Point LineSegment::closestPointOnSegmentTo(Point p)
  float top = (p.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p.y - p1.y)*(p2.y - p1.y);

  float bottom = distanceBetweenPoints(p2, p1);
  bottom = bottom * bottom;

  float u = top / bottom;

  float x = p1.x + u * (p2.x - p1.x);
  float y = p1.y + u * (p2.y - p1.y);

  return Point(x, y);
void LineSegment::init(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  this->p1 = Point(x1, y1);
  this->p2 = Point(x2, y2);

  if (p2.x - p1.x == 0)
    this->slope = 0.00000000001;
    this->slope = (float) (p2.y - p1.y) / (float) (p2.x - p1.x);

  this->length = distanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2);

  this->angle = angleBetweenPoints(p1, p2);
 * Publishes the total distance of the remaining path
double PathHandler::getPathLength()
	geometry_msgs::Point p;
	p.x = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getX();
	p.y = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getY();
	p.z = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getZ();
	double length = 0.f;
	for (uint32_t i = mCurrentPathIndex + 1; i < mPath.size(); i++)
		length += distanceBetweenPoints(p, mPath[i].position);
		p = mPath[i].position;
	return length;
float SpaceOrientation:: computeDistance(Object object)
    cv::Point2d one1 = object.getPositionInRobotFrame();

//    //    To correct for grasping, let's update the position where we need to go:
//        // What would happen when    two.y gets negative? test it.

    std::vector<float> nao = getNaoPositionInRobotFrame();
    cv::Point2d two1(nao[1], nao[0]);
    return distanceBetweenPoints(one1, two1);

void Curve::AddTranslation(int x, int y, ofVec3f _draggedPixelVector)
	ofPoint tmp;
	tmp.x = x - this->getTranslation().x;
	tmp.y = y - this->getTranslation().y;

	ofPoint closestPoint = curve.getClosestPoint(tmp);
	ofPoint * inersected = intersectsPoint(tmp.x, tmp.y);

	if (inersected != nullptr)
		inersected->x = x - this->getTranslation().x;
		inersected->y = y - this->getTranslation().y;
		inersected = nullptr;
	else if (distanceBetweenPoints(tmp.x, tmp.y, closestPoint.x, closestPoint.y) < 10)
		Object2D::AddTranslation(x, y, _draggedPixelVector);
void positionCallback(const nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr& msg)
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(current_mutex);
  geometry_msgs::PointStamped cur = current_waypoint;
  cur.point.x -= map_origin.x;
  cur.point.y -= map_origin.y;

  if (distanceBetweenPoints(msg->pose.pose.position, cur.point) < 1.0)
    // advance to next waypoint.
    current_waypoint = waypoints.front();
    if (waypoints.size() > 1)
      std::cerr << "Waypoint Source moving to next" << std::endl;
void Objects::processMonsterVsPacketCollision( )
	auto monster = m_vupMonsters.begin( );
	while( monster != m_vupMonsters.end( ) )
		hgeVector monsterPos = ( *monster )->getPosition( );
		auto packet = m_vupPackets.begin( );
		while( packet != m_vupPackets.end( ) )
			hgeVector packetPos = ( *packet )->getPosition( );
			if( distanceBetweenPoints( monsterPos, packetPos ) < MONSTER_RADIUS + PACKET_RADIUS )
				float monsterHealth = ( *monster )->getHealth( );
				( *monster )->setHealth( monsterHealth - ( *monster )->getArmor( ) * ( *packet )->getDamage( ) );
				( *packet ).reset( nullptr );
				packet = m_vupPackets.erase( packet );
				if( packet == m_vupPackets.end( ) )
		if( ( *monster )->getHealth( ) <= 0.0f )
			countDeadMonsters( ( *monster )->getType( ) );
			monster = m_vupMonsters.erase( monster );
			if( monster == m_vupMonsters.end( ) )
void Objects::processMonsterVsTankCollision( )
	auto monster = m_vupMonsters.begin( );
	hgeVector tankPos = m_upTank->getPosition( );

	while( monster != m_vupMonsters.end( ) )
		hgeVector monsterPos = ( *monster )->getPosition( );
		if( distanceBetweenPoints( monsterPos, tankPos ) < TANK_RADIUS + MONSTER_RADIUS )
			float tankHealth = m_upTank->getHealth( );
			m_upTank->setHealth( tankHealth - m_upTank->getArmor( ) * ( *monster )->getDamage( ) );
			( *monster )->setPosition( monsterPos - 10.0f * ( *monster )->getDirection( ) );
			if( m_upTank->getHealth( ) < 0.0f )
KDvoid AnalogStick::repositionBarWithPoint ( const CCPoint& tPoint )
	const CCSize	tSize = this->getContentSize ( );

	// Rotation	
	KDfloat		fRadians = vectorToRadians ( m_tPressedVector );
	KDfloat		fDegrees = radiansToDegrees ( fRadians );	
	m_pBar->setRotation ( fDegrees );

