 *  Check to ensure that copying a GPU-backed SkBitmap behaved as expected.
 *  @param reporter Used to report failures.
 *  @param desiredConfig Config being copied to. If the copy succeeded, dst must have this Config.
 *  @param success True if the copy succeeded.
 *  @param src A GPU-backed SkBitmap that had copyTo or deepCopyTo called on it.
 *  @param dst SkBitmap that was copied to.
 *  @param deepCopy True if deepCopyTo was used; false if copyTo was used.
static void TestIndividualCopy(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkBitmap::Config desiredConfig,
                               const bool success, const SkBitmap& src, const SkBitmap& dst,
                               const bool deepCopy = true) {
    if (success) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.width() == dst.width());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.height() == dst.height());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.config() == desiredConfig);
        if (src.config() == dst.config()) {
            // FIXME: When calling copyTo (so deepCopy is false here), sometimes we copy the pixels
            // exactly, in which case the IDs should be the same, but sometimes we do a bitmap draw,
            // in which case the IDs should not be the same. Is there any way to determine which is
            // the case at this point?
            if (deepCopy) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.getGenerationID() == dst.getGenerationID());
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.pixelRef() != NULL && dst.pixelRef() != NULL);

            // Do read backs and make sure that the two are the same.
            SkBitmap srcReadBack, dstReadBack;
                SkASSERT(src.getTexture() != NULL);
                bool readBack = src.pixelRef()->readPixels(&srcReadBack);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, readBack);
            if (dst.getTexture() != NULL) {
                bool readBack = dst.pixelRef()->readPixels(&dstReadBack);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, readBack);
            } else {
                // If dst is not a texture, do a copy instead, to the same config as srcReadBack.
                bool copy = dst.copyTo(&dstReadBack, srcReadBack.config());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, copy);

            SkAutoLockPixels srcLock(srcReadBack);
            SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dstReadBack);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcReadBack.readyToDraw() && dstReadBack.readyToDraw());

            const char* srcP = static_cast<const char*>(srcReadBack.getAddr(0, 0));
            const char* dstP = static_cast<const char*>(dstReadBack.getAddr(0, 0));
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcP != dstP);

            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(srcP, dstP, srcReadBack.getSize()));
        } else {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.getGenerationID() != dst.getGenerationID());
    } else {
        // dst should be unchanged from its initial state
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.config() == SkBitmap::kNo_Config);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.width() == 0);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.height() == 0);

sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkMorphologyImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                             const Context& ctx,
                                                             SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIRect bounds;
    input = this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), input.get(), &inputOffset, &bounds);
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    SkVector radius = SkVector::Make(SkIntToScalar(this->radius().width()),
    ctx.ctm().mapVectors(&radius, 1);
    int width = SkScalarFloorToInt(radius.fX);
    int height = SkScalarFloorToInt(radius.fY);

    if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIRect srcBounds = bounds;

    if (0 == width && 0 == height) {
        offset->fX = bounds.left();
        offset->fY = bounds.top();
        return input->makeSubset(srcBounds);

    if (source->isTextureBacked()) {
        GrContext* context = source->getContext();

        auto type = (kDilate_Op == this->op()) ? GrMorphologyEffect::kDilate_MorphologyType
                                               : GrMorphologyEffect::kErode_MorphologyType;
        sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> result(apply_morphology(context, input.get(), srcBounds, type,
                                                      SkISize::Make(width, height)));
        if (result) {
            offset->fX = bounds.left();
            offset->fY = bounds.top();
        return result;

    SkBitmap inputBM;

    if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
        return nullptr;

    if (inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
        return nullptr;

    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(bounds.width(), bounds.height(),
                                         inputBM.colorType(), inputBM.alphaType());

    SkBitmap dst;
    if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels inputLock(inputBM), dstLock(dst);

    SkMorphologyImageFilter::Proc procX, procY;

    if (kDilate_Op == this->op()) {
        procX = SkOpts::dilate_x;
        procY = SkOpts::dilate_y;
    } else {
        procX = SkOpts::erode_x;
        procY = SkOpts::erode_y;

    if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
        SkBitmap tmp;
        if (!tmp.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
            return nullptr;

