int process_cl(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out,
               const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_highpass_data_t *d = (dt_iop_highpass_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_highpass_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_highpass_global_data_t *)self->data;

  cl_int err = -999;
  cl_mem dev_tmp = NULL;
  cl_mem dev_m = NULL;

  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;

  int rad = MAX_RADIUS * (fmin(100.0f, d->sharpness + 1) / 100.0f);
  const int radius = MIN(MAX_RADIUS, ceilf(rad * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale));

  /* sigma-radius correlation to match opencl vs. non-opencl. identified by numerical experiments but
   * unproven. ask me if you need details. ulrich */
  const float sigma = sqrt((radius * (radius + 1) * BOX_ITERATIONS + 2) / 3.0f);
  const int wdh = ceilf(3.0f * sigma);
  const int wd = 2 * wdh + 1;
  float mat[wd];
  float *m = mat + wdh;
  float weight = 0.0f;

  // init gaussian kernel
  for(int l = -wdh; l <= wdh; l++) weight += m[l] = expf(-(l * l) / (2.f * sigma * sigma));
  for(int l = -wdh; l <= wdh; l++) m[l] /= weight;

  // for(int l=-wdh; l<=wdh; l++) printf("%.6f ", (double)m[l]);
  // printf("\n");

  float contrast_scale = ((d->contrast / 100.0f) * 7.5f);

  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };     // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;       // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0; // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0; // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel

  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS
     && dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_highpass_hblur, &kernelworkgroupsize)
        == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] || blocksize > kernelworkgroupsize
          || blocksize > workgroupsize || (blocksize + 2 * wdh) * sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;
process_cl (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
    dt_iop_nlmeans_params_t *d = (dt_iop_nlmeans_params_t *)piece->data;
    dt_iop_nlmeans_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_nlmeans_global_data_t *)self->data;

    const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
    const int width = roi_in->width;
    const int height = roi_in->height;

    cl_mem dev_U4 = NULL;

    cl_int err = -999;

    const int P = ceilf(3 * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale); // pixel filter size
    const int K = ceilf(7 * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale); // nbhood

    if(P <= 1)
        size_t origin[] = { 0, 0, 0};
        size_t region[] = { width, height, 1};
        err = dt_opencl_enqueue_copy_image(devid, dev_in, dev_out, origin, origin, region);
        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
        return TRUE;

    float max_L = 120.0f, max_C = 512.0f;
    float nL = 1.0f/max_L, nC = 1.0f/max_C;
    float nL2 = nL*nL, nC2 = nC*nC;
    float weight[4] = { powf(d->luma, 0.6), powf(d->chroma, 0.6), powf(d->chroma, 0.6), 1.0f };

    dev_U4 = dt_opencl_alloc_device(devid, roi_out->width, roi_out->height, sizeof(float));
    if (dev_U4 == NULL) goto error;

    // prepare local work group
    size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };        // the maximum dimensions for a work group
    size_t workgroupsize = 0;          // the maximum number of items in a work group
    unsigned long localmemsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
    size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of items in work group of the kernel
    // assuming this is the same for nlmeans_horiz and nlmeans_vert

    // make sure blocksize is not too large
    int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
    if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS &&
            dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_nlmeans_horiz, &kernelworkgroupsize) == CL_SUCCESS)
        // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
        while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] || blocksize > kernelworkgroupsize
                || blocksize > workgroupsize || (blocksize+2*P)*sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
            if(blocksize == 1) break;
            blocksize >>= 1;
process_cl (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_sharpen_data_t *d = (dt_iop_sharpen_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_sharpen_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_sharpen_global_data_t *)self->data;
  cl_mem dev_m = NULL;
  cl_mem dev_tmp = NULL;
  cl_int err = -999;

  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;
  const int rad = MIN(MAXR, ceilf(d->radius * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale));
  const int wd = 2*rad+1;
  float mat[wd];

  if(rad == 0)
    size_t origin[] = {0, 0, 0};
    size_t region[] = {width, height, 1};
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_copy_image(devid, dev_in, dev_out, origin, origin, region);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
    return TRUE;

  // init gaussian kernel
  float *m = mat + rad;
  const float sigma2 = (1.0f/(2.5*2.5))*(d->radius*roi_in->scale/piece->iscale)*(d->radius*roi_in->scale/piece->iscale);
  float weight = 0.0f;
  for(int l=-rad; l<=rad; l++) weight += m[l] = expf(- (l*l)/(2.f*sigma2));
  for(int l=-rad; l<=rad; l++) m[l] /= weight;

