文件: data_ini.c 项目: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Initializes the instance from the interpreter command line.
 * <h3>Note</h3>
 * <p>You must setup the method invocation context <code>m_lpMic</code> (see 
 * <a href="dlpinst.html"><code class="link">CDlpInstance</code></a>) before
 * calling this method. Otherwise it will do noting.</p>
 * @param _this  This instance
 * @param nRec   First record to read
 * @param nComp  First component to read
 * @param nCount Number of items to read
 * @return O_K if successfull, an error code otherwise
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CData_InitializeEx(CData* _this, INT32 nRec, INT32 nComp, INT32 nCount)
  INT32        nXXR     = 0;
  INT32        nXC      = 0;
  INT32        nR       = 0;
  INT32        nC       = 0;
  INT32        nCtr     = 0;
  BOOL        bRead    = 0;
  const char* lpsToken = NULL;

  if (_this && !CDlpObject_MicGet(BASEINST(_this)))
    return IERROR(_this,ERR_GENERIC,"No method invocation context",0,0);

  if (!_this || CData_IsEmpty(_this))
    /* _this == NULL is ok, just remove the tokens between { and } */
      lpsToken = MIC_NEXTTOKEN_FORCE;
      if (!lpsToken) return IERROR(_this,DATA_HERESCAN,"}",0,0);
    while (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"}")!=0);
    return O_K;

  /* Actual setup */
  nXXR  = CData_GetMaxRecs(_this);
  nXC   = CData_GetNComps(_this);
  nR    = nRec;
  nC    = nComp;
  bRead = TRUE;

  for (;;)
    if (!lpsToken) return IERROR(_this,DATA_HERESCAN,"}",0,0);
    if (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"}")==0) break;
    if (!bRead) continue;

    if (nR==nXXR || (nCount>=0 && nCtr>=nCount))
      /* Ignore further initializers */
      bRead = FALSE;

    /* Initialize cell value; skip cell on wildcard '*' initializer */
    if (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"*")!=0)

    if (nC==nXC) { nC=nComp; nR++; }

  if (nCount>=0&&nCtr<nCount) return IERROR(_this,DATA_INITIALIZERS,"few" ,0,0);
  if (!bRead                ) return IERROR(_this,DATA_INITIALIZERS,"many",0,0);
  return O_K;
 * Manual page at function.def
BOOL CGEN_PUBLIC CFunction::Platform(const char* lpsPlatformId)
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsPlatformId,"WIN32")==0)
#if (defined __WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsPlatformId,"LINUX")==0)
#ifdef __LINUX
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsPlatformId,"SPARC")==0)
#ifdef __SPARC
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

  // Deprecated platform IDs
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsPlatformId,"_WINDOWS")==0)
#ifdef __WIN32
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsPlatformId,"_LINUX")==0)
#ifdef __LINUX
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

  return FALSE;
文件: data_ini.c 项目: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Initialize one record from a token list.
 * @param lpsInit Null ('\0') separated list of tokens. A double null "\0\0"
 *                is expected as list terminator!
 * @param nRec    Record index of first cell to initialize
 * @param nComp   Component index of first cell to initialize
 * @return O_K if successfull, a negative error code otherwise
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CData_InitializeRecordEx
  CData*      _this,
  const char* lpsInit,
  INT32        nRec,
  INT32        nComp
  const char* lpsToken = NULL;
  INT32  nXC            = 0;
  INT32  nC             = 0;

  nXC = CData_GetNComps(_this);
  nC  = nComp;

  if (nC<0   || nC>=nXC                    ) return NOT_EXEC;
  if (nRec<0 || nRec>=CData_GetNRecs(_this)) return NOT_EXEC;

  for (lpsToken=lpsInit; *lpsToken && nC<nXC; lpsToken+=dlp_strlen(lpsToken)+1, nC++)
    if (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"*")!=0)

  if (*lpsToken) return IERROR(_this,DATA_INITIALIZERS,"many",0,0);
  if (nC<nXC   ) IERROR(_this,DATA_INITIALIZERS,"few" ,0,0);
  return O_K;
 * Writes the data transfer file of this process. This method is called
 * immediately before starting the operating system process.
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::SendData()
  DLP_FILE* pfScr;                                                              // Slave script file pointer
  INT32     i;                                                                  // Loop counter
  char      sScrFn[L_PATH];                                                     // Slave script file name
  char      sDtoFn[L_PATH];                                                     // Data transfer file name

