 * Name:    cache_get_first_invalid_block
 * Desc:    Returns the first free (invalid) block for a set.
 * Params:
 *  tagstore    ptr to the cache tagstore
 *  line        ptr to the decoded cache line
 * Returns: int32_t
 *          ID of the frist available (invalid) block
 *          CAHCE_RV_ERR if no such block is available
cache_get_first_invalid_block(cache_tagstore_t *tagstore, cache_line_t *line)
    int32_t             block_id = 0;
    uint32_t            num_blocks = 0;
    uint32_t            tag_index = 0;
    cache_tag_data_t    *tag_data = NULL;
#ifdef DBG_ON
    cache_generic_t     *cache = NULL;
#endif /* DBG_ON */

    if ((!tagstore) || (!line)) {
        goto error_exit;

#ifdef DBG_ON
    cache = (cache_generic_t *) tagstore->cache;
#endif /* DBG_ON */
    num_blocks = tagstore->num_blocks_per_set;
    tag_index = (line->index * num_blocks);
    tag_data = &tagstore->tag_data[tag_index];

    for (block_id = 0; block_id < num_blocks; ++block_id) {
        if (!tag_data[block_id].valid) {
#ifdef DBG_ON
            dprint_info("index %u, invalid block %u selected from %s\n", 
                    line->index, block_id, CACHE_GET_NAME(cache));
#endif /* DBG_ON */
            return block_id;

    return CACHE_RV_ERR;
   Program Main
main() {
	int i;	// define an integer j to serve as a loop counter
	//display variables
	char *strPtr, *scrollStrPtr;
	int dpos;
	short scroll;
	//program variables
	int lastSwitchVal;
	long timeStamp,st;
	char line1[17];
	char *rssServer,*rssPage;

	//display init
	printf("LCD display initialized.\n");
	//print a welcome message

	//network init
	if(init_DHCP()) {
		strPtr = "success!";
	} else {
		strPtr = "** nework initialization error!";

	//program init
	timeStamp = SEC_TIMER;	//set up the timing for refreshing the data...
	lastSwitchVal = 1234;	//random, so first time it grabs RSS
	memset(headlines,0,sizeof(headlines));	//just to be safe...

	//example message
	scrollStrPtr = strPtr;
	dpos = 15;


			//grab the headlines after 5 mins, or on a switch change
			if((lastSwitchVal != BitRdPortI(PBDR,2)) ||
				(SEC_TIMER > timeStamp+RSS_REFRESH_DELAY) ){
				dprint("Loading data...");
				if (lastSwitchVal){
					strcpy(line1,"BBC News");
				} else {
				if(get_headlines(rssServer,rssPage)) strPtr = headlines;
				else {
					strPtr = "** unable to connect to Internet!";
				scrollStrPtr = strPtr;	//be friendly and leave strPtr untouched
				lastSwitchVal = BitRdPortI(PBDR,2);
				timeStamp = SEC_TIMER;
				dprint_move_to(0,0); //print the data source
				sprint_time(line1);	//now print the time

			//scroll a message across the screen
				for(i=0;i<dpos;i++) dprint_char(' ');
				if(dpos > 0) dpos--;
				if(dpos == 0) scrollStrPtr++;
				if(*scrollStrPtr==0) {	//end of str
					scrollStrPtr = strPtr;
					dpos = 15;

