: %.2f", t); displayText(-.2f, 1.2f, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, buffer); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); t += 0.001f; if (t > 1.f) { t = 0.f; } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { isBot=false; started = false; ui->setupUi(this); displayText("Start"); // Load sounds bullet = new QSound("/sounds/bullet.wav"); networkThread = new QThread(); networkManager = new NetworkManager(); networkManager->moveToThread(networkThread); networkThread->start(); //connect(networkThread, SIGNAL(started()), networkManager, SLOT(network_init())); connect(ui->connectButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(connect_clicked())); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(writeText(QString)), this, SLOT(displayText(QString))); connect(ui->disconnectButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(stopPlay())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sendKeyEvent(QKeyEvent*,int)), networkManager, SLOT(process_key(QKeyEvent*,int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(newPlayerScore(int)), ui->playerScore, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(newHealthPoints(int)), ui->healthPoints, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(newPlayerId(int)), ui->playerIdLabel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(newTeamId(int)),ui->equipe, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(newIdInTeam(int)), this, SLOT(setSprite(int))); connect(ui->checkBoxBot, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setBot(int))); connect(ui->nameEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), networkManager, SLOT(setLogin(QString))); connect(ui->disconnectButton, SIGNAL(released()), networkManager, SLOT(disconnectClient())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setIP(QString,int)), networkManager, SLOT(setIP(QString,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setRequestedTeam(int)), networkManager, SLOT(setRequestedTeam(int))); connect(networkManager, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(stopPlay())); connect(this, SIGNAL(startNetworkManager()), networkManager, SLOT(network_init())); readSettings(); }
void InputBox::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QMenu *const menu = new QMenu(this); menu->addAction(tr("&Copy"), this, SLOT(copy()))->setEnabled(hasSelectedText()); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("&Select All"), this, SLOT(selectAll()))->setEnabled(!displayText().isEmpty()); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("C&lear"), this, SLOT(clearData()))->setEnabled(getData().value != NULL_VALUE); menu->exec(event->globalPos()); delete menu; }
void Display::updateDisplay(Entities &entities){ al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)); std::list<Entity*> entitiesTemp = entities.getEntities(); for (std::list<Entity*>::iterator it = entitiesTemp.begin(); it != entitiesTemp.end(); it++){ (*it)->draw(); } displayText(score, Coordinates(80, 10), font2); al_flip_display(); }
void keyPressed(int k){ int miniIdx=-1; float miniTime=1000000000.0; for(int i = 0; i < vecKeyTexts.size(); i++){ if(vecKeyTexts[i].limb == k){ if(miniTime > vecKeyTexts[i].timeCreated){ miniIdx = i; miniTime = vecKeyTexts[i].timeCreated; } } } if(miniIdx != -1){ displayText(vecDiscoReactionsGood[rand()%vecDiscoReactionsGood.size()], 0); vecKeyTexts.erase(vecKeyTexts.begin()+miniIdx); score++; } else{ displayText(vecDiscoReactionsBad[rand()%vecDiscoReactionsBad.size()], 0); score--; } }
void CTFTSerial::setIdleInt() { // Clear the screen clearScreen(); setFontSize(FONT_LARGE); // Draw MMDVM logo displayBitmap(0U, 0U, "MMDVM_sm.bmp"); char text[30]; ::sprintf(text, "%-6s / %u", m_callsign.c_str(), m_dmrid); gotoPosPixel(18U, 55U); displayText(text); gotoPosPixel(45U, 90U); displayText("IDLE"); m_mode = MODE_IDLE; }
