tDirStatus checkpw(const char *username, const char *password)
	tDirReference _directoryRef = 0;
	tDirStatus status = dsOpenDirService(&_directoryRef);
	if (status != eDSNoErr)
		return status;

	do {
		KADirectoryNode *node = NULL;
		status = KADirectoryClientGetNode(_directoryRef, eDSSearchNodeName, &node);
		if (status) break;
		CFArrayRef user_records = find_user_records_by_name(node, username);

		if (!user_records) { status = eDSRecordNotFound; break; }
		CFDictionaryRef user_record = (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(user_records, 0);
		if (!user_record) { status = eDSRecordNotFound; break; }
		KADirectoryNode *authNode = KADirectoryNodeCreateFromUserRecord(_directoryRef, user_record);

		if (!authNode) { status = eDSNodeNotFound; break; }

		status = authenticate_user_to_node(authNode, username, password);
	} while (false);
	return status;
void CDirService::cleanup()
	if (dsSearchNodeRef)
	dsSearchNodeRef = 0;
	if (dsRef)
	dsRef = 0;
// helper routine to fine a user's official RecordName
char *FindUserFromPrincipal( char *inPrincipal )
	// now let's parse the name and see if we can find a valid user..
	tDirReference		dsRef			= 0;
	tDirNodeReference	dsSearchNodeRef	= 0;
	tDirStatus			dsStatus;
	char				*pRecordName	= NULL;
	char				*pNodeName		= NULL;
	char				*pUsername		= strdup( inPrincipal );
	char				*pAtSymbol		= strchr( pUsername, '@' );
	// need to parse just the name of the user, since principal is user@REALM
	if( pAtSymbol != NULL ) {
		*pAtSymbol = '\0';
	// Open Directory Services reference
	dsStatus = dsOpenDirService( &dsRef );
	if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
		// use utility function in DSUtility.h to open the search node
		dsStatus = OpenSearchNode( dsRef, &dsSearchNodeRef );
		if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
			// use utility function in DSUtility.h to locate the user information
			dsStatus = LocateUserRecordNameAndNode( dsRef, dsSearchNodeRef, pUsername, &pRecordName, &pNodeName );
			if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
				// need to free any node name that may have been returned
				if( pNodeName != NULL ) {
					free( pNodeName );
					pNodeName = NULL;
			// close the search node cause we are done here
			dsCloseDirNode( dsSearchNodeRef );
			dsSearchNodeRef = 0;
		} else {
			printf( "Unable to locate and open the Search node to verify user\n" );
		// need to close Directory Services at this point
		dsCloseDirService( dsRef );
		dsRef = 0;
	if( pUsername != NULL ) {
		free( pUsername );
		pUsername = NULL;
	return pRecordName;
文件: main.c 项目: Deanzou/ppp
//	dsaccess_authorize_user
static int dsaccess_authorize_user(u_char* name, int len)

    tDirReference			dirRef;
    tDirStatus				dsResult = eDSNoErr;
    int						authorized = 0;
    tDirNodeReference 		searchNodeRef;
    tAttributeValueEntryPtr	gUID;
    UInt32					searchNodeCount;
    char*					user_name;
	uuid_t					userid;
	int						result;
	int						ismember;
    if (len < 1) {
        error("DSAccessControl plugin: invalid user name has zero length\n");
        return 0;
    if ((user_name = (char*)malloc(len + 1)) == 0) {
        error("DSAccessControl plugin: unable to allocate memory for user name\n");
        return 0;
    bcopy(name, user_name, len);
    *(user_name + len) = 0;

    if ((dsResult = dsOpenDirService(&dirRef)) == eDSNoErr) {  
        // get the search node ref
        if ((dsResult = dsauth_get_search_node_ref(dirRef, 1, &searchNodeRef, &searchNodeCount)) == eDSNoErr) {
            // get the user's generated user Id
            if ((dsResult = dsauth_get_user_attr(dirRef, searchNodeRef, user_name, kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, &gUID)) == eDSNoErr) {
                if (gUID != 0) {
					if (!mbr_string_to_uuid(gUID->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, userid)) {
						// check if user is member authorized
						result = mbr_check_service_membership(userid, VPN_SERVICE_NAME, &ismember);
						if (result == ENOENT || (result == 0 && ismember != 0))
							authorized = 1;
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, gUID);
            dsCloseDirNode(searchNodeRef);		// close the search node

    if (authorized)
        notice("DSAccessControl plugin: User '%s' authorized for access\n", user_name);
        notice("DSAccessControl plugin: User '%s' not authorized for access\n", user_name);
    return authorized;
 * This must be called between GS_ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE() and GS_RELEASE().
static long Deactivate(void)
    long macError = eDSNoErr;

    if ( GlobalState.NodeDictionary )
        GlobalState.NodeDictionary = NULL;

    if ( GlobalState.NodeNameList )
        macError = DSUnregisterNode( GlobalState.Signature, GlobalState.NodeNameList );
        if (macError)
            LOG_ERROR("Unregister error: %d", macError);

        dsDataListDeallocate(0, GlobalState.NodeNameList);
        GlobalState.NodeNameList = NULL;

    while (GlobalState.pGPOs)
        pTemp = GlobalState.pGPOs;
        GlobalState.pGPOs = pTemp->pNext;

        pTemp->pNext = NULL;

