int main(int argc, char **argv){ // Interpret the command-lin arguments and decide if they make sense int status = parseArgs(argc, argv, &prefs); printf(COPYRIGHT); setLogLevel(LOG_INFO); if (status == FAIL){ // The command-line was duff... if (prefs.errorMsg != NULL){ // ...and we have a specific error to show the user printf("Error: %s\n", prefs.errorMsg); } else { // ...and we have no specific error message, so show a vague one printf("BitMeter did not understand. "); } printf("Use the '-h' option to display help.\n"); } else if ({ // Dump the help info and stop doHelp(); } else if (prefs.version){ // Show the version and stop doVersion(); } else { // We will need to go to the database if we end up here openDb(); dbVersionCheck(); switch(prefs.mode){ case PREF_MODE_DUMP: doDump(); break; case PREF_MODE_SUMMARY: doSummary(); break; case PREF_MODE_MONITOR: doMonitor(); break; case PREF_MODE_QUERY: doQuery(); break; default: assert(FALSE); // Any other mode value should cause parseArgs to fail break; } closeDb(); } return 0; }
int module_start(SceSize argc, const void *args) { int i, j; int ret; size_t num; SceKernelModuleInfo modinfo; SceUID modlist[MOD_LIST_SIZE]; log_reset(); LOG("kplugin by xerpi\n"); memset(modlist, 0, sizeof(modlist)); num = MOD_LIST_SIZE; ret = ksceKernelGetModuleList(KERNEL_PID, 0x80000001, 1, modlist, &num); if (ret < 0) LOG("Error getting the module list\n"); LOG("Found %d modules.\n", num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { memset(&modinfo, 0, sizeof(modinfo)); ret = ksceKernelGetModuleInfo(KERNEL_PID, modlist[i], &modinfo); if (ret < 0) { LOG("Error getting the module info for module: %d\n", i); continue; } LOG("Module %d name: %s\n", i, modinfo.module_name); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { char path[128]; SceKernelSegmentInfo *seginfo = &modinfo.segments[j]; if (seginfo->size != sizeof(*seginfo)) continue; if (seginfo->vaddr == NULL) continue; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), DUMP_PATH "%s_0x%08X_seg%d.bin", modinfo.module_name, (uintptr_t)seginfo->vaddr, j); dump_region(path, seginfo->vaddr, seginfo->memsz); } doDump(&modinfo); } return SCE_KERNEL_START_SUCCESS; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int ch; char *file; /* Scan options */ while ((ch = getopt( argc, argv, "ahvV" )) != -1) { switch ((char) ch) { case 'a': option_all = TRUE; break; case 'h': usage(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); break; case 'v': option_verbose = TRUE; break; case 'V': version(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); break; default: usage(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; } } if (optind >= argc) { usage(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } file = argv[optind]; if (! EcInit()) error( "can't initialize elastiC environment" ); doDump( file ); EcCleanup(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }