void load_open_settings(void *sesskey, Config *cfg)
    int i;
    char prot[10];

    cfg->ssh_subsys = 0;	       /* FIXME: load this properly */
    cfg->remote_cmd_ptr = NULL;
    cfg->remote_cmd_ptr2 = NULL;
    cfg->ssh_nc_host[0] = '\0';

    gpps(sesskey, "HostName", "", cfg->host, sizeof(cfg->host));
    gppfile(sesskey, "LogFileName", &cfg->logfilename);
    gppi(sesskey, "LogType", 0, &cfg->logtype);
    gppi(sesskey, "LogFileClash", LGXF_ASK, &cfg->logxfovr);
    gppi(sesskey, "LogFlush", 1, &cfg->logflush);
    gppi(sesskey, "SSHLogOmitPasswords", 1, &cfg->logomitpass);
    gppi(sesskey, "SSHLogOmitData", 0, &cfg->logomitdata);

    gpps(sesskey, "Protocol", "default", prot, 10);
    cfg->protocol = default_protocol;
    cfg->port = default_port;
	const Backend *b = backend_from_name(prot);
	if (b) {
	    cfg->protocol = b->protocol;
	    gppi(sesskey, "PortNumber", default_port, &cfg->port);

    /* Address family selection */
    gppi(sesskey, "AddressFamily", ADDRTYPE_UNSPEC, &cfg->addressfamily);

    /* The CloseOnExit numbers are arranged in a different order from
     * the standard FORCE_ON / FORCE_OFF / AUTO. */
    gppi(sesskey, "CloseOnExit", 1, &i); cfg->close_on_exit = (i+1)%3;
    gppi(sesskey, "WarnOnClose", 1, &cfg->warn_on_close);
	/* This is two values for backward compatibility with 0.50/0.51 */
	int pingmin, pingsec;
	gppi(sesskey, "PingInterval", 0, &pingmin);
	gppi(sesskey, "PingIntervalSecs", 0, &pingsec);
	cfg->ping_interval = pingmin * 60 + pingsec;
    gppi(sesskey, "TCPNoDelay", 1, &cfg->tcp_nodelay);
    gppi(sesskey, "TCPKeepalives", 0, &cfg->tcp_keepalives);
    gpps(sesskey, "TerminalType", "xterm", cfg->termtype,
    gpps(sesskey, "TerminalSpeed", "38400,38400", cfg->termspeed,
	/* This hardcodes a big set of defaults in any new saved
	 * sessions. Let's hope we don't change our mind. */
	int i;
	char *def = dupstr("");
	/* Default: all set to "auto" */
	for (i = 0; ttymodes[i]; i++) {
	    char *def2 = dupprintf("%s%s=A,", def, ttymodes[i]);
	    def = def2;
	gppmap(sesskey, "TerminalModes", def,
	       cfg->ttymodes, lenof(cfg->ttymodes));