        /* Remove node representing the GPO */
        UnregisterGPONode(GlobalState.pszRealm, pTemp->pszDisplayName);


    if ( GlobalState.pszRealm )
        GlobalState.pszRealm = NULL;

    GlobalState.IsJoinedToAD = false;

    if ( GlobalState.pNetAdapterList )
        GlobalState.pNetAdapterList = NULL;

    if ( GlobalState.DsRoot )
        dsCloseDirService( GlobalState.DsRoot );
        GlobalState.DsRoot = 0;

    if (GlobalState.pAllowAdminCheckData)
        GlobalState.pAllowAdminCheckData = NULL;

    return macError;
文件: main.c 项目: Deanzou/ppp
static int dsauth_chap(u_char *name, u_char *ourname, int id,
			struct chap_digest_type *digest,
			unsigned char *challenge, unsigned char *response,
			unsigned char *message, int message_space)
    tDirReference				dirRef;
    tDirNodeReference			userNode = 0;
    tDataNodePtr				authTypeDataNodePtr = 0;
    tDataBufferPtr				authDataBufPtr = 0;
    tDataBufferPtr				responseDataBufPtr = 0;
    tAttributeValueEntryPtr 	recordNameAttr = 0;
    tAttributeValueEntryPtr 	authAuthorityAttr = 0;
    tDirStatus					dsResult = eDSNoErr;
    int							authResult = 0;
    char						*ptr;
    MS_Chap2Response			*resp;  
    u_int32_t					userShortNameSize;
    u_int32_t					userNameSize = strlen((char*)name);
    u_int32_t					authDataSize;
    int							challenge_len, response_len;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceInfo = 0;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		eventDetail;
	CFDictionaryRef				interface;
	CFStringRef					subtypeRef;
	CFStringRef					addrRef;

    challenge_len = *challenge++;	/* skip length, is 16 */
    response_len = *response++;

    // currently only support MS-CHAPv2
    if (digest->code != CHAP_MICROSOFT_V2
    	||	response_len != MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE_LEN
    	||	challenge_len != CHALLENGE_SIZE)
        return 0;

    resp = (MS_Chap2Response*)response;
    if ((dsResult = dsOpenDirService(&dirRef)) == eDSNoErr) {
        if ((authTypeDataNodePtr = dsDataNodeAllocateString(dirRef, kDSStdAuthMSCHAP2)) == 0) {
            error("DSAuth plugin: Could not allocate data buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;
		//  setup service info
		interface = CFDictionaryGetValue(systemOptions, kRASEntInterface);
		if (interface && CFGetTypeID(interface) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
			subtypeRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(interface, kRASPropInterfaceSubType);		
			if (subtypeRef && CFGetTypeID(subtypeRef) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {	
				serviceInfo = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
				if (serviceInfo) {
					eventDetail = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
					if (eventDetail) {
						addrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(0, remoteaddress, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
						if (addrRef) {
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ClientIP"),  addrRef);
						if (CFStringCompare(subtypeRef, kRASValInterfaceSubTypeL2TP, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("HostPort"),  CFSTR("1701"));
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ProtocolName"),  CFSTR("L2TP"));
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ProtocolVersion"),  CFSTR("2"));
						} else if (CFStringCompare(subtypeRef, kRASValInterfaceSubTypePPTP, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("HostPort"),  CFSTR("1723"));
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ProtocolName"),  CFSTR("PPTP"));
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ProtocolVersion"),  CFSTR("1"));
						} else
							CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ProtocolName"),  subtypeRef);
						CFDictionaryAddValue(eventDetail, CFSTR("ServiceName"),  CFSTR("VPN"));
						// add eventDetail to serviceInfo dict
						CFDictionaryAddValue(serviceInfo, CFSTR("ServiceInformation"), eventDetail);
						// allocate response buffer with service info
						if (dsServiceInformationAllocate(serviceInfo, BUF_LEN, &responseDataBufPtr) != eDSNoErr) {
							error("DSAuth plugin: Unable to allocate service info buffer\n");
							goto cleanup;
					} else {
						error("DSAuth plugin: Unable to allocate eventDetail dictionary\n");
						goto cleanup;
				} else {
					error("DSAuth plugin: Unable to allocate serviceInfo dictionary\n");
					goto cleanup;
			} else {
				error("DSAuth plugin: No Interface subtype found\n");
				goto cleanup;
		} else {
			error("DSAuth plugin: No Interface dictionary found\n");
			goto cleanup;

