static int display_philo_bar(SDL_Surface *screen, t_data *data, int bar_size, Uint32 color) { SDL_Rect pos; t_size size; float size_rest; float size_eat; float size_think; float total; pos.y = WIN_HEIGHT - bar_size - 11 + 3; pos.x = 100 + BAR_WIDTH * (data->id + 1) + 1; if (!(total = data->eaten_plates + data->hours_slept + data->hours_thought)) total = 0.1; size_rest = bar_size / (total / data->hours_slept); size_think = bar_size / (total / data->hours_thought); size_eat = bar_size / (total / data->eaten_plates); if (!display_rect(screen, init_size(&size, size_rest, BAR_WIDTH - 2), &pos, color & 0x555555)) return (0); pos.y = WIN_HEIGHT - bar_size - 11 + size_rest + 2; if (!display_rect(screen, init_size(&size, size_think, BAR_WIDTH - 2), &pos, color & 0xaaaaaa)) return (0); pos.y = WIN_HEIGHT - bar_size - 11 + size_rest + size_think + 1; return (!display_rect(screen, init_size(&size, size_eat, BAR_WIDTH - 2), &pos, color)); }
InputMethodView::InputMethodView( QWidget* mainWindow ) : MImGraphicsView( new QGraphicsScene( display_rect(), 0 ), mainWindow ) , d_ptr( new InputMethodViewPrivate() ) { Q_D( InputMethodView ) ; d->scene = this->scene() ; }
bool abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap() { try { //special treatment for resolution that'll set proper defaults for res wxDisplay display(0); wxRect display_rect ( display.GetGeometry() ); // const int current_x_res = LSL::susynclib().GetSpringConfigInt(RC_TEXT[0].key,display_rect.width); // const int current_y_res = LSL::susynclib().GetSpringConfigInt(RC_TEXT[1].key,display_rect.height); for (int i = 0; i< intControls_size;++i) { intSettings[intControls[i].key] = LSL::susynclib().GetSpringConfigInt(STD_STRING(intControls[i].key),fromString(intControls[i].def)); } for (int i = 0; i< floatControls_size;++i) { floatSettings[floatControls[i].key] = LSL::susynclib().GetSpringConfigFloat(STD_STRING(floatControls[i].key),fromString(floatControls[i].def)); } } catch (...) { customMessageBox(SS_MAIN_ICON,_("Could not access your settings.\n"), _("Error"), wxOK|wxICON_HAND, 0); abstract_panel::settingsChanged = false; return false; } return true; // SUCCESS! }
static int fill_gui(SDL_Surface *screen, t_data *data) { t_size size; int food; int eaten; SDL_Rect pos; food = MAX(data->conf->nb_food, 1); eaten = data->stat->total_eaten; pos.x = 10; pos.y = 10; size.h = WIN_HEIGHT - 20; size.w = BAR_WIDTH; if (!display_rect(screen, &size, &pos, 0xffffff)) return (0); pos.x++; pos.y++; size.h = WIN_HEIGHT - 22 - (food - eaten) * (WIN_HEIGHT - 22) / food; size.w = BAR_WIDTH - 2; if (!display_rect(screen, &size, &pos, 0)) return (0); return (display_philos(screen, data, data->conf)); }
void SetPos(CefWindowHandle handle, int x, int y, int width, int height) { GtkWindow* window = GetWindow(handle); GdkWindow* gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(window)); // Make sure the window isn't minimized or maximized. if (IsMaximized(window)) gtk_window_unmaximize(window); else gtk_window_present(window); // Retrieve information about the display that contains the window. GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default(); gint monitor = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window(screen, gdk_window); GdkRectangle rect; gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor, &rect); // Make sure the window is inside the display. CefRect display_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); CefRect window_rect(x, y, width, height); ModifyBounds(display_rect, window_rect); gdk_window_move_resize(gdk_window, window_rect.x, window_rect.y, window_rect.width, window_rect.height); }
static void ConstructCommands(const hwc_layer_1 *layers, size_t num_layers, std::vector<RenderingCommand> *commands) { std::vector<FRect> in_rects; std::vector<FRectSet> out_rects; int i; for (unsigned rect_index = 0; rect_index < num_layers; rect_index++) { const hwc_layer_1 &layer = layers[rect_index]; FRect rect; in_rects.push_back(FRect(layer.displayFrame.left,, layer.displayFrame.right, layer.displayFrame.bottom)); } seperate_frects_64(in_rects, &out_rects); for (unsigned rect_index = 0; rect_index < out_rects.size(); rect_index++) { const FRectSet &out_rect = out_rects[rect_index]; commands->push_back(RenderingCommand()); RenderingCommand &cmd = commands->back(); memcpy(cmd.bounds, out_rect.rect.bounds, sizeof(cmd.bounds)); uint64_t tex_set = out_rect.id_set.getBits(); for (unsigned i = num_layers - 1; tex_set != 0x0; i--) { if (tex_set & (0x1 << i)) { tex_set &= ~(0x1 << i); const hwc_layer_1 &layer = layers[i]; FRect display_rect(layer.displayFrame.left,, layer.displayFrame.right, layer.displayFrame.bottom); float display_size[2] = { display_rect.bounds[2] - display_rect.bounds[0], display_rect.bounds[3] - display_rect.bounds[1]}; FRect crop_rect(layer.sourceCropf.left,, layer.sourceCropf.right, layer.sourceCropf.bottom); float crop_size[2] = {crop_rect.bounds[2] - crop_rect.bounds[0], crop_rect.bounds[3] - crop_rect.bounds[1]}; RenderingCommand::TextureSource &src = cmd.textures[cmd.texture_count]; cmd.texture_count++; src.texture_index = i; for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { float bound_percent = (cmd.bounds[b] - display_rect.bounds[b % 2]) / display_size[b % 2]; src.crop_bounds[b] = crop_rect.bounds[b % 2] + bound_percent * crop_size[b % 2]; } if (layer.blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE) { src.alpha = 1.0f; // This layer is opaque. There is no point in using layers below this // one. break; } src.alpha = layer.planeAlpha / 255.0f; } } } }
const QRect& InputMethodView::screenRect( QWidget* widget ) { return display_rect( widget ) ; }