void init () {
  int c, x, y, i;

  srand (time(NULL));
  initscr ();
  raw (); nodelay(stdscr,1); noecho(); curs_set(0); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,1);
  PDC_set_title("Cymon's Games - Alleytris");
  for (c = 0; c < COLORS; c++)
    if (c == COLOR_WHITE) init_pair(c, COLOR_BLACK, c);
    else init_pair(c, COLOR_WHITE, c);
  /* Allocate the memory required for the board buffer here */
  buf = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (HEIGHT + 1));
  for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT + 1; i++) {
      buf[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (col_width + 2));
  x = (COLS - col_width - 15) / 2; y = (LINES - HEIGHT) / 2;
  clear (); refresh ();
  pwin = newwin(HEIGHT + 1, col_width * 2 + 2, y, x);
  nwin = newwin(6, 10, y + 1, x + col_width * 2 + 5);
  iwin = newwin(15, 15, y + 8, x + col_width * 2 + 3);
  wattrset (iwin, COLOR_PAIR (COLORS / 2));
  wfillrect (iwin, 1, 1, 14, 13);
  box (iwin, 0,0);
  drawmsg (iwin, 4, 1, 10, instruct);
  wrefresh (iwin);
int again (int hs) {
  int ch;
  WINDOW *againwin;

  againwin = newwin(11, 13, (LINES / 2) - 6, (COLS / 2) - 4);
  wattrset (againwin, COLOR_PAIR (COLORS / 2 - 1));
  wfillrect (againwin, 0, 0, 11, 13);
  mvwprintw (againwin, 1, 1, "High Score:");
  mvwprintw (againwin, 3, 3, " %d lines", hs);
  drawmsg (againwin, 6, 1, 4, againmsg);
  wrefresh (againwin);
  wclear (againwin);
  do {ch = getch();}
  while ((tolower(ch) != 'q')&&(tolower(ch) != 'n')&&(tolower(ch) != 'y'));
  wrefresh (againwin);
  wattrset (iwin, COLOR_PAIR (COLORS / 2));
  wfillrect (iwin, 1, 1, 14, 13);
  box (iwin, 0,0);
  drawmsg (iwin, 4, 1, 10, instruct);
  wrefresh (iwin);
  delwin (againwin);
  if (tolower(ch) == 'y') return 1;
  else return 0;
int play () {
  BRICKTYPE brick, shadow;
  int level, next, lines, in, c, d, shadcol, nextop, shadop;
  double delay;
  clock_t start, check;

  level = 1; nextop = 1; shadop = 0; lines = 0;
  for (c = 0; c < HEIGHT + 1; c++) for (d = 0; d < col_width + 2; d++)
    buf[c][d] = (c < HEIGHT  && d > 0 && d < col_width + 1) ? 0 : 1;
  brick.piece = rand () % PIECES;
  brick.x = col_width / 2; brick.y = 0;
  do { /* Next piece */
    delay = 1.0 - level * .05;
    if (delay < .10) delay = 0.10 - (level - 20) * .01;
    if (delay < .06) delay = 0.6;
    if (shadop) brick.y = -2;
    next = rand () % PIECES;

    if (brick.piece % (COLORS / 2) == level % (COLORS / 2))
      shadcol = (brick.piece + 1) % (COLORS / 2);
    else shadcol = brick.piece % (COLORS / 2);

    drawplay (level);
    mvwprintw (iwin, 1, 2, "Level : %d", level);
    mvwprintw (iwin, 2, 2, "Lines : %d", lines);
    wrefresh (iwin);
    start = clock ();
    shadow.piece = brick.piece;
    do {
      shadow.x = brick.x; shadow.y = brick.y; shadow.rot = brick.rot;
      while (!clip(&shadow)) shadow.y++; shadow.y--;
      if (nextop) drawpiece (nwin, 1, 2, brick.rot, next, BCOL(next));
      if (shadop) drawpiece (pwin, shadow.y, shadow.x, shadow.rot, shadow.piece, shadcol);
      drawpiece (pwin, brick.y, brick.x, brick.rot, brick.piece, BCOL(brick.piece));
      wrefresh (pwin); wrefresh (nwin);

      do {
        in = getch ();
        check = clock ();
      } while ((in == ERR)&&((double)(check - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC < delay));

      if (nextop)
        drawpiece (nwin, 1, 2, brick.rot, next, (level + 1) % (COLORS / 2));
      if (shadop)
        drawpiece (pwin, shadow.y, shadow.x, shadow.rot, shadow.piece, level % (COLORS / 2));
      drawpiece (pwin, brick.y, brick.x, brick.rot, brick.piece, level % (COLORS / 2));