			if (BitRdPortI(PBDR, 3)==0){
				while(BitRdPortI(PBDR, 3)==0);	//debounce

	}	//while true

} // end program
 * Name:    cache_evict_and_add_tag 
 * Desc:    Core processing routine. It does one (and only one) of the 
 *          following for every memory reference:
 *          1. If the tag is already present, we are done here. Might have to
 *              write thru for a write request if the write policy is set to 
 *              WTNA.
 *          2. If a free block is available, place the tag in that block. 
 *          3. Evict a block (based on the eviction policy set), do a write
 *              back (if evicted block is dirty) and place the incoming tag
 *              on the block.
 *          For all three operations above, we need to update read/write, 
 *          miss/hit counters, valid, dirty (for writes) and age for the block.
 * Params:
 *  in_cache    ptr to cache
 *  mem_ref     ptr to the memory reference (type and address)
 * Returns: Nothing.
cache_evict_and_add_tag(cache_generic_t *cache, mem_ref_t *mref,
        uint16_t *latency)
    uint8_t             read_flag = FALSE;
    int32_t             block_id = 0;
    uint32_t            tag_index = 0;
    uint32_t            *tags = NULL;
    uint64_t            curr_age;
    cache_line_t        line;
    cache_tag_data_t    *tag_data = NULL;
    cache_tagstore_t    *tagstore = NULL;

    if ((!cache) || (!mref)) {
        goto exit;
    tagstore = cache->tagstore;

    /* Fetch the current time to be used for tag age (for LRU). */
    curr_age = util_get_curr_time(); 

    /* Decode the memmory reference to the current cache's cache line. */
    memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line));
    cache_util_decode_mem_addr(tagstore, mref->ref_addr, &line);

    /* Fetch the appropriate set within the tagstore. */
    tag_index = (line.index * tagstore->num_blocks_per_set);
    tags = &tagstore->tags[tag_index];
    tag_data = &tagstore->tag_data[tag_index];
    read_flag = (IS_MEM_REF_READ(mref) ? TRUE : FALSE);

    if (read_flag)
        cache->stats.num_reads += 1;
        cache->stats.num_writes += 1;

     * Notes
     * =====
     *  * Victim cache will only contain entries that were missed in
     *    L1. There can be no entires in victim cache that weren't missed
     *    by L1 at any given time.
     * Possible Operations
     * ===================
     * a.) L1 hit:
     *      * Update counters and fetch next mref.
     * b.) L1 miss:
     *      * If there are invalid blocks in L1, take an invalid block and
     *        fetch the data directly from next memory level. VC is not
     *        involved in this case.
     *      * If there are no invalid blocks, check in VC:
     *          - If VC hit, swap the required tag (which is present in VC now)
     *            with an LRU tag from L1. Carry forward the Dbit in both
     *            directions.
     *          - If VC miss, evict the LRU block in L1 and place it in VC with
     *            Dbit info. If required, allocate block in VC by writing the
     *            LRU block to next level, if the LRU block is dirty.
     *  c.) L2 miss:
     *      * All requests to L2 should either come from VC (VC miss or VC LRU
     *        evict) or from L1 during cache init load.
     *      * If L2 hit, update the counters and return to previous level.
     *      * If L2 miss, get a block ID (invalid blocks or LRU evict block),
     *        read the data from memory into the newly created block, update
     *        the counters and return to previous level.

    if (CACHE_RV_ERR != (block_id = cache_does_tag_match(tagstore, &line))) {
         * Cache hit!
         * Tag is already present. Just update the counters and go fetch the
         * next memory reference.
         * Life is good!

        /* Update the latency based on the cache type. */
        if (CACHE_LEVEL_1 == cache->level)
            *latency = (CACHE_L1_HIT_LATENCY);
        else if (CACHE_LEVEL_2 == cache->level)
            *latency = (CACHE_L2_HIT_LATENCY);

        dprint_dbg("HIT %s\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache));
        dprint_info("cache hit for cache %s, tag 0x%x at index %u, block %u\n",
                CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.tag, line.index, block_id);
        tag_data[block_id].valid = 1;
        tag_data[block_id].age = curr_age;
        tag_data[block_id].ref_count += 1;

        if (read_flag) {
            cache->stats.num_read_hits += 1;
        } else {
            cache->stats.num_write_hits += 1;
            /* Set the block to be dirty only for WBWA write policy. */
                tag_data[block_id].dirty = 1;
             } else {
                cache->stats.num_blk_mem_traffic += 1;
    } else {
        cache_generic_t *next_cache = NULL;