        if (dsauth_find_user_node(dirRef, (char*)name, &userNode, &recordNameAttr, &authAuthorityAttr) == 0) {  
            userShortNameSize = recordNameAttr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength;
            authDataSize = userNameSize + userShortNameSize + NT_RESPONSE_SIZE + (2 * CHALLENGE_SIZE) + (5 * sizeof(u_int32_t));   
            if ((authDataBufPtr = dsDataBufferAllocate(dirRef, authDataSize)) != 0) {   
                authDataBufPtr->fBufferLength = authDataSize;
                // setup the response buffer           
                ptr = (char*)(authDataBufPtr->fBufferData);
                // 4 byte length & user name
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = userShortNameSize;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, recordNameAttr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, userShortNameSize);
                ptr += userShortNameSize;
                // 4 byte length & server challenge
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = CHALLENGE_SIZE;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, challenge, CHALLENGE_SIZE);
                ptr += CHALLENGE_SIZE;
                // 4 byte length & peer challenge
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = CHALLENGE_SIZE;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, resp->PeerChallenge, CHALLENGE_SIZE);
                ptr += CHALLENGE_SIZE;
                // 4 byte length & client digest
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = NT_RESPONSE_SIZE;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, resp->NTResp, NT_RESPONSE_SIZE);
                ptr += NT_RESPONSE_SIZE;
                // 4 byte length & user name (repeated)
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = userNameSize;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, name, userNameSize);
                if ((dsResult = dsDoDirNodeAuth(userNode, authTypeDataNodePtr, TRUE, authDataBufPtr, 
                        responseDataBufPtr, 0)) == eDSNoErr) {						
                    // setup return data
                    if ((responseDataBufPtr->fBufferLength == MS_AUTH_RESPONSE_LENGTH + 4)
                                && *((u_int32_t*)(responseDataBufPtr->fBufferData)) == MS_AUTH_RESPONSE_LENGTH) {

                        responseDataBufPtr->fBufferData[4 + MS_AUTH_RESPONSE_LENGTH] = 0;
                         if (resp->Flags[0])
                                slprintf((char*)message, message_space, "S=%s", responseDataBufPtr->fBufferData + 4);
                                slprintf((char*)message, message_space, "S=%s M=%s",
                                        responseDataBufPtr->fBufferData + 4, "Access granted");
                        authResult = 1;
			if ((ccp_wantoptions[0].mppe)) {
			    if (!dsauth_set_mppe_keys(dirRef, userNode, response, authAuthorityAttr, challenge)) {
				error("DSAuth plugin: MPPE key required, but its retrieval failed.\n");
				authResult = 0;
            dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, recordNameAttr);
            dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, authAuthorityAttr);
		if (serviceInfo)
        if (responseDataBufPtr)
            dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dirRef, responseDataBufPtr);
        if (authTypeDataNodePtr)
            dsDataNodeDeAllocate(dirRef, authTypeDataNodePtr);
        if (authDataBufPtr)
            dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dirRef, authDataBufPtr);


    return authResult;
文件: main.c 项目: Deanzou/ppp
//      dsauth_pap
static int dsauth_pap(char *user, char *passwd, char **msgp, struct wordlist **paddrs, struct wordlist **popts)
    tDirReference				dirRef;
    tDirNodeReference			userNode = 0;
    tDataNodePtr				authTypeDataNodePtr = 0;
    tDataBufferPtr				authDataBufPtr = 0;
    tDataBufferPtr				responseDataBufPtr = 0;
    tAttributeValueEntryPtr 	recordNameAttr = 0;
    tAttributeValueEntryPtr 	authAuthorityAttr = 0;
    tDirStatus					dsResult = eDSNoErr;
    char						*ptr;
    int							authResult = 0;
    u_int32_t					userShortNameSize;
    u_int32_t					passwordSize = strlen(passwd);
    u_int32_t					authDataSize;

    if ((dsResult = dsOpenDirService(&dirRef)) == eDSNoErr) {    

        if ((responseDataBufPtr = dsDataBufferAllocate(dirRef, BUF_LEN)) == 0) {
            error("DSAuth plugin: Could not allocate data buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;
        if ((authTypeDataNodePtr = dsDataNodeAllocateString(dirRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeNoClearText)) == 0) {
            error("DSAuth plugin: Could not allocate data buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (dsauth_find_user_node(dirRef, user, &userNode, &recordNameAttr, &authAuthorityAttr) == 0) {            
            userShortNameSize = recordNameAttr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength;
            authDataSize = userShortNameSize + passwordSize + (2 * sizeof(u_int32_t));
            if ((authDataBufPtr = dsDataBufferAllocate(dirRef, authDataSize)) != 0) {   
                authDataBufPtr->fBufferLength = authDataSize;
                /* store user name and password into the auth buffer in the correct format */
                ptr = (char*)(authDataBufPtr->fBufferData);
                // 4 byte length & user name
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) =  userShortNameSize;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, recordNameAttr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, userShortNameSize);
                ptr += userShortNameSize;
                // 4 byte length & password
                *((u_int32_t*)ptr) = passwordSize;
                ptr += sizeof(u_int32_t);
                memcpy(ptr, passwd, passwordSize);
                if ((dsResult = dsDoDirNodeAuth(userNode, authTypeDataNodePtr, TRUE, authDataBufPtr, 
                        responseDataBufPtr, 0)) == eDSNoErr) {						
                    authResult = 1;
                    info("DSAuth plugin: user authentication successful\n");
                bzero(authDataBufPtr->fBufferData, authDataSize);	// don't leave password in buffer
            dsCloseDirNode(userNode); 					// returned from dsauth_find_user()
            dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, recordNameAttr); 
            dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, authAuthorityAttr); 