    /* proxy settings */
    gpps(sesskey, "ProxyExcludeList", "", cfg->proxy_exclude_list,
    gppi(sesskey, "ProxyDNS", 1, &i); cfg->proxy_dns = (i+1)%3;
    gppi(sesskey, "ProxyLocalhost", 0, &cfg->even_proxy_localhost);
    /* FZ unused
    gppi(sesskey, "ProxyMethod", -1, &cfg->proxy_type);
    if (cfg->proxy_type == -1) {
        int i;
        gppi(sesskey, "ProxyType", 0, &i);
        if (i == 0)
            cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_NONE;
        else if (i == 1)
            cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_HTTP;
        else if (i == 3)
            cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_TELNET;
        else if (i == 4)
            cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_CMD;
        else {
            gppi(sesskey, "ProxySOCKSVersion", 5, &i);
            if (i == 5)
                cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_SOCKS5;
                cfg->proxy_type = PROXY_SOCKS4;
    gpps(sesskey, "ProxyHost", "proxy", cfg->proxy_host,
    gppi(sesskey, "ProxyPort", 80, &cfg->proxy_port);
    gpps(sesskey, "ProxyUsername", "", cfg->proxy_username,
    gpps(sesskey, "ProxyPassword", "", cfg->proxy_password,
    gpps(sesskey, "ProxyTelnetCommand", "connect %host %port\\n",
	 cfg->proxy_telnet_command, sizeof(cfg->proxy_telnet_command));
    gppmap(sesskey, "Environment", "", cfg->environmt, lenof(cfg->environmt));
    gpps(sesskey, "UserName", get_username(), cfg->username, sizeof(cfg->username));
    gpps(sesskey, "LocalUserName", "", cfg->localusername,
    gppi(sesskey, "NoPTY", 0, &cfg->nopty);
    gppi(sesskey, "Compression", 0, &cfg->compression);
    gppi(sesskey, "TryAgent", 1, &cfg->tryagent);
    gppi(sesskey, "AgentFwd", 0, &cfg->agentfwd);
    gppi(sesskey, "ChangeUsername", 0, &cfg->change_username);
    gppi(sesskey, "GssapiFwd", 0, &cfg->gssapifwd);
    gprefs(sesskey, "Cipher", "\0",
	   ciphernames, CIPHER_MAX, cfg->ssh_cipherlist);
	/* Backward-compatibility: we used to have an option to
	 * disable gex under the "bugs" panel after one report of
	 * a server which offered it then choked, but we never got
	 * a server version string or any other reports. */
	char *default_kexes;
	gppi(sesskey, "BugDHGEx2", 0, &i); i = 2-i;
	if (i == FORCE_ON)
	    default_kexes = "dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN,dh-gex-sha1";
	    default_kexes = "dh-gex-sha1,dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN";
	gprefs(sesskey, "KEX", default_kexes,
	       kexnames, KEX_MAX, cfg->ssh_kexlist);
    gppi(sesskey, "RekeyTime", 60, &cfg->ssh_rekey_time);
    gpps(sesskey, "RekeyBytes", "1G", cfg->ssh_rekey_data,
    gppi(sesskey, "SshProt", 2, &cfg->sshprot);
    gpps(sesskey, "LogHost", "", cfg->loghost, sizeof(cfg->loghost));
    gppi(sesskey, "SSH2DES", 0, &cfg->ssh2_des_cbc);
    gppi(sesskey, "SshNoAuth", 0, &cfg->ssh_no_userauth);
    gppi(sesskey, "AuthTIS", 0, &cfg->try_tis_auth);
    gppi(sesskey, "AuthKI", 1, &cfg->try_ki_auth);
    gppi(sesskey, "AuthGSSAPI", 1, &cfg->try_gssapi_auth);
    gppi(sesskey, "SshNoShell", 0, &cfg->ssh_no_shell);
    gppfile(sesskey, "PublicKeyFile", &cfg->keyfile);
    gpps(sesskey, "RemoteCommand", "", cfg->remote_cmd,
    gppi(sesskey, "RFCEnviron", 0, &cfg->rfc_environ);
    gppi(sesskey, "PassiveTelnet", 0, &cfg->passive_telnet);
    gppi(sesskey, "BackspaceIsDelete", 1, &cfg->bksp_is_delete);
    gppi(sesskey, "RXVTHomeEnd", 0, &cfg->rxvt_homeend);
    gppi(sesskey, "LinuxFunctionKeys", 0, &cfg->funky_type);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoApplicationKeys", 0, &cfg->no_applic_k);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoApplicationCursors", 0, &cfg->no_applic_c);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoMouseReporting", 0, &cfg->no_mouse_rep);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoRemoteResize", 0, &cfg->no_remote_resize);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoAltScreen", 0, &cfg->no_alt_screen);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoRemoteWinTitle", 0, &cfg->no_remote_wintitle);
	/* Backward compatibility */
	int no_remote_qtitle;
	gppi(sesskey, "NoRemoteQTitle", 1, &no_remote_qtitle);
	/* We deliberately interpret the old setting of "no response" as
	 * "empty string". This changes the behaviour, but hopefully for
	 * the better; the user can always recover the old behaviour. */
	gppi(sesskey, "RemoteQTitleAction",
	     no_remote_qtitle ? TITLE_EMPTY : TITLE_REAL,
    gppi(sesskey, "NoDBackspace", 0, &cfg->no_dbackspace);
    gppi(sesskey, "NoRemoteCharset", 0, &cfg->no_remote_charset);
    gppi(sesskey, "ApplicationCursorKeys", 0, &cfg->app_cursor);
    gppi(sesskey, "ApplicationKeypad", 0, &cfg->app_keypad);
    gppi(sesskey, "NetHackKeypad", 0, &cfg->nethack_keypad);
    gppi(sesskey, "AltF4", 1, &cfg->alt_f4);
    gppi(sesskey, "AltSpace", 0, &cfg->alt_space);
    gppi(sesskey, "AltOnly", 0, &cfg->alt_only);
    gppi(sesskey, "ComposeKey", 0, &cfg->compose_key);
    gppi(sesskey, "CtrlAltKeys", 1, &cfg->ctrlaltkeys);
    gppi(sesskey, "TelnetKey", 0, &cfg->telnet_keyboard);
    gppi(sesskey, "TelnetRet", 1, &cfg->telnet_newline);
    gppi(sesskey, "LocalEcho", AUTO, &cfg->localecho);
    gppi(sesskey, "LocalEdit", AUTO, &cfg->localedit);
    gpps(sesskey, "Answerback", "PuTTY", cfg->answerback,
    gppi(sesskey, "AlwaysOnTop", 0, &cfg->alwaysontop);
    gppi(sesskey, "FullScreenOnAltEnter", 0, &cfg->fullscreenonaltenter);
    gppi(sesskey, "HideMousePtr", 0, &cfg->hide_mouseptr);
    gppi(sesskey, "SunkenEdge", 0, &cfg->sunken_edge);
    gppi(sesskey, "WindowBorder", 1, &cfg->window_border);
    gppi(sesskey, "CurType", 0, &cfg->cursor_type);
    gppi(sesskey, "BlinkCur", 0, &cfg->blink_cur);
    /* pedantic compiler tells me I can't use &cfg->beep as an int * :-) */
    gppi(sesskey, "Beep", 1, &cfg->beep);
    gppi(sesskey, "BeepInd", 0, &cfg->beep_ind);
    gppfile(sesskey, "BellWaveFile", &cfg->bell_wavefile);
    gppi(sesskey, "BellOverload", 1, &cfg->bellovl);
    gppi(sesskey, "BellOverloadN", 5, &cfg->bellovl_n);
    gppi(sesskey, "BellOverloadT", 2*TICKSPERSEC, &i);
    cfg->bellovl_t = i
		    / 1000
    gppi(sesskey, "BellOverloadS", 5*TICKSPERSEC, &i);
    cfg->bellovl_s = i
		    / 1000
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollbackLines", 200, &cfg->savelines);
    gppi(sesskey, "DECOriginMode", 0, &cfg->dec_om);
    gppi(sesskey, "AutoWrapMode", 1, &cfg->wrap_mode);
    gppi(sesskey, "LFImpliesCR", 0, &cfg->lfhascr);
    gppi(sesskey, "CRImpliesLF", 0, &cfg->crhaslf);
    gppi(sesskey, "DisableArabicShaping", 0, &cfg->arabicshaping);
    gppi(sesskey, "DisableBidi", 0, &cfg->bidi);
    gppi(sesskey, "WinNameAlways", 1, &cfg->win_name_always);
    gpps(sesskey, "WinTitle", "", cfg->wintitle, sizeof(cfg->wintitle));
    gppi(sesskey, "TermWidth", 80, &cfg->width);
    gppi(sesskey, "TermHeight", 24, &cfg->height);
    gppfont(sesskey, "Font", &cfg->font);
    gppi(sesskey, "FontQuality", FQ_DEFAULT, &cfg->font_quality);
    gppi(sesskey, "FontVTMode", VT_UNICODE, (int *) &cfg->vtmode);
    gppi(sesskey, "UseSystemColours", 0, &cfg->system_colour);
    gppi(sesskey, "TryPalette", 0, &cfg->try_palette);
    gppi(sesskey, "ANSIColour", 1, &cfg->ansi_colour);
    gppi(sesskey, "Xterm256Colour", 1, &cfg->xterm_256_colour);
    gppi(sesskey, "BoldAsColour", 1, &cfg->bold_colour);