         * Cache miss! 
         * Well, life is not always so good..
         * In multi level caches, do the following in case of a cache miss:
         *  1. If the next level in hierarchy is a cache, check if the 
         *     requested data is present there. If so, bring in the block
         *     and follow steps 2/3 for placing the block. i.e., find a
         *     free block or go for replacement.
         *  2. If the next level is not a cache (i.e., for last level of
         *     caches, the next level would be main memory), check if there
         *     are any free blocks. If so, use those blocks for new data.
         *  3. If there are no free blocks and if the cache is the last level,
         *     go for cache replacement.
         * For all three cases, first find a block to place the to-be-feched
         * data block. 
        if (CACHE_IS_L1(cache))
            dprint_dbg("MISS %s\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache));
            dprint_dp("MISS %s, TAG %x\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.tag);
        dprint_info("cache miss for cache %s, tag 0x%x @ index %u\n",
                CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.tag, line.index);
        next_cache = cache->next_cache;

        dprint_info("cache %s, index %u, block %d selected for tag 0x%x\n",
                CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.index, block_id, line.tag);

         * If VC is present, L1 + VC acts as a single entity to the next memory
         * level. So, some ugly cache specific code.. which I don't like!
        if (CACHE_IS_L1(cache)) {
            if (cache_util_is_victim_present()) {
                int32_t             vc_block_id = CACHE_RV_ERR;
                cache_line_t        vc_line;
                cache_generic_t     *vc = NULL;
                cache_tagstore_t    *vc_ts = NULL;
                cache_stats_t       *vc_stats = NULL;

                vc = cache_util_get_vc(); 
                vc_ts = vc->tagstore;
                vc_stats = &vc->stats;
                memset(&vc_line, 0, sizeof(vc_line));
                cache_util_decode_mem_addr(vc_ts, mref->ref_addr, &vc_line);

                vc_block_id = cache_does_tag_match(vc_ts, &vc_line);
                if (CACHE_RV_ERR != vc_block_id) {
                    uint8_t             tmp_l1_dirty = 0;
                    uint32_t            vc_tag_index = 0;
                    uint32_t            *vc_tags;
                    mem_ref_t           l1_old_ref;
                    cache_line_t        l1_old_line;
                    cache_line_t        vc_tmp_line;
                    cache_tag_data_t    *vc_tag_data;

                    dprint_dbg("HIT %s, SWAP\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(vc));

                     * Find a block to place the to-be-fetcheed data. Go for 
                     * LRU block (don't evict, as we are just going to swap it
                     * with VC), if no free blocks are available.
                    block_id = cache_get_first_invalid_block(tagstore, &line);
                    if (CACHE_RV_ERR == block_id)
                        block_id = cache_util_get_lru_block_id(cache->tagstore,

                    vc_tag_index = (vc_line.index * vc_ts->num_blocks_per_set);
                    vc_tags = &vc_ts->tags[vc_tag_index];
                    vc_tag_data = &vc_ts->tag_data[vc_tag_index];

                     * Convert the current L1 tag (to be swapped) to 
                     * VC's line. 
                    memset(&l1_old_line, 0, sizeof(l1_old_line));
                    l1_old_line.tag = tags[block_id];
                    l1_old_line.index = line.index;
                            &l1_old_line, &l1_old_ref);
                            l1_old_ref.ref_addr, &vc_tmp_line);

                    dprint_info("victim cache hit.. swap\n");
                    dprint_info("%s, to swap: T %x, I %u, B %d, D %u\n",
                        CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), tags[block_id], line.index,
                        block_id, tag_data[block_id].dirty);
                    dprint_info("%s, to swap: T %x, I %u, B %d, D %u\n",
                        CACHE_GET_NAME(vc), vc_tags[vc_block_id], 
                        vc_tmp_line.index, vc_block_id, 

                    dprint_dp("addr %x, l1 tag %x, vc tag %x\n",
                        l1_old_ref.ref_addr, l1_old_line.tag, vc_tmp_line.tag);