        if (responseDataBufPtr)
            dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dirRef, responseDataBufPtr);
        if (authTypeDataNodePtr)
            dsDataNodeDeAllocate(dirRef, authTypeDataNodePtr);
        if (authDataBufPtr)
            dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dirRef, authDataBufPtr);

    return authResult;

static long od_check_passwd(char const *uname, char const *password)
	long			result 		= eDSAuthFailed;
	tDirReference		dsRef 		= 0;
	tDataBuffer		*tDataBuff;
	tDirNodeReference	nodeRef 	= 0;
	long			status 		= eDSNoErr;
	tContextData		context		= 0;
	uint32_t		nodeCount 	= 0;
	uint32_t		attrIndex 	= 0;
	tDataList		*nodeName 	= NULL;
	tAttributeEntryPtr	pAttrEntry 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pRecName 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pRecType 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pAttrType 	= NULL;
	uint32_t		recCount 	= 0;
	tRecordEntry		*pRecEntry 	= NULL;
	tAttributeListRef	attrListRef 	= 0;
	char			*pUserLocation 	= NULL;
	char			*pUserName 	= NULL;
	tAttributeValueListRef	valueRef 	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry	*pValueEntry 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pUserNode 	= NULL;
	tDirNodeReference	userNodeRef 	= 0;
	tDataBuffer		*pStepBuff 	= NULL;
	tDataNode		*pAuthType 	= NULL;
	tAttributeValueEntry	*pRecordType 	= NULL;
	uint32_t		uiCurr 		= 0;
	uint32_t		uiLen 		= 0;
	uint32_t		pwLen 		= 0;
	if (!uname || !password)
		return result;
		status = dsOpenDirService( &dsRef );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
			return result;
		tDataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 4096 );
		if (!tDataBuff)
		/* find user on search node */
		status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, NULL, eDSSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
		if (status != eDSNoErr || nodeCount < 1)
		status = dsGetDirNodeName( dsRef, tDataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, nodeName, &nodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, nodeName );
		free( nodeName );
		nodeName = NULL;
		if (status != eDSNoErr)

		pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, uname, NULL );
		pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers, kDSStdRecordTypeMachines, NULL );
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, kDSNAttrRecordType, NULL );
		recCount = 1;
		status = dsGetRecordList( nodeRef, tDataBuff, pRecName, eDSExact, pRecType,
													pAttrType, 0, &recCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr || recCount == 0 )
		status = dsGetRecordEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		for ( attrIndex = 1; (attrIndex <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount) && (status == eDSNoErr); attrIndex++ )
			status = dsGetAttributeEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, attrListRef, attrIndex, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
			if ( status == eDSNoErr && pAttrEntry != NULL )
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserLocation = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserLocation, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordName ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserName = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserName, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordType ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pRecordType = pValueEntry;
						pValueEntry = NULL;
				if ( pValueEntry != NULL ) {
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pValueEntry );
					pValueEntry = NULL;
				if ( pAttrEntry != NULL ) {
					dsDeallocAttributeEntry( dsRef, pAttrEntry );
					pAttrEntry = NULL;
				dsCloseAttributeValueList( valueRef );
				valueRef = 0;
		pUserNode = dsBuildFromPath( dsRef, pUserLocation, "/" );
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, pUserNode, &userNodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pUserNode );
		free( pUserNode );
		pUserNode = NULL;
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		pStepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 128 );
		pAuthType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( dsRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK );
		uiCurr = 0;
		/* User name */
		uiLen = (uint32_t)strlen( pUserName );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen) );
		uiCurr += (uint32_t)sizeof( uiLen );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), pUserName, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		/* pw */
		pwLen = (uint32_t)strlen( password );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &pwLen, sizeof(pwLen) );
		uiCurr += (uint32_t)sizeof( pwLen );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), password, pwLen );
		uiCurr += pwLen;
		tDataBuff->fBufferLength = uiCurr;
		result = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType( userNodeRef, pAuthType, 1, tDataBuff, pStepBuff, NULL, &pRecordType->fAttributeValueData );
	while ( 0 );
	/* clean up */
	if (pAuthType != NULL) {
		dsDataNodeDeAllocate( dsRef, pAuthType );
		pAuthType = NULL;
	if (pRecordType != NULL) {
		dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pRecordType );
		pRecordType = NULL;
	if (tDataBuff != NULL) {
		bzero( tDataBuff, tDataBuff->fBufferSize );
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, tDataBuff );
		tDataBuff = NULL;
	if (pStepBuff != NULL) {
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, pStepBuff );
		pStepBuff = NULL;
	if (pUserLocation != NULL) {
		pUserLocation = NULL;
	if (pRecName != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecName );
		free( pRecName );
		pRecName = NULL;
	if (pRecType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecType );
		free( pRecType );
		pRecType = NULL;
	if (pAttrType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pAttrType );
		free( pAttrType );
		pAttrType = NULL;
	if (nodeRef != 0) {
		nodeRef = 0;
	if (dsRef != 0) {
		dsRef = 0;
	return result;
DECLEXPORT(AuthResult) AUTHCALL AuthEntry(const char *szCaller,
                                          PAUTHUUID pUuid,
                                          AuthGuestJudgement guestJudgement,
                                          const char *szUser,
                                          const char *szPassword,
                                          const char *szDomain,
                                          int fLogon,
                                          unsigned clientId)
    /* Validate input */
    AssertPtrReturn(szUser, AuthResultAccessDenied);
    AssertPtrReturn(szPassword, AuthResultAccessDenied);

