double vertex_cache::position_closest_to(pixel_position const &target_pos)
    bool first = true;
    pixel_position old_pos, new_pos;
    double lin_pos = 0.0, min_pos = 0.0, min_dist_sq = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    // find closest approach of each individual segment to the
    // target position. would be good if there were some kind
    // of prior, or fast test to avoid calculating on each
    // segment, but i can't think of one.
    for (segment const &seg : current_subpath_->vector)
        if (first)
            old_pos = seg.pos;
            min_pos = lin_pos;
            min_dist_sq = dist_sq(target_pos - old_pos);
            first = false;

            new_pos = seg.pos;

            pixel_position d = new_pos - old_pos;
            if ((d.x != 0.0) || (d.y != 0))
                pixel_position c = target_pos - old_pos;
                double t = (c.x * d.x + c.y * d.y) / dist_sq(d);

                if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0))
                    pixel_position pt = (d * t) + old_pos;
                    double pt_dist_sq = dist_sq(target_pos - pt);

                    if (pt_dist_sq < min_dist_sq)
                        min_dist_sq = pt_dist_sq;
                        min_pos = lin_pos + seg.length * t;

            old_pos = new_pos;
            lin_pos += seg.length;

            double end_dist_sq = dist_sq(target_pos - old_pos);
            if (end_dist_sq < min_dist_sq)
                min_dist_sq = end_dist_sq;
                min_pos = lin_pos;

    return min_pos;
文件: process.cpp 项目: ybouret/iics
static inline
void update_jprev( Tracer *p, const Junction *J )
       ( p->jprev == 0 ) ||
       ( dist_sq(p->vertex,J->vertex) < dist_sq(p->vertex, p->jprev->vertex) )
        p->jprev = J;
文件: process.cpp 项目: ybouret/iics
static inline
void update_jnext( Tracer *p, const Junction *J )
       ( p->jnext == 0 ) ||
       ( dist_sq(p->vertex,J->vertex) < dist_sq(p->vertex, p->jnext->vertex) )
        p->jnext = J;
TYPED_TEST(TripletLossLayerTest, TestForward) {
  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
  LayerParameter layer_param;
  TripletLossLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
  layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
  layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
  // manually compute to compare
  const Dtype margin = layer_param.contrastive_loss_param().margin();
  const int num = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->num();
  const int channels = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->channels();
  Dtype loss(0);
  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    Dtype dist_sq(0);
    for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
      Dtype diff = this->blob_bottom_data_i_->cpu_data()[i*channels+j] -
      dist_sq += diff*diff;
    if (this->blob_bottom_y_->cpu_data()[i]) {  // similar pairs
      loss += dist_sq;
    } else {
      loss += std::max(margin-dist_sq, Dtype(0));
  loss /= static_cast<Dtype>(num) * Dtype(2);
  EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_loss_->cpu_data()[0], loss, 1e-6);
文件: subseq.hpp 项目: dblalock/dig
static inline void dists_sq(const data_t1* q, length_t m, const data_t2* x,
	length_t n, data_t3* out, length_t stride=1)
	return mapSubseqs([m, q](const data_t2* x) {
		return dist_sq(q, x, m);
	}, m, x, n, out, stride);
 * vu_get_tz_at_location:
 * @vc:     Position for which the time zone is desired
 * Returns: TimeZone string of the nearest known location. String may be NULL.
 * Use the k-d tree method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree) to quickly retreive
 *  the nearest location to the given position.
gchar* vu_get_tz_at_location ( const VikCoord* vc )
	gchar *tz = NULL;
	if ( !vc || !kd )
		return tz;

	struct LatLon ll;
	vik_coord_to_latlon ( vc, &ll );
	double pt[2] = { ll.lat, ll.lon };

	gdouble nearest;
	if ( !a_settings_get_double(VIK_SETTINGS_NEAREST_TZ_FACTOR, &nearest) )
		nearest = 1.0;