      if ((double)(check - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC > delay) {
        brick.y++; start = clock ();
      else switch (in) {
        case KEY_RIGHT : brick.x++;
                         if (clip(&brick)) brick.x--;
                         else start = clock ();
        case KEY_LEFT  : brick.x--;
                         if (clip(&brick)) brick.x++;
                         else start = clock ();
        case KEY_UP    : brick.rot++; brick.rot %= 4;
                         if (clip(&brick)) {
                           if (clip (&brick)) {
                             brick.x += 2;
                             if (clip (&brick)) {
                               brick.x--; brick.rot += 3; brick.rot %= 4;
                             } else start = clock ();
                           } else start = clock ();
                         } else start = clock ();
        case KEY_DOWN  : brick.y++;
                         start = clock ();
        case ' '       : while (!clip(&brick)) brick.y++;
                         start = clock ();
        case 'n' :
        case 'N' : nextop = !nextop; break;
        case 's' :
        case 'S' : shadop = !shadop; break;
        case 'p' :
        case 'P' : wattrset (pwin, COLOR_PAIR(level % (COLORS / 2)));
                   wfillrect (pwin, 0, 1, HEIGHT, col_width * 2);
                   drawmsg (pwin, HEIGHT / 2, 2, 4, pausemsg);
                   wrefresh (pwin);
                   while (getch() == ERR) {}
                   drawplay (level);
                   wrefresh (pwin);
        case 'q' :
        case 'Q' : return (lines);
    } while (!clip (&brick)); /* end of brickfall */
    if (brick.y < 0) return (lines);
    for (d = 0; d < 4; d++) for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) /* commit piece to buffer */
    if (blocks[rx(brick.rot % rots[brick.piece], d, c)][brick.piece][ry(brick.rot % rots[brick.piece], d, c)] != '.')
      buf[d + brick.y][c + brick.x - 1] = BCOL(brick.piece);
    drawplay (level);
    lines += clearedlines (level);
    level = lines / 10 + 1;
    brick.piece = next; brick.x = col_width / 2; brick.y = 0;
    next = rand () % PIECES;
  } while (!clip (&brick)); /* end of game */
  drawpiece (pwin, brick.y, brick.x, brick.rot, brick.piece, BCOL(brick.piece));
  wrefresh (pwin);
  return (lines);
文件: dunst_dbus.c 项目: wm4/dunst
notify(DBusMessage *dmsg) {
    DBusMessage *reply;
    DBusMessageIter args;
    DBusMessageIter hints;
    DBusMessageIter hint;
    char *hint_name;

    int i;
    int id = 23;
    const char *appname = NULL;
    const char *summary = NULL;
    const char *body = NULL;
    const char *icon = NULL;
    const char *fgcolor = NULL;
    const char *bgcolor = NULL;
    int urgency = 1;
    msg_queue_t *msg = malloc(sizeof(msg_queue_t));
    dbus_uint32_t nid=0;
    dbus_int32_t expires=-1;

    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "new dbus message\n");
    dbus_message_iter_init(dmsg, &args);

    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting appname\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &args, &appname);

    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );
    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting nid\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &args, &nid);

    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );
    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting icon\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &args, &icon);

    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );
    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting summary\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &args, &summary);

    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );
    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting body\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &args, &body);

    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );
    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );

    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting hints\n");
    dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &hints);
    dbus_message_iter_next( &args );

    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting expires\n");
    _extract_basic(DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &args, &expires);

    dunst_printf(DEBUG, "extracting hints\n");
    while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&hints) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
        dbus_message_iter_recurse(&hints, &hint);
        while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&hint) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
            if(dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&hint) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
            dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&hint, &hint_name);
            _extract_hint("urgency", hint_name, &hint, &urgency);
            _extract_hint("fgcolor", hint_name, &hint, &fgcolor);
            _extract_hint("bgcolor", hint_name, &hint, &bgcolor);

    if(expires > 0) {
        /* do some rounding */
        expires = (expires+500)/1000;
        if(expires < 1) {
            expires = 1;
    msg->appname = strdup(appname);
    msg->summary = strdup(summary);
    msg->body = strdup(body);
    msg->icon = strdup(icon);
    msg->timeout = expires;
    msg->urgency = urgency;
    for(i = 0; i < ColLast; i++) {
        msg->color_strings[i] = NULL;
    msg->color_strings[ColFG] = fgcolor == NULL ? NULL : strdup(fgcolor);
    msg->color_strings[ColBG] = bgcolor == NULL ? NULL : strdup(bgcolor);
    msgqueue = add(msgqueue, msg);

    reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(dmsg);

    dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &args);
    dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &id);
    dbus_connection_send(dbus_conn, reply, &dbus_serial);
