/* Subroutine */ int ddrvrf2_(integer *nout, integer *nn, integer *nval, doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *arf, doublereal *ap, doublereal *asav) { /* Initialized data */ static integer iseedy[4] = { 1988,1989,1990,1991 }; static char uplos[1*2] = "U" "L"; static char forms[1*2] = "N" "T"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(1x,\002 *** Error(s) while testing the RFP co" "nvertion\002,\002 routines ***\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(1x,\002 Error in RFP,convertion routines " "N=\002,i5,\002 UPLO='\002,a1,\002', FORM ='\002,a1,\002'\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(1x,\002All tests for the RFP convertion routi" "nes passed (\002,i5,\002 tests run)\002)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(1x,\002RFP convertion routines:\002,i5,\002 o" "ut of \002,i5,\002 error message recorded\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, asav_dim1, asav_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3; /* Builtin functions */ /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); integer s_wsle(cilist *), e_wsle(void), s_wsfe(cilist *), e_wsfe(void), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, n; logical ok1, ok2; integer iin, info; char uplo[1]; integer nrun, iseed[4]; char cform[1]; integer iform; logical lower; integer iuplo, nerrs; extern doublereal dlarnd_(integer *, integer *); extern /* Subroutine */ int dtfttp_(char *, char *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dtpttf_(char *, char *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dtfttr_(char *, char *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), dtrttf_(char *, char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dtrttp_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dtpttr_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *); /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___19 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___20 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___21 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___22 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___23 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; /* -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.2.0) -- */ /* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */ /* November 2008 */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. */ /* Purpose */ /* ======= */ /* DDRVRF2 tests the LAPACK RFP convertion routines. */ /* Arguments */ /* ========= */ /* NOUT (input) INTEGER */ /* The unit number for output. */ /* NN (input) INTEGER */ /* The number of values of N contained in the vector NVAL. */ /* NVAL (input) INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values of the matrix dimension N. */ /* A (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,NMAX) */ /* LDA (input) INTEGER */ /* The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,NMAX). */ /* ARF (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ((NMAX*(NMAX+1))/2). */ /* AP (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ((NMAX*(NMAX+1))/2). */ /* A2 (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,NMAX) */ /* ===================================================================== */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --nval; asav_dim1 = *lda; asav_offset = 1 + asav_dim1; asav -= asav_offset; a_dim1 = *lda; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; --arf; --ap; /* Function Body */ /* .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Initialize constants and the random number seed. */ nrun = 0; nerrs = 0; info = 0; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) { iseed[i__ - 1] = iseedy[i__ - 1]; /* L10: */ } i__1 = *nn; for (iin = 1; iin <= i__1; ++iin) { n = nval[iin]; /* Do first for UPLO = 'U', then for UPLO = 'L' */ for (iuplo = 1; iuplo <= 2; ++iuplo) { *(unsigned char *)uplo = *(unsigned char *)&uplos[iuplo - 1]; lower = TRUE_; if (iuplo == 1) { lower = FALSE_; } /* Do first for CFORM = 'N', then for CFORM = 'T' */ for (iform = 1; iform <= 2; ++iform) { *(unsigned char *)cform = *(unsigned char *)&forms[iform - 1]; ++nrun; i__2 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { i__3 = n; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { a[i__ + j * a_dim1] = dlarnd_(&c__2, iseed); } } s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTRTTF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtrttf_(cform, uplo, &n, &a[a_offset], lda, &arf[1], &info); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFTTP", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtfttp_(cform, uplo, &n, &arf[1], &ap[1], &info); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTPTTR", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtpttr_(uplo, &n, &ap[1], &asav[asav_offset], lda, &info); ok1 = TRUE_; if (lower) { i__2 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { i__3 = n; for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { if (a[i__ + j * a_dim1] != asav[i__ + j * asav_dim1]) { ok1 = FALSE_; } } } } else { i__2 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { i__3 = j; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { if (a[i__ + j * a_dim1] != asav[i__ + j * asav_dim1]) { ok1 = FALSE_; } } } } ++nrun; s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTRTTP", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtrttp_(uplo, &n, &a[a_offset], lda, &ap[1], &info) ; s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTPTTF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtpttf_(cform, uplo, &n, &ap[1], &arf[1], &info); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFTTR", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); dtfttr_(cform, uplo, &n, &arf[1], &asav[asav_offset], lda, & info); ok2 = TRUE_; if (lower) { i__2 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { i__3 = n; for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { if (a[i__ + j * a_dim1] != asav[i__ + j * asav_dim1]) { ok2 = FALSE_; } } } } else { i__2 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { i__3 = j; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { if (a[i__ + j * a_dim1] != asav[i__ + j * asav_dim1]) { ok2 = FALSE_; } } } } if (! ok1 || ! ok2) { if (nerrs == 0) { io___19.ciunit = *nout; s_wsle(&io___19); e_wsle(); io___20.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___20); e_wsfe(); } io___21.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___21); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, cform, (ftnlen)1); e_wsfe(); ++nerrs; } /* L100: */ } /* L110: */ } /* L120: */ } /* Print a summary of the results. */ if (nerrs == 0) { io___22.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___22); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nrun, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___23.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___23); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nerrs, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nrun, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } return 0; /* End of DDRVRF2 */ } /* ddrvrf2_ */