        SkAutoLockPixels tmpLock(tmp);

        call_proc_X(procX, inputBM, &tmp, width, srcBounds);
        SkIRect tmpBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(srcBounds.width(), srcBounds.height());
                    tmp.getAddr32(tmpBounds.left(), tmpBounds.top()), tmp.rowBytesAsPixels(),
                    &dst, height, tmpBounds);
    } else if (width > 0) {
        call_proc_X(procX, inputBM, &dst, width, srcBounds);
    } else if (height > 0) {
                    inputBM.getAddr32(srcBounds.left(), srcBounds.top()),
                    &dst, height, srcBounds);
    offset->fX = bounds.left();
    offset->fY = bounds.top();

    return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(source->internal_getProxy(),
                                          SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),
                                          dst, &source->props());
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkDisplacementMapEffect::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                             const Context& ctx,
                                                             SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint colorOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> color(this->filterInput(1, source, ctx, &colorOffset));
    if (!color) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIPoint displOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> displ(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &displOffset));
    if (!displ) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkIRect srcBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(colorOffset.x(), colorOffset.y(),
                                                color->width(), color->height());

    // Both paths do bounds checking on color pixel access, we don't need to
    // pad the color bitmap to bounds here.
    SkIRect bounds;
    if (!this->applyCropRect(ctx, srcBounds, &bounds)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIRect displBounds;
    displ = this->applyCropRect(ctx, displ.get(), &displOffset, &displBounds);
    if (!displ) {
        return nullptr;

    if (!bounds.intersect(displBounds)) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkIRect colorBounds = bounds.makeOffset(-colorOffset.x(), -colorOffset.y());

    SkVector scale = SkVector::Make(fScale, fScale);
    ctx.ctm().mapVectors(&scale, 1);

    if (source->isTextureBacked()) {
        GrContext* context = source->getContext();

        sk_sp<GrTexture> colorTexture(color->asTextureRef(context));
        sk_sp<GrTexture> displTexture(displ->asTextureRef(context));
        if (!colorTexture || !displTexture) {
            return nullptr;

        GrSurfaceDesc desc;
        desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
        desc.fWidth = bounds.width();
        desc.fHeight = bounds.height();
        desc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;

        SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> dst(context->textureProvider()->createApproxTexture(desc));
        if (!dst) {
            return nullptr;

        GrPaint paint;
        SkMatrix offsetMatrix = GrCoordTransform::MakeDivByTextureWHMatrix(displTexture.get());
        offsetMatrix.preTranslate(SkIntToScalar(colorOffset.fX - displOffset.fX),
                                  SkIntToScalar(colorOffset.fY - displOffset.fY));

        SkMatrix matrix;
        matrix.setTranslate(-SkIntToScalar(colorBounds.x()), -SkIntToScalar(colorBounds.y()));

        SkAutoTUnref<GrDrawContext> drawContext(context->drawContext(dst->asRenderTarget()));
        if (!drawContext) {
            return nullptr;

        drawContext->drawRect(GrClip::WideOpen(), paint, matrix, SkRect::Make(colorBounds));

        offset->fX = bounds.left();
        offset->fY = bounds.top();
        return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromGpu(SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),

    SkBitmap colorBM, displBM;

    if (!color->getROPixels(&colorBM) || !displ->getROPixels(&displBM)) {
        return nullptr;

    if ((colorBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) ||
        (displBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels colorLock(colorBM), displLock(displBM);
    if (!colorBM.getPixels() || !displBM.getPixels()) {
        return nullptr;

    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(bounds.width(), bounds.height(),

    SkBitmap dst;
    if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);

    computeDisplacement(fXChannelSelector, fYChannelSelector, scale, &dst,
                        displBM, colorOffset - displOffset, colorBM, colorBounds);

    offset->fX = bounds.left();
    offset->fY = bounds.top();
    return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),
static void TestBitmapCopy(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
    static const Pair gPairs[] = {
        { SkBitmap::kNo_Config,         "00000000"  },
        { SkBitmap::kA1_Config,         "01000000"  },
        { SkBitmap::kA8_Config,         "00101110"  },
        { SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config,     "00111110"  },
        { SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config,    "00101110"  },
        { SkBitmap::kARGB_4444_Config,  "00101110"  },
        { SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,  "00101110"  },
// TODO: create valid RLE bitmap to test with
 //       { SkBitmap::kRLE_Index8_Config, "00101111"  }

    const int W = 20;
    const int H = 33;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); j++) {
            SkBitmap src, dst;
            SkColorTable* ct = NULL;