	CCSpriteFrameCache*		pCache = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache ( );

	m_pBar->setDisplayFrame ( pCache->spriteFrameByName ( "analog_bar.png" ) );

	CCRect		tBarTexRect = m_pBar->getTextureRect ( );

	KDfloat		fDistFromCenter = distanceBetweenPoints ( tPoint, this->getPosition ( ) );
	KDfloat		fSizeMod = fDistFromCenter / tSize.cx;
	KDfloat		fOldHeight = tBarTexRect.size.cy;
	KDfloat		fNewHeight = fOldHeight * fSizeMod * 5;

	// Custom fixes
	if ( fNewHeight < 100 )
		fNewHeight = 100.0f; 
	if ( fDistFromCenter < 3 )
		fNewHeight = 0.0f; 

	m_pBar->setTextureRect ( CCRect ( tBarTexRect.origin.x, tBarTexRect.origin.y + ( fOldHeight - fNewHeight ), tBarTexRect.size.cx, fNewHeight ) );	
	m_pBar->setAnchorPoint ( ccp ( 0.5f, 0 ) );

	CCPoint		tDirectionVector = radiansToVector ( fRadians - KD_PI_F / 2 );
	m_pBar->setPosition ( ccp ( tSize.cx / 2 + tDirectionVector.x * tSize.cx / 4, tSize.cy / 2 + tDirectionVector.y * tSize.cy / 4 ) );
bool CCTapGestureRecognizer::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch * pTouch, CCEvent * pEvent)
    if (isRecognizing && taps==0) {
        return false;
    initialPosition = pTouch->getLocation();
    if (!isPositionBetweenBounds(initialPosition)) return false;
    CCTime::gettimeofdayCocos2d(&startTime, NULL);
    if (taps>0 && taps<(int)numberOfTapsRequired) {
        float distance = distanceBetweenPoints(finalPosition, initialPosition); //distance between taps
        double duration = CCTime::timersubCocos2d(&endTime, &startTime); //duration between taps
        if (duration>kTapMaxDurationBetweenTaps || distance>kTapMaxDistanceBetweenTaps) {
    isRecognizing = true;
    return true;
void bSplineMotionUCompute(void) {
    PidMotion* pidMotion = getPidMotion();
    PidComputationValues* computationValues = &(pidMotion->computationValues);
    PidMotionDefinition* motionDefinition = &(pidMotion->currentMotionDefinition);

    BSplineCurve* curve = &(motionDefinition->curve);
    float pidTime = computationValues->pidTime;
    MotionInstruction* thetaInst = &(motionDefinition->inst[THETA]);
    float normalPosition = computeNormalPosition(thetaInst, pidTime);

    // Computes the time of the bSpline in [0.00, 1.00]
    float bSplineTime = computeBSplineTimeAtDistance(curve, normalPosition);

    Point normalPoint;

    // Computes the normal Point where the robot must be
    computeBSplinePoint(curve, bSplineTime, &normalPoint);
    // Convert normalPoint into mm space
    RobotKinematics* robotKinematics = getRobotKinematics();
    float wheelAverageLength = robotKinematics->wheelAverageLengthForOnePulse;

    normalPoint.x = normalPoint.x * wheelAverageLength;
    normalPoint.y = normalPoint.y * wheelAverageLength;

    Position* robotPosition = getPosition();
    Point robotPoint = robotPosition->pos;

    // GET PID
    unsigned pidIndex = getIndexOfPid(THETA, thetaInst->pidType);
    unsigned char rollingTestMode = getRollingTestMode();
    PidParameter* pidParameter = getPidParameter(pidIndex, rollingTestMode);

    // ALPHA
    PidMotionError* alphaMotionError = &(computationValues->errors[ALPHA]);    

    float normalAlpha = computeBSplineOrientationWithDerivative(curve, bSplineTime);
    float realAlpha = robotPosition->orientation;
    // backward management
    if (curve->backward) {
        realAlpha += PI;

    float alphaError = (normalAlpha - realAlpha);
    // restriction to [-PI, PI]
    alphaError = mod2PI(alphaError);

    // Convert angleError into pulse equivalent
    float wheelsDistanceFromCenter = getWheelsDistanceFromCenter(robotKinematics);
    float alphaPulseError = (-wheelsDistanceFromCenter * alphaError) / wheelAverageLength;

    // THETA
    PidMotionError* thetaMotionError = &(computationValues->errors[THETA]);

    // thetaError must be in Pulse and not in MM
    float thetaError = distanceBetweenPoints(&robotPoint, &normalPoint) / wheelAverageLength;
    float thetaAngle = angleOfVector(&robotPoint, &normalPoint);
    if (curve->backward) {
        thetaAngle += PI;
    float alphaAndThetaDiff = thetaAngle - normalAlpha;

    // restriction to [-PI, PI]
    alphaAndThetaDiff = mod2PI(alphaAndThetaDiff);

    float cosAlphaAndThetaDiff = cosf(alphaAndThetaDiff);
    float thetaErrorWithCos = thetaError * cosAlphaAndThetaDiff;
    float normalSpeed = computeNormalSpeed(thetaInst, pidTime);
    float thetaU = computePidCorrection(thetaMotionError, pidParameter, normalSpeed, thetaErrorWithCos);

