static NTSTATUS rpc_service_start_internal(const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND hSCM, hService; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; fstring servicename; uint32 state = 0; if (argc != 1 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc service status <service>\n"); return NT_STATUS_OK; } fstrcpy( servicename, argv[0] ); /* Open the Service Control Manager */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_scm( pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, SC_RIGHT_MGR_ENUMERATE_SERVICE ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open Service Control Manager. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); } /* Open the Service */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, &hService, servicename, SC_RIGHT_SVC_START ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open service. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } /* get the status */ result = rpccli_svcctl_start_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService, NULL, 0 ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Query status request failed. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } result = watch_service_state(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, servicename, SVCCTL_RUNNING, &state ); if ( W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) && (state == SVCCTL_RUNNING) ) d_printf("Successfully started service: %s\n", servicename ); else d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start service: %s [%s]\n", servicename, dos_errstr(result) ); done: rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService ); rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM ); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); }
static bool test_set_get_includes(struct smbconf_ctx *ctx) { WERROR werr; uint32_t count; bool ret = false; const char *set_includes[] = { "/path/to/include1", "/path/to/include2" }; uint32_t set_num_includes = 2; char **get_includes = NULL; uint32_t get_num_includes = 0; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe(); printf("test: set_get_includes\n"); werr = smbconf_set_global_includes(ctx, set_num_includes, set_includes); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: get_set_includes (setting includes) - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } werr = smbconf_get_global_includes(ctx, mem_ctx, &get_num_includes, &get_includes); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: get_set_includes (getting includes) - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } if (get_num_includes != set_num_includes) { printf("failure: get_set_includes - set %d includes, got %d\n", set_num_includes, get_num_includes); goto done; } for (count = 0; count < get_num_includes; count++) { if (!strequal(set_includes[count], get_includes[count])) { printf("expected: \n"); print_strings("* ", set_num_includes, set_includes); printf("got: \n"); print_strings("* ", get_num_includes, (const char **)get_includes); printf("failure: get_set_includes - data mismatch:\n"); goto done; } } printf("success: set_includes\n"); ret = true; done: TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx); return ret; }
static bool test_delete_includes(struct smbconf_ctx *ctx) { WERROR werr; bool ret = false; const char *set_includes[] = { "/path/to/include", }; uint32_t set_num_includes = 1; char **get_includes = NULL; uint32_t get_num_includes = 0; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe(); printf("test: delete_includes\n"); werr = smbconf_set_global_includes(ctx, set_num_includes, set_includes); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: delete_includes (setting includes) - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } werr = smbconf_delete_global_includes(ctx); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: delete_includes (deleting includes) - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } werr = smbconf_get_global_includes(ctx, mem_ctx, &get_num_includes, &get_includes); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: delete_includes (getting includes) - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } if (get_num_includes != 0) { printf("failure: delete_includes (not empty after delete)\n"); goto done; } werr = smbconf_delete_global_includes(ctx); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failuer: delete_includes (delete empty includes) - " "%s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } printf("success: delete_includes\n"); ret = true; done: return ret; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_service_list_internal(const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND hSCM; ENUM_SERVICES_STATUS *services; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; fstring servicename; fstring displayname; uint32 num_services = 0; int i; if (argc != 0 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc service list\n"); return NT_STATUS_OK; } result = rpccli_svcctl_open_scm(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, SC_RIGHT_MGR_ENUMERATE_SERVICE ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open Service Control Manager. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); } result = rpccli_svcctl_enumerate_services(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, SVCCTL_TYPE_WIN32, SVCCTL_STATE_ALL, &num_services, &services ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to enumerate services. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } if ( num_services == 0 ) d_printf("No services returned\n"); for ( i=0; i<num_services; i++ ) { rpcstr_pull( servicename, services[i].servicename.buffer, sizeof(servicename), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); rpcstr_pull( displayname, services[i].displayname.buffer, sizeof(displayname), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("%-20s \"%s\"\n", servicename, displayname); } done: rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM ); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); }