  // prepare local work group
  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };        // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;          // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel

  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS &&
      dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_sharpen_hblur, &kernelworkgroupsize) == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] || blocksize > kernelworkgroupsize
          || blocksize > workgroupsize || (blocksize+2*rad)*sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;
int process_cl(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out,
               const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_global_tonemap_data_t *d = (dt_iop_global_tonemap_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_global_tonemap_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_global_tonemap_global_data_t *)self->data;
  dt_iop_global_tonemap_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_global_tonemap_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data;
  dt_bilateral_cl_t *b = NULL;

  // check if we are in a tiling context and want OPERATOR_DRAGO. This does not work as drago
  // needs the maximum L-value of the whole image. Let's return FALSE, which will then fall back
  // to cpu processing
  if(piece->pipe->tiling && d->operator== OPERATOR_DRAGO) return FALSE;

  cl_int err = -999;
  cl_mem dev_m = NULL;
  cl_mem dev_r = NULL;
  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  int gtkernel = -1;

  const int width = roi_out->width;
  const int height = roi_out->height;
  float parameters[4] = { 0.0f };

  // prepare local work group
  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };     // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;       // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0; // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0; // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel

  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS
     && dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_pixelmax_first, &kernelworkgroupsize)
        == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] || blocksize * blocksize > kernelworkgroupsize
          || blocksize * blocksize > workgroupsize || blocksize * blocksize * sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;
int process_cl(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out,
               const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
  const dt_iop_bloom_data_t *d = (dt_iop_bloom_data_t *)piece->data;
  const dt_iop_bloom_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_bloom_global_data_t *)self->data;

  cl_int err = -999;
  cl_mem dev_tmp[NUM_BUCKETS] = { NULL };
  cl_mem dev_tmp1;
  cl_mem dev_tmp2;
  unsigned int state = 0;

  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;

  const float threshold = d->threshold;

  const int rad = 256.0f * (fmin(100.0f, d->size + 1.0f) / 100.0f);
  const float _r = ceilf(rad * roi_in->scale / piece->iscale);
  const int radius = MIN(256.0f, _r);
  const float scale = 1.0f / exp2f(-1.0f * (fmin(100.0f, d->strength + 1.0f) / 100.0f));

  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };     // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;       // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0; // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0; // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel

  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS
     && dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_bloom_hblur, &kernelworkgroupsize)
        == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] || blocksize > kernelworkgroupsize
          || blocksize > workgroupsize || (blocksize + 2 * radius) * sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;
文件: lowpass.c 项目: sk1p/darktable
process_cl (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_lowpass_data_t *d = (dt_iop_lowpass_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_lowpass_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_lowpass_global_data_t *)self->data;

  cl_int err = -999;
  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;

  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;
  const int bpp = 4*sizeof(float);

  // check if we need to reduce blocksize
  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };        // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;          // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel
  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE;
  int blockwd;
  int blockht;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS &&
     dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_gaussian_transpose, &kernelworkgroupsize) == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1]
          || blocksize*blocksize > workgroupsize || blocksize*(blocksize+1)*bpp > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;    

    blockwd = blockht = blocksize;

    if(blockwd * blockht > kernelworkgroupsize)
      blockht = kernelworkgroupsize / blockwd;
dt_gaussian_cl_t *
    const int devid,
    const int width,       // width of input image
    const int height,      // height of input image
    const int channels,    // channels per pixel
    const float *max,      // maximum allowed values per channel for clamping
    const float *min,      // minimum allowed values per channel for clamping
    const float sigma,     // gaussian sigma
    const int order)       // order of gaussian blur
  assert(channels == 1 || channels == 4);
  if(!(channels == 1 || channels == 4)) return NULL;

  dt_gaussian_cl_t *g = (dt_gaussian_cl_t *)malloc(sizeof(dt_gaussian_cl_t));
  if(!g) return NULL;

  g->global = darktable.opencl->gaussian;
  g->devid = devid;
  g->width = width;
  g->height = height;
  g->channels = channels;
  g->sigma = sigma;
  g->order = order;
  g->dev_temp1 = NULL;
  g->dev_temp2 = NULL;
  g->max = (float *)malloc(channels * sizeof(float));
  g->min = (float *)malloc(channels * sizeof(float));

  if(!g->min || !g->max) goto error;

  for(int k=0; k < channels; k++)
    g->max[k] = max[k];
    g->min[k] = min[k];