/* Subroutine */ int derrrfp_(integer *nunit) { /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(1x,\002DOUBLE PRECISION RFP routines passed t" "he tests of \002,\002the error exits\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 *** RFP routines failed the tests of the" " error \002,\002exits ***\002)"; /* Local variables */ doublereal a[1] /* was [1][1] */, b[1] /* was [1][1] */, beta; integer info; doublereal alpha; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___6 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___7 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; /* -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.2.0) -- */ /* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */ /* November 2008 */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. */ /* Purpose */ /* ======= */ /* DERRRFP tests the error exits for the DOUBLE PRECISION driver routines */ /* for solving linear systems of equations. */ /* DDRVRFP tests the DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK RFP routines: */ /* DTFSM, DTFTRI, DSFRK, DTFTTP, DTFTTR, DPFTRF, DPFTRS, DTPTTF, */ /* DTPTTR, DTRTTF, and DTRTTP */ /* Arguments */ /* ========= */ /* NUNIT (input) INTEGER */ /* The unit number for output. */ /* ===================================================================== */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ infoc_1.nout = *nunit; infoc_1.ok = TRUE_; a[0] = 1.; b[0] = 1.; alpha = 1.; beta = 1.; s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DPFTRF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dpftrf_("/", "U", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dpftrf_("N", "/", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dpftrf_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DPFTRS", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dpftrs_("/", "U", &c__0, &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dpftrs_("N", "/", &c__0, &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dpftrs_("N", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; dpftrs_("N", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; dpftrs_("N", "U", &c__0, &c__0, a, b, &c__0, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DPFTRI", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dpftri_("/", "U", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dpftri_("N", "/", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dpftri_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, &info); chkxer_("DPFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFSM ", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtfsm_("/", "L", "U", "T", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtfsm_("N", "/", "U", "T", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtfsm_("N", "L", "/", "T", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; dtfsm_("N", "L", "U", "/", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; dtfsm_("N", "L", "U", "T", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; dtfsm_("N", "L", "U", "T", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; dtfsm_("N", "L", "U", "T", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, b, &c__1); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; dtfsm_("N", "L", "U", "T", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, b, &c__0); chkxer_("DTFSM ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFTRI", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtftri_("/", "L", "N", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DTFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtftri_("N", "/", "N", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DTFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtftri_("N", "L", "/", &c__0, a, &info); chkxer_("DTFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; dtftri_("N", "L", "N", &c_n1, a, &info); chkxer_("DTFTRI", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFTTR", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtfttr_("/", "U", &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtfttr_("N", "/", &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtfttr_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; dtfttr_("N", "U", &c__0, a, b, &c__0, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTRTTF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtrttf_("/", "U", &c__0, a, &c__1, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtrttf_("N", "/", &c__0, a, &c__1, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtrttf_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, &c__1, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; dtrttf_("N", "U", &c__0, a, &c__0, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTFTTP", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtfttp_("/", "U", &c__0, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtfttp_("N", "/", &c__0, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtfttp_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTFTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTPTTF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtpttf_("/", "U", &c__0, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtpttf_("N", "/", &c__0, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dtpttf_("N", "U", &c_n1, a, b, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTRTTP", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtrttp_("/", &c__0, a, &c__1, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtrttp_("U", &c_n1, a, &c__1, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; dtrttp_("U", &c__0, a, &c__0, b, &info); chkxer_("DTRTTP", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTPTTR", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dtpttr_("/", &c__0, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dtpttr_("U", &c_n1, a, b, &c__1, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; dtpttr_("U", &c__0, a, b, &c__0, &info); chkxer_("DTPTTR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DSFRK ", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); infoc_1.infot = 1; dsfrk_("/", "U", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; dsfrk_("N", "/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; dsfrk_("N", "U", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; dsfrk_("N", "U", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; dsfrk_("N", "U", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; dsfrk_("N", "U", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__0, &beta, b); chkxer_("DSFRK ", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, & infoc_1.ok); /* Print a summary line. */ if (infoc_1.ok) { io___6.ciunit = infoc_1.nout; s_wsfe(&io___6); e_wsfe(); } else { io___7.ciunit = infoc_1.nout; s_wsfe(&io___7); e_wsfe(); } return 0; /* End of DERRRFP */ } /* derrrfp_ */