    /* Result to a default value */
    AuthResult result = AuthResultAccessDenied;

    /* Only process logon requests. */
    if (!fLogon)
        return result; /* Return value is ignored by the caller. */

    tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
    tDirStatus dsCleanErr = eDSNoErr;
    tDirReference pDirRef = NULL;
    /* Connect to the Directory Service. */
    dsErr = dsOpenDirService(&pDirRef);
    if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
        /* Fetch the default search node */
        tDataListPtr pSearchNodeList = NULL;
        dsErr = defaultSearchNodePath(pDirRef, &pSearchNodeList);
        if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
            /* Open the default search node */
            tDirNodeReference pSearchNodeRef = NULL;
            dsErr = dsOpenDirNode(pDirRef, pSearchNodeList, &pSearchNodeRef);
            if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                /* Search for the user info, fetch the authentication node &
                 * the authentication user name. This allows the client to
                 * specify a long user name even if the name which is used to
                 * authenticate has the short form. */
                tDataListPtr pAuthNodeList = NULL;
                dsErr = userAuthInfo(pDirRef, pSearchNodeRef, szUser, &pAuthNodeList);
                if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                    /* Open the authentication node and do the authentication. */
                    dsErr = authWithNode(pDirRef, pAuthNodeList, szUser, szPassword);
                    if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                        result = AuthResultAccessGranted;
                    dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pAuthNodeList);
                    if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
            dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pSearchNodeList);
            if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)

    return result;
int ds_check_passwd(char *uname, char *domain)
	char 						*p					= NULL;
	tDirReference				dsRef				= 0;
    tDataBuffer				   *tDataBuff			= NULL;
    tDirNodeReference			nodeRef				= 0;
    long						status				= eDSNoErr;
    tContextData				context				= NULL;
	unsigned long				nodeCount			= 0;
	unsigned long				attrIndex			= 0;
	tDataList				   *nodeName			= NULL;
    tAttributeEntryPtr			pAttrEntry			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pRecName			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pRecType			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pAttrType			= NULL;
	unsigned long				recCount			= 0;
	tRecordEntry		  	 	*pRecEntry			= NULL;
	tAttributeListRef			attrListRef			= 0;
	char					   *pUserLocation		= NULL;
	char					   *pUserName			= NULL;
	tAttributeValueListRef		valueRef			= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry  	 	*pValueEntry		= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pUserNode			= NULL;
	tDirNodeReference			userNodeRef			= 0;
	tDataBuffer					*pStepBuff			= NULL;
	tDataNode				   *pAuthType			= NULL;
	unsigned long				uiCurr				= 0;
	unsigned long				uiLen				= 0;
		if (uname == NULL)
		printf("Checking password for %s.\n", uname);
		p = getpass("Password:"******"/" );
			if ( nodeName == NULL ) break;
			// find
			status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, nodeName, eDSiExact, &nodeCount, &context );
			// find on search node
			status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, NULL, eDSSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		if ( nodeCount < 1 )
		status = dsGetDirNodeName( dsRef, tDataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, nodeName, &nodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, nodeName );
		free( nodeName );
		nodeName = NULL;
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, uname, NULL );
		pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL );
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL );
		recCount = 1;
		status = dsGetRecordList( nodeRef, tDataBuff, pRecName, eDSExact, pRecType,
													pAttrType, 0, &recCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr || recCount == 0 )
		status = dsGetRecordEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		for ( attrIndex = 1; (attrIndex <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount) && (status == eDSNoErr); attrIndex++ )
			status = dsGetAttributeEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, attrListRef, attrIndex, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
			if ( status == eDSNoErr && pAttrEntry != NULL )
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserLocation = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserLocation, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordName ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserName = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserName, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( pValueEntry != NULL )
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pValueEntry );
				pValueEntry = NULL;
				dsDeallocAttributeEntry( dsRef, pAttrEntry );
				pAttrEntry = NULL;
				dsCloseAttributeValueList( valueRef );
				valueRef = 0;
		pUserNode = dsBuildFromPath( dsRef, pUserLocation, "/" );
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, pUserNode, &userNodeRef );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		pStepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 128 );
		pAuthType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( dsRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK );
		uiCurr = 0;
		// User name
		uiLen = strlen( pUserName );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
		uiCurr += sizeof( unsigned long );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), pUserName, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		// pw
		uiLen = strlen( p );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
		uiCurr += sizeof( unsigned long );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), p, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		tDataBuff->fBufferLength = uiCurr;
		status = dsDoDirNodeAuth( userNodeRef, pAuthType, 1, tDataBuff, pStepBuff, NULL );
	while ( 0 );
	// clean up
	if (tDataBuff != NULL) {
		memset(tDataBuff, 0, tDataBuff->fBufferSize);
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, tDataBuff );
		tDataBuff = NULL;
	if (pStepBuff != NULL) {
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, pStepBuff );
		pStepBuff = NULL;
	if (pUserLocation != NULL ) {
		pUserLocation = NULL;
	if (pRecName != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecName );
		free( pRecName );
		pRecName = NULL;
	if (pRecType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecType );
		free( pRecType );
		pRecType = NULL;
	if (pAttrType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pAttrType );
		free( pAttrType );
		pAttrType = NULL;
	if (nodeRef != 0) {
		nodeRef = 0;
	if (dsRef != 0) {
		dsRef = 0;
	if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		errno = EACCES;
		fprintf(stderr, "Sorry\n");
	return 0;
    int command,
    pid_t pid
    tDirReference hDirRef = 0;
    tDirNodeReference hNodeRef = 0;
    tDirStatus status = eDSNoErr;
    const char nodeName[] = "/Cache";
    tDataListPtr dirNodeName = NULL;
    tDataBufferPtr pPidRequest = NULL;
    tDataBufferPtr pPidResponse = NULL;
    DsCacheExceptionRqst * pRequest = NULL;