  if (m_nState & PRC_DATASENT) return NOT_EXEC;                                 // Data have already been sent
  if (m_iDto)                                                                   // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    sprintf(sScrFn,"%s.xtp",m_psTmpFile);                                       //   Get slave script file name
    sprintf(sDtoFn,"%s.xml",m_psTmpFile);                                       //   Get data transfer fine name
    pfScr = dlp_fopen(sScrFn,"w");                                              //   Open temporary script file
    for (i=0; dlp_strcmp(__sSlaveScript[i],"\0")!=0; i++)                       //   Loop over slave script lines
    {                                                                           //   >>
      dlp_fwrite(__sSlaveScript[i],1,dlp_strlen(__sSlaveScript[i]),pfScr);      //     Write a line
      dlp_fwrite("\n",1,1,pfScr);                                               //     Write a line break
    }                                                                           //   <<
    dlp_fclose(pfScr);                                                          //   Close temporary script file
    CDlpObject_Save(m_iDto,sDtoFn,SV_XML|SV_ZIP);                               //   Save data transfer object
    sprintf(m_psCmdLine,"%s %s %s",dlp_get_binary_path(),sScrFn,sDtoFn);        //   Change the command line
    // -- ???? -->
    IDESTROY(m_iDto); IFIELD_RESET(CDlpObject,"dto");                           //   Save memory!
    // <----------
  }                                                                             // <<
  m_nState |= PRC_DATASENT;                                                     // Remember data have been sent
  return O_K;
char* CDlpObject_GetFQName(CDlpObject* _this, char* lpName, BOOL bForceArray)
  char        lpBuf1[255];
  char        lpBuf2[255];
  SWord*      lpWord;
  CDlpObject* lpInst = _this;

  if (!_this)
    return lpName;


  if (!_this->m_lpContainer) dlp_strcpy(lpName,_this->m_lpInstanceName);
    lpWord = _this->m_lpContainer;
    while (TRUE)
      /* Do no include interpreter instance name */
      if (dlp_strcmp(lpWord->lpContainer->m_lpClassName,"itp")==0) break;

      if (lpWord->nWordType==WL_TYPE_FIELD &&
          lpWord->ex.fld.nType==T_INSTANCE &&
          (lpWord->ex.fld.nArrlen!=1 || bForceArray))
        /* Seek instance in array */
        INT32 i = 0;

        for (i=0; i<lpWord->ex.fld.nArrlen; i++)
          if (((CDlpObject**)lpWord->lpData)[i] == lpInst)

        if (i<lpWord->ex.fld.nArrlen)
          /* MWX 2002-01-16:
             This is an error actually, but what should be done here ???? --> */
          /* <-- */
      else sprintf(lpBuf1,".%s%s",lpWord->lpName,lpBuf2);

      lpInst = (CDlpObject*)lpWord->lpContainer;
      DLPASSERT(lpInst); /* Word must belong to an instance! */
      if (!lpInst->m_lpContainer) break; /* No parent --> stop */
      lpWord = lpInst->m_lpContainer;
    if (lpBuf2[0] == '.') dlp_memmove(lpBuf2,&lpBuf2[1],dlp_strlen(lpBuf2));
    if (strlen(lpBuf2)>0)  sprintf(lpName,"%s.%s",lpInst->m_lpInstanceName,lpBuf2);
    else                  strcpy(lpName,lpInst->m_lpInstanceName);

  return lpName;
 * Checks if a dLabPro class identifier denotes a given type or a type which
 * can be casted to the given type.
 * <h3>Note</h3>
 * <p>This procedure is quite large-scaled. Use OfKind whenever possible!</p>
 * @param lpsClassName     dLabPro class identifier to check for
 * @param lpsBaseClassName Base class to check for
 * @return TRUE if a type case is possible, FALSE otherwise
 * @see CDlpObject_OfKind
BOOL CDlpObject_OfKindStr(const char* lpsClassName, const char* lpsBaseClassName)
  INT32        nC     = 0;
  const char* lpsBuf = NULL;

  while (lpsClassName)
    if (dlp_strcmp(lpsClassName,lpsBaseClassName)==0) return TRUE;

    lpsBuf = NULL;
    for (nC=0; nC<__nXClassRegistry; nC++)
      if (dlp_strcmp(__lpClassRegistry[nC].lpName,lpsClassName)==0)
        lpsBuf = __lpClassRegistry[nC].ex.fct.lpBaseClass;
    lpsClassName = lpsBuf;

  return FALSE;
 * Creates a new instance of class <code>lpsClassName</code>.
 * @param lpsClassName    dLabPro class identifier
 * @param lpsInstanceName Name of new instance
 * @return A pointer to a new instance of class <code>lpsClassName</code> or
 *         <code>NULL</code> in case of errors.
 * @see CDlpObject_RegisterClass
 * @see CDlpObject_UnregisterAllClasses
CDlpObject* CDlpObject_CreateInstanceOf
  const char* lpsClassName,
  const char* lpsInstanceName
  INT32 nC  = 0;                                                                  /* Current class index               */