            src.setConfig(gPairs[i].fConfig, W, H);
            if (SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config == src.config() ||
                    SkBitmap::kRLE_Index8_Config == src.config()) {
                ct = init_ctable();

            bool success = src.copyTo(&dst, gPairs[j].fConfig);
            bool expected = gPairs[i].fValid[j] != '0';
            if (success != expected) {
                SkString str;
                str.printf("SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. expected %s returned %s",
                           gConfigName[i], gConfigName[j], boolStr(expected),
            bool canSucceed = src.canCopyTo(gPairs[j].fConfig);
            if (success != canSucceed) {
                SkString str;
                str.printf("SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. returned %s canCopyTo %s",
                           gConfigName[i], gConfigName[j], boolStr(success),

            if (success) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.width() == dst.width());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.height() == dst.height());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.config() == gPairs[j].fConfig);
                test_isOpaque(reporter, src, dst.config());
                if (src.config() == dst.config()) {
                    SkAutoLockPixels srcLock(src);
                    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, src.readyToDraw());
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.readyToDraw());
                    const char* srcP = (const char*)src.getAddr(0, 0);
                    const char* dstP = (const char*)dst.getAddr(0, 0);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcP != dstP);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(srcP, dstP,
                // test extractSubset
                    SkBitmap subset;
                    SkIRect r;
                    r.set(1, 1, 2, 2);
                    if (src.extractSubset(&subset, r)) {
                        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, subset.width() == 1);
                        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, subset.height() == 1);

                        SkBitmap copy;
                                        subset.copyTo(&copy, subset.config()));
                        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, copy.width() == 1);
                        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, copy.height() == 1);
                        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, copy.rowBytes() <= 4);
                        SkAutoLockPixels alp0(subset);
                        SkAutoLockPixels alp1(copy);
                        // they should both have, or both not-have, a colortable
                        bool hasCT = subset.getColorTable() != NULL;
                                    (copy.getColorTable() != NULL) == hasCT);
            } else {
                // dst should be unchanged from its initial state
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.config() == SkBitmap::kNo_Config);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.width() == 0);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.height() == 0);
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkBlurImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                       const Context& ctx,
                                                       SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);

    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIRect inputBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(inputOffset.fX, inputOffset.fY,
                                            input->width(), input->height());

    SkIRect dstBounds;
    if (!this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), inputBounds, &dstBounds)) {
        return nullptr;
    if (!inputBounds.intersect(dstBounds)) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkVector sigma = map_sigma(fSigma, ctx.ctm());

    if (input->peekTexture() && input->peekTexture()->getContext()) {
        if (0 == sigma.x() && 0 == sigma.y()) {
            offset->fX = inputBounds.x();
            offset->fY = inputBounds.y();
            return input->makeSubset(inputBounds.makeOffset(-inputOffset.x(),

        GrTexture* inputTexture = input->peekTexture();

        offset->fX = dstBounds.fLeft;
        offset->fY = dstBounds.fTop;
        SkRect inputBoundsF(SkRect::Make(inputBounds));
        SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> tex(SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur(inputTexture->getContext(),
        if (!tex) {
            return nullptr;

        return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromGpu(source->internal_getProxy(),
                                           SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.width(), dstBounds.height()),
                                           tex, &source->props());

    int kernelSizeX, kernelSizeX3, lowOffsetX, highOffsetX;
    int kernelSizeY, kernelSizeY3, lowOffsetY, highOffsetY;
    get_box3_params(sigma.x(), &kernelSizeX, &kernelSizeX3, &lowOffsetX, &highOffsetX);
    get_box3_params(sigma.y(), &kernelSizeY, &kernelSizeY3, &lowOffsetY, &highOffsetY);

    if (kernelSizeX < 0 || kernelSizeY < 0) {
        return nullptr;

    if (kernelSizeX == 0 && kernelSizeY == 0) {
        offset->fX = inputBounds.x();
        offset->fY = inputBounds.y();
        return input->makeSubset(inputBounds.makeOffset(-inputOffset.x(),

    SkPixmap inputPixmap;

    if (!input->peekPixels(&inputPixmap)) {
        return nullptr;

    if (inputPixmap.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
        return nullptr;

    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(dstBounds.width(), dstBounds.height(),
                                         inputPixmap.colorType(), inputPixmap.alphaType());