                    /* Swap tag data and dirty bits. */
                    tags[block_id] = line.tag;
                    vc_tags[vc_block_id] = vc_tmp_line.tag;
                    tmp_l1_dirty = tag_data[block_id].dirty;
                    tag_data[block_id].dirty = 
                    vc_tag_data[vc_block_id].dirty = tmp_l1_dirty;
                    if (!read_flag)
                        tag_data[block_id].dirty = 1;
                    curr_age = util_get_curr_time(); 
                    tag_data[block_id].valid = 1;
                    tag_data[block_id].age = curr_age;
                    vc_tag_data[vc_block_id].valid = 1;
                    vc_tag_data[vc_block_id].age = curr_age;

#ifdef DBG_ON
                    dprint_info("print cache conntents start\n");
                    cache_print_tags(cache, &line);
                    cache_print_tags(vc, &vc_tmp_line);
                    dprint_info("print cache conntents end\n");
#endif /* DBG_ON */
                    vc_stats->num_swaps += 1;
                    if (read_flag)
                        vc_stats->num_read_hits += 1;
                        vc_stats->num_write_hits += 1;

                    goto exit;

                } else {
                    /* VC miss. Set next cache to L2, if available. */
                    dprint_dbg("MISS %s\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(vc));
                    dprint_dp("MISS %s, TAG %x\n", 
                            CACHE_GET_NAME(vc), vc_line.tag);
                    next_cache = (cache_util_is_l2_present()) ? 
                        cache_util_get_l2() : NULL;

                    if (read_flag)
                        vc_stats->num_read_misses += 1;
                        vc_stats->num_write_misses += 1;
            } else {
                /* VC not present. Set next_cache to L2 if available. */
                next_cache = (cache_util_is_l2_present()) ? 
                    cache_util_get_l2() : NULL;

        /* Check next level cache, if available. */ 
        if (next_cache) {
            mem_ref_t       read_ref;
             * Find a block to place the to-be-fetcheed data. Go for
             * block eviction, if no free blocks are available.
            block_id = cache_get_first_invalid_block(tagstore, &line);
            if (CACHE_RV_ERR == block_id)
                block_id = cache_evict_tag(cache, mref, &line);

             * For cache misses, issues a read reference for that address
             * to the next cache level.
            memset(&read_ref, 0, sizeof(read_ref));
            memcpy(&read_ref, mref, sizeof(read_ref));
            read_ref.ref_type = MEM_REF_TYPE_READ;
            dprint_dp("%s, READ FROM %s %x, %x\n", 
                    CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), CACHE_GET_NAME(next_cache), 
                    read_ref.ref_addr, line.tag);

            cache_evict_and_add_tag(next_cache, &read_ref, latency);

            tags[block_id] = line.tag;
            cache->stats.num_blk_mem_traffic += 1;
            tag_data[block_id].valid = 1;
            tag_data[block_id].age = curr_age;
            tag_data[block_id].ref_count = 
                (util_get_block_ref_count(tagstore, &line) + 1);

            if (read_flag) {
                cache->stats.num_read_misses += 1;
            } else {
                cache->stats.num_write_misses += 1;

                /* Set the block to be dirty only for WBWA write policy. */
                if (CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA == CACHE_GET_WRITE_POLICY(cache))
                    tag_data[block_id].dirty = 1;
            dprint_info("%s, tag 0x%x added to index %u, block %u\n", 
                    CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.tag, line.index, block_id);
        } else {
            /* If we are here, we are at a total loss for latency. No matter
             * L1 miss or L2 miss.
            *latency = CACHE_TOTAL_MISS_LATENCY;
             * Find a block to place the to-be-fetcheed data. Go for
             * block eviction, if no free blocks are available.
            block_id = cache_get_first_invalid_block(tagstore, &line);
            if (CACHE_RV_ERR == block_id)
                block_id = cache_evict_tag(cache, mref, &line);