  for (nC=0; nC<__nXClassRegistry; nC++)                                        /* Loop over classes                 */
    if                                                                          /*   If dLabPro or C/C++ id matches  */
    (                                                                           /*   |                               */
      dlp_strcmp(lpsClassName,__lpClassRegistry[nC].lpName        )==0 ||       /*   |                               */
      dlp_strcmp(lpsClassName,__lpClassRegistry[nC].ex.fct.lpCname)==0          /*   |                               */
    )                                                                           /*   |                               */
      if (__lpClassRegistry[nC].ex.fct.lpfFactory)                              /*     If there is a class factory   */
        return (__lpClassRegistry[nC].ex.fct.lpfFactory)(lpsInstanceName);      /*       Instantiate                 */

  return NULL;                                                                  /* Sorry, it didn't work out         */
文件: data_ini.c 项目: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Get data initializer '{ ... }' from command line and store into token list
 * lpsInit.
 * <h3>Note</h3>
 * <p>You must setup the method invocation context <code>m_lpMic</code> (see 
 * <a href="dlpinst.html"><code class="link">CDlpInstance</code></a>) before
 * calling this method. Otherwise it will do noting.</p>
 * @param lpsInit Pointer to character buffer to store initializer in. The
 *                tokens will be separated by nulls '\0', opening and closing
 *                curly braces will not be included! The token list will be
 *                terminated with a double null "\0\0".
 * @param nLen    Maximal number of characters to place on lpsInit (including
 *                the terminal double null)
 * @param bForce  If TRUE the method does not seek for the opening curly brace
 *                but starts reading initializers until it encounters a closing
 *                curly brace '}'. A leading opening curly brace will, however,
 *                be tolerated. If FALSE the method <i>expects</i> an opening
 *                curly brace and does not read any initializers if no leading
 *                opening brace is found.
 * @return The number of initializers read
INT32 CGEN_PROTECTED CData_ReadInitializer
  CData* _this,
  char*  lpsInit,
  INT32   nLen,
  BOOL   bForce
  const char* lpsToken;                                                         /* Current token                     */
  INT32        nCnt;                                                             /* Token counter                     */
  INT32        nPos;                                                             /* Position in output buffer         */
  BOOL        bStor;                                                            /* Store next token                  */

  /* Initialize */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  if (!CDlpObject_MicGet(BASEINST(_this))) return 0;                            /* Need invocation context           */
  if (!lpsInit) return 0;                                                       /* Need output buffer                */
  dlp_memset(lpsInit,0,nLen);                                                   /* Clear output buffer               */

  /* Do initializers follow? */                                                 /* --------------------------------- */
  lpsToken = MIC_NEXTTOKEN_FORCE;                                                /* Ruthlessly get next token         */
  if (!lpsToken || dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"{")!=0)                                 /* No or not the "{" token           */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    if (bForce) IERROR(_this,DATA_NOTFOUND,"Constant initializer ","'{'",0);    /*   If there should be some-> error */
    if (lpsToken) MIC_REFUSETOKEN;                                              /*   Wrong token -> push it back     */
    return 0;                                                                   /*   Now get out'a here              */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Get 'em tokens */                                                          /* --------------------------------- */
  for (nCnt=0,nPos=0,bStor=TRUE; ; nCnt++)                                      /* Infinitely ...                    */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    lpsToken = MIC_NEXTTOKEN_FORCE;                                             /*   Ruthlessly get next token       */
    if (!lpsToken) return IERROR(_this,DATA_HERESCAN,"}",0,0);                  /*   No more tokens -> forget it     */
    if (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"}")==0) break;                                     /*   End token -> get out'a here     */

    if (nLen<nPos+(INT32)dlp_strlen(lpsToken)+2) bStor = FALSE;                  /*   Cannot store more tokens :(     */
    if (!bStor) continue;                                                       /*   Ignore ALL following tokens     */

    dlp_strcpy(&lpsInit[nPos],lpsToken);                                        /*   Store token                     */
    nPos+=(INT32)dlp_strlen(&lpsInit[nPos])+1;                                   /*   Set next token pointer          */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  return nCnt;                                                                  /* Return number of tokens read      */
 * Returns a pointer to the specified static field of CDlpObject.
 * @param lpsName Identifier of field
 *                - "in_file"        : __lpInFile
 *                - "in_line"        : __nInLine
 *                - "last_error_inst": __lpLastErrorInst
 *                - "last_error"     : __nLastError
 *                - "elevel"         : __nElevel
 *                - "errors"         : __nErrors
 *                - "warnings"       : __nWarnings
 *                - "trace_error"    : __lpsTraceError
 * @return The pointer if successfull, NULL otherwise.
void* CDlpObject_GetStaticFieldPtr(const char* lpFieldIdentifier)
  if      (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"in_file"        )==0) return &__lpInFile;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"in_line"        )==0) return &__nInLine;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"last_error_inst")==0) return &__iLastErrorInst;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"last_error"     )==0) return &__nLastError;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"elevel"         )==0) return &__nElevel;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"errors"         )==0) return &__nErrors;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"warnings"       )==0) return &__nWarnings;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpFieldIdentifier,"trace_error"    )==0) return &__lpsTraceError;
  else return NULL;
文件: data_ini.c 项目: gitgun/dLabPro
 * Manual page in data.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CData_Initialize(CData* _this)
  const char* lpsToken = NULL;
  if (!lpsToken) return 0;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsToken,"{")!=0)
    return IERROR(_this,DATA_NOTFOUND,"Constant initializer ","'{'",0); 
  return CData_InitializeEx(_this,0,0,-1);
 * Manual page at function.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CFunction::OnReset()
  // Delegate to running function                                               // ------------------------------------
  FNC_DELEGATE OnReset();                                                       // Use a weird macro (see function.def)