BOOL prs_werror(const char *name, prs_struct *ps, int depth, WERROR *status) { char *q = prs_mem_get(ps, sizeof(uint32)); if (q == NULL) return False; if (UNMARSHALLING(ps)) { if (ps->bigendian_data) *status = W_ERROR(RIVAL(q,0)); else *status = W_ERROR(IVAL(q,0)); } else { if (ps->bigendian_data) RSIVAL(q,0,W_ERROR_V(*status)); else SIVAL(q,0,W_ERROR_V(*status)); } DEBUG(5,("%s%04x %s: %s\n", tab_depth(depth), ps->data_offset, name, dos_errstr(*status))); ps->data_offset += sizeof(uint32); return True; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_service_resume_internal(const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND hSCM; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; fstring servicename; if (argc != 1 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc service status <service>\n"); return NT_STATUS_OK; } fstrcpy( servicename, argv[0] ); /* Open the Service Control Manager */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_scm(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, SC_RIGHT_MGR_ENUMERATE_SERVICE ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open Service Control Manager. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); } result = control_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, servicename, SVCCTL_CONTROL_CONTINUE, SVCCTL_RUNNING ); rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM ); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); }
static WERROR query_service_state(struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *hSCM, const char *service, uint32 *state ) { POLICY_HND hService; SERVICE_STATUS service_status; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* now cycle until the status is actually 'watch_state' */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, hSCM, &hService, service, SC_RIGHT_SVC_QUERY_STATUS ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open service. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); return result; } result = rpccli_svcctl_query_status(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService, &service_status ); if ( W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { *state = service_status.state; } rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService ); return result; }
static bool test_get_includes(struct smbconf_ctx *ctx) { WERROR werr; bool ret = false; uint32_t num_includes = 0; char **includes = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe(); printf("test: get_includes\n"); werr = smbconf_get_global_includes(ctx, mem_ctx, &num_includes, &includes); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: get_includes - %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); goto done; } printf("got %u includes%s\n", num_includes, (num_includes > 0) ? ":" : "."); print_strings("", num_includes, (const char **)includes); printf("success: get_includes\n"); ret = true; done: TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx); return ret; }
static bool torture_smbconf_reg(void) { WERROR werr; bool ret = true; struct smbconf_ctx *conf_ctx = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe(); printf("test: registry backend\n"); printf("test: init\n"); werr = smbconf_init_reg(mem_ctx, &conf_ctx, NULL); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { printf("failure: init failed: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr)); ret = false; goto done; } printf("success: init\n"); ret &= test_get_includes(conf_ctx); ret &= test_set_get_includes(conf_ctx); ret &= test_delete_includes(conf_ctx); smbconf_shutdown(conf_ctx); printf("%s: registry backend\n", ret ? "success" : "failure"); done: TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx); return ret; }
static WERROR cmd_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex2(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { WERROR result; uint32 flags = DS_RETURN_DNS_NAME; const char *server_name = cli->cli->desthost; const char *domain_name; const char *client_account = NULL; uint32 mask = 0; const char *site_name = NULL; struct GUID domain_guid = GUID_zero(); struct DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO *info = NULL; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [domainname] [client_account] [acb_mask] [domain_name] [domain_guid] [site_name] [flags]\n", argv[0]); return WERR_OK; } if (argc >= 2) client_account = argv[1]; if (argc >= 3) mask = atoi(argv[2]); if (argc >= 4) domain_name = argv[3]; if (argc >= 5) { if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(GUID_from_string(argv[4], &domain_guid))) { return WERR_NOMEM; } } if (argc >= 6) site_name = argv[5]; if (argc >= 7) sscanf(argv[6], "%x", &flags); result = rpccli_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex2(cli, mem_ctx, server_name, client_account, mask, domain_name, &domain_guid, site_name, flags, &info); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) { d_printf("DsGetDcNameEx2 gave\n"); display_ds_domain_controller_info(mem_ctx, info); return WERR_OK; } printf("rpccli_netlogon_dsr_getdcnameex2 returned %s\n", dos_errstr(result)); return result; }