    PidCurrentValues* thetaCurrentValues = &(computationValues->currentValues[THETA]);
    thetaCurrentValues->u = thetaU;

    alphaPulseError *= 5.0f;
    float alphaCorrection = -0.00050f * normalSpeed * thetaError * (alphaAndThetaDiff);
    // float alphaCorrection = 0.0f;
    alphaPulseError += alphaCorrection;
    float alphaU = computePidCorrection(alphaMotionError, pidParameter, 0, alphaPulseError);

    PidCurrentValues* alphaCurrentValues = &(computationValues->currentValues[ALPHA]);
    alphaCurrentValues->u = alphaU;
    // LOG
    OutputStream* out = getDebugOutputStreamLogger();
    // appendStringAndDecf(out, "pt=", pidTime);

    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",t=", bSplineTime);

    // Normal Position
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",nx=", normalPoint.x);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ny=", normalPoint.y);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",na=", normalAlpha);

    // Real position

    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",rx=", robotPoint.x);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ry=", robotPoint.y);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ra=", realAlpha);

    // ALPHA
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ta=", thetaAngle);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ae=", alphaError);
    //appendStringAndDecf(out, ",atdiff=", alphaAndThetaDiff);
    //appendStringAndDecf(out, ",catdiff=", cosAlphaAndThetaDiff);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",au=", alphaU);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",ac=", alphaCorrection);

    // THETA

    // appendString(out, ",np=");
    // appendDecf(out, normalPosition);

    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",te=", thetaError);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",tec=", thetaErrorWithCos);
    appendStringAndDecf(out, ",tu=", thetaU);
void boatUpdate(boat b, int keepDir, double timedif)
    double anchorRatio;
    if (b->extra->timeStuckLeft > 0) {  /*Se o barco esta encalhado */
        b->extra->timeStuckLeft -= timedif;
        b->tex.color = b->extra->color / 2;
        /* Torna o bote mais escuro - note que os valores para R e G sempre sao pares para lidar com isso */

        if (b->extra->timeStuckLeft <= 0) {
            if (b->extra->life >= 0) {
                b->extra->timeStuckLeft = 0;
                b->pos = b->extra->respawnPoint;
                b->vel = vectorCreate(0, 0);
                b->acc = vectorCreate(0, 0);
                b->dir = PI/2;
                b->tex.color = b->extra->color;
                /* Retornando a cor original, ja que o bote muda de cor quando encalhado */
            } else
                b->toBeRemoved = 1;
    /*Verificando se ja deve ganahr uma vida nova*/
    if (b->extra->points >=
        b->extra->extraLivesCount * b->extra->extraLifeScore) {
    /*Le teclado*/
    if (b->extra->isAccel && !b->extra->isAnchored) {
        b->acc.x = -b->extra->accel * cos(b->dir) * b->extra->isAccel;
        b->acc.y = -b->extra->accel * sin(b->dir) * b->extra->isAccel;
    } else
        b->acc = vectorCreate(0, 0);
    if (b->extra->isAnchored)
        anchorRatio = b->extra->anchorMultiplier;
        anchorRatio = 1;
    b->acc.x = b->acc.x - b->vel.x * b->extra->friction * anchorRatio;
    b->acc.y = b->acc.y - b->vel.y * b->extra->friction * anchorRatio;
    b->vel = vectorSum(b->vel, vectorMulDouble(b->acc, timedif));
    b->pos = vectorSum(b->pos, vectorMulDouble(b->vel, timedif));
    if (!b->extra->isAnchored)
        b->dir += b->extra->isTurning * b->extra->turnRate * timedif;
    /*Resgate de pessoas*/
    if (b->extra->isAnchored
        && distanceBetweenPoints(b->pos,
                                 shipPos) <= b->extra->unloadDistance) {
        if (b->extra->personList != NULL) {
            if (b->extra->unloadTimeLeft <= 0.0) {
                b->extra->unloadTimeLeft = b->extra->unloadTime;
            } else
                b->extra->unloadTimeLeft =
                    b->extra->unloadTimeLeft - timedif;
    } else
        b->extra->unloadTimeLeft = b->extra->unloadTime;
    /*Fala o que precisa ser mostrado no display*/
    statusReport(b->extra->player, b->extra->name, b->extra->life,
                        b->extra->points, b->extra->peopleHeld);
// Score a collection of lines as a possible license plate region.
// If any segments are missing, extrapolate the missing pieces
void PlateCorners::scoreHorizontals(int h1, int h2)
  //if (this->debug)
  //    cout << "PlateCorners::scorePlate" << endl;

  float score = 0;	// Lower is better

  LineSegment top;
  LineSegment bottom;

  float charHeightToPlateHeightRatio = config->plateHeightMM / config->charHeightMM;
  float idealPixelHeight = this->charHeight *  charHeightToPlateHeightRatio;