  SWord*   lpWrd = NULL;
  hscan_t  hs;
  hnode_t* hn;

  // Initialize                                                                 // ------------------------------------
  CDlpObject* iCont = GetActiveInstance();                                      // Determine field container
  if (iCont==this) return NOT_EXEC;                                             // Never ever!!
  const char* lpsId = GetNextToken(TRUE);                                       // Determine field name

  // Validate                                                                   // ------------------------------------
  DLPASSERT(iCont);                                                             // Check set target

  // Do reset                                                                   // ------------------------------------
  if      (!dlp_strlen(lpsId)) iCont->Reset();                                  // Reset entire instance
  else if (!dlp_strcmp(lpsId,"*"))                                              // Reset all (writable) fields
  {                                                                             // >>
    hash_scan_begin(&hs,iCont->m_lpDictionary);                                 //   Initialize enumerating dictionary
    while ((hn=hash_scan_next(&hs)))                                            //   Loop over all dictionary entries
    {                                                                           //   >>
      DLPASSERT((lpWrd=(SWord*)hnode_get(hn)));                                 //     NULL entry in dictionary
      if (lpWrd->nWordType==WL_TYPE_FIELD && !(lpWrd->nFlags & FF_NOSET))       //     Not write-protected
        iCont->ResetField(lpWrd);                                               //       Reset single field
    }                                                                           //   <<
  }                                                                             // <<
  else                                                                          // Reset single field
  {                                                                             // >>
    lpWrd = iCont->FindWord(lpsId,WL_TYPE_FIELD);                               //   Find field
    if (!lpWrd) return IERROR(this,ERR_NOTFIELD,lpsId,0,0);                     //   Not found --> error
    if (!(lpWrd->nFlags & FF_NOSET)) iCont->ResetField(lpWrd);                  //   If not write-protected --> reset
    else return IERROR(this,FNC_NOSET,lpsId,0,0);                               //   If write-protected --> error
  }                                                                             // <<

  return O_K;                                                                   // Done.
INT16 CGEN_PRIVATE CFBAproc::SynthesizeUsingIntoGetFeaIntoLab(CData* idFea, CData* idInto, SLAB** sFeaLab, SLAB** sIntoLab, INT32* nSamples, INT32* nLab) {
  INT32         nSamplingPoints               = idInto->GetNRecs();
  INT32         iSamplingPoints1              = 0;
  INT32         iSamplingPoints2              = 0;
  INT32         nCompPho                      = -1;
  INT32         iFrames                       = 0;
  INT32         nFrames                       = idFea->GetNRecs();
  INT32         iLab                          = 0;
  const char*   lastUnit                      = NULL;
  const char*   currUnit                      = NULL;
  FLOAT64       currDura                      = 0.0;

  nCompPho = idFea->FindComp("~PHO");
  if(nCompPho < 0) nCompPho = idFea->FindComp("lab");
  if(nCompPho < 0) return IERROR(this,FBA_SYNTHESISE,0,"Missing label track.",0);

  iLab = 0;
  iFrames = 1;
  lastUnit = idFea->Sfetch(0, nCompPho);
  while(iFrames < nFrames) {
    currUnit = idFea->Sfetch(iFrames, nCompPho);
    if(dlp_strcmp(currUnit, lastUnit)) {
      (*sFeaLab) = (SLAB*)dlp_realloc((*sFeaLab), iLab+1, sizeof(SLAB));
      (*sFeaLab)[iLab].phoneme = lastUnit;
      (*sFeaLab)[iLab].pos = iFrames*m_nCrate;
      lastUnit = currUnit;
  (*sFeaLab) = (SLAB*)dlp_realloc((*sFeaLab), iLab+1, sizeof(SLAB));
  (*sFeaLab)[iLab].phoneme = lastUnit;
  (*sFeaLab)[iLab].pos = iFrames*m_nCrate;

