文件: s_path.c 项目: bryansum/ijam
    /* Open a help file using the help search path.  We expect the ".pd"
    suffix here, even though we have to tear it back off for one of the
    search attempts. */
void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir)
    char realname[MAXPDSTRING], dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *basename;
        /* make up a silly "dir" if none is supplied */
    const char *usedir = (*dir ? dir : "./");
    int fd;

        /* 1. "objectname-help.pd" */
    strncpy(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
    realname[MAXPDSTRING-10] = 0;
    if (strlen(realname) > 3 && !strcmp(realname+strlen(realname)-3, ".pd"))
        realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
    strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone;

        /* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
    strcpy(realname, "help-");
    strncat(realname, name, MAXPDSTRING-10);
    realname[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone;

        /* 3. "objectname.pd" */
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        MAXPDSTRING, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone;
    post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
    close (fd);
    glob_evalfile(0, gensym((char*)basename), gensym(dirbuf));
文件: s_path.c 项目: Tzero2/pd
    /* Open a help file using the help search path.  We expect the ".pd"
    suffix here, even though we have to tear it back off for one of the
    search attempts. */
void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir)
    char realname[FILENAME_MAX], propername[FILENAME_MAX], dirbuf[FILENAME_MAX];
    char *basename;
        /* make up a silly "dir" if none is supplied */
    const char *usedir = (*dir ? dir : "./");
    int fd;

        /* 1. "objectname-help.pd" */
    strncpy(realname, name, FILENAME_MAX-10);
    realname[FILENAME_MAX-10] = 0;
    if (strlen(realname) > 3 && !strcmp(realname+strlen(realname)-3, ".pd"))
        realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
    strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
    strncpy(propername, realname, FILENAME_MAX);
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        FILENAME_MAX, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone;

        /* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
    strcpy(realname, "help-");
    strncat(realname, name, FILENAME_MAX-10);
    realname[FILENAME_MAX-1] = 0;
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, realname, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        FILENAME_MAX, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone_deprecated;

        /* 3. "objectname.pd" */
    if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name, "", dirbuf, &basename, 
        FILENAME_MAX, 0, sys_helppath)) >= 0)
            goto gotone_deprecated;
    post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
    error("'%s' is a deprecated name format for a help patch.\n\tPlease rename to '%s'!",
          basename, propername);
    close (fd);
    glob_evalfile(0, gensym((char*)basename), gensym(dirbuf));
    /* open via path, using the global search path. */
int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext,
    char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
    return (do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult,
        size, bin, sys_searchpath));