    SkBitmap tmp, dst;
    if (!tmp.tryAllocPixels(info) || !dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels tmpLock(tmp), dstLock(dst);

    offset->fX = dstBounds.fLeft;
    offset->fY = dstBounds.fTop;
    SkPMColor* t = tmp.getAddr32(0, 0);
    SkPMColor* d = dst.getAddr32(0, 0);
    int w = dstBounds.width(), h = dstBounds.height();
    const SkPMColor* s = inputPixmap.addr32(inputBounds.x() - inputOffset.x(),
                                            inputBounds.y() - inputOffset.y());
    inputBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
    dstBounds.offset(-dstBounds.x(), -dstBounds.y());
    SkIRect inputBoundsT = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(inputBounds.top(), inputBounds.left(),
                                             inputBounds.bottom(), inputBounds.right());
    SkIRect dstBoundsT = SkIRect::MakeWH(dstBounds.height(), dstBounds.width());
    int sw = int(inputPixmap.rowBytes() >> 2);

     * In order to make memory accesses cache-friendly, we reorder the passes to
     * use contiguous memory reads wherever possible.
     * For example, the 6 passes of the X-and-Y blur case are rewritten as
     * follows. Instead of 3 passes in X and 3 passes in Y, we perform
     * 2 passes in X, 1 pass in X transposed to Y on write, 2 passes in X,
     * then 1 pass in X transposed to Y on write.
     * +----+       +----+       +----+        +---+       +---+       +---+        +----+
     * + AB + ----> | AB | ----> | AB | -----> | A | ----> | A | ----> | A | -----> | AB |
     * +----+ blurX +----+ blurX +----+ blurXY | B | blurX | B | blurX | B | blurXY +----+
     *                                         +---+       +---+       +---+
     * In this way, two of the y-blurs become x-blurs applied to transposed
     * images, and all memory reads are contiguous.
    if (kernelSizeX > 0 && kernelSizeY > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(s, sw,  inputBounds,  t, kernelSizeX,  lowOffsetX,  highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  w,  dstBounds,    d, kernelSizeX,  highOffsetX, lowOffsetX,  w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(d,  w,  dstBounds,    t, kernelSizeX3, highOffsetX, highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  h,  dstBoundsT,   d, kernelSizeY,  lowOffsetY,  highOffsetY, h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  h,  dstBoundsT,   t, kernelSizeY,  highOffsetY, lowOffsetY,  h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(t,  h,  dstBoundsT,   d, kernelSizeY3, highOffsetY, highOffsetY, h, w);
    } else if (kernelSizeX > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(s, sw,  inputBounds,  d, kernelSizeX,  lowOffsetX,  highOffsetX, w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  w,  dstBounds,    t, kernelSizeX,  highOffsetX, lowOffsetX,  w, h);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(t,  w,  dstBounds,    d, kernelSizeX3, highOffsetX, highOffsetX, w, h);
    } else if (kernelSizeY > 0) {
        SkOpts::box_blur_yx(s, sw,  inputBoundsT, d, kernelSizeY,  lowOffsetY,  highOffsetY, h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xx(d,  h,  dstBoundsT,   t, kernelSizeY,  highOffsetY, lowOffsetY,  h, w);
        SkOpts::box_blur_xy(t,  h,  dstBoundsT,   d, kernelSizeY3, highOffsetY, highOffsetY, h, w);

    return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(source->internal_getProxy(),
                                          dst, &source->props());
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkMagnifierImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                            const Context& ctx,
                                                            SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkIRect inputBounds = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(inputOffset.x(), inputOffset.y(),
                                                  input->width(), input->height());

    SkIRect bounds;
    if (!this->applyCropRect(ctx, inputBounds, &bounds)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkScalar invInset = fInset > 0 ? SkScalarInvert(fInset) : SK_Scalar1;

    SkScalar invXZoom = fSrcRect.width() / bounds.width();
    SkScalar invYZoom = fSrcRect.height() / bounds.height();

    if (source->isTextureBacked()) {
        GrContext* context = source->getContext();

        sk_sp<GrTexture> inputTexture(input->asTextureRef(context));

        offset->fX = bounds.left();
        offset->fY = bounds.top();