  *nLab = 0;
  lastUnit = "";
  iSamplingPoints1 = 0;
  while(iSamplingPoints1 < nSamplingPoints) {
    currUnit  = idInto->Sfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 0);
    currDura  = idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 1);
    if((currDura <= 0) || (idInto->m_lpCunit[0] == '%')) {
      if(*nLab < iLab) {
        if((currDura >= 0) && (idInto->m_lpCunit[0] == '%')) {
          currDura = (((*sFeaLab)[*nLab].pos - ((*nLab==0)? 0: (*sFeaLab)[*nLab-1].pos)) * 1000 / m_nSrate) * (currDura / 100.0);
        } else {
          currDura = ((*sFeaLab)[*nLab].pos - ((*nLab==0)? 0: (*sFeaLab)[*nLab-1].pos)) * 1000 / m_nSrate;
        iSamplingPoints2 = iSamplingPoints1;
        while((iSamplingPoints2 < nSamplingPoints) && !dlp_strcmp(idInto->Sfetch(iSamplingPoints2, 0), currUnit) && (idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints2,1) <= 0)) {
          idInto->Dstore(currDura, iSamplingPoints2, 1);
      } else {
        return IERROR(this, FBA_SYNINTOLAB, currUnit, iLab-1, 0);
    if(dlp_strcmp(currUnit, lastUnit)) {
      if(dlp_strcmp(currUnit, (*sFeaLab)[*nLab].phoneme)) {
        return IERROR(this, FBA_SYNINTOLAB, lastUnit, iLab, 0);
      lastUnit = currUnit;
      *nSamples += (INT32)(currDura * (FLOAT64)m_nSrate / 1000.0 +0.5);
      (*sIntoLab) = (SLAB*)dlp_realloc((*sIntoLab), *nLab+1, sizeof(SLAB));
      (*sIntoLab)[*nLab].phoneme = currUnit;
      (*sIntoLab)[*nLab].pos = *nSamples;
  return O_K;
 * Polymorphic set operations.
 * @param lpsOpname
 *          <p>Operator name</p>
 *          <table>
 *            <tr><th><code>lpsOpname</code></th><th>Boolean</th><th>Numeric</th><th>String</th><th>Instance</th></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>=  </code></td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>+= </code></td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>-= </code></td><td>-</td><td>x</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>*= </code></td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>/= </code></td><td>-</td><td>x</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>++=</code></td><td>-</td><td>x</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *            <tr><td><code>--=</code></td><td>-</td><td>x</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
 *          </table>
 *          <p>For type conversion rules see
 *            <code><a href="function.html"><code�class="link">CFunction</code></a><code>::StackLogic</code>,
 *            <code><a href="function.html"><code�class="link">CFunction</code></a><code>::StackNumber</code>,
 *            <code><a href="function.html"><code�class="link">CFunction</code></a><code>::StackString</code> and
 *            <code><a href="function.html"><code�class="link">CFunction</code></a><code>::StackInstance</code>.
 *          </p>
 * @return <code>O_K</code> if successfull, a (negative) error code otherwise
INT16 CGEN_PROTECTED CVar_SetOp(CVar *_this,const char* lpsOpname)
  StkItm si;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"++=")!=0 && dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"--=")!=0)
    if (!CDlpObject_MicGet(BASEINST(_this))->GetX)
        IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Polymorphic signatures"," by caller",0);
    if (!MIC_GET_X(1,&si)) return NOT_EXEC;
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"=")==0)
    switch (si.nType)
      case T_BOOL    : return CVar_Bset(_this,si.val.b);
      case T_COMPLEX : return CVar_Vset(_this,si.val.n);
      case T_STRING  : return CVar_Sset(_this,si.val.s);
      case T_INSTANCE: return CVar_Iset(_this,si.val.i);
        DLPASSERT(FMSG("Unknown variable type"));
        return NOT_EXEC;
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"+=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_PLUS(_this->m_nNVal,si.val.n));
    if (_this->m_nType==T_STRING)
      char* lpsSi = NULL;
      lpsSi = MIC_GET_S(1,0);
      _this->m_lpsSVal = (char*)dlp_realloc(_this->m_lpsSVal,
      if (!_this->m_lpsSVal) return IERROR(_this,ERR_NOMEM,0,0,0);
      return O_K;
    if (_this->m_nType==T_BOOL)
      return O_K;
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator +="," for this variable type",0);
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"*=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_MULT(_this->m_nNVal,si.val.n));
    if (_this->m_nType==T_BOOL)
      return O_K;
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator *="," for this variable type",0);
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"-=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_MINUS(_this->m_nNVal,si.val.n));
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator -="," for this variable type",0);
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"/=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_MULT(_this->m_nNVal,CMPLX_INVT(si.val.n)));
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator /="," for this variable type",0);
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"++=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_INC(_this->m_nNVal));
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator ++="," for this variable type",0);
  else if (dlp_strcmp(lpsOpname,"--=")==0)
    if (_this->m_nType==T_COMPLEX) return CVar_Vset(_this,CMPLX_DEC(_this->m_nNVal));
      IERROR(_this,VAR_NOTSUPPORTED,"Operator --="," for this variable type",0);
  return NOT_EXEC;
文件: cmd.c 项目: thias42/dLabPro
 * Command handler for the "dlgupd" command: performs a dialog FST transition.
 * @param lpsCmd
 *          The command in the format "dlgupd &lt;state&gt;", where &lt;state&gt;
  *         is the input label of the dialog transition to perform.
void dlgupd(char* lpsCmd){
  char *lpsRes=dlp_strsep(&lpsCmd," \t",NULL);
  if (dlp_strcmp(lpsRes,"__WAKEUP__")==0)
    nLastActive = nFrame;
INT16 CGEN_VPROTECTED CFBAproc::SynthesizeUsingInto(data *idFea, data *idInto, data *idSyn) {
  INT32         nSamplingPoints               = idInto->GetNRecs();
  INT32         iSamplingPoints1              = 0;
  INT32         iSamples                      = 0;
  INT32         iSamplesOld                   = 0;
  INT32         nSamples                      = 0;
  INT32         nSamplesOfLastUnits           = 0;
  INT32         nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint  = 0;
  INT32         nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint  = 0;
  INT32         nPer                          = 0;
  INT32         iFrames                       = 0;
  INT32         iFramesOld                    = 0;
  INT32         nFrames                       = idFea->GetNRecs();
  INT32         iLab                          = 0;
  INT32         nLab                          = 0;
  INT32         iFea                          = 0;
  INT32         nCompVuv                      = idFea->FindComp("v/uv");
  INT32         nFea                          = idFea->GetNNumericComps() - (nCompVuv >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
  const char*   nextF0Pho                     = NULL;
  FLOAT64       lastF0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64       currF0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64       nextF0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64       nextF0Pos                     = 0.0;
  FLOAT64       lastI0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64       currI0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64       nextI0Val                     = 1.0;
  FLOAT64*      exc                           = NULL;
  FLOAT64*      fea                           = NULL;
  FLOAT64*      feaBefore                     = NULL;
  FLOAT64*      feaUsed                       = NULL;
  FLOAT64*      feaUsedBefore                 = NULL;
  BOOL          isVoiceless                   = FALSE;
  BOOL          isSmoothable                  = FALSE;
  BOOL          isSmoothableBefore            = FALSE;
  SLAB*         sIntoLab                      = NULL;
  SLAB*         sFeaLab                       = NULL;

