Alsa9Buf::Alsa9Buf( hw hardware, int channels_ ) { GetSoundCardDebugInfo(); InitializeErrorHandler(); channels = channels_; samplerate = 44100; samplebits = 16; last_cursor_pos = 0; samplerate_set_explicitly = false; preferred_writeahead = 8192; preferred_chunksize = 1024; /* Open the device. */ int err; err = dsnd_pcm_open( &pcm, DeviceName(), SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK ); if (err < 0) RageException::ThrowNonfatal("dsnd_pcm_open(%s): %s", DeviceName().c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err)); if( !SetHWParams() ) { CHECKPOINT; dsnd_pcm_close(pcm); CHECKPOINT; RageException::ThrowNonfatal( "SetHWParams failed" ); } SetSWParams(); }
/* Don't fill the buffer any more than than "writeahead" frames. Prefer to * write "chunksize" frames at a time. (These numbers are hints; if the * hardware parameters require it, they can be ignored.) */ int Alsa9Buf::GetNumFramesToFill() { /* Make sure we can write ahead at least two chunks. Otherwise, we'll only * fill one chunk ahead, and underrun. */ int ActualWriteahead = max( writeahead, chunksize*2 ); snd_pcm_sframes_t avail_frames = dsnd_pcm_avail_update(pcm); int total_frames = writeahead; if( avail_frames > total_frames ) { /* underrun */ const int size = avail_frames-total_frames; LOG->Trace("underrun (%i frames)", size); int large_skip_threshold = 2 * samplerate; /* For small underruns, ignore them. We'll return the maximum writeahead and ALSA will * just discard the data. GetPosition will return consistent values during this time, * so arrows will continue to scroll smoothly until the music catches up. */ if( size >= large_skip_threshold ) { /* It's a large skip. Catch up. If we fall too far behind, the sound thread will * be decoding as fast as it can, which will steal too many cycles from the rendering * thread. */ dsnd_pcm_forward( pcm, size ); } } if( avail_frames < 0 ) avail_frames = dsnd_pcm_avail_update(pcm); if( avail_frames < 0 ) { LOG->Trace( "RageSoundDriver_ALSA9::GetData: dsnd_pcm_avail_update: %s", dsnd_strerror(avail_frames) ); return 0; } /* Number of frames that have data: */ const snd_pcm_sframes_t filled_frames = max( 0l, total_frames - avail_frames ); /* Number of frames that don't have data, that are within the writeahead: */ snd_pcm_sframes_t unfilled_frames = clamp( ActualWriteahead - filled_frames, 0l, (snd_pcm_sframes_t)ActualWriteahead ); // LOG->Trace( "total_fr: %i; avail_fr: %i; filled_fr: %i; ActualWr %i; chunksize %i; unfilled_frames %i ", // total_frames, avail_frames, filled_frames, ActualWriteahead, chunksize, unfilled_frames ); /* If we have less than a chunk empty, don't fill at all. Otherwise, we'll * spend a lot of CPU filling in partial chunks, instead of waiting for some * sound to play and then filling a whole chunk at once. */ if( unfilled_frames < (int) chunksize ) return 0; return chunksize; }
void Alsa9Buf::Write( const int16_t *buffer, int frames ) { /* We should be able to write it all. If we don't, treat it as an error. */ int wrote = dsnd_pcm_mmap_writei( pcm, (const char *) buffer, frames ); if( wrote < 0 ) { LOG->Trace( "RageSoundDriver_ALSA9::GetData: dsnd_pcm_mmap_writei: %s (%i)", dsnd_strerror(wrote), wrote ); return; } last_cursor_pos += wrote; if( wrote < frames ) LOG->Trace("Couldn't write whole buffer? (%i < %i)", wrote, frames ); }
void Alsa9Buf::ErrorHandler(const char *file, int line, const char *function, int err, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start( va, fmt ); RString str = vssprintf(fmt, va); va_end( va ); if( err ) str += ssprintf( " (%s)", dsnd_strerror(err) ); /* Annoying: these happen both normally (eg. "out of memory" when allocating too many PCM * slots) and abnormally, and there's no way to tell which is which. I don't want to * pollute the warning output. */ LOG->Trace( "ALSA error: %s:%i %s: %s", file, line, function, str.c_str() ); }