    for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
	static const char *const defaults[] = {
	    "187,187,187", "255,255,255", "0,0,0", "85,85,85", "0,0,0",
	    "0,255,0", "0,0,0", "85,85,85", "187,0,0", "255,85,85",
	    "0,187,0", "85,255,85", "187,187,0", "255,255,85", "0,0,187",
	    "85,85,255", "187,0,187", "255,85,255", "0,187,187",
	    "85,255,255", "187,187,187", "255,255,255"
	char buf[20], buf2[30];
	int c0, c1, c2;
	sprintf(buf, "Colour%d", i);
	gpps(sesskey, buf, defaults[i], buf2, sizeof(buf2));
	if (sscanf(buf2, "%d,%d,%d", &c0, &c1, &c2) == 3) {
	    cfg->colours[i][0] = c0;
	    cfg->colours[i][1] = c1;
	    cfg->colours[i][2] = c2;
    gppi(sesskey, "RawCNP", 0, &cfg->rawcnp);
    gppi(sesskey, "PasteRTF", 0, &cfg->rtf_paste);
    gppi(sesskey, "MouseIsXterm", 0, &cfg->mouse_is_xterm);
    gppi(sesskey, "RectSelect", 0, &cfg->rect_select);
    gppi(sesskey, "MouseOverride", 1, &cfg->mouse_override);
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 32) {
	static const char *const defaults[] = {
	char buf[20], buf2[256], *p;
	int j;
	sprintf(buf, "Wordness%d", i);
	gpps(sesskey, buf, defaults[i / 32], buf2, sizeof(buf2));
	p = buf2;
	for (j = i; j < i + 32; j++) {
	    char *q = p;
	    while (*p && *p != ',')
	    if (*p == ',')
		*p++ = '\0';
	    cfg->wordness[j] = atoi(q);
     * The empty default for LineCodePage will be converted later
     * into a plausible default for the locale.
    gpps(sesskey, "LineCodePage", "", cfg->line_codepage,
    gppi(sesskey, "CJKAmbigWide", 0, &cfg->cjk_ambig_wide);
    gppi(sesskey, "UTF8Override", 1, &cfg->utf8_override);
    gpps(sesskey, "Printer", "", cfg->printer, sizeof(cfg->printer));
    gppi (sesskey, "CapsLockCyr", 0, &cfg->xlat_capslockcyr);
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollBar", 1, &cfg->scrollbar);
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollBarFullScreen", 0, &cfg->scrollbar_in_fullscreen);
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollOnKey", 0, &cfg->scroll_on_key);
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollOnDisp", 1, &cfg->scroll_on_disp);
    gppi(sesskey, "EraseToScrollback", 1, &cfg->erase_to_scrollback);
    gppi(sesskey, "LockSize", 0, &cfg->resize_action);
    gppi(sesskey, "BCE", 1, &cfg->bce);
    gppi(sesskey, "BlinkText", 0, &cfg->blinktext);
    gppi(sesskey, "X11Forward", 0, &cfg->x11_forward);
    gpps(sesskey, "X11Display", "", cfg->x11_display,
    gppi(sesskey, "X11AuthType", X11_MIT, &cfg->x11_auth);