             * We are at the last cache and currently handling a miss. 
             * Read from memory and place it the previouly found block. 
            tags[block_id] = line.tag;
            cache->stats.num_blk_mem_traffic += 1;
            tag_data[block_id].valid = 1;
            tag_data[block_id].age = curr_age;
            tag_data[block_id].ref_count = 
                (util_get_block_ref_count(tagstore, &line) + 1);

            dprint_dp("%s, READ FROM MEMORY %x, %x\n", 
                    CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), mref->ref_addr, line.tag);

            if (read_flag) {
                cache->stats.num_read_misses += 1;
            } else {
                cache->stats.num_write_misses += 1;

                /* Set the block to be dirty only for WBWA write policy. */
                if (CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA == CACHE_GET_WRITE_POLICY(cache))
                    tag_data[block_id].dirty = 1;
            dprint_info("%s, tag 0x%x added to index %u, block %u\n", 
                    CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.tag, line.index, block_id);
        }   /* End of last level cache processing */
    }   /* End of cache miss processing */

#ifdef DBG_ON
    cache_print_tags(cache, &line);
#endif /* DBG_ON */
 * Name:    cache_evict_tag
 * Desc:    Responsible for tag eviction (based on the replacement poliy set) 
 *          and to write back the block, if the selected eviction block
 *          happens to be dirty.
 * Params:
 *  tagstore    ptr to the cache tagstore
 *  line        ptr to the decoded cache line
 * Returns: int32_t 
 *  ID of the block on a match is found
 *  CACHE_RV_ERR if no match is found
cache_evict_tag(cache_generic_t *cache, mem_ref_t *mref, cache_line_t *line)
    int32_t             block_id = 0;
    uint32_t            tag_index;
    cache_tagstore_t    *tagstore = NULL;

    if ((!cache) || (!mref) || (!line)) {
        goto error_exit;

    tagstore = cache->tagstore;
    tag_index = (line->index * tagstore->num_blocks_per_set);

    switch (CACHE_GET_REPLACEMENT_POLICY(cache)) {
        case CACHE_REPL_PLCY_LRU:
            block_id = cache_get_lru_block(tagstore, mref, line);
            if (CACHE_RV_ERR == block_id)
                goto error_exit;

        case CACHE_REPL_PLCY_LFU:
            block_id = cache_get_lfu_block(tagstore, mref, line);
            if (CACHE_RV_ERR == block_id)
                goto error_exit;

             * According to LFU policy, the row ref count should be set to
             * the ref count of the block being evicted and the evicted block 
             * ref count should be reset.
            tagstore->set_ref_count[line->index] = 
                tagstore->tag_data[tag_index + block_id].ref_count;
            tagstore->tag_data[tag_index + block_id].ref_count = 0;
#ifdef DBG_ON
            printf("set_ref_count %u, tag_ref_count %u\n",
                    tagstore->tag_data[tag_index + block_id].ref_count);
#endif /* DBG_ON */

            goto error_exit;
    dprint_dp("LRU EVICT FROM %s, INDEX %u, BLOCK %d, DIRTY %u\n",
        CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line->index, block_id, 
        cache_util_is_block_dirty(tagstore, line, block_id));

    dprint_info("LRU evict: %s, index %u , block %d, dirty %u\n", 
        CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line->index, block_id, 
        cache_util_is_block_dirty(tagstore, line, block_id));

     * If victim is present, all evictions from L1 should goto victim cache.
     * Force write those evictions to victim cache here,
    if (CACHE_IS_L1(cache) && (cache_util_is_victim_present())) {
        dprint_dp("%s, index %u, block %u, force write "                \
            "from %s to %s due to eviction\n",
            CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line->index, block_id,
            CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), CACHE_GET_NAME(cache->next_cache));

        dprint_info("%s, index %u, block %u, writing non-dirty block "  \
            "from %s to %s due to eviction\n",
            CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line->index, block_id,
            CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), CACHE_GET_NAME(cache->next_cache));
        cache_handle_dirty_tag_evicts(cache, mref, block_id);

        goto ret_id;
    /* If the block to be evicted is dirty, write it back if required. */
    if (cache_util_is_block_dirty(tagstore, line, block_id)) {
        dprint_info("selected a dirty block to evict in index %u, block %d\n",
                line->index, block_id);
        cache_handle_dirty_tag_evicts(cache, mref, block_id);