	struct kdres *presults = kd_nearest_range ( kd, pt, nearest );
	while( !kd_res_end( presults ) ) {
		double pos[2];
		gchar *ans = (gchar*)kd_res_item ( presults, pos );
		// compute the distance of the current result from the pt
		double dist = sqrt( dist_sq( pt, pos, 2 ) );
		if ( dist < nearest ) {
			//printf( "NEARER node at (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) is %.3f away is %s\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], dist, ans );
			nearest = dist;
			tz = ans;
		kd_res_next ( presults );
	g_debug ( "TZ lookup found %d results - picked %s", kd_res_size(presults), tz );
	kd_res_free ( presults );

	return tz;
文件: goals.c 项目: fishr/6.270
void checkGoals(int x, int y){
    CvPoint robotPt = cvPoint(x, y);
    if (sqrt(dist_sq(goal, robotPt)) <= GOAL_TOLERANCE){
文件: test2.c 项目: TNick/aitown
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int i, num_pts = DEF_NUM_PTS;
    void *ptree;
    char *data, *pch;
    struct kdres *presults;
    double pos[3], dist;
    double pt[3] = { 0, 0, 1 };
    double radius = 10;

    if(argc > 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0])) {
        num_pts = atoi(argv[1]);

    if(!(data = malloc(num_pts))) {
        perror("malloc failed");
        return 1;

    srand( time(0) );

    /* create a k-d tree for 3-dimensional points */
    ptree = kd_create( 3 );

    /* add some random nodes to the tree (assert nodes are successfully inserted) */
    for( i=0; i<num_pts; i++ ) {
        data[i] = 'a' + i;
        assert( 0 == kd_insert3( ptree, rd(), rd(), rd(), &data[i] ) );

    /* find points closest to the origin and within distance radius */
    presults = kd_nearest_range( ptree, pt, radius );

    /* print out all the points found in results */
    printf( "found %d results:\n", kd_res_size(presults) );

    while( !kd_res_end( presults ) ) {
        /* get the data and position of the current result item */
        pch = (char*)kd_res_item( presults, pos );

        /* compute the distance of the current result from the pt */
        dist = sqrt( dist_sq( pt, pos, 3 ) );

        /* print out the retrieved data */
        printf( "node at (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) is %.3f away and has data=%c\n",
                pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], dist, *pch );

        /* go to the next entry */
        kd_res_next( presults );

    /* free our tree, results set, and other allocated memory */
    free( data );
    kd_res_free( presults );
    kd_free( ptree );

    return 0;
/*! The IntersectAction callback for Geometry. It computes if the ray used in
    the IntersectAction \a action hits this object and if that is the case,
    which triangle is hit.

    \param[in] action IntersectAction performing the intersect test.
    \return Action result code, \see OSG::Action.

    \note This method is registered with the IntersectAction and automatically
    called from there, you probably never have to call it manually.
Action::ResultE Geometry::intersect(Action * action)
    IntersectAction      *ia = dynamic_cast<IntersectAction*>(action);
    const BoxVolume      &bv = ia->getActNode()->getVolume();

    if(bv.isValid() && !bv.intersect(ia->getLine()))
        return Action::Skip; //bv missed -> can not hit children

    TriangleIterator it  = this->beginTriangles();
    TriangleIterator end = this->endTriangles  ();
    Real32           t;
    Vec3f            norm;
    Line             ia_line(ia->getLine());

    for(; it != end; ++it)
                             it.getPosition(2), t, &norm))
            ia->setHit(t, ia->getActNode(), it.getIndex(), norm, -1);

    // If we need to test lines, iterate over lines and test for
    // lines that are within width distance from the line
       Real32 range_sq  = ia->getTestLineWidth();
       range_sq         = range_sq * range_sq;
       LineIterator it  = this->beginLines();
       LineIterator end = this->endLines  ();
       Pnt3f  pt1, pt2;
       OSG::Vec3f  norm;       