  if (h1 == NO_LINE && h2 == NO_LINE)
//    return;
    Point centerLeft = charRegion->getCharBoxLeft().midpoint();
    Point centerRight = charRegion->getCharBoxRight().midpoint();
    LineSegment centerLine = LineSegment(centerLeft.x, centerLeft.y, centerRight.x, centerRight.y);

    top = centerLine.getParallelLine(idealPixelHeight / 2);
    bottom = centerLine.getParallelLine(-1 * idealPixelHeight / 2 );

  else if (h1 != NO_LINE && h2 != NO_LINE)
    top = this->plateLines->horizontalLines[h1];
    bottom = this->plateLines->horizontalLines[h2];
  else if (h1 == NO_LINE && h2 != NO_LINE)
    bottom = this->plateLines->horizontalLines[h2];
    top = bottom.getParallelLine(idealPixelHeight);
  else if (h1 != NO_LINE && h2 == NO_LINE)
    top = this->plateLines->horizontalLines[h1];
    bottom = top.getParallelLine(-1 * idealPixelHeight);

  // Make sure this line is above our license plate letters
  if (top.isPointBelowLine(charRegion->getCharBoxTop().midpoint()) == false)

  // Make sure this line is below our license plate letters
  if (bottom.isPointBelowLine(charRegion->getCharBoxBottom().midpoint()))

  // We now have 4 possible lines.  Let's put them to the test and score them...

  // Score "Boxiness" of the 4 lines.  How close is it to a parallelogram?

  float horizontalAngleDiff = abs(top.angle - bottom.angle);

  score += (horizontalAngleDiff) * SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT;
//  if (this->debug)
//    cout << "PlateCorners boxiness score: " << (horizontalAngleDiff + verticalAngleDiff) * SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT << endl;

  // SCORE the shape wrt character position and height relative to position

  Point topPoint = top.midpoint();
  Point botPoint = bottom.closestPointOnSegmentTo(topPoint);
  float plateHeightPx = distanceBetweenPoints(topPoint, botPoint);

  // Get the height difference

  float heightRatio = charHeight / plateHeightPx;
  float idealHeightRatio = (config->charHeightMM / config->plateHeightMM);
  //if (leftRatio < MIN_CHAR_HEIGHT_RATIO || leftRatio > MAX_CHAR_HEIGHT_RATIO || rightRatio < MIN_CHAR_HEIGHT_RATIO || rightRatio > MAX_CHAR_HEIGHT_RATIO)
  float heightRatioDiff = abs(heightRatio - idealHeightRatio);
  // Ideal ratio == ~.45

  // Get the distance from the top and the distance from the bottom
  // Take the average distances from the corners of the character region to the top/bottom lines
//  float topDistance  = distanceBetweenPoints(topMidLinePoint, charRegion->getCharBoxTop().midpoint());
//  float bottomDistance = distanceBetweenPoints(bottomMidLinePoint, charRegion->getCharBoxBottom().midpoint());

//  float idealTopDistance = charHeight * (TOP_WHITESPACE_HEIGHT_MM / CHARACTER_HEIGHT_MM);
//  float idealBottomDistance = charHeight * (BOTTOM_WHITESPACE_HEIGHT_MM / CHARACTER_HEIGHT_MM);
//  float distScore = abs(topDistance - idealTopDistance) + abs(bottomDistance - idealBottomDistance);

  score += heightRatioDiff * SCORING_PLATEHEIGHT_WEIGHT;

  // SCORE the middliness of the stuff.  We want our top and bottom line to have the characters right towards the middle

  Point charAreaMidPoint = charRegion->getCharBoxLeft().midpoint();
  Point topLineSpot = top.closestPointOnSegmentTo(charAreaMidPoint);
  Point botLineSpot = bottom.closestPointOnSegmentTo(charAreaMidPoint);

  float topDistanceFromMiddle = distanceBetweenPoints(topLineSpot, charAreaMidPoint);
  float bottomDistanceFromMiddle = distanceBetweenPoints(topLineSpot, charAreaMidPoint);

  float idealDistanceFromMiddle = idealPixelHeight / 2;

  float middleScore = abs(topDistanceFromMiddle - idealDistanceFromMiddle) + abs(bottomDistanceFromMiddle - idealDistanceFromMiddle);


//  if (this->debug)
//  {
//    cout << "PlateCorners boxiness score: " << avgRatio * SCORING_TOP_BOTTOM_SPACE_VS_CHARHEIGHT_WEIGHT << endl;
//    cout << "PlateCorners boxiness score: " << distScore * SCORING_PLATEHEIGHT_WEIGHT << endl;
//  }
  // SCORE: the shape for angles matching the character region

  float charanglediff = abs(charAngle - top.angle) + abs(charAngle - bottom.angle);

  score += charanglediff * SCORING_ANGLE_MATCHES_LPCHARS_WEIGHT;