    status = dsOpenDirService(&hDirRef);
    if(status != eDSNoErr)
        goto errorexit;

    pPidRequest = dsDataBufferAllocate(hDirRef, sizeof(DsCacheExceptionRqst));
    if (pPidRequest == NULL)
        goto errorexit;

    pPidResponse = dsDataBufferAllocate(hDirRef, sizeof(int32_t));
    if (pPidResponse == NULL)
        goto errorexit;

    pRequest = (DsCacheExceptionRqst*)pPidRequest->fBufferData;

    memset(&pRequest->auth, 0, sizeof(pRequest->auth));
    pRequest->pid = pid;
    pPidRequest->fBufferLength = sizeof(DsCacheExceptionRqst);

    dirNodeName = dsBuildFromPath(hDirRef, nodeName, "/");
    if (dirNodeName == NULL)
        goto errorexit;

    status = dsOpenDirNode(hDirRef, dirNodeName, &hNodeRef);
    if (status != eDSNoErr)
        // This can happen on older Tiger Mac OS X 10.4 systems, as there is no /Cache plugin.
        // It is okay to return successful in this scenario.
        goto errorexit;

    status = dsDoPlugInCustomCall(hNodeRef, command, pPidRequest, pPidResponse);
    if (status != eDSNoErr)
        goto errorexit;


    if (dirNodeName)
        dsDataListDeallocate(hDirRef, dirNodeName);

    if (hNodeRef)

    if (pPidRequest)
        dsDataBufferDeAllocate(hDirRef, pPidRequest);

    if (pPidResponse)
        dsDataBufferDeAllocate(hDirRef, pPidResponse);

    if (hDirRef)

    return dwError;
int od_mschap_auth(REQUEST *request, VALUE_PAIR *challenge,
		   VALUE_PAIR * usernamepair)
	tDirStatus		status		 = eDSNoErr;
	tDirReference		dsRef		 = 0;
	tDirNodeReference	userNodeRef	 = 0;
	tDataBuffer		*tDataBuff	 = NULL;
	tDataBuffer		*pStepBuff	 = NULL;
	tDataNode		*pAuthType	 = NULL;
	uint32_t		uiCurr		 = 0;
	uint32_t		uiLen		 = 0;
	char			*username_string = NULL;
	char			*shortUserName	 = NULL;
	VALUE_PAIR		*response	 = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_MSCHAP2_RESPONSE, VENDORPEC_MICROSOFT);
#ifndef NDEBUG
	unsigned int t;
	username_string = (char *) malloc(usernamepair->length + 1);
	if (username_string == NULL)
	strlcpy(username_string, (char *)usernamepair->vp_strvalue,
		usernamepair->length + 1);
	status = dsOpenDirService(&dsRef);
	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
		radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: od_mschap_auth(): dsOpenDirService = %d", status);
	status = getUserNodeRef(username_string, &shortUserName, &userNodeRef, dsRef);
	if(status != RLM_MODULE_OK) {
		if (status != RLM_MODULE_NOOP) {
			RDEBUG2("od_mschap_auth: getUserNodeRef() failed");
		if (username_string != NULL)
		if (dsRef != 0)
		return status;
	/* We got a node; fill the stepBuffer 
	   MS-CHAPv2 authentication method. The Open Directory plug-in generates the reply data for the client. 
	   The input buffer format consists of 
	   a four byte length specifying the length of the user name that follows, the user name, 
	   a four byte value specifying the length of the server challenge that follows, the server challenge, 
	   a four byte value specifying the length of the peer challenge that follows, the peer challenge, 
	   a four byte value specifying the length of the client's digest that follows, and the client's digest. 
	   The output buffer consists of a four byte value specifying the length of the return digest for the client's challenge.
	   r = FillAuthBuff(pAuthBuff, 5,
	   strlen(inName), inName,						// Directory Services long or short name
	   strlen(schal), schal,						// server challenge
	   strlen(peerchal), peerchal,					// client challenge
	   strlen(p24), p24,							// P24 NT-Response
	   4, "User");									// must match the username that was used for the hash
	   inName		= 	username_string
	   schal		=   challenge->vp_strvalue
	   peerchal	=   response->vp_strvalue + 2 (16 octets)
	   p24			=   response->vp_strvalue + 26 (24 octets)

	pStepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate(dsRef, 4096);
	tDataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate(dsRef, 4096);
	pAuthType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(dsRef, kDSStdAuthMSCHAP2);
	uiCurr = 0;
	RDEBUG2("OD username_string = %s, OD shortUserName=%s (length = %lu)\n", username_string, shortUserName, strlen(shortUserName));
	/* User name length + username */
	uiLen = (uint32_t)strlen(shortUserName);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen));
	uiCurr += sizeof(uiLen);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), shortUserName, uiLen);
	uiCurr += uiLen;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	RDEBUG2("	stepbuf server challenge:\t");
	for (t = 0; t < challenge->length; t++) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%02x", challenge->vp_strvalue[t]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	/* server challenge (ie. my (freeRADIUS) challenge) */
	uiLen = 16;
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen));
	uiCurr += sizeof(uiLen);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &(challenge->vp_strvalue[0]),
	uiCurr += uiLen;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	RDEBUG2("	stepbuf peer challenge:\t\t");
	for (t = 2; t < 18; t++) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%02x", response->vp_strvalue[t]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	/* peer challenge (ie. the client-generated response) */
	uiLen = 16;
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen));
	uiCurr += sizeof(uiLen);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &(response->vp_strvalue[2]),
	uiCurr += uiLen;	
#ifndef NDEBUG
	RDEBUG2("	stepbuf p24:\t\t");
	for (t = 26; t < 50; t++) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%02x", response->vp_strvalue[t]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	/* p24 (ie. second part of client-generated response) */
	uiLen =  24; /* strlen(&(response->vp_strvalue[26])); may contain NULL byte in the middle. */
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen));
	uiCurr += sizeof(uiLen);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &(response->vp_strvalue[26]),
	uiCurr += uiLen;
	/* Client generated use name (short name?) */
	uiLen =  (uint32_t)strlen(username_string);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen));
	uiCurr += sizeof(uiLen);
	memcpy(&(tDataBuff->fBufferData[uiCurr]), username_string, uiLen);
	uiCurr += uiLen;

	tDataBuff->fBufferLength = uiCurr;
	status = dsDoDirNodeAuth(userNodeRef, pAuthType, 1, tDataBuff,
				 pStepBuff, NULL);
	if (status == eDSNoErr) {
		if (pStepBuff->fBufferLength > 4) {
			uint32_t len;
			memcpy(&len, pStepBuff->fBufferData, sizeof(len));
			if (len == 40) {
				char mschap_reply[42] = { '\0' };
				pStepBuff->fBufferData[len+4] = '\0';
				mschap_reply[0] = 'S';
				mschap_reply[1] = '=';
				memcpy(&(mschap_reply[2]), &(pStepBuff->fBufferData[4]), len);
				mschap_add_reply(request, &request->reply->vps,
						 mschap_reply, len+2);
				RDEBUG2("dsDoDirNodeAuth returns stepbuff: %s (len=%ld)\n", mschap_reply, len);

	/* clean up */
	if (username_string != NULL)
	if (shortUserName != NULL)

	if (tDataBuff != NULL)
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dsRef, tDataBuff);
	if (pStepBuff != NULL)
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dsRef, pStepBuff);
	if (pAuthType != NULL)
		dsDataNodeDeAllocate(dsRef, pAuthType);
	if (userNodeRef != 0)
	if (dsRef != 0)
	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
		errno = EACCES;
		radlog(L_ERR, "rlm_mschap: authentication failed %d", status); /* <-- returns -14091 (eDSAuthMethodNotSupported) -14090 */
	return RLM_MODULE_OK;
** Name: usrauthosx
** Description:
**	Verify username and password on Mac OSX using Open Directory
** Input:
**	username - user to authenicate
**	password - password for username
** Output:
**	sys_err - errors (if any)
** History:
**	30-Jun-2005 (hanje04)
**	    Created.
usrauthosx(char *username, char *password, CL_ERR_DESC *sys_err)
    STATUS		    status;
    tDirStatus              err;
    tDirStatus              junk;
    tDirReference           dirRef;
    tDataListPtr            pathListToSearchNode;
    tDirNodeReference       searchNodeRef;
    tDataListPtr            pathListToAuthNode;

    if (!( (username != NULL) || (password != NULL) ) )
        return(FAIL) ;

    dirRef = NULL;
    pathListToSearchNode = NULL;
    searchNodeRef = NULL;
    pathListToAuthNode = NULL;

    /* Connect to Open Directory. */

    err = dsOpenDirService(&dirRef);

    /* Open the search node. */

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        err = getdsnodepath(dirRef, &pathListToSearchNode);

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        err = dsOpenDirNode(dirRef, pathListToSearchNode, &searchNodeRef);

    ** Search for the user's record and extract the user's authentication
    ** node and authentication user name.

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        err = FindUsersAuthInfo(dirRef, searchNodeRef, username,