    return block_id;

    return CACHE_RV_ERR;
 * Name:    cache_handle_dirty_tag_evicts 
 * Desc:    Handles dirty tag evicts from the cache. If the write policy is
 *          set to write back, writes the block to next level of memory. 
 * Params:
 *  cache       ptr to the cache containing the dirty block
 *  mem_ref     incoming memory reference
 *  block_id    ID of the block within the set which has to be evicted
 * Returns: Nothing
cache_handle_dirty_tag_evicts(cache_generic_t *cache, mem_ref_t *mem_ref, 
        uint32_t block_id)
    uint16_t            latency = 0;
    uint32_t            tag_index = 0;
    uint32_t            *tags = NULL;
    cache_line_t        line;
    cache_tagstore_t    *tagstore = NULL;
    cache_tag_data_t    *tag_data = NULL;

    if ((!cache) || (!mem_ref)) {
        goto exit;
    tagstore = cache->tagstore;

    /* Decode the memmory reference to the current cache's cache line. */
    memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line));
    cache_util_decode_mem_addr(tagstore, mem_ref->ref_addr, &line);

    tag_index = (line.index * tagstore->num_blocks_per_set);
    tags = &tagstore->tags[tag_index];
    tag_data = &tagstore->tag_data[tag_index];

     * If there's another level of cache, write the dirty block to the next
     * available cache.
    if ((cache->next_cache) && (CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA == cache->write_plcy)) {
        mem_ref_t       write_ref;
        cache_line_t    write_line;

         * To write the dirty block to next cache, issue a write request to
         * the next cache by encoding the dirty tag to a memory ref addr and
         * the ref type as write.
        memset(&write_line, 0, sizeof(write_line));
        memset(&write_ref, 0, sizeof(write_ref));
        write_line.tag = tags[block_id];;
        write_line.index = line.index;
        cache_util_encode_mem_addr(tagstore, &write_line, &write_ref);
        write_ref.ref_type = MEM_REF_TYPE_WRITE;

        if (CACHE_IS_VC(cache->next_cache)) {
            boolean dirty = FALSE;

            dirty = tag_data[block_id].dirty;
            cache_write_to_victim(cache->next_cache, &write_ref, dirty);
            tag_data[block_id].dirty = 0;
            goto exit;

        dprint_dp("LRU WRITE TO %s, TAG %x, INDEX %u, BLOCK %d, DIRTY %u\n",
            CACHE_GET_NAME(cache->next_cache), line.tag, line.index, block_id, 
            cache_util_is_block_dirty(tagstore, &line, block_id));

        dprint_info("%s writing dirty block [%u, %d] to next level due "    \
                "to eviction", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.index, block_id);

        cache_evict_and_add_tag(cache->next_cache, &write_ref, &latency);
    } else {
        dprint_dp("LRU WRITE TO MEMORY, INDEX %u, BLOCK %d, DIRTY %u\n",
            line.index, block_id, 
            cache_util_is_block_dirty(tagstore, &line, block_id));

        dprint_info("%s writing dirty block [%u, %d] to memory due to eviction",
                CACHE_GET_NAME(cache), line.index, block_id);

    /* Update the write back counter and clear the dirty bit on the block. */ 
    cache->stats.num_write_backs += 1;
    cache->stats.num_blk_mem_traffic += 1;
    tag_data[block_id].dirty = 0;