  // check if we need to reduce blocksize
  size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };        // the maximum dimensions for a work group
  size_t workgroupsize = 0;          // the maximum number of items in a work group
  unsigned long localmemsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
  size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0;    // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel
  // make sure blocksize is not too large
  int kernel_gaussian_transpose = (channels == 1) ? g->global->kernel_gaussian_transpose_1c : g->global->kernel_gaussian_transpose_4c;
  size_t blocksize = 64;
  int blockwd;
  int blockht;
  if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS &&
     dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, kernel_gaussian_transpose, &kernelworkgroupsize) == CL_SUCCESS)
    // reduce blocksize step by step until it fits to limits
    while(blocksize > maxsizes[0] || blocksize > maxsizes[1] 
          || blocksize*blocksize > workgroupsize || blocksize*(blocksize+1)*channels*sizeof(float) > localmemsize)
      if(blocksize == 1) break;
      blocksize >>= 1;    

    blockwd = blockht = blocksize;

    if(blockwd * blockht > kernelworkgroupsize)
      blockht = kernelworkgroupsize / blockwd;
int process_cl(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out,
               const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
  dt_iop_highlights_data_t *d = (dt_iop_highlights_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_highlights_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_highlights_global_data_t *)self->data;

  cl_int err = -999;
  cl_mem dev_xtrans = NULL;

  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;

  const float clip = d->clip
                     * fminf(piece->pipe->dsc.processed_maximum[0],
                             fminf(piece->pipe->dsc.processed_maximum[1], piece->pipe->dsc.processed_maximum[2]));

  const uint32_t filters = piece->pipe->dsc.filters;

    // non-raw images use dedicated kernel which just clips
    size_t sizes[] = { ROUNDUPWD(width), ROUNDUPHT(height), 1 };
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 4, sizeof(int), (void *)&d->mode);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, 5, sizeof(float), (void *)&clip);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f_clip, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
  else if(d->mode == DT_IOP_HIGHLIGHTS_CLIP)
    // raw images with clip mode (both bayer and xtrans)
    size_t sizes[] = { ROUNDUPWD(width), ROUNDUPHT(height), 1 };
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 4, sizeof(float), (void *)&clip);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 5, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->x);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 6, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->y);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, 7, sizeof(int), (void *)&filters);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_clip, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
  else if(d->mode == DT_IOP_HIGHLIGHTS_LCH && filters != 9u)
    // bayer sensor raws with LCH mode
    size_t sizes[] = { ROUNDUPWD(width), ROUNDUPHT(height), 1 };
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 4, sizeof(float), (void *)&clip);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 5, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->x);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 6, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->y);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, 7, sizeof(int), (void *)&filters);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_bayer, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
  else if(d->mode == DT_IOP_HIGHLIGHTS_LCH && filters == 9u)
    // xtrans sensor raws with LCH mode

    // we use local buffering for speed reasons; determine suited work group size
    size_t maxsizes[3] = { 0 };     // the maximum dimensions for a work group
    size_t workgroupsize = 0;       // the maximum number of items in a work group
    unsigned long localmemsize = 0; // the maximum amount of local memory we can use
    size_t kernelworkgroupsize = 0; // the maximum amount of items in work group for this kernel

    int blocksizex = 1 << 8;
    int blocksizey = 1 << 8;

    if(dt_opencl_get_work_group_limits(devid, maxsizes, &workgroupsize, &localmemsize) == CL_SUCCESS
       && dt_opencl_get_kernel_work_group_size(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f_lch_xtrans, &kernelworkgroupsize) == CL_SUCCESS)
      while(maxsizes[0] < blocksizex || maxsizes[1] < blocksizey
            || localmemsize < (blocksizex + 4) * (blocksizey + 4) * sizeof(float)
            || workgroupsize < blocksizex * blocksizey || kernelworkgroupsize < blocksizex * blocksizey)
        if(blocksizex == 1 && blocksizey == 1) break;

        if(blocksizex > blocksizey)
          blocksizex >>= 1;
          blocksizey >>= 1;