void level(void){// レベルの表記 if(a==1) drawstr(win, 5, 485, 18, 0.0, "LV1");// 初期レベル1 if(a==2) drawstr(win, 5, 485, 18, 0.0, "LV2"); if(a==3) drawstr(win, 5, 485, 18, 0.0, "LV3"); if(a==4) drawstr(win, 5, 485, 18, 0.0, "LV4"); if(a==5) drawstr(win, 5, 485, 18, 0.0, "LV5");// 最高レベル5 }
void drawPredicates(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPoint pts[]) { SkRegion rgn; build_base_rgn(&rgn); drawstr(canvas, "Intersects", pts[0], rgn.intersects(fRect)); drawstr(canvas, "Contains", pts[1], rgn.contains(fRect)); }
int main() { time_t time_now ; int win ; char d0[8],d1[8],d2[8],d3[8], t0[16] ; gsetinitialattributes(ENABLE,DOCK_APPLICATION) ; win = gopen(56,56) ; layer(win,0,1) ; while(1){ time(&time_now) ; sscanf(ctime(&time_now),"%s %s %s %s %s\n",d0,d1,d2,t0,d3) ; gclr(win) ; newrgbcolor(win,0xff,0xff,0xff) ; drawstr(win,4,1, 8 ,0,"%s %s %s",d0,d1,d2) ; drawstr(win,4,46, 10 ,0,"%s",t0) ; gputimage(win,0,10,Ppmimage,PPM_WIDTH,PPM_HEIGHT,0) ; newrgbcolor(win,0x40,0x40,0x40) ; moveto(win,0,0) ; lineto(win,0,55) ; lineto(win,55,55) ; newrgbcolor(win,0xe7,0xe7,0xe7) ; lineto(win,55,0) ; lineto(win,0,0) ; copylayer(win,1,0) ; msleep(200) ; } gcloseall() ; return(0) ; }
void content() { extern bool SphereInFrustum (float,float,float,float); glClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // extract frustum parameter of current camera extern void ExtractFrustum(); ExtractFrustum(); int nshow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NSPHERES; i++) { if (! cull || SphereInFrustum (pos[i][0], pos[i][1],pos[i][2], radius[i])) { ++nshow; glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef (pos[i][0], pos[i][1], pos[i][2]); glutSolidSphere (radius[i], 120,120); glPopMatrix(); } } BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (10,10); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glColor3f (1,1,0); if (cull) drawstr (1,1, "cull [%d|%d]", NSPHERES-nshow, NSPHERES); else drawstr (1,1, "no cull"); END_2D_OVERLAY(); content_count++; glutSwapBuffers(); }
void LEVEL4(void){//レベル4に出る半分を埋め尽くす円 if(a==4){//半分を埋め尽くす円 newpen(win, 4);//色は青 fillcirc(win, harf_x, harf_y, 200.0, 200.0); if(harf_x == 400){//右側の場合の当たり判定 if( (200+5)*(200+5) > (x-400)*(x-400)+(25-harf_y)*(25-harf_y) ){ gclr(win); newpen(win, 1); drawstr(win, 150, 250, 24, 0.0, "GAMEOVER"); msleep(time*30); exit(0); } } if(harf_x == 0){//左側の場合の当たり判定 if( (200+5)*(200+5) > (x-0)*(x-0)+(25-harf_y)*(25-harf_y) ){ gclr(win); newpen(win, 1); drawstr(win, 150, 250, 24, 0.0, "GAMEOVER"); msleep(time*30); exit(0); } } harf_y-=5;//落下速度 } }
static void draw_group_settings(int x, int y, int UNUSED(width), int UNUSED(height)) { setcolor(COLOR_MAIN_TEXT); setfont(FONT_SELF_NAME); drawstr(x + SCALE(10), y + MAIN_TOP + SCALE(10), GROUP_TOPIC); drawstr(x + SCALE(10), y + MAIN_TOP + SCALE(70), GROUP_NOTIFICATIONS); }
static const char *draw_text_justified(char *line, rect r, int line_height, int underline, const char *s) { char *j, *k; int w, xw, nl, sc, sw, space_width; point p; int width, height; font f; space_width = strwidth(current->fnt, " "); f = current->fnt; for(p=pt(r.x,r.y); (p.y<=r.y+r.height) && (s); p.y+=line_height) { s = get_next_line(line, r.width, s); p.x = r.x; for(j=line; (*j!='\0') && isspace(*j); j++) p.x += space_width; for (sc=0, k=j; *k!='\0'; k++) if (isspace(*k)) sc++; for (nl=0, --k; (k>=j) && isspace(*k); k--) { if (*k == '\n') nl++; *k = '\0'; sc--; } if ((sc==0) || nl || (! s)) { drawstr(p, j); width = strwidth(f, j); } else { w = strwidth(f, j); sw = space_width + (r.x+r.width-p.x-w)/sc; xw = (r.x+r.width-p.x-w)%sc; for(j=strtok(j," "); j; j=strtok(NULL," ")) { drawstr(p, j); p.x += sw + strwidth(f, j); if (xw) { p.x++; xw--; } } width = r.width; } if (underline) { height = p.y+getheight(f)-getdescent(f)+2; drawline(pt(p.x+1, height), pt(p.x+width-1, height)); } } return s; }