RString Alsa9Buf::Init( int channels_, int iWriteahead, int iChunkSize, int iSampleRate ) { channels = channels_; preferred_writeahead = iWriteahead; preferred_chunksize = iChunkSize; if( iSampleRate == 0 ) samplerate = 44100; else samplerate = iSampleRate; GetSoundCardDebugInfo(); InitializeErrorHandler(); /* Open the device. */ int err; err = dsnd_pcm_open( &pcm, DeviceName(), SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK ); if( err < 0 ) return ssprintf( "dsnd_pcm_open(%s): %s", DeviceName().c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err) ); if( !SetHWParams() ) { CHECKPOINT; return "SetHWParams failed"; } SetSWParams(); LOG->Info( "ALSA: Mixing at %ihz", samplerate ); if( preferred_writeahead != writeahead ) LOG->Info( "ALSA: writeahead adjusted from %u to %u", (unsigned) preferred_writeahead, (unsigned) writeahead ); if( preferred_chunksize != chunksize ) LOG->Info( "ALSA: chunksize adjusted from %u to %u", (unsigned) preferred_chunksize, (unsigned) chunksize ); return ""; }
RString Alsa9Buf::GetHardwareID( RString name ) { InitializeErrorHandler(); if( name.empty() ) name = DeviceName(); snd_ctl_t *handle; int err; err = dsnd_ctl_open( &handle, name, 0 ); if ( err < 0 ) { LOG->Info( "Couldn't open card \"%s\" to get ID: %s", name.c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err) ); return "???"; } snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; dsnd_ctl_card_info_alloca(&info); err = dsnd_ctl_card_info( handle, info ); RString ret = dsnd_ctl_card_info_get_id( info ); dsnd_ctl_close(handle); return ret; }
void Alsa9Buf::GetSoundCardDebugInfo() { static bool done = false; if( done ) return; done = true; if( DoesFileExist("/rootfs/proc/asound/version") ) { RString sVersion; GetFileContents( "/rootfs/proc/asound/version", sVersion, true ); LOG->Info( "ALSA: %s", sVersion.c_str() ); } InitializeErrorHandler(); int card = -1; while( dsnd_card_next( &card ) >= 0 && card >= 0 ) { const RString id = ssprintf( "hw:%d", card ); snd_ctl_t *handle; int err; err = dsnd_ctl_open( &handle, id, 0 ); if ( err < 0 ) { LOG->Info( "Couldn't open card #%i (\"%s\") to probe: %s", card, id.c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err) ); continue; } snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; dsnd_ctl_card_info_alloca(&info); err = dsnd_ctl_card_info( handle, info ); if ( err < 0 ) { LOG->Info( "Couldn't get card info for card #%i (\"%s\"): %s", card, id.c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err) ); dsnd_ctl_close( handle ); continue; } int dev = -1; while ( dsnd_ctl_pcm_next_device( handle, &dev ) >= 0 && dev >= 0 ) { snd_pcm_info_t *pcminfo; dsnd_pcm_info_alloca(&pcminfo); dsnd_pcm_info_set_device(pcminfo, dev); dsnd_pcm_info_set_stream(pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK); err = dsnd_ctl_pcm_info(handle, pcminfo); if ( err < 0 ) { if (err != -ENOENT) LOG->Info("dsnd_ctl_pcm_info(%i) (%s) failed: %s", card, id.c_str(), dsnd_strerror(err)); continue; } LOG->Info( "ALSA Driver: %i: %s [%s], device %i: %s [%s], %i/%i subdevices avail", card, dsnd_ctl_card_info_get_name(info), dsnd_ctl_card_info_get_id(info), dev, dsnd_pcm_info_get_id(pcminfo), dsnd_pcm_info_get_name(pcminfo), dsnd_pcm_info_get_subdevices_avail(pcminfo), dsnd_pcm_info_get_subdevices_count(pcminfo) ); } dsnd_ctl_close(handle); } if( card == 0 ) LOG->Info( "No ALSA sound cards were found."); if( !PREFSMAN->m_iSoundDevice.Get().empty() ) LOG->Info( "ALSA device overridden to \"%s\"", PREFSMAN->m_iSoundDevice.Get().c_str() ); }