void test_syscall(int syscall) {
	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	do_intercept(syscall, -EBUSY);
	do_as_guest("./test_intercept nonroot %d", syscall, 0);
	do_release(syscall, 0);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {


	if (argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1], "intercept") == 0) 
		return do_intercept(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

	if (argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1], "release") == 0)
		return do_release(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

	if (argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1], "nonroot") == 0)
		return do_nonroot(atoi(argv[2]));

	test("insmod interceptor.ko %s", "", system("insmod interceptor.ko") == 0);
	test("bad MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL args%s", "",  vsyscall_arg(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, 3, 100, 0, 0) == -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(-1, -EINVAL);
	do_release(-1, -EINVAL);

	do_intercept(__NR_exit, 0);
	do_release(__NR_exit, 0);

    /* The above line of code tests SYS_open.
     * Feel free to add more tests here for other system calls, 
     * once you get everything to work; check Linux documentation
     * for other syscall number definitions. 

	test("rmmod interceptor.ko %s", "", system("rmmod interceptor") == 0);
	return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {


	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "intercept") == 0)
		return do_intercept(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "release") == 0)
		return do_release(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0)
		return do_start(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]));

	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "stop") == 0)
		return do_stop(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]));

	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "monitor") == 0)
		return test_monitor(atoi(argv[2]), TRUE);

	if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "nonroot") == 0)
		return do_nonroot(atoi(argv[2]));

	struct sigaction sa;
	sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
	sa.sa_sigaction = on_quit;
	if (sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL) == -1)
		perror("Cannot register signal handler");

	test("insmod interceptor.ko %s", "", system("insmod interceptor.ko") == 0);
	test("bad MY_SYSCALL args%s", "",  vsyscall_arg(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, 3, 100, 0, 0) == -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(-1, -EINVAL);
	do_release(-1, -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(__NR_exit, 0);
	do_release(__NR_exit, 0);

	/* The above line of code tests SYS_open.
	   Feel free to add more tests here for other system calls,
	   once you get everything to work; check Linux documentation
	   for other syscall number definitions.  */

	do_intercept(SYS_open, 0);
	do_start(SYS_open, -1, 0);
	test_monitor(SYS_open, TRUE);
	test("rmmod interceptor.ko %s", "", system("rmmod interceptor") == 0);
	test_monitor(SYS_open, FALSE);
	return 0;
void test_syscall(int syscall) {

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	do_as_guest("./test_full nonroot %d", syscall, 0);
	do_start(syscall, -2, -EINVAL);
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_start(syscall, 1, 0);
	do_as_guest("./test_full stop %d 1 %d", syscall, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 1, 0);
	do_as_guest("./test_full start %d -1 %d", syscall, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, last_child, -EINVAL);
	do_release(syscall, 0);

	puts("----- START OF test_PASS -----");
	puts("----- END OF test_PASS -----");
	puts("----- START OF test_A -----");
	puts("----- END OF test_A -----");
	puts("----- START OF test_B -----");
	test_B(syscall, TRUE);
	puts("----- END OF test_B -----");
	puts("----- START OF test_CDE ----");
	puts("----- END OF test_CDE ----");
void test_syscall(int syscall) {

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	do_intercept(syscall, -EBUSY);
	do_as_guest("./test_full nonroot %d", syscall, 0);
	do_start(syscall, -2, -EINVAL);
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_start(syscall, 1, 0);
	do_as_guest("./test_full stop %d 1 %d", syscall, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 1, 0);
	do_as_guest("./test_full start %d -1 %d", syscall, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, last_child, -EINVAL);
	do_release(syscall, 0);
void test_A(int syscall) {
	// test negative syscall number
	do_intercept(-1, -EINVAL);
	do_release(-1, -EINVAL);
	do_start(-1, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(-1, -1, -EINVAL);
	// test the last syscall
	do_intercept(MAX_SYSCALLS - 1, 0);
	do_start(MAX_SYSCALLS - 1, -1, 0);
	do_stop(MAX_SYSCALLS - 1, -1, 0);
	do_release(MAX_SYSCALLS - 1, 0);
	// test greater than NR_syscalls
	do_intercept(MAX_SYSCALLS, -EINVAL);
	do_release(MAX_SYSCALLS, -EINVAL);
	do_start(MAX_SYSCALLS, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(MAX_SYSCALLS, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(MAX_SYSCALLS + 1, -EINVAL);
	do_release(MAX_SYSCALLS + 1, -EINVAL);
	do_start(MAX_SYSCALLS + 1, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(MAX_SYSCALLS + 1, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_intercept(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, -EINVAL);
	do_start(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, -1, -EINVAL);

