 * Reads frequency attributes into the pre-allocated freqs array.
static void parse_freq_attrs(PS_T *ps, const char* tag, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  int i, ncore, seen, *idx;
  char *end_ptr;
  double value, sum;
  RBNODE_T *node;
  bool seen_bad;
  ncore = rbtree_size(ps->alph_ids);
  // initilize the freqs array
  if (ps->freqs == NULL) ps->freqs = mm_malloc(sizeof(double) * ncore);
  // reset freqs array;
  for (i = 0; i < ncore; i++) ps->freqs[i] = -1;
  seen = 0;
  seen_bad = false;
  sum = 0.0;
  // iterate over attributes
  for (i = 0; attrs[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
    idx = (int*)rbtree_get(ps->alph_ids, attrs[i]);
    if (idx != NULL) {
      assert(*idx < ncore);
      if (ps->freqs[*idx] != -1) {
        dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_DUPLICATE, tag, (const char*)attrs[i], NULL);
      errno = 0; // reset because we're about to check it
      value = strtod((const char*)attrs[i+1], &end_ptr);
      // allow out of range values, mainly because freqs can be very close to zero
      if (end_ptr == (const char*)attrs[i+1] || (errno && errno != ERANGE) || value < 0 || value > 1) {
        dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_BAD_VALUE, tag, (const char*)attrs[i], (const char*)attrs[i+1]);
        ps->freqs[*idx] = 0; // mark frequence as seen, even though it's bad
        seen_bad = true;
      ps->freqs[*idx] = value;
      sum += value;
  // check we got everthing
  if (seen < ncore) {
    // identify what we're missing
    for (node = rbtree_first(ps->alph_ids); node != NULL; node = rbtree_next(node)) {
      idx = (int*)rbtree_value(node);
      if (ps->freqs[*idx] == -1) {
        dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, tag, (char*)rbtree_key(node), NULL);
  } else if (!seen_bad) {
    // check the frequencies sum to 1
    double delta = sum - 1;
    delta = (delta < 0 ? -delta : delta);
    if (delta > (0.001 * ncore)) {
      // dreme writes background probabilities to 3 decimal places so assuming 
      // the error on each is at maximum 0.001 then the total error for the 
      // sum must be less than or equal to 0.004
      error(ps, "Probabilities of %s do not sum to 1, got %g .\n", tag, sum);
 * dreme > model > negatives
 *  name            the name of the negative dataset
 *  count           the number of sequences in the negative dataset
 *  from            the source of the negative dataset (eg shuffled positives)
 *  file            the file containing the negative dataset (optional)
 *  last_mod_date   the last modified date of the file (optional)
static void start_ele_negatives(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  char *name, *file, *lastmod;
  long count;
  int from;

  file = NULL;
  lastmod = NULL;

  char* from_options[2] = {"file", "shuffled"};
  int from_values[2] = {DREME_NEG_FILE, DREME_NEG_SHUFFLED};
  MULTI_T from_multi = {.count = 2, .options = from_options, .outputs = from_values, .target = &(from)};

  char* names[5] = {"count", "file", "from", "last_mod_date", "name"};
  int (*parsers[5])(char*, void*) = {ld_long, ld_str, ld_multi, ld_str, ld_str};
  void *data[5] = {&count, &file, &from_multi, &lastmod, &name};
  BOOLEAN_T done[5];

  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "negatives", attrs, 5, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->state != PS_ERROR && from == DREME_NEG_FILE) {
    if (file == NULL) {
      dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "negatives", "file", NULL);
    if (lastmod == NULL) {
      dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "negatives", "last_mod_date", NULL);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_negatives && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_negatives(ps->user_data, name, count, (DREME_NEG_EN)from, file, lastmod);

 * dreme > model > background
 *  type            is the alphabet DNA or RNA
 *  A               frequency of A
 *  C               frequency of C
 *  G               frequency of G
 *  T/U             frequency of T or U depending on type
 *  from            from the negative dataset or a background file
 *  file            the background file (optional)
 *  last_mod_date   the last modified date of the background file (optional)
static void start_ele_background(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  int type, from;
  double A, C, G, T;
  char *file, *lastmod;

  // set reasonable defaults
  from = DREME_ALPH_DNA;
  file = NULL;
  lastmod = NULL;

  char* type_options[2] = {"dna", "rna"};
  int type_values[2] = {DREME_ALPH_DNA, DREME_ALPH_RNA};
  MULTI_T type_multi = {.count = 2, .options = type_options, 
    .outputs = type_values, .target = &(type)};

  char* from_options[2] = {"dataset", "file"};
  int from_values[2] = {DREME_BG_FROM_DATASET, DREME_BG_FROM_FILE};
  MULTI_T from_multi = {.count = 2, .options = from_options, 
    .outputs = from_values, .target = &(from)};

  char* names[9] = {"A", "C", "G", "T", "U", "file", "from", 
    "last_mod_date", "type"};
  int (*parsers[9])(char*, void*) = {ld_pvalue, ld_pvalue, ld_pvalue, 
    ld_pvalue, ld_pvalue, ld_str, ld_multi, ld_str, ld_multi};
  void *data[9] = {&A, &C, &G, &T, &T, &file, &from_multi, &lastmod, &type_multi};
  BOOLEAN_T done[9];