    gppi(sesskey, "LocalPortAcceptAll", 0, &cfg->lport_acceptall);
    gppi(sesskey, "RemotePortAcceptAll", 0, &cfg->rport_acceptall);
    gppmap(sesskey, "PortForwardings", "", cfg->portfwd, lenof(cfg->portfwd));
    gppi(sesskey, "BugIgnore1", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_ignore1 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugPlainPW1", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_plainpw1 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugRSA1", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_rsa1 = 2-i;
	int i;
	gppi(sesskey, "BugHMAC2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_hmac2 = 2-i;
	if (cfg->sshbug_hmac2 == AUTO) {
	    gppi(sesskey, "BuggyMAC", 0, &i);
	    if (i == 1)
		cfg->sshbug_hmac2 = FORCE_ON;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugDeriveKey2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_derivekey2 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugRSAPad2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_rsapad2 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugPKSessID2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_pksessid2 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugRekey2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_rekey2 = 2-i;
    gppi(sesskey, "BugMaxPkt2", 0, &i); cfg->sshbug_maxpkt2 = 2-i;
    cfg->ssh_simple = FALSE;
    gppi(sesskey, "StampUtmp", 1, &cfg->stamp_utmp);
    gppi(sesskey, "LoginShell", 1, &cfg->login_shell);
    gppi(sesskey, "ScrollbarOnLeft", 0, &cfg->scrollbar_on_left);
    gppi(sesskey, "ShadowBold", 0, &cfg->shadowbold);
    gppfont(sesskey, "BoldFont", &cfg->boldfont);
    gppfont(sesskey, "WideFont", &cfg->widefont);
    gppfont(sesskey, "WideBoldFont", &cfg->wideboldfont);
    gppi(sesskey, "ShadowBoldOffset", 1, &cfg->shadowboldoffset);
    gpps(sesskey, "SerialLine", "", cfg->serline, sizeof(cfg->serline));
    gppi(sesskey, "SerialSpeed", 9600, &cfg->serspeed);
    gppi(sesskey, "SerialDataBits", 8, &cfg->serdatabits);
    gppi(sesskey, "SerialStopHalfbits", 2, &cfg->serstopbits);
    gppi(sesskey, "SerialParity", SER_PAR_NONE, &cfg->serparity);
    gppi(sesskey, "SerialFlowControl", SER_FLOW_XONXOFF, &cfg->serflow);
文件: bk_text.c 项目: rdebath/sgt
static textconfig text_configure(paragraph *source) {
    textconfig ret;
    paragraph *p;
    int n;