	// test on pids
	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	do_start(syscall, -2, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(syscall, -2, -EINVAL);
	do_release(syscall, 0);
int do_nonroot(int syscall) {
	do_intercept(syscall, -EPERM);
	do_release(syscall, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, 0, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, 1, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 1, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, getpid(), 0);
	do_start(syscall, getpid(), -EBUSY);
	do_stop(syscall, getpid(), 0);
	do_stop(syscall, getpid(), -EINVAL);
	return 0;
void test_B(int syscall, int iamroot) {
#define subtestroot(s) printf((s" as %s\n"), (iamroot)?"root":"nonroot")

	subtestroot("EPERM: intercept");
	do_intercept(syscall, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);
	subtestroot("EPERM: monitor self");
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	subtestroot("EPERM: monitor all processes");
	do_start(syscall, 0, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);
	subtestroot("EPERM: monitor init process");
	do_start(syscall, 1, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 1, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);
	subtestroot("EPERM: release");
	do_release(syscall, iamroot ? 0 : -EPERM);

#undef subtestroot
/* note this test is run after all processes have been intercepted*/
int do_nonroot(int syscall) {
	do_intercept(syscall, -EPERM);
	do_release(syscall, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, 0, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, 1, -EPERM);
	do_stop(syscall, 1, -EPERM);
	do_start(syscall, getpid(), 0);
	do_start(syscall, getpid(), -EBUSY);
	test_monitor(syscall, TRUE);
	do_stop(syscall, getpid(), 0);
	do_stop(syscall, getpid(), -EINVAL);

	puts("----- START OF test_B -----");
	test_B(syscall, FALSE);
	puts("----- END OF test_B -----");

	return 0;
void test_PASS(int syscall) {
	int child;

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	do_release(syscall, 0);

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	test_monitor(syscall, FALSE);
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	test_monitor(syscall, TRUE);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	test_monitor(syscall, FALSE);
	do_release(syscall, 0);

	subtest("monitor & kill monitored process");
	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	switch (child = fork()) {
	case -1:
	case 0:
		// monitor the child process then exit
		do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
		test_monitor(syscall, TRUE);
		waitpid(child, NULL, 0);
		// child should have been unmonitored automatically
		// there is no way to start process with specific pid...
		do_start(syscall, child, -EINVAL);
		do_stop(syscall, child, -EINVAL);
	do_release(syscall, 0);

	subtest("monitor all pids");
	do_intercept(syscall, 0);
	test_monitor2(syscall, FALSE, FALSE);
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	test_monitor2(syscall, TRUE, TRUE);

	subtest("stop monitor current pid");
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	test_monitor2(syscall, FALSE, TRUE);

	subtest("monitor all -> stop one -> monitor all");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);

	subtest("monitor one -> stop all");
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);

	subtest("monitor all -> stop one -> stop all");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);

	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	test_monitor2(syscall, TRUE, FALSE);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	test_monitor2(syscall, FALSE, FALSE);
	do_release(syscall, 0);
void test_CDE(int syscall) {
	subtest("Cannot de-intercept a system call that has not been intercepted yet.");
	do_release(syscall, -EINVAL);
	subtest("Cannot stop monitoring a pid for a syscall that has not been intercepted.");
	do_stop(syscall, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EINVAL);
	subtest("Cannot start monitoring a pid for that has not been intercepted yet.");
	do_start(syscall, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_start(syscall, 0, -EINVAL);

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);

	subtest("Cannot start monitoring a pid that is invalid.");
	do_start(syscall, 1234567, -EINVAL);
	do_start(syscall, -2, -EINVAL);
	subtest("Cannot stop monitoring for a pid that is not being monitored.");
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, -EINVAL);
	subtest("Cannot stop monitoring for a pid that is blacklisted.");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, -EINVAL);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	subtest("EINVAL: stop all -> stop all");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EINVAL);
	subtest("EINVAL: start one pid -> stop the same pid -> stop all");
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, -EINVAL);

	do_release(syscall, 0);

	do_intercept(syscall, 0);

	subtest("EBUSY: intercepting a system call that is already intercepted");
	do_intercept(syscall, -EBUSY);
	subtest("EBUSY: monitoring a pid that is being whitelisted");
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_start(syscall, -1, -EBUSY);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	subtest("EBUSY: monitoring a pid that is being monitored globally");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_start(syscall, -1, -EBUSY);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	subtest("EBUSY: monitoring all pids when all pids are being monitored");
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_start(syscall, 0, -EBUSY);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	subtest("OK: monitoring all pids when some pids are being monitored");
	do_start(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_start(syscall, 0, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, -1, 0);
	do_stop(syscall, 0, 0);
	//If a pid cannot be added to a monitored list, due to no memory being available, an -ENOMEM error code should be returned.
	// int child;
	// int res = 0;
	// while (!res) {
	// 	switch (child = fork()) {
	// 	case -1://error
	// 		assert(0);
	// 	case 0: //child
	// 		pause();
	// 	default: //parent
	// 		res = vsyscall_arg(MY_CUSTOM_SYSCALL, 3, REQUEST_START_MONITORING, syscall, child);
	// 		// printf("start monitoring %d: %d\n", child, res);
	// 		break;
	// 	}
	// }
	// test("%d no memory", syscall, res == -ENOMEM);
	// signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
	// kill(-getpid(), SIGQUIT);

	do_release(syscall, 0);
int do_nonroot(int syscall) {
	do_intercept(syscall, -EPERM);
	do_release(syscall, -EPERM);
	return 0;