//  if (this->debug)
//    cout << "PlateCorners boxiness score: " << charanglediff * SCORING_ANGLE_MATCHES_LPCHARS_WEIGHT << endl;

  if (score < this->bestHorizontalScore)
    float scorecomponent;

    if (this->config->debugPlateCorners)
      cout << "xx xx Score: charHeight " << this->charHeight << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: idealHeight " << idealPixelHeight << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: h1,h2= " << h1 << "," << h2 << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: Top= " << top.str() << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: Bottom= " << bottom.str() << endl;

      cout << "Horizontal breakdown Score:" << endl;
      cout << " -- Boxiness Score: " << horizontalAngleDiff << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = horizontalAngleDiff * SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:       " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Height Ratio Diff Score: " << heightRatioDiff << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_PLATEHEIGHT_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = heightRatioDiff * SCORING_PLATEHEIGHT_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Distance Score: " << middleScore << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_TOP_BOTTOM_SPACE_VS_CHARHEIGHT_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = middleScore * SCORING_TOP_BOTTOM_SPACE_VS_CHARHEIGHT_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:       " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Char angle Score: " << charanglediff << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_ANGLE_MATCHES_LPCHARS_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = charanglediff * SCORING_ANGLE_MATCHES_LPCHARS_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:         " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Score: " << score << endl;
    this->bestHorizontalScore = score;
    bestTop = LineSegment(top.p1.x, top.p1.y, top.p2.x, top.p2.y);
    bestBottom = LineSegment(bottom.p1.x, bottom.p1.y, bottom.p2.x, bottom.p2.y);
void PlateCorners::scoreVerticals(int v1, int v2)
  float score = 0;	// Lower is better

  LineSegment left;
  LineSegment right;

  float charHeightToPlateWidthRatio = config->plateWidthMM / config->charHeightMM;
  float idealPixelWidth = this->charHeight *  (charHeightToPlateWidthRatio * 1.03);	// Add 3% so we don't clip any characters

  if (v1 == NO_LINE && v2 == NO_LINE)
    Point centerTop = charRegion->getCharBoxTop().midpoint();
    Point centerBottom = charRegion->getCharBoxBottom().midpoint();
    LineSegment centerLine = LineSegment(centerBottom.x, centerBottom.y, centerTop.x, centerTop.y);

    left = centerLine.getParallelLine(idealPixelWidth / 2);
    right = centerLine.getParallelLine(-1 * idealPixelWidth / 2 );

  else if (v1 != NO_LINE && v2 != NO_LINE)
    left = this->plateLines->verticalLines[v1];
    right = this->plateLines->verticalLines[v2];
  else if (v1 == NO_LINE && v2 != NO_LINE)
    right = this->plateLines->verticalLines[v2];
    left = right.getParallelLine(idealPixelWidth);
  else if (v1 != NO_LINE && v2 == NO_LINE)
    left = this->plateLines->verticalLines[v1];
    right = left.getParallelLine(-1 * idealPixelWidth);

  // Make sure this line is to the left of our license plate letters
  if (left.isPointBelowLine(charRegion->getCharBoxLeft().midpoint()) == false)

  // Make sure this line is to the right of our license plate letters
  if (right.isPointBelowLine(charRegion->getCharBoxRight().midpoint()))

  // Score "Distance from the edge...

  float leftDistanceFromEdge =  abs((float) (left.p1.x + left.p2.x) / 2);
  float rightDistanceFromEdge = abs(this->inputImage.cols - ((float) (right.p1.x + right.p2.x) / 2));

  float distanceFromEdge = leftDistanceFromEdge + rightDistanceFromEdge;

  // Score "Boxiness" of the 4 lines.  How close is it to a parallelogram?

  float verticalAngleDiff = abs(left.angle - right.angle);

  score += (verticalAngleDiff) * SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT;

  // SCORE the shape wrt character position and height relative to position

  Point leftMidLinePoint = left.closestPointOnSegmentTo(charRegion->getCharBoxLeft().midpoint());
  Point rightMidLinePoint = right.closestPointOnSegmentTo(charRegion->getCharBoxRight().midpoint());

  float plateDistance = abs(idealPixelWidth - distanceBetweenPoints(leftMidLinePoint, rightMidLinePoint));


  if (score < this->bestVerticalScore)
    float scorecomponent;

    if (this->config->debugPlateCorners)
      cout << "xx xx Score: charHeight " << this->charHeight << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: idealwidth " << idealPixelWidth << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: v1,v2= " << v1 << "," << v2 << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: Left= " << left.str() << endl;
      cout << "xx xx Score: Right= " << right.str() << endl;

      cout << "Vertical breakdown Score:" << endl;
      cout << " -- Boxiness Score: " << verticalAngleDiff << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = verticalAngleDiff * SCORING_BOXINESS_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:       " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Distance From Edge Score: " << distanceFromEdge << " -- Weight (" << SCORING_VERTICALDISTANCE_FROMEDGE_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = distanceFromEdge * SCORING_VERTICALDISTANCE_FROMEDGE_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:       " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Distance Score: " << plateDistance << "  -- Weight (" << SCORING_VERTICALDISTANCE_WEIGHT << ")" << endl;
      scorecomponent = plateDistance * SCORING_VERTICALDISTANCE_WEIGHT;
      cout << " -- -- Score:       " << scorecomponent << " = " << scorecomponent / score * 100 << "% of score" << endl;