static WERROR control_service(struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, POLICY_HND *hSCM, const char *service, uint32 control, uint32 watch_state ) { POLICY_HND hService; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; SERVICE_STATUS service_status; uint32 state = 0; /* Open the Service */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, hSCM, &hService, service, (SC_RIGHT_SVC_STOP|SC_RIGHT_SVC_PAUSE_CONTINUE) ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open service. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } /* get the status */ result = rpccli_svcctl_control_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService, control, &service_status ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Control service request failed. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } /* loop -- checking the state until we are where we want to be */ result = watch_service_state(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, hSCM, service, watch_state, &state ); d_printf("%s service is %s.\n", service, svc_status_string(state)); done: rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService ); return result; }
enum winbindd_result winbindd_dual_getdcname(struct winbindd_domain *domain, struct winbindd_cli_state *state) { fstring dcname_slash; char *p; struct rpc_pipe_client *netlogon_pipe; NTSTATUS result; WERROR werr; unsigned int orig_timeout; state->request.domain_name [sizeof(state->request.domain_name)-1] = '\0'; DEBUG(3, ("[%5lu]: Get DC name for %s\n", (unsigned long)state->pid, state->request.domain_name)); result = cm_connect_netlogon(domain, &netlogon_pipe); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(result)) { DEBUG(1, ("Can't contact the NETLOGON pipe\n")); return WINBINDD_ERROR; } /* This call can take a long time - allow the server to time out. 35 seconds should do it. */ orig_timeout = cli_set_timeout(netlogon_pipe->cli, 35000); werr = rpccli_netlogon_getanydcname(netlogon_pipe, state->mem_ctx, domain->dcname, state->request.domain_name, dcname_slash); /* And restore our original timeout. */ cli_set_timeout(netlogon_pipe->cli, orig_timeout); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(5, ("Error requesting DCname: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr))); return WINBINDD_ERROR; } p = dcname_slash; if (*p == '\\') { p+=1; } if (*p == '\\') { p+=1; } fstrcpy(state->, p); return WINBINDD_OK; }
static NTSTATUS rpc_service_status_internal(const DOM_SID *domain_sid, const char *domain_name, struct cli_state *cli, struct rpc_pipe_client *pipe_hnd, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv ) { POLICY_HND hSCM, hService; WERROR result = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; fstring servicename; SERVICE_STATUS service_status; SERVICE_CONFIG config; fstring ascii_string; if (argc != 1 ) { d_printf("Usage: net rpc service status <service>\n"); return NT_STATUS_OK; } fstrcpy( servicename, argv[0] ); /* Open the Service Control Manager */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_scm(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, SC_RIGHT_MGR_ENUMERATE_SERVICE ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open Service Control Manager. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); } /* Open the Service */ result = rpccli_svcctl_open_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM, &hService, servicename, (SC_RIGHT_SVC_QUERY_STATUS|SC_RIGHT_SVC_QUERY_CONFIG) ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open service. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } /* get the status */ result = rpccli_svcctl_query_status(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService, &service_status ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Query status request failed. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } d_printf("%s service is %s.\n", servicename, svc_status_string(service_status.state)); /* get the config */ result = rpccli_svcctl_query_config(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService, &config ); if ( !W_ERROR_IS_OK(result) ) { d_fprintf(stderr, "Query config request failed. [%s]\n", dos_errstr(result)); goto done; } /* print out the configuration information for the service */ d_printf("Configuration details:\n"); d_printf("\tControls Accepted = 0x%x\n", service_status.controls_accepted); d_printf("\tService Type = 0x%x\n", config.service_type); d_printf("\tStart Type = 0x%x\n", config.start_type); d_printf("\tError Control = 0x%x\n", config.error_control); d_printf("\tTag ID = 0x%x\n", config.tag_id); if ( config.executablepath ) { rpcstr_pull( ascii_string, config.executablepath->buffer, sizeof(ascii_string), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("\tExecutable Path = %s\n", ascii_string); } if ( config.loadordergroup ) { rpcstr_pull( ascii_string, config.loadordergroup->buffer, sizeof(ascii_string), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("\tLoad Order Group = %s\n", ascii_string); } if ( config.dependencies ) { rpcstr_pull( ascii_string, config.dependencies->buffer, sizeof(ascii_string), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("\tDependencies = %s\n", ascii_string); } if ( config.startname ) { rpcstr_pull( ascii_string, config.startname->buffer, sizeof(ascii_string), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("\tStart Name = %s\n", ascii_string); } if ( config.displayname ) { rpcstr_pull( ascii_string, config.displayname->buffer, sizeof(ascii_string), -1, STR_TERMINATE ); d_printf("\tDisplay Name = %s\n", ascii_string); } done: rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hService ); rpccli_svcctl_close_service(pipe_hnd, mem_ctx, &hSCM ); return werror_to_ntstatus(result); }
