文件: font.c 项目: AKuHAK2/ps2sdk
void init_texture()
	packet_t *packet = packet_init(50,PACKET_NORMAL);

	qword_t *q = packet->data;

	myaddress = graph_vram_allocate(512,256,GS_PSM_4, GRAPH_ALIGN_BLOCK);
	clutaddress = graph_vram_allocate(8,2,GS_PSM_32, GRAPH_ALIGN_BLOCK);

	q = packet->data;

	q = draw_texture_transfer(q,image_pixel,512,256,GS_PSM_4,myaddress,512);
	q = draw_texture_transfer(q,image_clut32,8,2,GS_PSM_32,clutaddress,64);
	q = draw_texture_flush(q);

	dma_channel_send_chain(DMA_CHANNEL_GIF,packet->data, q - packet->data, 0,0);


文件: mpeg.c 项目: AzagraMac/PS2_SDK
int main ( void ) {
/* read file (or part of it ) into memory */
 PACKET      *lPck = malloc(sizeof(PACKET));
 QWORD       *q;
 InitCBParam lInfo;
 int         lFD = fioOpen ( MPEG_BITSTREAM_FILE, O_RDONLY );
 long        lSize;
 long        lPTS, lCurPTS;

 frame.width = 640;
 frame.height = 512;
 frame.mask = 0;
 frame.psm = GS_PSM_32;
 frame.address = graph_vram_allocate(frame.width,frame.height, frame.psm, GRAPH_ALIGN_PAGE);

 z.enable = 0;
 z.mask = 0;
 z.method = 0;
 z.zsm = 0;
 z.address = 0;

 packet_allocate(lPck, 100, 0, 0);

 if ( lFD < 0 ) {
  printf ( "test_mpeg: could not open '%s'\n", MPEG_BITSTREAM_FILE );
  goto end;
 }  /* end if */

 lSize = fioLseek ( lFD, 0, SEEK_END );
 fioLseek ( lFD, 0, SEEK_SET );

 if ( lSize <= 0 ) {
  printf ( "test_mpeg: could not obtain file size (%ld)\n", lSize );
  goto end;
 }  /* end if */

 s_pMPEGData = ( unsigned char* )malloc ( lSize = lSize > MAX_SIZE ? MAX_SIZE : lSize );

 if ( !s_pMPEGData ) {
  printf ( "test_mpeg: could not allocate enough memory (%ld)\n", lSize );
  goto end;
 }  /* end if */

 if (  fioRead (
        lFD, s_pTransferPtr = s_pMPEGData, s_MPEGDataSize = lSize
       ) != lSize
 ) {
  printf ( "test_mpeg: could not read file\n" );
  goto end;
 }  /* end if */

 fioClose ( lFD );

/* initialize DMAC (I have no idea what this code does as */
/* I'm not quite familiar with ps2sdk)                    */
 dma_channel_initialize ( DMA_CHANNEL_toIPU, NULL, 0 );
 dma_channel_initialize ( DMA_CHANNEL_GIF,   NULL, 0 );
 dma_channel_fast_waits( DMA_CHANNEL_GIF );

/* initialize graphics synthesizer */

/* setup texture buffer address just after the framebuffer */
 lInfo.m_TexAddr = graph_vram_allocate(0,0,GS_PSM_32,GRAPH_ALIGN_BLOCK);

 q = lPck->data;
 q = draw_setup_environment(q,0,&frame,&z);

/* clear screen */
 q = draw_clear(q,0,0,0,640.0f,512.0f,0,0,0);

 dma_channel_send_normal(DMA_CHANNEL_GIF, lPck->data, q - lPck->data, 0, 0);

/* now it's time to initialize MPEG decoder (though it can be   */
/* initialized any time). Just make sure that DMA transfers     */
/* to and from IPU (and DRAM -> SPR) are not active, otherwise  */
/* unpredicted things will happen. Initialization code is also  */
/* allocating some memory using 'memalign' function and no      */
/* check is performed whether the allocation was successful or  */
/* not, so, before calling this make sure that at least WxHx4x3 */
/* bytes are avaliable for dynamic allocation (possibly using   */
/* ps2_sbrk ( 0 ) call) where W and H are picture dimensions in */
/* units of pixels.                                             */
 MPEG_Initialize ( SetDMA, NULL, InitCB, &lInfo, &lCurPTS );
/* during decoding scratchpad RAM from address 0x0000 to 0x3C00 */
/* is used by the decoder.                                      */
/* let's go                                                     */
 while ( 1 ) {
/* try decode picture into "lInfo.m_pData" area. It's allowed     */
/* to supply different area each time, just make sure that        */
/* there're no conflicts with data cache, as decoder doesn't do   */
/* anything to synchronize/flush/invalidate data cache.           */
/* RGB -> YUV colorspace conversion is pefromed automatically     */
/* using interrupt hahdler/semaphore, so, multithreaded           */
/* application can benefit from it. Usage of IPU and DMA channels */
/* to/from IPU and DRAM -> SPR is strictly forbidden during       */
/* decoding :).                                                   */
  if (  !MPEG_Picture ( lInfo.m_pData, &lPTS )  ) {
/* MPEG_Picture returns nonzero if the picture was successfully */
/* decoded. Zero return means one of the following:             */
/* - end of stream was detected (SetDMA function returned zero) */
/* - MPEG sequence end code (0x000001B7) was detected           */
/* this test just finishes in both cases                        */
   if ( lInfo.m_pInfo -> m_fEOF  ) break;
/* ...instead of 'break' we can continue to the next sequence...*/
/* ...but I'm too lazy to handle second call of 'InitCB' :D     */
   else break;
  }  /* end if */
/* now transfer decoded picture data into texture area of GS RAM */
  dma_channel_send_chain( DMA_CHANNEL_GIF, lInfo.m_XFerPck.data, lInfo.m_XFerPck.qwc, 0, 0);
/* wait for vsync 2 times (we have interlaced frame mode)  */
  graph_wait_vsync ();
  graph_wait_vsync ();
/* no need to wait for DMA transfer completion since vsyncs above */
/* have enough lattency...                                        */
/* ...and finally draw decoded picture...                         */
  dma_channel_send_normal( DMA_CHANNEL_GIF, lInfo.m_DrawPck.data, lInfo.m_DrawPck.qwc, 0, 0);
/* ...and go back for the next one */
 }  /* end while */
/* free memory and other resources */
 MPEG_Destroy ();

 printf ( "test_mpeg: test finished\n" );
 return SleepThread (), 0;

}  /* end main */