FillCellHelper( QAbstractItemModel* tableModel, const QModelIndex& index, const QSize& _span, const QSize& iconSz ) { iconSize = iconSz; cellDecoration = tableModel->data( index, Qt::DecorationRole ); cellFont = tableModel->data( index, Qt::FontRole ); cellText = displayText( tableModel->data( index, Qt::DisplayRole ) ); foreground = qvariant_cast<QColor>( tableModel->data( index, Qt::ForegroundRole ) ); background = qvariant_cast<QColor>( tableModel->data( index, Qt::BackgroundRole ) ); alignment = Qt::Alignment( tableModel->data( index, Qt::TextAlignmentRole ).toInt() ); decorationAlignment = tableModel->data( index, KDReports::AutoTableElement::DecorationAlignmentRole ); nonBreakableLines = tableModel->data( index, KDReports::AutoTableElement::NonBreakableLinesRole ).toBool(); span = _span; }
void CTFTSerial::writeFusionInt(const char* source, const char* dest, const char* type, const char* origin) { assert(source != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(origin != NULL); if (m_mode != MODE_YSF) { // Clear the screen clearScreen(); setFontSize(FONT_MEDIUM); // Draw the System Fusion insignia displayBitmap(0U, 0U, "YSF_sm.bmp"); } char text[30U]; ::sprintf(text, "%s %.10s", type, source); gotoPosPixel(5U, 70U); displayText(text); ::sprintf(text, " %.10s", dest); gotoPosPixel(5U, 90U); displayText(text); if (::strcmp(origin, " ") != 0) { ::sprintf(text, "at %.10s", origin); gotoPosPixel(5U, 110U); displayText(text); } else { gotoPosPixel(5U, 110U); displayText(" "); } m_mode = MODE_YSF; }
void CTFTSerial::writeDStarInt(const char* my1, const char* my2, const char* your, const char* type, const char* reflector) { assert(my1 != NULL); assert(my2 != NULL); assert(your != NULL); assert(type != NULL); assert(reflector != NULL); if (m_mode != MODE_DSTAR) { // Clear the screen clearScreen(); setFontSize(FONT_MEDIUM); // Draw D-Star insignia displayBitmap(0U, 0U, "DStar_sm.bmp"); } char text[30U]; ::sprintf(text, "%s %.8s/%4.4s", type, my1, my2); gotoPosPixel(5U, 70U); displayText(text); ::sprintf(text, "%.8s", your); gotoPosPixel(5U, 90U); displayText(text); if (::strcmp(reflector, " ") != 0) { ::sprintf(text, "via %.8s", reflector); gotoPosPixel(5U, 110U); displayText(text); } else { gotoPosPixel(5U, 110U); displayText(" "); } m_mode = MODE_DSTAR; }
void Display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(0, 0, 1); drawCircle(playerx,playery, 20); glPushMatrix(); glColor3f(0, 0, 0); drawRect(0,320 ,300, 20); glColor3f(1, 0, 1); drawRect(0,340, 20, 200); glColor3f(1, 0, 1); drawRect(200,0, 50, 20); glPopMatrix(); // if(freez){ // playerx =700; // playery =600; // freez = 0; // } std::string name="TIME : ",result; char numstr[2]; sprintf(numstr, "%i",t); result = name + numstr; displayText(600, 700, 0, 0, 0, result); if(won){ displayText(400, 600, 0, 1,0, " CHARGES DROPED :D YOU ARE FREE TO GO!!!"); } if(lost){ displayText(400, 600, 1, 0,0, "JURIES FOUND THAT YOU ARE GUILTY :/ !!"); // usleep(1500000); t = 0; } glFlush(); }
void TextMgr::displayTextInsideWindow(const char *textPtr, int16 windowRow, int16 windowColumn) { int16 textRow = 0; int16 textColumn = 0; if (!_messageState.window_Active) return; charPos_Push(); textRow = _messageState.textPos.row + windowRow; textColumn = _messageState.textPos.column + windowColumn; charPos_Set(textRow, textColumn); displayText(textPtr); charPos_Pop(); }
/* displayInitials Input: char initials[NUM_INITIALS] The current initials entered Polygon* theFont The game font Output: none Displays the screen asking the user to enter his initials for the high score table */ void displayInitials(char initials[NUM_INITIALS], Polygon* theFont) { int i; /* Counter */ GLfloat currentY = INITIAL_INFO_MAX_Y; /* coordinate for the text */ GLfloat currentX = INITIALS_X; /* coordinate for the text */ displayText ( INITIAL_INFO_X, currentY, "your score is one of the ten best", INFO_SIZE, theFont); currentY -= INFO_SPACING_Y; displayText ( INITIAL_INFO_X, currentY, "please enter your initials", INFO_SIZE, theFont); currentY -= INFO_SPACING_Y; displayText (INITIAL_INFO_X, currentY, "push rotate to select letter", INFO_SIZE, theFont); currentY -= INFO_SPACING_Y; displayText ( INITIAL_INFO_X, currentY, "push hyperspace when letter is correct",INFO_SIZE, theFont); currentY -= INFO_SPACING_Y; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_INITIALS; i++) { char* display = (char*) malloc ( 2 *sizeof(char) ); display[0] = initials[i]; display[1] = '\0'; currentX = displayText ( currentX, INITIALS_Y, display, INITIALS_SIZE, theFont ); } }