        SkScalar yOffset = inputTexture->origin() == kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin 
            ? fSrcRect.y()
            : inputTexture->height() - 
                      fSrcRect.height() * inputTexture->height() / bounds.height() - fSrcRect.y();
        int boundsY = inputTexture->origin() == kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin
            ? bounds.y()
            : inputTexture->height() - bounds.height();
        SkRect effectBounds = SkRect::MakeXYWH(
            SkIntToScalar(bounds.x()) / inputTexture->width(),
            SkIntToScalar(boundsY) / inputTexture->height(),
            SkIntToScalar(inputTexture->width()) / bounds.width(),
            SkIntToScalar(inputTexture->height()) / bounds.height());
        // SRGBTODO: Handle sRGB here
        sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> fp(GrMagnifierEffect::Create(
                                                        fSrcRect.x() / inputTexture->width(),
                                                        yOffset / inputTexture->height(),
                                                        bounds.width() * invInset,
                                                        bounds.height() * invInset));
        if (!fp) {
            return nullptr;

        return DrawWithFP(context, std::move(fp), bounds);

    SkBitmap inputBM;

    if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
        return nullptr;

    if ((inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) ||
        (fSrcRect.width() >= inputBM.width()) || (fSrcRect.height() >= inputBM.height())) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(inputBM);
    if (!inputBM.getPixels() || inputBM.width() <= 0 || inputBM.height() <= 0) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(bounds.width(), bounds.height());

    SkBitmap dst;
    if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);

    SkColor* dptr = dst.getAddr32(0, 0);
    int dstWidth = dst.width(), dstHeight = dst.height();
    for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < dstWidth; ++x) {
            SkScalar x_dist = SkMin32(x, dstWidth - x - 1) * invInset;
            SkScalar y_dist = SkMin32(y, dstHeight - y - 1) * invInset;
            SkScalar weight = 0;

            static const SkScalar kScalar2 = SkScalar(2);

            // To create a smooth curve at the corners, we need to work on
            // a square twice the size of the inset.
            if (x_dist < kScalar2 && y_dist < kScalar2) {
                x_dist = kScalar2 - x_dist;
                y_dist = kScalar2 - y_dist;

                SkScalar dist = SkScalarSqrt(SkScalarSquare(x_dist) +
                dist = SkMaxScalar(kScalar2 - dist, 0);
                weight = SkMinScalar(SkScalarSquare(dist), SK_Scalar1);
            } else {
                SkScalar sqDist = SkMinScalar(SkScalarSquare(x_dist),
                weight = SkMinScalar(sqDist, SK_Scalar1);

            SkScalar x_interp = SkScalarMul(weight, (fSrcRect.x() + x * invXZoom)) +
                           (SK_Scalar1 - weight) * x;
            SkScalar y_interp = SkScalarMul(weight, (fSrcRect.y() + y * invYZoom)) +
                           (SK_Scalar1 - weight) * y;

            int x_val = SkTPin(bounds.x() + SkScalarFloorToInt(x_interp), 0, inputBM.width() - 1);
            int y_val = SkTPin(bounds.y() + SkScalarFloorToInt(y_interp), 0, inputBM.height() - 1);

            *dptr = *inputBM.getAddr32(x_val, y_val);

    offset->fX = bounds.left();
    offset->fY = bounds.top();
    return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),
DEF_TEST(BitmapCopy, reporter) {
    static const bool isExtracted[] = {
        false, true

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); i++) {
        SkBitmap srcOpaque, srcPremul;
        setup_src_bitmaps(&srcOpaque, &srcPremul, gPairs[i].fColorType);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); j++) {
            SkBitmap dst;

            bool success = srcPremul.copyTo(&dst, gPairs[j].fColorType);
            bool expected = gPairs[i].fValid[j] != '0';
            if (success != expected) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. expected %s "
                       "returned %s", gColorTypeName[i], gColorTypeName[j],
                       boolStr(expected), boolStr(success));

            bool canSucceed = srcPremul.canCopyTo(gPairs[j].fColorType);
            if (success != canSucceed) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. returned %s "
                       "canCopyTo %s", gColorTypeName[i], gColorTypeName[j],
                       boolStr(success), boolStr(canSucceed));

            if (success) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.width() == dst.width());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.height() == dst.height());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.colorType() == gPairs[j].fColorType);
                test_isOpaque(reporter, srcOpaque, srcPremul, dst.colorType());
                if (srcPremul.colorType() == dst.colorType()) {
                    SkAutoLockPixels srcLock(srcPremul);
                    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.readyToDraw());
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.readyToDraw());
                    const char* srcP = (const char*)srcPremul.getAddr(0, 0);
                    const char* dstP = (const char*)dst.getAddr(0, 0);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcP != dstP);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(srcP, dstP,
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.getGenerationID() == dst.getGenerationID());
                } else {
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.getGenerationID() != dst.getGenerationID());
            } else {
                // dst should be unchanged from its initial state
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.colorType() == kUnknown_SkColorType);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.width() == 0);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.height() == 0);
        } // for (size_t j = ...