      cout << " -- Score: " << score << endl;

    this->bestVerticalScore = score;
    bestLeft = LineSegment(left.p1.x, left.p1.y, left.p2.x, left.p2.y);
    bestRight = LineSegment(right.p1.x, right.p1.y, right.p2.x, right.p2.y);
  void CharacterAnalysis::filterBetweenLines(Mat img, TextContours& textContours, vector<TextLine> textLines )
    static float MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES = 0.88;
    static float MAX_DISTANCE_PERCENT_FROM_LINES = 0.15;

    if (textLines.size() == 0)

    vector<Point> validPoints;

    // Create a white mask for the area inside the polygon
    Mat outerMask = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++)
      fillConvexPoly(outerMask, textLines[i].linePolygon.data(), textLines[i].linePolygon.size(), Scalar(255,255,255));

    // For each contour, determine if enough of it is between the lines to qualify
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textContours.size(); i++)
      if (textContours.goodIndices[i] == false)

      float percentInsideMask = getContourAreaPercentInsideMask(outerMask, 
              (int) i);

      if (percentInsideMask < MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES)
        // Not enough area is inside the lines.
        if (config->debugCharAnalysis)
          cout << "Rejecting due to insufficient area" << endl;
        textContours.goodIndices[i] = false; 


      // now check to make sure that the top and bottom of the contour are near enough to the lines

      // First get the high and low point for the contour
      // Remember that origin is top-left, so the top Y values are actually closer to 0.
      Rect brect = boundingRect(textContours.contours[i]);
      int xmiddle = brect.x + (brect.width / 2);
      Point topMiddle = Point(xmiddle, brect.y);
      Point botMiddle = Point(xmiddle, brect.y+brect.height);

      // Get the absolute distance from the top and bottom lines

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++)
        Point closestTopPoint = textLines[i].topLine.closestPointOnSegmentTo(topMiddle);
        Point closestBottomPoint = textLines[i].bottomLine.closestPointOnSegmentTo(botMiddle);

        float absTopDistance = distanceBetweenPoints(closestTopPoint, topMiddle);
        float absBottomDistance = distanceBetweenPoints(closestBottomPoint, botMiddle);

        float maxDistance = textLines[i].lineHeight * MAX_DISTANCE_PERCENT_FROM_LINES;

        if (absTopDistance < maxDistance && absBottomDistance < maxDistance)
          // It's ok, leave it as-is.

          textContours.goodIndices[i] = false; 
          if (config->debugCharAnalysis)
            cout << "Rejecting due to top/bottom points that are out of range" << endl;


LinearAnimation::LinearAnimation(float span, vector<float> controlPoints): Animation(){
    this->totalSpan = span * 1000;
    this->controlPoints = controlPoints;
	this->numTrajectories = (this->controlPoints.size() / 3) - 1;
	this->totalDist = 0;

	//Load trajectory distances, calculate total distance and coordinate deltas between trajectories
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTrajectories; i++) {
		//Get this point and the next
		float point1[3], point2[3];
		int ind1 = (i * 3);
		int ind2 = ((i+1) * 3);
		point1[0] = controlPoints.at(0 + ind1);
		point1[1] = controlPoints.at(1 + ind1);
		point1[2] = controlPoints.at(2 + ind1);

		point2[0] = controlPoints.at(0 + ind2);
		point2[1] = controlPoints.at(1 + ind2);
		point2[2] = controlPoints.at(2 + ind2);

		//Calculate distance between those 2 points and add it to total distance and trajectory distances vector
		float trajDist = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2);
		totalDist += trajDist;

		//Calculate deltas between coordinates of the two points and add them to deltas vector
		float deltaX;
		float deltaY;
		float deltaZ;

		deltaX = point2[0] - point1[0];
		deltaY = point2[1] - point1[1];
		deltaZ = point2[2] - point1[2];


		//Calculate the previous offsets for the trajectory coordinates (that is, the sum of the previous deltas), and push them to the vector
		int previousIndex;

		if(i == 0) {

			previousIndex = 0;
			previousIndex = i*3;

		if(i < (numTrajectories - 1) ) {

			trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.push_back(deltaX + trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.at(previousIndex + 0));
			trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.push_back(deltaY + trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.at(previousIndex + 1));
			trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.push_back(deltaZ + trajectoryCoordPreviousOffsets.at(previousIndex + 2));

	//Calculate angles between the trajectories based on the trajectory vector components on the XZ plane, always summing the angle with the previous one
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTrajectories - 1; i++) {
		float previousAngle;
		if(i == 0)
			previousAngle = 0;
			previousAngle = trajectoryAngles.at(i - 1);

		int ind = i * 3;
		int ind2 = i * 3 + 3;
		float vector1[3];
		vector1[0] = trajectoryCoordDeltas.at(ind + 0);