  if(nSamplingPoints <= 0) {
    return O_K;

  if(SynthesizeUsingIntoGetFeaIntoLab(idFea, idInto, &sFeaLab, &sIntoLab, &nSamples, &nLab) != O_K) {
    if(sFeaLab != NULL) dlp_free(sFeaLab);
    if(sIntoLab != NULL) dlp_free(sIntoLab);
    return NOT_EXEC;

  exc       = (FLOAT64*)dlp_malloc(nSamples * sizeof(FLOAT64));
  fea       = (FLOAT64*)dlp_malloc(nFea * sizeof(FLOAT64));
  feaBefore = (FLOAT64*)dlp_malloc(nFea * sizeof(FLOAT64));

  idSyn->AddComp("syn", T_DOUBLE);

  iFrames = 0;
  iLab = 0;
  iSamplingPoints1 = 0;
  iSamples = 0;
  iSamplesOld = 0;
  iFramesOld = 0;
  nSamplesOfLastUnits = 0;
  while(iSamples < nSamples) {
    if(iSamples >= nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint) {
      lastF0Val = nextF0Val;
      lastI0Val = nextI0Val;
      nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint = nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint;
      while(iSamples >= nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint) {
        for(; iSamplingPoints1 < nSamplingPoints; iSamplingPoints1++) {
          nextF0Pho = idInto->Sfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 2);
          nextF0Val = idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 3);
          nextI0Val = idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 6);
          nextF0Pos = idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 4);
          if(iSamplingPoints1 && dlp_strcmp(idInto->Sfetch(iSamplingPoints1-1, 0), idInto->Sfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 0))) {
            nSamplesOfLastUnits += (INT32)idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1-1, 1);
          if((nextF0Val > 0.0) && (nextF0Pos >= 0.0) && (nextF0Pho != NULL) && (dlp_strlen(nextF0Pho) > 0)) {
          } else {
            if(this->m_nCheck > 0) {
              dlp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__,"no next f0 value");

        if(iSamplingPoints1 >= nSamplingPoints) {
          nextF0Val = 1.0;
          nextI0Val = 1.0;
          nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint = nSamples;
        } else {
          nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint = (INT32)(((FLOAT64)nSamplesOfLastUnits + idInto->Dfetch(iSamplingPoints1, 1) * nextF0Pos) * (FLOAT64)m_nSrate / 1000.0 + 0.5);