       // Find closest points and if they are within the range, then add a hit
       for(; it != end; ++it)
          Line cur_line(it.getPosition(0), it.getPosition(1));
          ia_line.getClosestPoints(cur_line, pt1, pt2);
          Real32 dist_sq( pt1.dist2(pt2) );

          if (dist_sq <= range_sq)
             t = ia_line.getPosition().dist(pt1);
             ia->setHit(t, ia->getActNode(), -1, norm, it.getIndex());

    return Action::Continue;
文件: goals.c 项目: fishr/6.270
void pickNewGoal(){
    CvPoint newGoal;

    do {
        int x = boundedRandom(-2048+600, 2047-600);
        int y = boundedRandom(-2048+600, 2047-600);
        newGoal = cvPoint(x,y);

    } while (dist_sq(newGoal, goal) < 1024*1024); //require goals to be at least 18in. (1024 ticks) apart
    goal = newGoal;
vec2f* ControlOverlay::pick_point(const vec2i& canvas_pos)
    vec2f world_pos = m_camera->canvas2world(canvas_pos);
    float threshold = sq(2 * m_point_radius / (m_camera->scale() * m_camera->size().y));
    for (auto& point : m_points)
        if (dist_sq(world_pos, *point) <= threshold)
            return point;
    return nullptr;
XnFloat Cylinder::getCenterDistSq(XnPoint3D p)
    return dist_sq(p, getCenter());
float RectPrism::getCenterDistSq(XnPoint3D p)
    return dist_sq(p, getCenter());
void generate_binary()
  struct bench_args_t data;
  char *ptr;
  int status, i, j, k, reject, fd, written=0;
  dvector_t p, q;
  ivector_t b;
  dvector_t points[nAtoms];
  int idx, entry;
  const double infinity = (domainEdge*domainEdge*3.)*1000;//(max length)^2 * 1000

  // Create random positions in the box [0,domainEdge]^3
  while( i<nAtoms ) {
    // Generate a new point
    p.x = domainEdge*(((double)random())/((double)RAND_MAX));
    p.y = domainEdge*(((double)random())/((double)RAND_MAX));
    p.z = domainEdge*(((double)random())/((double)RAND_MAX));
    // Assure that it's not directly on top of another atom
    reject = 0;
    for( idx=0; idx<nAtoms; idx++ ) {
      q = points[idx];
      if( dist_sq(p,q)<van_der_Waals_thresh ) {
    if(!reject) {
      points[i] = p;
      //printf("%lf %lf %lf\n", points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z );

  // Insert points into blocks
  for(i=0; i<blockSide; i++) {
    for(j=0; j<blockSide; j++) {
      for(k=0; k<blockSide; k++) {
        data.n_points[i][j][k] = 0;
  for( idx=0; idx<nAtoms; idx++ ) {
    b.x = (int) (points[idx].x / blockEdge);
    b.y = (int) (points[idx].y / blockEdge);
    b.z = (int) (points[idx].z / blockEdge);
    entry = data.n_points[b.x][b.y][b.z];
    data.position[b.x][b.y][b.z][entry].x = points[idx].x;
    data.position[b.x][b.y][b.z][entry].y = points[idx].y;
    data.position[b.x][b.y][b.z][entry].z = points[idx].z;
    assert(data.n_points[b.x][b.y][b.z]<densityFactor && "block overflow");
  //for( b.x=0; b.x<blockSide; b.x++ ) {
  //for( b.y=0; b.y<blockSide; b.y++ ) {
  //for( b.z=0; b.z<blockSide; b.z++ ) {
  //  printf("grid[%d][%d][%d]: %d points\n", b.x, b.y, b.z, data.n_points[b.x][b.y][b.z]);

  // Fill remaining data structure
  memset(data.d_force, 0, nBlocks*densityFactor*sizeof(dvector_t));

  // Open and write
  assert( fd>0 && "Couldn't open input data file" );

  ptr = (char *) &data;
  while( written<sizeof(data) ) {
    status = write( fd, ptr, sizeof(data)-written );
    assert( status>=0 && "Couldn't write input data file" );
    written += status;
		float tolerance_metric(NodeType const & left, NodeType const & right) const {
			return dist_sq(left.projected_position_, right.projected_position_);