bool PSDResourceBlock::write(QIODevice* io) const { dbgFile << "Writing Resource Block" << PSDImageResourceSection::idToString((PSDImageResourceSection::PSDResourceID)identifier) << identifier; if (resource && !resource->valid()) { error = QString("Cannot write an invalid Resource Block"); return false; } if (identifier == PSDImageResourceSection::LAYER_STATE || identifier == PSDImageResourceSection::LAYER_GROUP || identifier == PSDImageResourceSection::LAYER_COMPS || identifier == PSDImageResourceSection::LAYER_GROUP_ENABLED_ID || identifier == PSDImageResourceSection::LAYER_SELECTION_ID) { /** * We can actually handle LAYER_SELECTION_ID. It consists * of a number of layers and a list of IDs to select, which * are retrieved from 'lyid' additional layer block. */ dbgFile << "Skip writing resource block" << identifier << displayText(); return true; } QByteArray ba; // createBlock returns true by default but does not change the data. if (resource && !resource->createBlock(ba)) { error = resource->error; return false; } else if (!resource) { // reconstruct from the data QBuffer buf(&ba); buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); buf.write("8BIM", 4); psdwrite(&buf, identifier); psdwrite_pascalstring(&buf, name); psdwrite(&buf, dataSize); buf.write(data); buf.close(); } if (io->write(ba.constData(), ba.size()) != ba.size()) { error = QString("Could not write complete resource"); return false; } return true; }
void TextDisplayer_LoL::printMessage(uint16 type, const char *str, ...) { static const uint8 textColors256[] = { 0xfe, 0xa2, 0x84, 0x97, 0x9F }; static const uint8 textColors16[] = { 0x33, 0xaa, 0x88, 0x55, 0x99 }; static const uint8 soundEffect[] = { 0x0B, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x1B, 0x00 }; const uint8 *textColors = _vm->gameFlags().use16ColorMode ? textColors16 : textColors256; if (type & 4) type ^= 4; else _vm->stopPortraitSpeechAnim(); uint16 col = textColors[type & 0x7fff]; int od = _screen->curDimIndex(); if (_vm->_updateFlags & 2) { clearDim(4); _textDimData[4].color1 = col; } else { clearDim(3); if (_vm->gameFlags().use16ColorMode) { _textDimData[3].color1 = col; } else { _screen->copyColor(192, col); _textDimData[3].color1 = 192; } _vm->enableTimer(11); } va_list args; va_start(args, str); vsnprintf((char *)_buffer, 240, str, args); va_end(args); displayText(_buffer); _screen->setScreenDim(od); _lineCount = 0; if (!(type & 0x8000)) { if (soundEffect[type]) _vm->sound()->playSoundEffect(soundEffect[type]); } _vm->_textColorFlag = type & 0x7fff; _vm->_fadeText = false; }
// main task task main () { int _dirDC = 0; int _dirAC = 0; int dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5 = 0; int acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 = 0; string tmpString; // show the user what to do displayInstructions(); eraseDisplay(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) sTextLines[i] = ""; // display the current DSP mode // When connected to a SMUX, the IR Seeker V2 can only be // used in 1200Hz mode. nxtDisplayTextLine(0, " DC 1200"); // The sensor is connected to the first port // of the SMUX which is connected to the NXT port S1. // To access that sensor, we must use msensor_S1_1. If the sensor // were connected to 3rd port of the SMUX connected to the NXT port S4, // we would use msensor_S4_3 while (true) { // Read the current non modulated signal direction _dirDC = HTIRS2readDCDir(HTIRS2); if (_dirDC < 0) break; // I2C read error occurred // read the current modulated signal direction _dirAC = HTIRS2readACDir(HTIRS2); if (_dirAC < 0) break; // I2C read error occurred // Read the individual signal strengths of the internal sensors // Do this for both unmodulated (DC) and modulated signals (AC) if (!HTIRS2readAllDCStrength(HTIRS2, dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5)) break; // I2C read error occurred if (!HTIRS2readAllACStrength(HTIRS2, acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 )) break; // I2C read error occurred displayText(1, "D", _dirDC, _dirAC); displayText(2, "0", dcS1, acS1); displayText(3, "1", dcS2, acS2); displayText(4, "2", dcS3, acS3); displayText(5, "3", dcS4, acS4); displayText(6, "4", dcS5, acS5); if (HTSMUXreadPowerStatus(HTSMUX)) nxtDisplayTextLine(7, "Batt: bad"); else nxtDisplayTextLine(7, "Batt: good"); } }
void CTFTSerial::setLockoutInt() { // Clear the screen clearScreen(); setFontSize(FONT_LARGE); // Draw MMDVM logo displayBitmap(0U, 0U, "MMDVM_sm.bmp"); gotoPosPixel(20U, 60U); displayText("LOCKOUT"); m_mode = MODE_LOCKOUT; }
void CTFTSerial::setErrorInt(const char* text) { assert(text != NULL); // Clear the screen clearScreen(); setFontSize(FONT_MEDIUM); // Draw MMDVM logo displayBitmap(0U, 0U, "MMDVM_sm.bmp"); setForeground(COLOUR_RED); gotoPosPixel(18U, 55U); displayText(text); gotoPosPixel(18U, 90U); displayText("ERROR"); setForeground(COLOUR_BLACK); m_mode = MODE_ERROR; }
void CtrlText::onUpdate( Subject<VarBool> &rVariable, void *arg ) { (void)arg; // Visibility changed if( &rVariable == m_pVisible ) { if( isVisible() ) { displayText( m_rVariable.get() ); notifyLayout( getPosition()->getWidth(), getPosition()->getHeight() ); } else { notifyLayout(); } } }
/* Update the data for, and show the index feedback (if it's not already shown) */ void HbIndexFeedbackPrivate::showIndexFeedback() { if (!mItemView || mIndexFeedbackPolicy == HbIndexFeedback::IndexFeedbackNone) { return; } QList <HbAbstractViewItem *> visibleItems = mItemView->visibleItems(); QModelIndex targetIndex = visibleItems.first()->modelIndex(); qreal top = visibleItems.first()->mapToItem(mItemView, 0, 0).y(); if (top < 0 && visibleItems.count() > 1) { targetIndex = visibleItems.at(1)->modelIndex(); } if (targetIndex.isValid()) { QVariant data = targetIndex.data(Hb::IndexFeedbackRole); if (data.canConvert<QString>()) { QString testString = displayText(data); if (testString != mPopupContent) { mPopupContent = testString; updatePrimitives(); } if (mTextItem && mTextItem->opacity() == 0.0) { HbEffect::start(mPopupItemList, HB_INDEXFEEDBACK_TYPE, EFFECT_IFAPPEAR); } if (mTextItem) { mTextItem->show(); } if (mPopupItem) { mPopupItem->show(); } if (mDisappearTimer) { mDisappearTimer->stop(); } } else { _q_hideIndexFeedback(); } } }
void QExpandingLineEdit::resizeToContents() { int oldWidth = width(); if (originalWidth == -1) originalWidth = oldWidth; if (QWidget *parent = parentWidget()) { QPoint position = pos(); int hintWidth = minimumWidth() + fontMetrics().width(displayText()); int parentWidth = parent->width(); int maxWidth = isRightToLeft() ? position.x() + oldWidth : parentWidth - position.x(); int newWidth = qBound(originalWidth, hintWidth, maxWidth); if (widgetOwnsGeometry) setMaximumWidth(newWidth); if (isRightToLeft()) move(position.x() - newWidth + oldWidth, position.y()); resize(newWidth, height()); } }
void QgsComposerLabel::adjustSizeToText() { double textWidth = QgsComposerUtils::textWidthMM( mFont, displayText() ); double fontHeight = QgsComposerUtils::fontHeightMM( mFont ); double penWidth = hasFrame() ? ( pen().widthF() / 2.0 ) : 0; double width = textWidth + 2 * mMarginX + 2 * penWidth + 1; double height = fontHeight + 2 * mMarginY + 2 * penWidth; //keep alignment point constant double xShift = 0; double yShift = 0; itemShiftAdjustSize( width, height, xShift, yShift ); //update rect for data defined size and position QRectF evaluatedRect = evalItemRect( QRectF( pos().x() + xShift, pos().y() + yShift, width, height ) ); setSceneRect( evaluatedRect ); }
