DragImageRef createDragImageForSelection(Frame* frame)
    DragImageRef image = frame->dragImageForSelection();
    if (image)
        dissolveDragImageToFraction(image, DragController::DragImageAlpha);
    return image;
void DragController::doImageDrag(Element* element, const IntPoint& dragOrigin, const IntRect& rect, Clipboard* clipboard, Frame* frame, IntPoint& dragImageOffset)
    IntPoint mouseDownPoint = dragOrigin;
    DragImageRef dragImage;
    IntPoint origin;

    Image* image = getImage(element);
    if (image && image->size().height() * image->size().width() <= MaxOriginalImageArea
        && (dragImage = createDragImageFromImage(image))) {
        IntSize originalSize = rect.size();
        origin = rect.location();

        dragImage = fitDragImageToMaxSize(dragImage, rect.size(), maxDragImageSize());
        dragImage = dissolveDragImageToFraction(dragImage, DragImageAlpha);
        IntSize newSize = dragImageSize(dragImage);

        // Properly orient the drag image and orient it differently if it's smaller than the original
        float scale = newSize.width() / (float)originalSize.width();
        float dx = origin.x() - mouseDownPoint.x();
        dx *= scale;
        origin.setX((int)(dx + 0.5));
        //Compensate for accursed flipped coordinates in cocoa
        origin.setY(origin.y() + originalSize.height());
        float dy = origin.y() - mouseDownPoint.y();
        dy *= scale;
        origin.setY((int)(dy + 0.5));
    } else {
        dragImage = createDragImageIconForCachedImage(getCachedImage(element));
        if (dragImage)
            origin = IntPoint(DragIconRightInset - dragImageSize(dragImage).width(), DragIconBottomInset);

    dragImageOffset.setX(mouseDownPoint.x() + origin.x());
    dragImageOffset.setY(mouseDownPoint.y() + origin.y());
    doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragImageOffset, dragOrigin, clipboard, frame, false);