 * Name:    cache_init
 * Desc:    Init code for cache. It sets up the cache parameters based on
 *          the user given cache configuration.
 * Params:  
 *  l1_cache    ptr to the L1 cache 
 *  vic_cache   ptr to the victim cache
 *  l2_cache    ptr to the L2 cache
 *  num_args    # of input arguments
 *  input       ptr to input list
 * Returns: Nothing
cache_init(cache_generic_t *l1_cache, cache_generic_t *vic_cache,
        cache_generic_t *l2_cache, int num_args, char **input)
    char        *trace_file = NULL;
    uint8_t     arg_iter = 0;
    uint32_t    blk_size = 0;
    uint32_t    l1_size = 0;
    uint16_t    l1_set_assoc = 0;
    uint32_t    l2_size = 0;
    uint16_t    l2_set_assoc = 0;
    uint32_t    victim_size = 0;

    if ((!l1_cache) || (!l2_cache) || (!input)) {
        goto exit;

    memset(l1_cache, 0, sizeof(*l1_cache));
    memset(l2_cache, 0, sizeof(*l2_cache));

    /* Input for caches is of the form: 
     * ... <block-size> <l1-cache-size> <l1-set-assoc>
     *                  <l2-cache-size> <l2-set-assoc> ...
    g_victim_present =  FALSE;

    blk_size = atoi(input[arg_iter++]);
    l1_size = atoi(input[arg_iter++]);
    l1_set_assoc = atoi(input[arg_iter++]);
    l2_size = atoi(input[arg_iter++]);
    g_l2_present = (l2_size ? TRUE : FALSE);
    l2_set_assoc = atoi(input[arg_iter++]);
    trace_file = input[arg_iter++];

    /* Init L1 cache. */
    strncpy(l1_cache->name, g_l1_name, (CACHE_NAME_LEN - 1));
    strncpy(l1_cache->trace_file, trace_file, (CACHE_TRACE_FILE_LEN - 1));
    l1_cache->size = l1_size;
    l1_cache->level = CACHE_LEVEL_1;
    l1_cache->set_assoc = l1_set_assoc;
    l1_cache->blk_size = blk_size;
    l1_cache->repl_plcy = CACHE_REPL_PLCY_LRU;
    l1_cache->write_plcy = CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA;
    l1_cache->victim_size = victim_size;
    l1_cache->stats.cache = l1_cache;
    dprint_info("%s init successful\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(l1_cache));

    /* Init victim cache. */
    if (cache_util_is_victim_present()) {
        strncpy(vic_cache->name, g_vic_name, (CACHE_NAME_LEN - 1));
        strncpy(vic_cache->trace_file, trace_file,
                (CACHE_TRACE_FILE_LEN - 1));
        vic_cache->size = victim_size;
        vic_cache->level = CACHE_LEVEL_L1_VICTIM;
        vic_cache->blk_size = blk_size;
        vic_cache->repl_plcy = CACHE_REPL_PLCY_LRU;
        vic_cache->write_plcy = CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA;
        vic_cache->stats.cache = vic_cache;
        vic_cache->set_assoc = /* VC is a fully associative cache. */
            (vic_cache->size / vic_cache->blk_size);
        dprint_info("%s init successful\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(vic_cache));

    /* Init L2 cache. */
    if (cache_util_is_l2_present()) {
        strncpy(l2_cache->name, g_l2_name, (CACHE_NAME_LEN - 1));
        l2_cache->size = l2_size;
        l2_cache->level = CACHE_LEVEL_2;
        l2_cache->set_assoc = l2_set_assoc;
        l2_cache->blk_size = blk_size;
        l2_cache->victim_size = 0;      /* No victim cache for L2 */
        l2_cache->repl_plcy = CACHE_REPL_PLCY_LRU;
        l2_cache->write_plcy = CACHE_WRITE_PLCY_WBWA;
        l2_cache->stats.cache = l2_cache;
        dprint_info("%s init successful\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(l2_cache));

    /* Set the previous and next caches. */
    if (cache_util_is_victim_present()) {
        l1_cache->prev_cache = NULL;
        l1_cache->next_cache = vic_cache;
        vic_cache->prev_cache = l1_cache;
        vic_cache->next_cache = NULL;

        if (cache_util_is_l2_present()) {
            vic_cache->next_cache = l2_cache;
            l2_cache->prev_cache = vic_cache;
            l2_cache->next_cache = NULL;
    } else if (cache_util_is_l2_present()) {
        l1_cache->prev_cache = NULL;
        l1_cache->next_cache = l2_cache;
        l2_cache->prev_cache = l1_cache;
        l2_cache->next_cache = NULL;