    currF0Val = lastF0Val + (nextF0Val - lastF0Val) * (iSamples - nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint) / (nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint+1 - nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint);
    nPer = (INT32)((FLOAT64)m_nSrate / (currF0Val * (FLOAT64)m_nBaseF0) + 0.5);
    if((iSamples+nPer) > nSamples) nPer = nSamples-iSamples;

    currI0Val = lastI0Val + (nextI0Val - lastI0Val) * (iSamples - nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint) / (nSampleOfNextF0SamplingPoint+1 - nSampleOfLastF0SamplingPoint);

    while((iLab < nLab) && (sIntoLab[iLab].pos < iSamples)) {
      iSamplesOld = sIntoLab[iLab].pos;
      iFramesOld = INT32((FLOAT64)sFeaLab[iLab].pos / (FLOAT64)m_nCrate + 0.5);
    while((iFrames < nFrames) &&
        (((FLOAT64)(((iFrames-iFramesOld+1L))*m_nCrate)/((iLab>0)?(FLOAT64)(sFeaLab[iLab].pos -sFeaLab[iLab-1].pos ):sFeaLab[iLab].pos )) <
          ((FLOAT64)(iSamples-iSamplesOld)              /((iLab>0)?(FLOAT64)(sIntoLab[iLab].pos-sIntoLab[iLab-1].pos):sIntoLab[iLab].pos))))

    dlp_memmove(fea, (FLOAT64*)idFea->XAddr(iFrames, 0), nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
    if(m_bSynEnhancement) {
      FeaEnhancement(fea, nFea);

    if(nCompVuv>=0) {
      isVoiceless  = (*(INT16*)idFea->XAddr(iFrames, nCompVuv) & 1) == 0;
      isSmoothable = (*(INT16*)idFea->XAddr(iFrames, nCompVuv) & 2) == 0;
    } else {
      isVoiceless = IsFeaVoiceless(fea, nFea);
      isSmoothable = 1;

    if(feaUsed == NULL) {
      feaUsed = (FLOAT64*)dlp_malloc(nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
      dlp_memmove(feaUsed, fea, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));

    if(m_bSynSmoothFea) {
      if(feaUsedBefore == NULL) {
        feaUsedBefore = (FLOAT64*)dlp_malloc(nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
        dlp_memmove(feaUsedBefore, fea, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
      } else {
        if(isSmoothableBefore && isSmoothable) {
          for(iFea = 0; iFea < nFea; iFea++) {
            feaUsed[iFea] = 0.29289322 * (feaBefore[iFea] + fea[iFea]) + 0.41421356 * feaUsedBefore[iFea];
        } else if(isSmoothableBefore && !isSmoothable) {
          for(iFea = 0; iFea < nFea; iFea++) {
            feaUsed[iFea] = 0.75 * feaBefore[iFea] + 0.25 * fea[iFea];
        } else if(!isSmoothableBefore && isSmoothable) {
          for(iFea = 0; iFea < nFea; iFea++) {
            feaUsed[iFea] = 0.25 * feaBefore[iFea] + 0.75 * fea[iFea];
        } else {
          dlp_memmove(feaUsed, fea, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
      isSmoothableBefore = isSmoothable;
      dlp_memmove(feaUsedBefore, feaUsed, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
    } else {
      dlp_memmove(feaUsed, fea, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));
    dlp_memmove(feaBefore, fea, nFea*sizeof(FLOAT64));

    FLOAT64 gain = ((m_nWnorm == 0 ) ? 1.0 : (FLOAT64)sqrt((double)nPer)) * exp(m_nBaseI0) * currI0Val;

    switch(m_lpsExcType[0]) {
    case 'P':
      dlm_getExcPeriod(nPer, !isVoiceless, DLM_PITCH_PULSE, 1.0/gain, m_nSrate, exc+iSamples);
    case 'G':
      dlm_getExcPeriod(nPer, !isVoiceless, DLM_PITCH_GLOTT, 1.0/gain, m_nSrate, exc+iSamples);
    case 'R':
      dlm_getExcPeriod(nPer, !isVoiceless, DLM_PITCH_RANDPHASE, 1.0/gain, m_nSrate, exc+iSamples);
    case 'V':
      dlm_getExcPeriod(nPer, !isVoiceless, DLM_PITCH_VOICED, 1.0/gain, m_nSrate, exc+iSamples);
    case 'U':
      dlm_getExcPeriod(nPer, !isVoiceless, DLM_PITCH_UNVOICED, 1.0/gain, m_nSrate, exc+iSamples);
      return IERROR(this,FBA_BADARG,m_lpsExcType,"exc_type","P, G, R, V or U");