     * Non-negotiables.
    ret.bullet.next = NULL;
    ret.bullet.alt = NULL;
    ret.bullet.type = word_Normal;
    ret.atitle.just_numbers = FALSE;   /* ignored */

     * Defaults.
    ret.indent = 7;
    ret.indent_code = 2;
    ret.listindentbefore = 1;
    ret.listindentafter = 3;
    ret.width = 68;
    ret.atitle.align = CENTRE;
    ret.atitle.underline = L"\x2550\0=\0\0";
    ret.achapter.align = LEFT;
    ret.achapter.just_numbers = FALSE;
    ret.achapter.number_suffix = L": ";
    ret.achapter.underline = L"\x203E\0-\0\0";
    ret.nasect = 1;
    ret.asect = snewn(ret.nasect, alignstruct);
    ret.asect[0].align = LEFTPLUS;
    ret.asect[0].just_numbers = TRUE;
    ret.asect[0].number_suffix = L" ";
    ret.asect[0].underline = L"\0";
    ret.include_version_id = TRUE;
    ret.indent_preambles = FALSE;
    ret.bullet.text = L"\x2022\0-\0\0";
    ret.rule = L"\x2500\0-\0\0";
    ret.filename = dupstr("output.txt");
    ret.startemph = L"_\0_\0\0";
    ret.endemph = uadv(ret.startemph);
    ret.listsuffix = L".";
    ret.charset = CS_ASCII;
     * Default quote characters are Unicode matched single quotes,
     * falling back to the TeXlike `'.
    ret.lquote = L"\x2018\0\x2019\0`\0'\0\0";
    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

     * Two-pass configuration so that we can pick up global config
     * (e.g. `quotes') before having it overridden by specific
     * config (`text-quotes'), irrespective of the order in which
     * they occur.
    for (p = source; p; p = p->next) {
	if (p->type == para_Config) {
	    if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"quotes")) {
		if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) {
		    ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword);
		    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