 * Name:    cache_tagstore_init
 * Desc:    Init code for a tagstore. Does the following:
 *          1. Calculates all the cache parameters based on the user 
 *              given specifications.
 *          2. Allocated memory for tags and tag_data. This will be a 
 *              contiguous allocation and the data should be accessed bu
 *              either 2D indices or by linearizing the 2D index to an 1D
 *              index. 
 *              1D_index = block_index + (set_index * blocks_per_set)
 *                             blocks-->
 *                      0      1      2      3 
 *                   +------+------+------+------+ 
 *                0  |      |      |      |      |  s
 *                   |      |      |      |      |  e
 *                   +------+------+------+------+  t
 *                1  |      |      |    * |      |  s
 *                   |      |      |      |      |  |
 *                   +------+----- +------+------+  |
 *                2  |      |      |      |      |  v
 *                   |      |      |      |      |
 *                   +------+------+------+------+
 *              To get to the * block, 2D index would be [1][2]
 *              eg., 1D_index = 2 + (1 * 4) = 6
 * Params:
 *  cache       ptr to the actual cache
 *  tagstore    ptr to the tagstore to be assoicated with the cache
 * Returns: Nothing
cache_tagstore_init(cache_generic_t *cache, cache_tagstore_t *tagstore)
    uint8_t     tag_bits = 0;
    uint8_t     index_bits = 0;
    uint8_t     blk_offset_bits = 0;
    uint32_t    num_sets = 0;
    uint32_t    num_blocks_per_set = 0;
    uint32_t    iter = 0;

    if ((!cache) || (!tagstore)) {
        goto exit;

     * # of tags that could be accomodated is same as the # of sets.
     * # of sets = (cache_size / (set_assoc * block_size))
    tagstore->num_sets = num_sets = 
        ((cache->size) / (cache->set_assoc * cache->blk_size));

     * blk_offset_bits = log_b2 (blk_size)
     * index_bits = log_b2 (# of sets)
     * tag_bits = addr_bits - index_bits - blk_offset_bits
     * num_blocks = num_sets * set_assoc
    tagstore->num_offset_bits = blk_offset_bits = 
    tagstore->num_index_bits = index_bits = 
    tagstore->num_tag_bits = tag_bits = (CACHE_ADDR_32BIT_LEN - 
            index_bits - blk_offset_bits);
    tagstore->num_blocks_per_set = num_blocks_per_set = cache->set_assoc;
    tagstore->num_blocks = num_sets * num_blocks_per_set;

    /* Allocate memory to store indices, tags and tag data. */ 
    tagstore->lru_block_id = calloc(1, num_sets * sizeof(uint8_t));
    tagstore->index = 
        calloc(1, (num_sets * sizeof(uint32_t)));
    tagstore->tags = 
        calloc(1, (num_sets * num_blocks_per_set * sizeof (uint32_t)));
    tagstore->tag_data = 
        calloc(1, (num_sets * num_blocks_per_set * 
                    sizeof (*(tagstore->tag_data))));
    tagstore->set_ref_count = calloc(1, (num_sets * sizeof(uint32_t)));

    if ((!tagstore->index) || (!tagstore->tags) || (!tagstore->tag_data)) {
        dprint("Error: Unable to allocate memory for cache %s tagstore.\n",
        goto fatal_exit;

    /* Initialize indices. */
    for (iter = 0; iter < num_sets; ++iter)
        tagstore->index[iter] = iter;

    /* Assoicate the tagstore to the given cache and vice-versa. */
    cache->tagstore = tagstore;
    tagstore->cache = cache;

#ifdef DBG_ON
    dprint_info("printing ts data for %s\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache));
#endif /* DBG_ON */

    dprint_info("%s, tagstore init successful\n", CACHE_GET_NAME(cache));


    /* Fatal exit. Quit the program. */