void RelationDelegate::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &index) const { switch (index.column()) { case COLUMN_VALUE: case COLUMN_VOLTAGE: case COLUMN_AMP: case COLUMN_POWER: case COLUMN_TOLERANCE: case COLUMN_TEMP: case COLUMN_COUNT: case COLUMN_PRICE: case COLUMN_PRICE_VOL: option->displayAlignment = Qt::AlignRight; break; } // a bit hackish: let base class prepare and then override text QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption(option, index); QVariant value = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); if(index.column() == COLUMN_CATEGORY || index.column() == COLUMN_FOOTPRINT || index.column() == COLUMN_TEMP || index.column() == COLUMN_SUPPL) { if (value.isValid() && !value.isNull()) { int id = index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toInt(); QString q; switch (index.column()) { case COLUMN_CATEGORY: q = "SELECT name FROM category WHERE id = :id"; break; case COLUMN_FOOTPRINT: q = "SELECT name FROM footprint WHERE id = :id"; break; case COLUMN_TEMP: q = "SELECT name FROM temp WHERE id = :id"; break; case COLUMN_SUPPL: q = "SELECT name FROM suppl WHERE id = :id"; break; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(q); query.bindValue(":id", id); if (!query.exec()) qDebug() << "sql query failed '" << query.lastQuery() << "': " << query.lastError().text(); else if (query.next()) option->text = displayText(query.value(0).toString(), option->locale); } } }
void TextDisplayer_LoL::printDialogueText(int dim, char *str, EMCState *script, const uint16 *paramList, int16 paramIndex) { int oldDim = 0; const bool isPc98 = (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformPC98); if (dim == 3) { if (_vm->_updateFlags & 2) { oldDim = clearDim(4); _textDimData[4].color1 = isPc98 ? 0x33 : 254; _textDimData[4].color2 = _screen->_curDim->unkA; } else { oldDim = clearDim(3); _textDimData[3].color1 = isPc98 ? 0x33 : 192; _textDimData[3].color2 = _screen->_curDim->unkA; if (!isPc98) _screen->copyColor(192, 254); _vm->enableTimer(11); _vm->_textColorFlag = 0; _vm->_fadeText = false; } } else { oldDim = _screen->curDimIndex(); _screen->setScreenDim(dim); _lineCount = 0; _textDimData[dim].color1 = isPc98 ? 0x33 : 254; _textDimData[dim].color2 = _screen->_curDim->unkA; } int cp = _screen->setCurPage(0); Screen::FontId of = _screen->setFont(_vm->gameFlags().use16ColorMode ? Screen::FID_SJIS_FNT : Screen::FID_9_FNT); preprocessString(str, script, paramList, paramIndex); _numCharsTotal = strlen(_dialogueBuffer); displayText(_dialogueBuffer); _screen->setScreenDim(oldDim); _lineCount = 0; _screen->setCurPage(cp); _screen->setFont(of); _vm->_fadeText = false; }
// main task task main () { int _dirDC = 0; int _dirAC = 0; int dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5 = 0; int acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 = 0; // the default DSP mode is 1200 Hz. tHTIRS2DSPMode _mode = DSP_1200; while(true) { // You can switch between the two different DSP modes by pressing the // orange enter button for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) sTextLines[i] = ""; // display the current DSP mode nxtDisplayTextLine(0, " DC 1200"); // Read the current non modulated signal direction _dirDC = HTIRS2readDCDir(HTIRS2); if (_dirDC < 0) break; // I2C read error occurred // read the current modulated signal direction _dirAC = HTIRS2readACDir(HTIRS2); if (_dirAC < 0) break; // I2C read error occurred // Read the individual signal strengths of the internal sensors // Do this for both unmodulated (DC) and modulated signals (AC) if (!HTIRS2readAllDCStrength(HTIRS2, dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5)) break; // I2C read error occurred if (!HTIRS2readAllACStrength(HTIRS2, acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 )) break; // I2C read error occurred displayText(1, "D", _dirDC, _dirAC); displayText(2, "0", dcS1, acS1); displayText(3, "1", dcS2, acS2); displayText(4, "2", dcS3, acS3); displayText(5, "3", dcS4, acS4); displayText(6, "4", dcS5, acS5); } }