		//Since we want the vector projections in the XZ plane, we consider y = 0
		vector1[1] = 0;
		vector1[2] = trajectoryCoordDeltas.at(ind + 2);

		float vector2[3];
		vector2[0] = trajectoryCoordDeltas.at(ind2 + 0);

		//Since we want the vector projections in the XZ plane, we consider y = 0
		vector2[1] = 0;
		vector2[2] = trajectoryCoordDeltas.at(ind2 + 2);

		float rotAngle = angleBetweenVectors(vector2, vector1);
		//To ensure we use angles between 0 and 360, for simplicity
		if(rotAngle > 360)
			rotAngle -= 360;
		else if(rotAngle < 0)
			rotAngle += 360;

		rotAngle += previousAngle;

	// Using the trajectory distances and the total distance, calculate the fraction of total animation
	//that each trajectory represents, and thus calculate the different time spans each trajectory
	//shall need to complete its animation.
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTrajectories; i++) {
		float distFraction = trajectoryDists.at(i) / totalDist;
		unsigned long timeSpan = (distFraction * totalSpan);

	currentTrajectory = 0;
	elapsedTimeInTraj = 0;
	totalElapsedTime = 0;

	ended = false;
static bool compareDistanceBetweenPoints(const Platform::IntPoint& p, const Platform::IntRectRegion& r1, const Platform::IntRectRegion& r2)
    return distanceBetweenPoints(p, r1.extents().center()) > distanceBetweenPoints(p, r2.extents().center());
TEST(PointTest, distanceBetweenPointsTest) {
    Point p1{-0.35312, 341.1231251134}, p2{345345.242, -323423.23};

    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(473378.21709845297, distanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2));
 * Updates path logic.
void PathHandler::updatePath()
	geometry_msgs::Twist command;


	// no path? nothing to handle
	if (getPathSize() == 0)

	// update our position if possible.
	if (updateCurrentPosition() == false)
		ROS_ERROR("Failed to update robot position.");

	if (mCurrentPathIndex < getPathSize() - 1) // we are moving along a line segment in the path
		geometry_msgs::Point robotPos;
		robotPos.x = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().x();
		robotPos.y = mRobotPosition.getOrigin().y();
		geometry_msgs::Point closestOnPath = closestPointOnLine(robotPos, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex].position, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex + 1].position);

		//ROS_INFO("robotPos[%lf, %lf], closestOnPath[%lf, %lf]", robotPos.x, robotPos.y, closestOnPath.x, closestOnPath.y);

		if (distanceBetweenPoints(closestOnPath, robotPos) > mResetDistanceTolerance)
			ROS_INFO("Drove too far away from path, re-sending goal.");
			mFollowState = FOLLOW_STATE_IDLE;

		geometry_msgs::Point pointOnPath = getPointOnPathWithDist(closestOnPath, mLookForwardDistance);

		//ROS_INFO("closestOnPath[%lf, %lf], pointOnPath[%lf, %lf]", closestOnPath.x, closestOnPath.y, pointOnPath.x, pointOnPath.y);

		double angle = angleTo(pointOnPath);

		/*double robotYaw = tf::getYaw(mRobotPosition.getRotation()); // only used for printing
		ROS_INFO("Follow state: %d Robot pos: (%lf, %lf, %lf). Target pos: (%lf, %lf, %lf). RobotYaw: %lf. FocusYaw: %lf", mFollowState, mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getX(),
				mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getY(), mRobotPosition.getOrigin().getZ(), pointOnPath.x,
				pointOnPath.y, pointOnPath.z, robotYaw, angle);*/

		//ROS_INFO("Angle to path: %f", angle);

		command.linear.x = getScaledLinearSpeed(angle);
		command.angular.z = getScaledAngularSpeed(angle);

		if (distanceBetweenPoints(closestOnPath, mPath[mCurrentPathIndex + 1].position) < mDistanceTolerance)
			//ROS_INFO("Moving to next line segment on path.");

		publishLocalPath(command.linear.x * 3, angle);
	else // only rotate for final yaw
		double yaw = tf::getYaw(mPath[getPathSize() - 1].orientation);
		btVector3 orientation = btVector3(cos(yaw), sin(yaw), 0.0).rotate(btVector3(0,0,1), -tf::getYaw(mRobotPosition.getRotation()));
		double angle = atan2(orientation.getY(), orientation.getX());

		//ROS_INFO("Angle to final orientation: %f", angle);

		if (fabs(angle) > mFinalYawTolerance)
			command.angular.z = getScaledAngularSpeed(angle, true);
			// path is done!

		publishLocalPath(1.0, angle);