  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "background", attrs, 9, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (type == DREME_ALPH_DNA) {
    if (!done[3]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "T", NULL);
    if (done[4]) error(ps, "Attribute background::U should not exist because alphabet is DNA.\n");
  } else {
    if (!done[4]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "U", NULL);
    if (done[3]) error(ps, "Attribute background::T should not exist because alphabet is RNA.\n");
  if (from == DREME_BG_FROM_FILE) {
    if (!done[5]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "file", NULL);
    if (!done[7]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "last_mod_date", NULL);

  if (ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    // check sums to 1
    double delta = A + C + G + T - 1;
    delta = (delta < 0 ? -delta : delta);
    if (delta > 0.004) {
      // dreme writes background probabilities to 3 decimal places so assuming 
      // the error on each is at maximum 0.001 then the total error for the 
      // sum must be less than or equal to 0.004
      error(ps, "Probabilities of background do not sum to 1, got %g .\n",
          A + C + G + T);

  if (ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->alphabet = (DREME_ALPH_EN)type;

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_background && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_background(ps->user_data, (DREME_ALPH_EN)type, A, C, G, T, from, file, lastmod);

 * dreme > model > stop
 *  evalue          the stopping evalue (returned as log10).
 *  count           the stopping count.
 *  time            the stopping time.
static void start_ele_stop(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  int count, time;
  double log10evalue;

  char* names[3] = {"count", "evalue", "time"};
  int (*parsers[3])(char*, void*) = {ld_int, ld_log10_ev, ld_int};
  void *data[3] = {&count, &log10evalue, &time};
  BOOLEAN_T required[3] = {FALSE, FALSE, FALSE};
  BOOLEAN_T done[3];

  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "stop", attrs, 3, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_stop && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_stop(ps->user_data, &log10evalue, &count, &time);

 * dreme > model > /ngen
 * the number of generations to check (or something like that).
static void end_ele_ngen(PS_T *ps) {
  int ngen;

  if (ld_int(ps->characters.buffer, &ngen)) {
    error(ps, "Bad value \"%s\" for ngen.\n", ps->characters.buffer);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_ngen && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_ngen(ps->user_data, ngen);
 * dreme > model > background
 *  type            is the alphabet DNA or RNA (optional when custom alphabet specified)
 *  <symbol>        frequency of <symbol> from core alphabet
 *  from            from the negative dataset or a background file
 *  file            the background file (optional)
 *  last_mod_date   the last modified date of the background file (optional)
static void start_ele_background(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  int type, from;
  char *file, *lastmod;

  // set reasonable defaults
  from = DREME_ALPH_DNA;
  file = NULL;
  lastmod = NULL;

  char* type_options[2] = {"dna", "rna"};
  int type_values[2] = {DREME_ALPH_DNA, DREME_ALPH_RNA};
  MULTI_T type_multi = {.count = 2, .options = type_options, 
    .outputs = type_values, .target = &(type)};

  char* from_options[2] = {"dataset", "file"};
  int from_values[2] = {DREME_BG_FROM_DATASET, DREME_BG_FROM_FILE};
  MULTI_T from_multi = {.count = 2, .options = from_options, 
    .outputs = from_values, .target = &(from)};

  char* names[4] = {"file", "from", "last_mod_date", "type"};
  int (*parsers[4])(char*, void*) = {ld_str, ld_multi, ld_str, ld_multi};
  void *data[4] = {&file, &from_multi, &lastmod, &type_multi};
  BOOLEAN_T required[4] = {FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE};
  BOOLEAN_T done[4];

  required[3] = !ps->seen_alphabet;
  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "background", attrs, 4, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (from == DREME_BG_FROM_FILE) {
    if (!done[0]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "file", NULL);
    if (!done[2]) dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "background", "last_mod_date", NULL);

  // if we haven't seen the alphabet then we must define it from the type
  if (!ps->seen_alphabet) {
    int idx = 0;
    rbtree_make(ps->alph_ids, "A", &idx); idx++;
    rbtree_make(ps->alph_ids, "C", &idx); idx++;
    rbtree_make(ps->alph_ids, "G", &idx); idx++;
    rbtree_make(ps->alph_ids, (type == DREME_ALPH_DNA ? "T" : "U"), &idx);
  parse_freq_attrs(ps, "background", attrs);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_background && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_background(ps->user_data, rbtree_size(ps->alph_ids), ps->freqs, from, file, lastmod);