        // Tests for getSafeSize(), getSafeSize64(), copyPixelsTo(),
        // copyPixelsFrom().
        for (size_t copyCase = 0; copyCase < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(isExtracted);
             ++copyCase) {
            // Test copying to/from external buffer.
            // Note: the tests below have hard-coded values ---
            //       Please take care if modifying.

            // Tests for getSafeSize64().
            // Test with a very large configuration without pixel buffer
            // attached.
            SkBitmap tstSafeSize;
            tstSafeSize.setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(100000000U, 100000000U,
                                                  gPairs[i].fColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType));
            int64_t safeSize = tstSafeSize.computeSafeSize64();
            if (safeSize < 0) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "getSafeSize64() negative: %s",
            bool sizeFail = false;
            // Compare against hand-computed values.
            switch (gPairs[i].fColorType) {
                case kUnknown_SkColorType:

                case kAlpha_8_SkColorType:
                case kIndex_8_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x2386F26FC10000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

                case kRGB_565_SkColorType:
                case kARGB_4444_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x470DE4DF820000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

                case kN32_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x8E1BC9BF040000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

            if (sizeFail) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "computeSafeSize64() wrong size: %s",

            int subW = 2;
            int subH = 2;

            // Create bitmap to act as source for copies and subsets.
            SkBitmap src, subset;
            SkColorTable* ct = nullptr;
            if (kIndex_8_SkColorType == src.colorType()) {
                ct = init_ctable();

            int localSubW;
            if (isExtracted[copyCase]) { // A larger image to extract from.
                localSubW = 2 * subW + 1;
            } else { // Tests expect a 2x2 bitmap, so make smaller.
                localSubW = subW;
            // could fail if we pass kIndex_8 for the colortype
            if (src.tryAllocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(localSubW, subH, gPairs[i].fColorType,
                                                     kPremul_SkAlphaType))) {
                // failure is fine, as we will notice later on

            // Either copy src or extract into 'subset', which is used
            // for subsequent calls to copyPixelsTo/From.
            bool srcReady = false;
            // Test relies on older behavior that extractSubset will fail on
            // kUnknown_SkColorType
            if (kUnknown_SkColorType != src.colorType() &&
                isExtracted[copyCase]) {
                // The extractedSubset() test case allows us to test copy-
                // ing when src and dst mave possibly different strides.
                SkIRect r;
                r.set(1, 0, 1 + subW, subH); // 2x2 extracted bitmap

                srcReady = src.extractSubset(&subset, r);
            } else {
                srcReady = src.copyTo(&subset);

            // Not all configurations will generate a valid 'subset'.
            if (srcReady) {

                // Allocate our target buffer 'buf' for all copies.
                // To simplify verifying correctness of copies attach
                // buf to a SkBitmap, but copies are done using the
                // raw buffer pointer.
                const size_t bufSize = subH *
                    SkColorTypeMinRowBytes(src.colorType(), subW) * 2;
                SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t> autoBuf (bufSize);
                uint8_t* buf = autoBuf.get();

                SkBitmap bufBm; // Attach buf to this bitmap.
                bool successExpected;

                // Set up values for each pixel being copied.
                Coordinates coords(subW * subH);
                for (int x = 0; x < subW; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < subH; ++y)
                        int index = y * subW + x;
                        SkASSERT(index < coords.length);
                        coords[index]->fX = x;
                        coords[index]->fY = y;

                writeCoordPixels(subset, coords);

                // Test #1 ////////////////////////////////////////////

                const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(subW, subH,
                // Before/after comparisons easier if we attach buf
                // to an appropriately configured SkBitmap.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                // Config with stride greater than src but that fits in buf.
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes() * 2);
                successExpected = false;
                // Then attempt to copy with a stride that is too large
                // to fit in the buffer.
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes() * 3)
                    == successExpected);