void draw_2p_menu_decor(int pl, int x, int y) { x++; drawstr("\\l\\x", 0, x, y-1); y += 2; setcurs(x-1, y); putch(pl+'0'); drawstr("P\\x\\2m", 0, x, y); }
void setup() { GD.begin(); GD.uncompress(RAM_CHR, cp437_chr); GD.uncompress(RAM_PAL, cp437_pal); drawstr(atxy(0, 0), "Hello"); drawstr(atxy(10, 2), "This is the cp437 font"); for (byte i = 0; i < 14; i++) { drawstr(atxy(i, 4 + i), " *Gameduino* "); } }
void cell_draw(cell* cell) { glColor3ub(0, 255, 128); if (selection == cell->id) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 0); drawstr(10, 240, cell->info); glColor3ub(255, 0, 0); } drawstr(cell->x, cell->y, cell->format, cell->value); }
void main_display(void) { glClearColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3ub(0, 0, 0); setfont("helvetica", 12); drawstr(GAP, GAP-5, "World-space view"); drawstr(GAP+sub_width+GAP, GAP-5, "Screen-space view"); drawstr(GAP, GAP+sub_height+GAP-5, "Command manipulation window"); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void helper() { BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (ww, wh); setfont("9x15", 80); drawstr(10, 10, "o/O = Show origin."); drawstr(10, 30, "r/R = Reset camera position."); drawstr(10, 50, "+/- = Change the color in positive/negative halves."); drawstr(10, 70, "x/X = Coordinate selection (X or Y)."); drawstr(10, 90, "c/C = Change the model."); END_2D_OVERLAY(); }
void fail(char *msg){ u8 i=0; LED_RED=LOW; SSN = LOW; erasescreen(); drawstr(1,2,"FATAL ERROR:"); drawstr(2,2,msg); SSN = HIGH; for(i=0;i<5;i++) sleepMillis(1000); //reset(); }
static void drawadd_content(int x, int y, int width, int height) { setcolor(C_TITLE); setfont(FONT_TEXT); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 5, "Tox ID"); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 29, "Message"); if(addfriend_status) { setfont(FONT_MISC); setcolor(C_RED); drawtext(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 83, addstatus[addfriend_status - 1].str, addstatus[addfriend_status - 1].length); } }
void world_display(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); setfont("helvetica", 18); if (mode == GL_LINEAR) { drawstr(100, 80, "end - z"); drawstr(30, 95, "f = "); drawstr(90, 110, "end - start"); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2i(85, 90); glVertex2i(185, 90); glEnd(); } else { drawstr(90, 80, "- (density * z)"); drawstr(30, 95, "f = e"); if (mode == GL_EXP2) drawstr(208, 68, "2"); } setfont("helvetica", 12); drawstr(20, 180, "z is the distance in eye coordinates"); drawstr(20, 195, "from origin to fragment being fogged."); glutSwapBuffers(); }
