 * Guess a single keybyte
static int doRound(PTW_tableentry sortedtable[][n], int keybyte, int fixat, uint8_t fixvalue, int * searchborders, uint8_t * key, int keylen, PTW_attackstate * state, uint8_t sum, int * strongbytes) {
	int i;
	uint8_t tmp;
	if (keybyte == keylen) {
		return correct(state, key, keylen);
	} else if (strongbytes[keybyte] == 1) {
		// printf("assuming byte %d to be strong\n", keybyte);
		tmp = 3 + keybyte;
		for (i = keybyte-1; i >= 1; i--) {
			tmp += 3 + key[i] + i;
			key[keybyte] = 256-tmp;
			if(doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, (256-tmp+sum)%256, strongbytes) == 1) {
				printf("hit with strongbyte for keybyte %d\n", keybyte);
				return 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (keybyte == fixat) {
		key[keybyte] = fixvalue-sum;
		return doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, fixvalue, strongbytes);
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < searchborders[keybyte]; i++) {
			key[keybyte] = sortedtable[keybyte][i].b - sum;
			if (doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, sortedtable[keybyte][i].b, strongbytes) == 1) {
				return 1;
		return 0;
	* Guess a single keybyte
	static int doRound(PTW_tableentry sortedtable[][n], int keybyte, int fixat, unsigned char fixvalue, int * searchborders, unsigned char * key, int keylen, PTW_attackstate * state, unsigned char sum, int * strongbytes, int * bf, int validchars[][n]) {
		int i;
		unsigned char tmp;

		//if(!opt.is_quiet && keybyte < 4)
		//	show_wep_stats( keylen -1, 0, keytable, searchborders, depth, tried );
		if (keybyte > 0) {
			if (!validchars[keybyte-1][key[keybyte-1]]) {
				return 0;
		if (keybyte == keylen) {
			return correct(state, key, keylen);
		} else if (bf[keybyte] == 1) {
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				key[keybyte] = i;
				if (doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, sum+i%n, strongbytes, bf, validchars)) {
					return 1;
			return 0;
		} else if (keybyte == fixat) {
			key[keybyte] = fixvalue-sum;
			return doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, fixvalue, strongbytes, bf, validchars);
		} else if (strongbytes[keybyte] == 1) {
			// printf("assuming byte %d to be strong\n", keybyte);
			tmp = 3 + keybyte;
			for (i = keybyte-1; i >= 1; i--) {
				tmp += 3 + key[i] + i;
				key[keybyte] = n-tmp;
				if(doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, (n-tmp+sum)%n, strongbytes, bf, validchars) == 1) {
					printf("hit with strongbyte for keybyte %d\n", keybyte);
					return 1;
			return 0;
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < searchborders[keybyte]; i++) {
				key[keybyte] = sortedtable[keybyte][i].b - sum;
				//	depth[keybyte] = i;
				//	keytable[keybyte][i].b = key[keybyte];
				if (doRound(sortedtable, keybyte+1, fixat, fixvalue, searchborders, key, keylen, state, sortedtable[keybyte][i].b, strongbytes, bf, validchars)) {
					return 1;
			return 0;
const CMTSumCheckResults CMTSumCheckVerifier::
  MPZVector expected(trueSums);
  MPZVector poly(conf.batchSize() * polySize);

  CMTSumCheckResults results(numRounds(), conf.batchSize());
  results.success = true;

  for (int i = 0; i < numRounds(); i++)
    results.success = results.success &&
                              i, poly, expected);

  results.success = results.success &&
                    doFinalCheck(results, expected);

  return results;
 * Do the actual computation of the key
static int doComputation(PTW_attackstate * state, uint8_t * key, int keylen, PTW_tableentry table[][n], sorthelper * sh2, int * strongbytes, int keylimit) {
	int i,j;
	int choices[KEYHSBYTES];
	int prod;
	int fixat;
	int fixvalue;

	for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
		if (strongbytes[i] == 1) {
			choices[i] = i;
		} else {
			choices[i] = 1;
	i = 0;
	prod = 0;
	fixat = -1;
	fixvalue = 0;

	while(prod < keylimit) {
		if (doRound(table, 0, fixat, fixvalue, choices, key, keylen, state, 0, strongbytes) == 1) {
			// printf("hit with %d choices\n", prod);
			return 1;
		fixat = sh2[i].keybyte;
		// printf("choices[%d] is now %d\n", sh2[i].keybyte, choices[sh2[i].keybyte]);
		fixvalue = sh2[i].value;
		prod = 1;
		for (j = 0; j < keylen; j++) {
			prod *= choices[j];
		do {
		} while (strongbytes[sh2[i].keybyte] == 1);

	return 0;
	* Do the actual computation of the key
	static int doComputation(PTW_attackstate * state, unsigned char * key, int keylen, PTW_tableentry table[][n], sorthelper * sh2, int * strongbytes, int keylimit, int * bf, int validchars[][n]) {
		int i,j;
		int choices[PTW_KEYHSBYTES];
		int prod;
		int fixat;
		int fixvalue;

			memcpy(keytable, table, sizeof(PTW_tableentry) * n * keylen);

		for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
			if (strongbytes[i] == 1) {
				choices[i] = i;
			} else {
				choices[i] = 1;
		i = 0;
		prod = 0;
		fixat = -1;
		fixvalue = 0;
		max_tries = keylimit;

		while(prod < keylimit) {
			if (doRound(table, 0, fixat, fixvalue, choices, key, keylen, state, 0, strongbytes, bf, validchars) == 1) {
				// printf("hit with %d choices\n", prod);
				//	show_wep_stats( keylen -1, 1, keytable, choices, depth, tried );
				return 1;
			while( (i < keylen * (n-1)) && ((strongbytes[sh2[i].keybyte] == 1) || (bf[sh2[i].keybyte] == 1) ) ) {
			if(i >= (keylen * (n-1)))
			fixat = sh2[i].keybyte;
			// printf("choices[%d] is now %d\n", sh2[i].keybyte, choices[sh2[i].keybyte]);
			fixvalue = sh2[i].value;
			prod = 1;
			for (j = 0; j < keylen; j++) {
				prod *= choices[j];
				if (bf[j] == 1) {
					prod *= n;

			do {
			} while (strongbytes[sh2[i].keybyte] == 1);

			//	show_wep_stats( keylen -1, 0, keytable, choices, depth, tried );

		//	show_wep_stats( keylen -1, 1, keytable, choices, depth, tried );
		return 0;