    for (p = source; p; p = p->next) {
	if (p->type == para_Config) {
	    if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-indent")) {
		ret.indent = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-charset")) {
		ret.charset = charset_from_ustr(&p->fpos, uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-filename")) {
		ret.filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-indent-code")) {
		ret.indent_code = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-width")) {
		ret.width = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-list-indent")) {
		ret.listindentbefore = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-listitem-indent")) {
		ret.listindentafter = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-chapter-align")) {
		ret.achapter.align = utoalign(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-chapter-underline")) {
		ret.achapter.underline = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-chapter-numeric")) {
		ret.achapter.just_numbers = utob(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-chapter-suffix")) {
		ret.achapter.number_suffix = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-section-align")) {
		wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword);
		int n = 0;
		if (uisdigit(*q)) {
		    n = utoi(q);
		    q = uadv(q);
		if (n >= ret.nasect) {
		    int i;
		    ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, alignstruct);
		    for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++)
			ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1];
		    ret.nasect = n+1;
		ret.asect[n].align = utoalign(q);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-section-underline")) {
		wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword);
		int n = 0;
		if (uisdigit(*q)) {
		    n = utoi(q);
		    q = uadv(q);
		if (n >= ret.nasect) {
		    int i;
		    ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, alignstruct);
		    for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++)
			ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1];
		    ret.nasect = n+1;
		ret.asect[n].underline = q;
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-section-numeric")) {
		wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword);
		int n = 0;
		if (uisdigit(*q)) {
		    n = utoi(q);
		    q = uadv(q);
		if (n >= ret.nasect) {
		    int i;
		    ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, alignstruct);
		    for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++)
			ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1];
		    ret.nasect = n+1;
		ret.asect[n].just_numbers = utob(q);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-section-suffix")) {
		wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword);
		int n = 0;
		if (uisdigit(*q)) {
		    n = utoi(q);
		    q = uadv(q);
		if (n >= ret.nasect) {
		    int i;
		    ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, alignstruct);
		    for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++) {
			ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1];
		    ret.nasect = n+1;
		ret.asect[n].number_suffix = q;
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-title-align")) {
		ret.atitle.align = utoalign(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-title-underline")) {
		ret.atitle.underline = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-versionid")) {
		ret.include_version_id = utob(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-indent-preamble")) {
		ret.indent_preambles = utob(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-bullet")) {
		ret.bullet.text = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-rule")) {
		ret.rule = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-list-suffix")) {
		ret.listsuffix = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-emphasis")) {
		if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) {
		    ret.startemph = uadv(p->keyword);
		    ret.endemph = uadv(ret.startemph);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"text-quotes")) {
		if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) {
		    ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword);
		    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

     * Now process fallbacks on quote characters, underlines, the
     * rule character, the emphasis characters, and bullets.
    while (*uadv(ret.rquote) && *uadv(uadv(ret.rquote)) &&
	   (!cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.lquote) ||
	    !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.rquote))) {
	ret.lquote = uadv(ret.rquote);
	ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

    while (*uadv(ret.endemph) && *uadv(uadv(ret.endemph)) &&
	   (!cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.startemph) ||
	    !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.endemph))) {
	ret.startemph = uadv(ret.endemph);
	ret.endemph = uadv(ret.startemph);

    while (*ret.atitle.underline && *uadv(ret.atitle.underline) &&
	   !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.atitle.underline))
	ret.atitle.underline = uadv(ret.atitle.underline);
    while (*ret.achapter.underline && *uadv(ret.achapter.underline) &&
	   !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.achapter.underline))
	ret.achapter.underline = uadv(ret.achapter.underline);

    for (n = 0; n < ret.nasect; n++) {
	while (*ret.asect[n].underline && *uadv(ret.asect[n].underline) &&
	       !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.asect[n].underline))
	    ret.asect[n].underline = uadv(ret.asect[n].underline);
    while (*ret.bullet.text && *uadv(ret.bullet.text) &&
	   !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.bullet.text))
	ret.bullet.text = uadv(ret.bullet.text);

    while (*ret.rule && *uadv(ret.rule) &&
	   !cvt_ok(ret.charset, ret.rule))
	ret.rule = uadv(ret.rule);

    return ret;
文件: bk_man.c 项目: mloar/halibut
static manconfig man_configure(paragraph *source) {
    paragraph *p;
    manconfig ret;

     * Defaults.
    ret.th = NULL;
    ret.headnumbers = FALSE;
    ret.mindepth = 0;
    ret.filename = dupstr("output.1");
    ret.charset = CS_ASCII;
    ret.bullet = L"\x2022\0o\0\0";
    ret.rule = L"\x2500\0-\0\0";
    ret.lquote = L"\x2018\0\x2019\0\"\0\"\0\0";
    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