static void hint(void) { BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (gw, gh); glPushAttrib (GL_ENABLE_BIT); glDisable (GL_LIGHTING); glColor3f (0.88, 0.02, 0.89); setfont ("9x15",0); drawstr (10,gh-20, "r : switch raytrace"); drawstr (10,gh-40, "t : show the trace"); drawstr (10,gh-80, "Press '1' or '2' to change mode "); drawstr (10,gh-100, "a : AUTO ON/OFF MODE %d", mode); if( _auto ) { drawstr (10,gh-60, "+ : SPEED++ / - : SPEED--"); glColor3f (1, 0.02, 0.02); drawstr (10, gh-120, "AUTO : ON / SPEED = %.3f", omega); } else { drawstr (10,gh-60, "+ : clockwise - : counter clockwise"); glColor3f (.5, 0.5, 0.5); drawstr (10, gh-120, "AUTO : OFF"); } glPopAttrib(); END_2D_OVERLAY(); }
/* Draw add a friend window */ static void drawadd(int UNUSED(x), int UNUSED(y), int UNUSED(w), int height) { setcolor(C_TITLE); setfont(FONT_SELF_NAME); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, SCALE * 10, ADDFRIENDS); setcolor(C_TITLE); setfont(FONT_TEXT); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, LIST_Y + SCALE * 5, TOXID); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, LIST_Y + SCALE * 29, MESSAGE); if(addfriend_status) { setfont(FONT_MISC); setcolor(C_RED); STRING *str; switch(addfriend_status) { case ADDF_SENT: str = SPTR(REQ_SENT); break; case ADDF_DISCOVER: str = SPTR(REQ_RESOLVE); break; case ADDF_BADNAME: str = SPTR(REQ_INVALID_ID); break; case ADDF_NONAME: str = SPTR(REQ_EMPTY_ID); break; case ADDF_TOOLONG: //if message length is too long. str = SPTR(REQ_LONG_MSG); break; case ADDF_NOMESSAGE: //if no message (message length must be >= 1 byte). str = SPTR(REQ_NO_MSG); break; case ADDF_OWNKEY: //if user's own key. str = SPTR(REQ_SELF_ID); break; case ADDF_ALREADYSENT: //if friend request already sent or already a friend. str = SPTR(REQ_ALREADY_FRIENDS); break; case ADDF_BADCHECKSUM: //if bad checksum in address. str = SPTR(REQ_BAD_CHECKSUM); break; case ADDF_SETNEWNOSPAM: //if the friend was already there but the nospam was different. str = SPTR(REQ_BAD_NOSPAM); break; case ADDF_NOMEM: //if increasing the friend list size fails. str = SPTR(REQ_NO_MEMORY); break; case ADDF_UNKNOWN: //for unknown error. case ADDF_NONE: //this case must never be rendered, but if it does, assume it's an error default: str = SPTR(REQ_UNKNOWN); break; } drawtextmultiline(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, utox_window_width - BM_SBUTTON_WIDTH - 5 * SCALE, LIST_Y + SCALE * 83, 0, height, font_small_lineheight, str->str, str->length, 0xFFFF, 0, 1); } }
void cell_draw(cell* cell) { glColor3ub(0, 255, 128); if (selection == cell->id) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 0); drawstr(10, 525, cell->info); glColor3ub(255, 0, 0); } if (cell->id == 21 && cell->value > 90.0) /* treat cutoff specially */ drawstr(cell->x, cell->y, cell->format, 180.0); else drawstr(cell->x, cell->y, cell->format, cell->value); }
static void drawsettings_content(int x, int y, int w, int height) { setcolor(C_TITLE); setfont(FONT_TEXT); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 5, "Name"); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 29, "Status Message"); drawtextrange(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, width - SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 64, self.id, sizeof(self.id)); setfont(FONT_SELF_NAME); drawstr(LIST_RIGHT + SCALE * 5, y + SCALE * 54, "Tox ID"); }