WERROR get_remote_printer_publishing_data(struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, ADS_MODLIST *mods, const char *printer) { WERROR result; char *printername, *servername; REGVAL_CTR *dsdriver_ctr, *dsspooler_ctr; uint32 i; POLICY_HND pol; asprintf(&servername, "\\\\%s", cli->cli->desthost); asprintf(&printername, "%s\\%s", servername, printer); if (!servername || !printername) { DEBUG(3, ("Insufficient memory\n")); return WERR_NOMEM; } result = rpccli_spoolss_open_printer_ex(cli, mem_ctx, printername, "", MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_ACCESS, servername, cli->cli->user_name, &pol); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) { DEBUG(3, ("Unable to open printer %s, error is %s.\n", printername, dos_errstr(result))); SAFE_FREE(printername); return result; } if ( !(dsdriver_ctr = TALLOC_ZERO_P( mem_ctx, REGVAL_CTR )) ) { SAFE_FREE(printername); return WERR_NOMEM; } result = rpccli_spoolss_enumprinterdataex(cli, mem_ctx, &pol, SPOOL_DSDRIVER_KEY, dsdriver_ctr); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) { DEBUG(3, ("Unable to do enumdataex on %s, error is %s.\n", printername, dos_errstr(result))); } else { uint32 num_values = regval_ctr_numvals( dsdriver_ctr ); /* Have the data we need now, so start building */ for (i=0; i < num_values; i++) { map_regval_to_ads(mem_ctx, mods, dsdriver_ctr->values[i]); } } if ( !(dsspooler_ctr = TALLOC_ZERO_P( mem_ctx, REGVAL_CTR )) ) { SAFE_FREE(printername); return WERR_NOMEM; } result = rpccli_spoolss_enumprinterdataex(cli, mem_ctx, &pol, SPOOL_DSSPOOLER_KEY, dsspooler_ctr); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) { DEBUG(3, ("Unable to do enumdataex on %s, error is %s.\n", printername, dos_errstr(result))); } else { uint32 num_values = regval_ctr_numvals( dsspooler_ctr ); for (i=0; i<num_values; i++) { map_regval_to_ads(mem_ctx, mods, dsspooler_ctr->values[i]); } } ads_mod_str(mem_ctx, mods, SPOOL_REG_PRINTERNAME, printer); TALLOC_FREE( dsdriver_ctr ); TALLOC_FREE( dsspooler_ctr ); rpccli_spoolss_close_printer(cli, mem_ctx, &pol); SAFE_FREE(printername); return result; }
WERROR gp_reg_state_read(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint32_t flags, const DOM_SID *sid, struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT **gpo_list) { struct gp_registry_context *reg_ctx = NULL; WERROR werr = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; const char *subkeyname = NULL; struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT *gpo = NULL; int count = 0; struct registry_key *key = NULL; const char *path = NULL; const char *gp_state_path = NULL; if (!gpo_list) { return WERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ZERO_STRUCTP(gpo_list); gp_state_path = gp_req_state_path(mem_ctx, sid, flags); if (!gp_state_path) { werr = WERR_NOMEM; goto done; } path = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s\\%s\\%s", KEY_GROUP_POLICY, gp_state_path, "GPO-List"); if (!path) { werr = WERR_NOMEM; goto done; } werr = gp_init_reg_ctx(mem_ctx, path, REG_KEY_READ, NULL, ®_ctx); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } while (1) { subkeyname = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%d", count++); if (!subkeyname) { werr = WERR_NOMEM; goto done; } werr = gp_read_reg_subkey(mem_ctx, reg_ctx, subkeyname, &key); if (W_ERROR_EQUAL(werr, WERR_BADFILE)) { werr = WERR_OK; break; } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,("gp_reg_state_read: " "gp_read_reg_subkey gave: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr))); goto done; } werr = gp_read_reg_gpo(mem_ctx, key, &gpo); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } DLIST_ADD(*gpo_list, gpo); } done: gp_free_reg_ctx(reg_ctx); return werr; }
WERROR gp_reg_state_store(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint32_t flags, const char *dn, const struct nt_user_token *token, struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT *gpo_list) { struct gp_registry_context *reg_ctx = NULL; WERROR werr = WERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; const char *subkeyname = NULL; struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT *gpo; int count = 0; struct registry_key *key; werr = gp_init_reg_ctx(mem_ctx, KEY_GROUP_POLICY, REG_KEY_WRITE, token, ®_ctx); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(werr); werr = gp_secure_key(mem_ctx, flags, reg_ctx->curr_key, &token->user_sids[0]); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,("failed to secure key: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr))); goto done; } werr = gp_reg_store_groupmembership(mem_ctx, reg_ctx, token, flags); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,("failed to store group membership: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr))); goto done; } subkeyname = gp_req_state_path(mem_ctx, &token->user_sids[0], flags); if (!subkeyname) { werr = WERR_NOMEM; goto done; } werr = gp_del_reg_state(mem_ctx, reg_ctx->curr_key, subkeyname); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,("failed to delete old state: %s\n", dos_errstr(werr))); /* goto done; */ } werr = gp_store_reg_subkey(mem_ctx, subkeyname, reg_ctx->curr_key, ®_ctx->curr_key); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } werr = gp_store_reg_val_sz(mem_ctx, reg_ctx->curr_key, "Distinguished-Name", dn); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } /* store link list */ werr = gp_store_reg_subkey(mem_ctx, "GPLink-List", reg_ctx->curr_key, &key); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } /* store gpo list */ werr = gp_store_reg_subkey(mem_ctx, "GPO-List", reg_ctx->curr_key, ®_ctx->curr_key); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } for (gpo = gpo_list; gpo; gpo = gpo->next) { subkeyname = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%d", count++); if (!subkeyname) { werr = WERR_NOMEM; goto done; } werr = gp_store_reg_subkey(mem_ctx, subkeyname, reg_ctx->curr_key, &key); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { goto done; } werr = gp_store_reg_gpovals(mem_ctx, key, gpo); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,("gp_reg_state_store: " "gpo_store_reg_gpovals failed for %s: %s\n", gpo->display_name, dos_errstr(werr))); goto done; } } done: gp_free_reg_ctx(reg_ctx); return werr; }