                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                        "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, 1.5*maxRowBytes)",

                // Test #2 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // This test should always succeed, but in the case
                // of extracted bitmaps only because we handle the
                // issue of getSafeSize(). Without getSafeSize()
                // buffer overrun/read would occur.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, subset.rowBytes());
                successExpected = subset.getSafeSize() <= bufSize;
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize) ==
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize)", reporter);

                // Test #3 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Copy with different stride between src and dst.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, subset.rowBytes()+1);
                successExpected = true; // Should always work.
                        subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize,
                            subset.rowBytes()+1) == successExpected);
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, rowBytes+1)", reporter);

                // Test #4 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Test copy with stride too small.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                successExpected = false;
                // Request copy with stride too small.
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes()-1)
                        == successExpected);
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, rowBytes()-1)", reporter);

#if 0   // copyPixelsFrom is gone
                // Test #5 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests the case where the source stride is too small
                // for the source configuration.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                writeCoordPixels(bufBm, coords);
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize, 1) == false);

                // Test #6 ///////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests basic copy from an external buffer to the bitmap.
                // If the bitmap is "extracted", this also tests the case
                // where the source stride is different from the dest.
                // stride.
                // We've made the buffer large enough to always succeed.
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                writeCoordPixels(bufBm, coords);
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes()) ==
                reportCopyVerification(bufBm, subset, coords,
                    "copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize)",

                // Test #7 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests the case where the source buffer is too small
                // for the transfer.
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, 1, subset.rowBytes()) ==

        } // for (size_t copyCase ...
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
                                                                    const Context& ctx,
                                                                    SkIPoint* offset) const {
    SkIPoint inputOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
    sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> input(this->filterInput(0, source, ctx, &inputOffset));
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    SkIRect bounds;
    input = this->applyCropRect(this->mapContext(ctx), input.get(), &inputOffset, &bounds);
    if (!input) {
        return nullptr;

    // Note: if the kernel is too big, the GPU path falls back to SW
    if (source->isTextureBacked() &&
        fKernelSize.width() * fKernelSize.height() <= MAX_KERNEL_SIZE) {
        GrContext* context = source->getContext();

        sk_sp<GrTexture> inputTexture(input->asTextureRef(context));

        offset->fX = bounds.left();
        offset->fY = bounds.top();

        // SRGBTODO: handle sRGB here
        sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> fp(GrMatrixConvolutionEffect::Make(inputTexture.get(),
        if (!fp) {
            return nullptr;

        return DrawWithFP(context, std::move(fp), bounds, ctx.outputProperties());

    SkBitmap inputBM;

    if (!input->getROPixels(&inputBM)) {
        return nullptr;

    if (inputBM.colorType() != kN32_SkColorType) {
        return nullptr;

    if (!fConvolveAlpha && !inputBM.isOpaque()) {
        inputBM = unpremultiply_bitmap(inputBM);

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(inputBM);
    if (!inputBM.getPixels()) {
        return nullptr;

    const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32(bounds.width(), bounds.height(),

    SkBitmap dst;
    if (!dst.tryAllocPixels(info)) {
        return nullptr;

    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);

    offset->fX = bounds.fLeft;
    offset->fY = bounds.fTop;
    SkIRect interior = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.left() + fKernelOffset.fX,
                                         bounds.top() + fKernelOffset.fY,
                                         bounds.width() - fKernelSize.fWidth + 1,
                                         bounds.height() - fKernelSize.fHeight + 1);
    SkIRect top = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), bounds.top(), bounds.right(), interior.top());
    SkIRect bottom = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), interior.bottom(),
                                       bounds.right(), bounds.bottom());
    SkIRect left = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(bounds.left(), interior.top(),
                                     interior.left(), interior.bottom());
    SkIRect right = SkIRect::MakeLTRB(interior.right(), interior.top(),
                                      bounds.right(), interior.bottom());
    this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, top, bounds);
    this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, left, bounds);
    this->filterInteriorPixels(inputBM, &dst, interior, bounds);
    this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, right, bounds);
    this->filterBorderPixels(inputBM, &dst, bottom, bounds);
    return SkSpecialImage::MakeFromRaster(SkIRect::MakeWH(bounds.width(), bounds.height()),