static void remake_tree(int win, double order, double rt, double ra, double rnd, int bgcolor_r, int bgcolor_g, int bgcolor_b) { Cdbl z2 = 0 + 0.9 * L / (1 - pow(rt, order + 1)) * I; Cdbl z1 = 0; int i; /* 背景色専用レイヤ */ layer(win, 0, 2); for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { newrgbcolor(win, bgcolor_r + 128.0 * i / L, bgcolor_g + 128.0 * i / L, bgcolor_b + 128.0 * i / L); drawline(win, -L / 2, i, L / 2 - 1, i); } /* treeのマスク専用レイヤ */ layer(win, 0, 4); gsetbgcolor(win, "#ffffff"); gclr(win); newcolor(win, "#000000"); btree(win, z1, z2, order, rt, ra, rnd); /* treeの専用レイヤ */ layer(win, 0, 3); gsetbgcolor(win, "#003300"); gclr(win); newgcfunction(win, GXandInverted); gputarea(win, -L / 2, 0, win, 4, -L / 2, 0, L / 2 - 1, L - 1); newgcfunction(win, GXcopy); newcolor(win, "white"); drawstr(win, L / 2 - 180, 4, 14, 0, "Background Color: " "#%02x%02x%02x", bgcolor_r, bgcolor_g, bgcolor_b); }
void *b_fonc (void * arg) { int is, numero, i,j, m1; numero = (int)arg; m1 = 20; i = m1; printf("numero= %d, i=%d \n",numero,i); drawstr (30, 125, "_0_", 3); drawrec (100,100,100+m1*10,30); for (j=1;j<=m1;j++) { printf("num %d j=%d\n",numero,j); fillrec (100,102,100+j*10,26,"yellow"); usleep(70000); } flushdis (); return ( (void *)(numero+100) ); }
static const char *draw_text_left(char *line, rect r, int line_height, int underline, const char *s) { char *k; point p; int width, height; font f; f = current->fnt; for(p=pt(r.x,r.y); (p.y<=r.y+r.height) && (s); p.y+=line_height) { s = get_next_line(line, r.width, s); for (k=line; *k!='\0'; k++) continue; for (--k; (k>=line) && isspace(*k); k--) *k = '\0'; drawstr(p, line); if (underline) { width = strwidth(f, line); height = p.y+getheight(f)-getdescent(f)+2; drawline(pt(p.x+1, height), pt(p.x+width-1, height)); } } return s; }
int main() { int win ; time_t time_now ; char d0[8],d1[8],d2[8],d3[8], t0[16] ; /* open a graphic window */ win = gopen(FONTSIZE*24/2+4,FONTSIZE+4) ; /* set name of window */ winname(win,"Simple Clock") ; /* configure layer */ layer(win,0,1) ; /* display time... */ while(1){ time(&time_now) ; sscanf(ctime(&time_now),"%s %s %s %s %s",d0,d1,d2,t0,d3) ; gclr(win) ; drawstr(win,2,2,FONTSIZE,0,"%s %s %s %s %s",d0,d1,d2,t0,d3) ; copylayer(win,1,0) ; msleep(200) ; } /* close a graphic window */ gclose(win) ; return(0) ; }
void content() { glClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); grid(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated (point[0], point[1],point[2]); glRotatef (angle, 0,1,0); glTranslatef (0,1,0); glScalef (2/scale, 2/scale, 2/scale); glTranslatef (-center[0],-center[1],-center[2]); loopover = MD2MInterpolate (yoshi); glPopMatrix(); // teapots for (int i = 0; i < nteapots; i++) { teapots[i].show(); } BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (10,10); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor3f (1,1,0); char display[20]; sprintf (display, "Score: %d", total_score); drawstr (1,1, display); END_2D_OVERLAY(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
/* initialize the IO subsystems for the appropriate dongles */ static void io_init(void) { #ifdef IMME #ifdef IMMEDONGLE // CC1110 on IMME pink dongle // IM-ME Dongle. It's a CC1110, so no USB stuffs. Still, a bit of stuff to init for talking // to it's own Cypress USB chip P0SEL |= (BIT5 | BIT3); // Select SCK and MOSI as SPI P0DIR |= BIT4 | BIT6; // SSEL and LED as output P0 &= ~(BIT4 | BIT2); // Drive SSEL and MISO low P1IF = 0; // clear P1 interrupt flag IEN2 |= IEN2_P1IE; // enable P1 interrupt P1IEN |= BIT1; // enable interrupt for P1.1 P1DIR |= BIT0; // P1.0 as output, attention line to cypress P1 &= ~BIT0; // not ready to receive #else // full blown IMME with screen and keyboard //Disable WDT IEN2&=~IEN2_WDTIE; IEN0&=~EA; setIOPorts(); configureSPI(); LCDReset(); //Startup display. setDisplayStart(0); SSN = LOW; setNormalReverse(0); erasescreen(); drawstr(0,0, "IMME SNIFF v0.1"); SSN = HIGH; //immeLCDInitScreen(); //sleepMillis(100); #endif #else // CC1111 #ifdef DONSDONGLES // CC1111 USB Dongle // turn on LED and BUTTON P1DIR |= 3; // Activate BUTTON - Do we need this? //CC1111EM_BUTTON = 1; #else // CC1111 USB (ala Chronos watch dongle), we just need LED P1DIR |= 3; #endif // CC1111 #ifndef VIRTUAL_COM // Turn off LED LED = 0; #endif #endif // conditional }
void timecount(void){//タイムの表記 if(count % 10 == 0){ p++; } sprintf(k, "%d", p); newpen(win, 1); drawstr(win, 6, 468, 18, 0.0, k); }
void overlay() { glUseProgram(0); glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (gw, gh); if(USE_GREY_FILTER) { glColor3f(1, 0, 0); drawstr(10, gh - 20, "GREY_FILTER = ON"); } else { glColor3f(1, 1, 0); drawstr(10, gh - 20, "GREY_FILTER = OFF"); } if(USE_MOSAIC_FILTER) { glColor3f(1, 0, 0); drawstr(10, gh - 50, "MOSAIC_FILTER = ON"); } else { glColor3f(1, 1, 0); drawstr(10, gh - 50, "MOSAIC_FILTER = OFF"); } glColor3f(1, 1, 0); drawstr(10, 10, "Press c/C to enable/disable program to use grey filter."); drawstr(10, 40, "Press m/M to enable/disable program to use mosaic filter."); drawstr(10, 70, "Press Space to enable/disable AL to animate."); END_2D_OVERLAY(); glPopAttrib(); }
void info() { glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); BEGIN_2D_OVERLAY (gw, gh); glColor3f(0, 1, 0); drawstr(10, 10, "Press b/B to use or not to use bump mapping."); if (NOBUMP) drawstr(10, 40, "NO BUMP"); else { glColor3f(0.5, 0, 0); drawstr(10, 40, "BUMP"); } END_2D_OVERLAY(); glPopAttrib(); }
void drawGameText() { glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); drawstr((rightbound - leftbound) * 1.0/4.0, 5.0, 0.05, "SCORE %d", score); drawstr((rightbound - leftbound) * 2.0/4.0, 5.0, 0.05, "LEVEL %d", level.speed+1); drawstr((rightbound - leftbound) * 3.0/4.0, 5.0, 0.05, "LIVES x %d", lives); if (paused | gameover) { COORDINATE vertcenter = lowerbound/2; COORDINATE horzcenter = rightbound/2; glColor3f(0,0,0); glRectf(horzcenter-30, vertcenter-5, horzcenter+30, vertcenter+5); glColor3f(1,1,1); if (paused) drawstr(horzcenter-10, vertcenter+1, 0.05, "PAUSE"); else if (gameover) drawstr(horzcenter-20, vertcenter+1, 0.05, "GAME OVER"); } }
int gprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { static point p = {0,0}; int count; int line_height; char *s, *t; va_list argptr; char str[256]; va_start(argptr, fmt); count = vsprintf(str, fmt, argptr); initapp(0,0); if (! current->fnt) current->fnt = SystemFont; line_height = getheight(current->fnt); for (s=t=str; *s!='\0'; t++) { if (current->p.y != p.y) { /* typewriter ping! */ p = current->p; } if (*t == '\n') { /* print everything from s to t and move point down */ *t = '\0'; drawstr(p, s); current->p.y += line_height; /* go past the substring just printed */ s = t+1; } else if (*t == '\0') { /* print final string without newline */ p.x += drawstr(p, s); /* go to end of string, signal termination */ s = t; } } va_end(argptr); return count; }