 * dreme > model > stop
 *  evalue          the stopping evalue (returned as log10).
 *  count           the stopping count.
 *  time            the stopping time.
static void start_ele_stop(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  int count, time;
  double log10evalue;

  char* names[3] = {"count", "evalue", "time"};
  int (*parsers[3])(char*, void*) = {ld_int, ld_log10_ev, ld_int};
  void *data[3] = {&count, &log10evalue, &time};
  BOOLEAN_T required[3] = {FALSE, FALSE, FALSE};
  BOOLEAN_T done[3];

  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "stop", attrs, 3, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_stop && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_stop(ps->user_data, &log10evalue, &count, &time);

 * dreme > model > /ngen
 * the number of generations to check (or something like that).
static void end_ele_ngen(PS_T *ps) {
  int ngen;

  if (ld_int(ps->characters.buffer, &ngen)) {
    error(ps, "Bad value \"%s\" for ngen.\n", ps->characters.buffer);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_ngen && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_ngen(ps->user_data, ngen);
 * dreme > model > negatives
 *  name            the name of the negative dataset
 *  count           the number of sequences in the negative dataset
 *  from            the source of the negative dataset (eg shuffled positives)
 *  file            the file containing the negative dataset (optional)
 *  last_mod_date   the last modified date of the file (optional)
static void start_ele_negatives(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  char *name, *file, *lastmod;
  long count;
  int from;

  file = NULL;
  lastmod = NULL;

  char* from_options[2] = {"file", "shuffled"};
  int from_values[2] = {DREME_NEG_FILE, DREME_NEG_SHUFFLED};
  MULTI_T from_multi = {.count = 2, .options = from_options, .outputs = from_values, .target = &(from)};

  char* names[5] = {"count", "file", "from", "last_mod_date", "name"};
  int (*parsers[5])(char*, void*) = {ld_long, ld_str, ld_multi, ld_str, ld_str};
  void *data[5] = {&count, &file, &from_multi, &lastmod, &name};
  BOOLEAN_T done[5];

  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "negatives", attrs, 5, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->state != PS_ERROR && from == DREME_NEG_FILE) {
    if (file == NULL) {
      dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "negatives", "file", NULL);
    if (lastmod == NULL) {
      dreme_attr_parse_error(ps, PARSE_ATTR_MISSING, "negatives", "last_mod_date", NULL);

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_negatives && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_negatives(ps->user_data, name, count, (DREME_NEG_EN)from, file, lastmod);

 * DREME > model > alphabet
static void start_ele_alphabet(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  char *name;
  int extends;

  char* extends_options[3] = {"dna", "protein", "rna"};
  MULTI_T extends_multi = {.count = 3, .options = extends_options, 
    .outputs = extends_values, .target = &(extends)};

  char* names[2] = {"like", "name"};
  int (*parsers[2])(char*, void*) = {ld_multi, ld_str};
  void *data[2] = {&extends_multi, &name};
  BOOLEAN_T required[2] = {FALSE, FALSE};
  BOOLEAN_T done[2];
  // just so we know later on when reading the background which used to set the alphabet
  ps->seen_alphabet = true;

  // defaults
  name = NULL;
  extends = 0;
  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "alphabet", attrs, 2, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->callbacks->start_alphabet && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->start_alphabet(ps->user_data, name, extends);
  dreme_push_es(ps, PS_IN_ALPHABET_LETTER, ES_ONE_OR_MORE);

 * DREME > model > /alphabet
static void end_ele_alphabet(PS_T *ps) {
  if (ps->callbacks->end_alphabet && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {

 * DREME > model > alphabet > letter
static void start_ele_alphabet_letter(PS_T *ps, const xmlChar **attrs) {
  char *aliases, *id, *name, *equals, symbol, complement;
  int colour, idx;

  char* names[7] = {"aliases", "colour", "complement", "equals", "id", "name", "symbol"};
  int (*parsers[7])(char*, void*) = {ld_str, ld_hex, ld_char, ld_str, ld_str, ld_str, ld_char};
  void *data[7] = {&aliases, &colour, &complement, &equals, &id, &name, &symbol};
  BOOLEAN_T done[7];

  aliases = NULL;
  name = NULL;
  equals = NULL;
  complement = '\0';
  colour = -1;
  parse_attributes(dreme_attr_parse_error, ps, "letter", attrs, 7, names, parsers, data, required, done);

  if (ps->seen_ambig) {
    if (equals == NULL) {
      error(ps, "All core symbols must appear before any ambigous symbols.\n");
  } else if (equals == NULL) {
    idx = rbtree_size(ps->alph_ids);
    rbtree_make(ps->alph_ids, id, &idx);
  } else {
    ps->seen_ambig = true;

  if (ps->callbacks->handle_alphabet_letter && ps->state != PS_ERROR) {
    ps->callbacks->handle_alphabet_letter(ps->user_data, id, symbol, aliases, complement, equals, name, colour);