    if(this->m_nCheck > 0) {
      dlp_message(__FILE__,__LINE__,"nPer=%5d, uv/v=%1d, s/ns=%ld, pos=%7.1f, F0=%4.2f/%4.2f/%4.2f, idFea (%3d) %5s, Fea (%3d): %5s (%3d), Into (%3d) %5s (%3d)", \
          idFea->Sfetch(iFrames, nFea),
          (int)iLab, sFeaLab[iLab].phoneme,
          (int)iLab, sIntoLab[iLab].phoneme,

    if(SynthesizeFrame(feaUsed, nFea, &exc[iSamples], nPer, (FLOAT64*)idSyn->XAddr(iSamples, 0)) != O_K) return IERROR(this,FBA_SYNTHESISE, iFrames, 0,0);

    iSamples += nPer;

  if(m_bSynSmoothFea) {

  if (m_nMinLog != 0.0) for (INT32 i=0; i<idSyn->GetNRecs(); i++) *((FLOAT64*)idSyn->XAddr(0, 0)+i) *= exp(m_nMinLog);

  return O_K;
 * Manual page at function.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CFunction::OnInternalize()
  // Delegate to running function                                               // ------------------------------------
  FNC_DELEGATE OnInternalize();                                                 // Use a weird macro (see function.def)

  // Initialize                                                                 // ------------------------------------
  CDlpObject* iCont = GetActiveInstance();                                      // Determine field container
  const char*   lpsId = GetNextToken(TRUE);                                     // Determine field name

  // Validate                                                                   // ------------------------------------
  DLPASSERT(iCont);                                                             // Check set target
  if (!dlp_strlen(lpsId))                                                       // If no field name committed
    return                                                                      //   Error
      IERROR(this,FNC_EXPECT,"field identifier or * after -internalize",0,0);   //   |

  // Initialize                                                                 // ------------------------------------
  INT16    bAll  = (!dlp_strcmp(lpsId,"*"));                                    // Determine if processing all fields
  SWord*   lpWrd = NULL;                                                        // Pointer to current field word
  hscan_t  hs;                                                                  // Pointer to hash table scan struct
  hnode_t* hn    = NULL;                                                        // Pointer to current hash table node
  hash_scan_begin(&hs,iCont->m_lpDictionary);                                   // Initialize enumerating dictionary

  if (bAll)                                                                     // Internalize all fields?
  {                                                                             // >>
    hn = hash_scan_next(&hs);                                                   //   Get pointer to first word
    DLPASSERT((lpWrd=(SWord*)hnode_get(hn)));                                   //   NULL entry in dictionary
  }                                                                             // <<
  else                                                                          // Internalize single field
  {                                                                             // >>
    lpWrd = iCont->FindWord(lpsId,WL_TYPE_FIELD);                               //   Find field word
    if (!lpWrd) return IERROR(this,ERR_NOTFIELD,lpsId,0,0);                     //   Not found --> error
  }                                                                             // <<

  // Do internalize                                                             // ------------------------------------
  while (lpWrd)                                                                 // Loop over words
  {                                                                             // >>
    if                                                                          //   Word must:
    (                                                                           //   |
      lpWrd->nWordType==WL_TYPE_FIELD &&                                        //   - be field ...
      lpWrd->ex.fld.nType==T_INSTANCE &&                                        //   - ... of instance type
      lpWrd->lpData                                                             //   - have data
    )                                                                           //   |
    {                                                                           //   >>
      CHECK_IPTR(*(CDlpObject**)lpWrd->lpData,lpWrd->ex.fld.nISerialNum);       //     If ptr. invalid, make it NULL
      CDlpObject* iInst = *(CDlpObject**)lpWrd->lpData;                         //     Get pointer to instance
      if (iInst)                                                                //     Pointer is valid
      {                                                                         //     >>
        SWord* lpCcnt = iInst->m_lpContainer;                                   //       Get current instance container
        if (lpCcnt && lpCcnt->nWordType==WL_TYPE_INSTANCE)                      //       If curr. cont. is inst. word
        {                                                                       //       >> (take over ownership)
          if (lpCcnt->lpContainer)                                              //         Current container instance?
            ((CDlpObject*)lpCcnt->lpContainer)->UnregisterWord(lpCcnt,FALSE);   //           Unregister (don't destroy)
          iInst->m_lpContainer = lpWrd;                                         //         Set curr. word as container
        }                                                                       //       <<
      }                                                                         //     <<
    }                                                                           //   <<

    if (!bAll) break;                                                           //   Processing single field: stop
    if (!(hn = hash_scan_next(&hs))) break;                                     //   Get next dictionary entry
    DLPASSERT((lpWrd=(SWord*)hnode_get(hn)));                                   //   NULL entry in dictionary
  }                                                                             // <<

  return O_K;                                                                   // Done.
INT16 CGEN_VPROTECTED CCPproc::OnPfaLambdaChangedImpl() {
  if(!dlp_strcmp(m_lpsType, "MelFilter")) {
    return CMELproc::OnPfaLambdaChangedImpl();
  return O_K;