// 0.000011479429428388439 gps points per meter
void waypointManager(void){
	waypoint * newWP = (waypoint *) malloc(sizeof(waypoint));	
	dataGPS  curPosGPS;
	//int gpsRet;
	float turnHeading;
	double tolerance = 3; // tolerance in meters
	addWaypointxy(-87.322314, 39.483694);
	newWP = getCurrentWaypoint();
	printf("\r\nTrying to initialize GPS");
	//gpsRet = init_GPS();
	curPosGPS = getGPS(gpsRet);

		for(int i = 0; i < 10 && !curPosGPS.valid; i++){
			printf("\r\nWaiting for valid GPS data....\r\n");
			curPosGPS = getGPS(gpsRet);
	waypoint * curPosWP = (waypoint *) malloc(sizeof(waypoint));
	curPosWP->x = curPosGPS.x;
	curPosWP->y = curPosGPS.y;
	turnHeading = angleBetweenPoints(*newWP, *curPosWP);
	// at this point we should be pointing in the right direction

	double line_mb[2];
	findLine(*curPosWP, * newWP, line_mb);

	printf("\r\nCurrent position: x %lf, y %lf\r\n", curPosWP->x, curPosWP->y);
	printf("Waypoint to move to: x %lf, y %lf\r\n", newWP->x, newWP->y);
	printf("Turn heading: %f\r\n", turnHeading);
	printf("Line: m %lf, b %lf\r\n", line_mb[0], line_mb[1]);
	int waypointsLeft = 1;
	while(keepGoing && waypointsLeft){
		while(keepGoing && distanceBetweenPoints(*curPosWP, *newWP) > tolerance*0.000011479429428388439){
			// go straight		
			printf("Going straight\r\ndistance to target: %lf\r\ntolerance: %lf\r\n", distanceBetweenPoints(*curPosWP, *newWP), tolerance*0.000011479429428388439);
			gpio_set_value(LEFT_FWD_GPIO, 1);
			gpio_set_value(LEFT_BCK_GPIO, 0);
			gpio_set_value(RIGHT_FWD_GPIO, 1);
			gpio_set_value(RIGHT_BCK_GPIO, 0);	

			curPosGPS = getGPS(gpsRet);
			curPosWP->x = curPosGPS.x;
			curPosWP->y = curPosGPS.y;

			if(!bbCheck(line_mb[0], line_mb[1], * curPosWP, tolerance)){
				printf("We're outside of the bounds. Returning to the previous waypoint\r\n");
				break; // out of the bounding box
		printf("We've hit the waypoint! Stopping the motors...\r\n");
		gpio_set_value(LEFT_FWD_GPIO, 0);
		gpio_set_value(LEFT_BCK_GPIO, 0);
		gpio_set_value(RIGHT_FWD_GPIO, 0);
		gpio_set_value(RIGHT_BCK_GPIO, 0);

		waypointsLeft = (advanceToNextWaypoint() != -1); // don't keep going if we've reached the end of the waypoints
		newWP = getCurrentWaypoint(); 	// if we've already advanced past the end this will give us the last WP, but 
						// we will break out of this loop anyway
		printf("KeepGoing: %d...should be 0 if we've hit the end of the waypoints", keepGoing);
vector<bool> CharacterAnalysis::filterBetweenLines(Mat img, vector<vector<Point> > contours, vector<Vec4i> hierarchy, vector<Point> outerPolygon, vector<bool> goodIndices)
    static float MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES = 0.88;

    vector<bool> includedIndices(contours.size());
    for (int j = 0; j < contours.size(); j++)
        includedIndices[j] = false;

    if (outerPolygon.size() == 0)
        return includedIndices;

    vector<Point> validPoints;

    // Figure out the line height
    LineSegment topLine(outerPolygon[0].x, outerPolygon[0].y, outerPolygon[1].x, outerPolygon[1].y);
    LineSegment bottomLine(outerPolygon[3].x, outerPolygon[3].y, outerPolygon[2].x, outerPolygon[2].y);

    float x = ((float) img.cols) / 2;
    Point midpoint = Point(x, bottomLine.getPointAt(x));
    Point acrossFromMidpoint = topLine.closestPointOnSegmentTo(midpoint);
    float lineHeight = distanceBetweenPoints(midpoint, acrossFromMidpoint);

    // Create a white mask for the area inside the polygon
    Mat outerMask = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);
    Mat innerArea = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);
    fillConvexPoly(outerMask, outerPolygon.data(), outerPolygon.size(), Scalar(255,255,255));

    for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
        if (goodIndices[i] == false)

        // get rid of the outline by drawing a 1 pixel width black line
        drawContours(innerArea, contours,
                     i, // draw this contour
                     cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in

        bitwise_and(innerArea, outerMask, innerArea);

        vector<vector<Point> > tempContours;
        findContours(innerArea, tempContours,
                     CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, // retrieve the external contours
                     CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); // all pixels of each contours );

        double totalArea = contourArea(contours[i]);
        double areaBetweenLines = 0;

        for (int tempContourIdx = 0; tempContourIdx < tempContours.size(); tempContourIdx++)
            areaBetweenLines += contourArea(tempContours[tempContourIdx]);


        if (areaBetweenLines / totalArea >= MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES)
            includedIndices[i] = true;


    return includedIndices;