    /* Open the authentication node and do the authentication. */

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        err = AuthenticateWithNode(dirRef, pathListToAuthNode,
                                   username, password);

    /* Clean up. */

    if (pathListToAuthNode != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, pathListToAuthNode);
    if (searchNodeRef != NULL)
    if (pathListToSearchNode != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, pathListToSearchNode);
    if (dirRef != NULL)

    /* Set status based on Open Directory err value */
    switch (err)
    case eDSNoErr:
        status = OK;
    case eDSAuthFailed:
    case eDSAuthNewPasswordRequired:
    case eDSAuthPasswordExpired:
        status = GC_USRPWD_FAIL;
    case eDSAuthAccountInactive:
    case eDSAuthAccountExpired:
    case eDSAuthAccountDisabled:
    case eDSRecordNotFound:
        status = GC_LSN_FAIL;
        status = GC_LOGIN_FAIL;

int AuthCleartext( char *inUsername, char *inPassword )
	tDirReference		dsRef			= 0;
	tDirNodeReference	dsSearchNodeRef	= 0;
	tDirNodeReference	dsUserNodeRef	= 0;
	tDirStatus			dsStatus;
	char				*pRecordName	= NULL;
	char				*pNodeName		= NULL;
	// Key steps to Authenticating a user:
	//	- First locate the user in the directory
	//	- Open Directory Service reference
	//	- Locate and open the Search Node
	//	- Locate the user's official RecordName and Directory Node based on the username provided
	//	- Then use authentication appropriate for the type of method
	// Open Directory Services reference
	dsStatus = dsOpenDirService( &dsRef );
	if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
		// use utility function in DSUtility.h to open the search node
		dsStatus = OpenSearchNode( dsRef, &dsSearchNodeRef );
		if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
			// use utility function in DSUtility.h to locate the user information
			dsStatus = LocateUserRecordNameAndNode( dsRef, dsSearchNodeRef, inUsername, &pRecordName, &pNodeName );
			if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
				// we should have values available, but let's check to be sure
				if( pNodeName != NULL && pNodeName[0] != '\0' && 
					pRecordName != NULL && pRecordName[0] != '\0' )
					// need to create a tDataListPtr from the "/plugin/node" path, using "/" as the separator
					tDataListPtr dsUserNodePath = dsBuildFromPath( dsRef, pNodeName, "/" );
					dsStatus = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, dsUserNodePath, &dsUserNodeRef );
					if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
						// Use our Utility routine to do the authentication
						dsStatus = DoPasswordAuth( dsRef, dsUserNodeRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK, 
												   pRecordName, inPassword );
						// Determine if successful.  There are cases where you may receive other errors
						// such as eDSAuthPasswordExpired.
						if( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
							printf( "Successful:  Authentication successful for user '%s'\n", pRecordName );
						} else {
							printf( "Failure:  Authentication for user '%s' - %d\n", pRecordName, dsStatus );
					// free the data list as it is no longer needed
					dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, dsUserNodePath );
					free( dsUserNodePath );
					dsUserNodePath = NULL;
				// need to free any node name that may have been returned
				if( pNodeName != NULL ) {
					free( pNodeName );
					pNodeName = NULL;
				// need to free any record name that may have been returned
				if( pRecordName != NULL ) {
					free( pRecordName );
					pRecordName = NULL;
			// close the search node cause we are done here
			dsCloseDirNode( dsSearchNodeRef );
			dsSearchNodeRef = 0;
		} else {
			printf( "Unable to locate and open the Search node\n" );
			return 1;
		// need to close Directory Services at this point
		dsCloseDirService( dsRef );
		dsRef = 0;
    return dsStatus;
    IN const char* DsPath,
    IN tDataListPtr RecNameList,
    IN tDirPatternMatch PatternMatch,
    IN tDataListPtr RecTypeList,
    IN tDataListPtr AttribTypeList,
    IN dsBool AttribInfoOnly,
    IN unsigned long Size
    long macError = eDSNoErr;
    tDirReference dirRef = 0;
    tDirNodeReference dirNode = 0;
    tDataListPtr dirNodeName = NULL;
    tDataBufferPtr pData = NULL;
    UInt32 outCount;
    tContextData continueData = NULL;


    macError = dsOpenDirService( &dirRef );

    pData = dsDataBufferAllocate(dirRef, Size);
    if (!pData)
        macError = eDSAllocationFailed;

    dirNodeName = dsBuildFromPath( dirRef, DsPath, "/" );
    if (!dirNodeName)
        macError = eDSAllocationFailed;

    macError = dsOpenDirNode( dirRef, dirNodeName, &dirNode );

    macError = dsGetRecordList( dirNode,

    LOG("Got %d records", outCount);

    if (pData->fBufferLength > 0)
        LOG_BUFFER(pData->fBufferData, pData->fBufferLength);


    if ( pData )
        dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dirRef, pData );

    if ( dirNodeName )
        dsDataListDeallocate( dirRef, dirNodeName );

    if ( dirNode )
        dsCloseDirNode( dirNode );

    if ( dirRef )
        dsCloseDirService( dirRef );

    LOG_LEAVE("--> %d", macError);

    return macError;