main(int argc, char **argv) { char *txtFile = 0; unsigned long heapPos; int rc; unsigned extraSpace; if(argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '/' && toupper(argv[1][1]) == 'T') { txtFile = &argv[1][2]; --argc; ++argv; } if(argc != 4) { puts("Useage: INFORES resfile mapfile exefile"); return 127; } if((rc = scanMapFile(argv[2], &heapPos, &extraSpace)) != 0) return rc; if((rc = addImageDisplacement(argv[3], &heapPos, &extraSpace)) != 0) return rc; if(txtFile && (txt = fopen(txtFile, "wt")) == 0) { printf("Failed to create text file: %s\n", txtFile); return 43; } if((info = fopen(argv[1], "wb")) == 0) { printf("Failed to create file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 41; } startResource(info, RES_ID_INFO, 0); dumpTagU(INFO_EXTRA_SPACE, extraSpace); if(heapPos) dumpTag(INFO_POS_HEAPLEN, 4, &heapPos); #if 0 /* They are external now */ #ifdef FEATURE_ALIASES dumpTagU(INFO_ALIASES, 0); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY dumpTagU(INFO_HISTORY, 256); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_PUSHD dumpTagU(INFO_DIRSTACK, DIRSTACK_DEFAULT_SIZE); #endif #endif dumpTagU(INFO_BUFSIZE, MAX_INTERNAL_COMMAND_SIZE); dumpTag(INFO_END, 0, 0); endResource(info); fflush(info); if(ferror(info)) { printf("Error writing file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 60; } fclose(info); return 0; }
int main() { PdmSuperClusterer super; PdmCWDClusterer clust(&super, POL_LEFTCIRCULAR); // guestimates for TSS; match test data super.setObsParams(2289 - 5.034399, 64, 0.6958917); while(cin) { int count, bin, drift, power; cin >> count; cin >> bin; cin >> drift; cin >> power; clust.recordHit(bin,drift,power); } clust.allHitsLoaded(); super.compute(); printf("found %d superclusters:\n", super.getCount()); for (int i = 0; i < super.getCount(); i++) { const PdmClusterTag &tag = super.getNthMainSignal(i); dumpTag("SUPER ",tag); for (int j = 0; j < super.getNthClusterCount(i); j++) { const PdmClusterTag &tag2 = super.getNthMthCluster(i,j); dumpTag(" ",tag2); } } return 0; }
void dumpTagU(int ttype, unsigned tvalue) { dumpTag(ttype, 2, &tvalue); }