 * @brief
 *		dup_node_partition - duplicate a node_partition structure
 * @param[in]	onp	-	the node_partition structure to duplicate
 * @param[in]	nsinfo	-	server for the new node partiton (the nodes are needed)
 * @return	duplicated node_partition
 * @retval	NULL	: on error
node_partition *
dup_node_partition(node_partition *onp, server_info *nsinfo)
	node_partition *nnp;

	if (onp == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if ((nnp = new_node_partition()) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (onp->name != NULL)
		nnp->name = string_dup(onp->name);

	if (onp->def != NULL)
		nnp->def = onp->def;

	if (onp->res_val != NULL)
		nnp->res_val = string_dup(onp->res_val);

	nnp->ok_break = onp->ok_break;
	nnp->excl = onp->excl;
	nnp->tot_nodes = onp->tot_nodes;
	nnp->free_nodes = onp->free_nodes;
	nnp->res = dup_resource_list(onp->res);
#ifdef NAS /* localmod 049 */
	nnp->ninfo_arr = copy_node_ptr_array(onp->ninfo_arr, nsinfo->nodes, nsinfo);
	nnp->ninfo_arr = copy_node_ptr_array(onp->ninfo_arr, nsinfo->nodes);

	nnp->bkts = dup_node_bucket_array(onp->bkts, nsinfo);
	nnp->rank = onp->rank;

	/* validity check */
	if (onp->name == NULL || onp->res_val == NULL ||
		nnp->res == NULL || nnp->ninfo_arr == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	return nnp;
文件: simulate.c 项目: altair4/pbspro
 * @brief
 * 		simulate the minimum amount of a resource list
 *		for an event list until a point in time.  The
 *		comparison we are simulating the minimum for is
 *		(resources_available.foo - resources_assigned.foo)
 *		The minimum is simulated by holding resources_available
 *		constant and maximizing the resources_assigned value
 * @note
 * 		This function only simulates START and END events.  If at some
 *		point in the future we start simulating events such as
 *		qmgr -c 's s resources_available.ncpus + =5' this function will
 *		will have to be revisited.
 * @param[in] reslist	- resource list to simulate
 * @param[in] end	- end time
 * @param[in] calendar	- calendar to simulate
 * @param[in] incl_arr	- only use events for resresvs in this array (can be NULL)
 * @param[in] exclude	- job/resv to ignore (possibly NULL)
 * @return static pointer to amount of resources available during
 * @retval the entire length from now to end
 * @retval	NULL	: on error
 * @par MT-safe: No
schd_resource *
simulate_resmin(schd_resource *reslist, time_t end, event_list *calendar,
	resource_resv **incl_arr, resource_resv *exclude)
	static schd_resource *retres = NULL;	/* return pointer */

	schd_resource *cur_res;
	schd_resource *cur_resmin;
	resource_req *req;
	schd_resource *res;
	schd_resource *resmin = NULL;
	timed_event *te;
	resource_resv *resresv;
	unsigned int event_mask = (TIMED_RUN_EVENT | TIMED_END_EVENT);

	if (reslist == NULL)
		return NULL;

	/* if there is no calendar, then there is nothing to do */
	if (calendar == NULL)
		return reslist;

	/* If there are no run events in the calendar between now and the end time
	 * then there is nothing to do. Nothing will reduce resources (only increase)
	if (exists_run_event(calendar, end) == 0)
		return reslist;

	if (retres != NULL) {
		retres = NULL;

	if ((res = dup_resource_list(reslist)) == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if ((resmin = dup_resource_list(reslist)) == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	te = get_next_event(calendar);
	for (te = find_init_timed_event(te, IGNORE_DISABLED_EVENTS, event_mask);
		te != NULL && (end == 0 || te->event_time < end);
		te = find_next_timed_event(te, IGNORE_DISABLED_EVENTS, event_mask)) {
		resresv = (resource_resv*) te->event_ptr;
		if (incl_arr == NULL || find_resource_resv_by_rank(incl_arr, resresv->rank) !=NULL) {
			if (resresv != exclude) {
				req = resresv->resreq;

				for (; req != NULL; req = req->next) {
					if (req->type.is_consumable) {
						cur_res = find_alloc_resource(res, req->def);

						if (cur_res == NULL) {
							return NULL;

						if (te->event_type == TIMED_RUN_EVENT)
							cur_res->assigned += req->amount;
							cur_res->assigned -= req->amount;

						cur_resmin = find_alloc_resource(resmin, req->def);
						if (cur_resmin == NULL) {
							return NULL;
						if (cur_res->assigned > cur_resmin->assigned)
							cur_resmin->assigned = cur_res->assigned;
	retres = resmin;
	return retres;
 * @brief
 *		dup_queue_info - duplicate a queue_info structure
 * @param[in]	oqinfo	-	the queue_info to copy
 * @param[in]	nsinfo	-	the server which owns the duplicated queue
 * @return	duplicated queue_info struct
 * @retval	NULL	: on error
queue_info *
dup_queue_info(queue_info *oqinfo, server_info *nsinfo)
	queue_info *nqinfo;

	if ((nqinfo = new_queue_info(0)) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	nqinfo->name = string_dup(oqinfo->name);
	nqinfo->server = nsinfo;

	nqinfo->is_started = oqinfo->is_started;
	nqinfo->is_exec = oqinfo->is_exec;
	nqinfo->is_route = oqinfo->is_route;
	nqinfo->is_ok_to_run = oqinfo->is_ok_to_run;
	nqinfo->is_ded_queue = oqinfo->is_ded_queue;
	nqinfo->is_prime_queue = oqinfo->is_prime_queue;
	nqinfo->is_nonprime_queue = oqinfo->is_nonprime_queue;
	nqinfo->has_nodes = oqinfo->has_nodes;
	nqinfo->has_soft_limit = oqinfo->has_soft_limit;
	nqinfo->has_hard_limit = oqinfo->has_hard_limit;
	nqinfo->is_peer_queue = oqinfo->is_peer_queue;
	nqinfo->has_resav_limit = oqinfo->has_resav_limit;
	nqinfo->sc = oqinfo->sc;
	nqinfo->liminfo = lim_dup_liminfo(oqinfo->liminfo);
	nqinfo->priority = oqinfo->priority;
	nqinfo->num_parts = oqinfo->num_parts;
	nqinfo->num_topjobs = oqinfo->num_topjobs;
	nqinfo->backfill_depth = oqinfo->backfill_depth;
#ifdef	NAS
	/* localmod 046 */
	nqinfo->max_starve = oqinfo->max_starve;
	/* localmod 034 */
	nqinfo->max_borrow = oqinfo->max_borrow;
	/* localmod 038 */
	nqinfo->is_topjob_set_aside = oqinfo->is_topjob_set_aside;
	/* localmod 040 */
	nqinfo->ignore_nodect_sort = oqinfo->ignore_nodect_sort;

	nqinfo->qres = dup_resource_list(oqinfo->qres);
	nqinfo->alljobcounts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->alljobcounts);
	nqinfo->group_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->group_counts);
	nqinfo->project_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->project_counts);
	nqinfo->user_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->user_counts);
	nqinfo->total_alljobcounts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->total_alljobcounts);
	nqinfo->total_group_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->total_group_counts);
	nqinfo->total_project_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->total_project_counts);
	nqinfo->total_user_counts = dup_counts_list(oqinfo->total_user_counts);
	nqinfo->nodepart = dup_node_partition_array(oqinfo->nodepart, nsinfo);
	nqinfo->allpart = dup_node_partition(oqinfo->allpart, nsinfo);
	nqinfo->node_group_key = dup_string_array(oqinfo->node_group_key);

	if (oqinfo->resv != NULL) {
		nqinfo->resv = find_resource_resv_by_rank(nsinfo->resvs, oqinfo->resv->rank);
		/* just incase we we didn't set the reservation cross pointer */
		if (nqinfo->resv != NULL && nqinfo->resv->resv != NULL)
			nqinfo->resv->resv->resv_queue = nqinfo;
	nqinfo->jobs = dup_resource_resv_array(oqinfo->jobs,
		nqinfo->server, nqinfo);

	if (nqinfo->jobs != NULL)
		nqinfo->running_jobs = resource_resv_filter(nqinfo->jobs,
			nqinfo->sc.total, check_run_job, NULL, 0);

	if (oqinfo->nodes != NULL)
		nqinfo->nodes = node_filter(nsinfo->nodes, nsinfo->num_nodes,
			node_queue_cmp, (void *) nqinfo->name, 0);

	if (oqinfo->nodes_in_partition != NULL)
		nqinfo->nodes_in_partition = node_filter(nsinfo->nodes, nsinfo->num_nodes,
			node_partition_cmp, (void *) oqinfo->partition, 0);

	if (oqinfo->partition != NULL) {
		nqinfo->partition = string_dup(oqinfo->partition);
		if (nqinfo->partition == NULL) {
			return NULL;

	return nqinfo;