     * Two-pass configuration so that we can pick up global config
     * (e.g. `quotes') before having it overridden by specific
     * config (`man-quotes'), irrespective of the order in which
     * they occur.
    for (p = source; p; p = p->next) {
	if (p->type == para_Config) {
	    if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"quotes")) {
		if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) {
		    ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword);
		    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);

    for (p = source; p; p = p->next) {
	if (p->type == para_Config) {
	    if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-identity")) {
		wchar_t *wp, *ep;

		wp = uadv(p->keyword);
		ep = wp;
		while (*ep)
		    ep = uadv(ep);
		ret.th = snewn(ep - wp + 1, wchar_t);
		memcpy(ret.th, wp, (ep - wp + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-charset")) {
		ret.charset = charset_from_ustr(&p->fpos, uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-headnumbers")) {
		ret.headnumbers = utob(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-mindepth")) {
		ret.mindepth = utoi(uadv(p->keyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-filename")) {
		ret.filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword));
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-bullet")) {
		ret.bullet = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-rule")) {
		ret.rule = uadv(p->keyword);
	    } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"man-quotes")) {
		if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) {
		    ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword);
		    ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote);
文件: uxmisc.c 项目: gdh1995/putty
Filename *filename_from_str(const char *str)
    Filename *ret = snew(Filename);
    ret->path = dupstr(str);
    return ret;
char *platform_get_x_display(void) {
   /* We may as well check for DISPLAY in case it's useful. */
   return dupstr(getenv("DISPLAY"));
void win_setup_config_box(struct controlbox *b, HWND *hwndp, int has_help,
			  int midsession, int protocol)
    struct controlset *s;
    union control *c;
    char *str;
    BOOL with_glass;

    if (!midsession) {
	 * Add the About and Help buttons to the standard panel.
	s = ctrl_getset(b, "", "", "");
	c = ctrl_pushbutton(s, "About", 'a', HELPCTX(no_help),
			    about_handler, P(hwndp));
	c->generic.column = 0;
	if (has_help) {
	    c = ctrl_pushbutton(s, "Help", 'h', HELPCTX(no_help),
				help_handler, P(hwndp));
	    c->generic.column = 1;

     * Full-screen mode is a Windows peculiarity; hence
     * scrollbar_in_fullscreen is as well.
    s = ctrl_getset(b, "Window", "scrollback",
		    "Control the scrollback in the window");
    ctrl_checkbox(s, "Display scrollbar in full screen mode", 'i',
     * Really this wants to go just after `Display scrollbar'. See
     * if we can find that control, and do some shuffling.
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < s->ncontrols; i++) {
            c = s->ctrls[i];
            if (c->generic.type == CTRL_CHECKBOX &&
                c->generic.context.i == offsetof(Config,scrollbar)) {
                 * Control i is the scrollbar checkbox.
                 * Control s->ncontrols-1 is the scrollbar-in-FS one.
                if (i < s->ncontrols-2) {
                    c = s->ctrls[s->ncontrols-1];
                    memmove(s->ctrls+i+2, s->ctrls+i+1,
                            (s->ncontrols-i-2)*sizeof(union control *));
                    s->ctrls[i+1] = c;

    s = ctrl_getset(b, "Window/Appearance", "trans", "Transparency");
    with_glass = is_glass_available();
    ctrl_radiobuttons(s, NULL, NO_SHORTCUT, with_glass ? 5 : 4, 
		      "Off", NO_SHORTCUT, I(0),
		      "Low", NO_SHORTCUT, I(1),
		      with_glass ? "Med." : "Medium", NO_SHORTCUT, I(2),
		      "High", NO_SHORTCUT, I(3),
		      with_glass ? "Glass" : NULL, NO_SHORTCUT, I(-1), NULL);
    ctrl_checkbox(s, "Opaque when focused", NO_SHORTCUT, 

     * Windows has the AltGr key, which has various Windows-
     * specific options.
    s = ctrl_getset(b, "Terminal/Keyboard", "features",
		    "Enable extra keyboard features:");
    ctrl_checkbox(s, "AltGr acts as Compose key", 't',
		  dlg_stdcheckbox_handler, I(offsetof(Config,compose_key)));
    ctrl_checkbox(s, "Control-Alt is different from AltGr", 'd',
		  dlg_stdcheckbox_handler, I(offsetof(Config,ctrlaltkeys)));
    ctrl_checkbox(s, "Set meta bit on alt (instead of escape)", 'm',
		  dlg_stdcheckbox_handler, I(offsetof(Config,alt_metabit)));

     * Windows allows an arbitrary .WAV to be played as a bell, and
     * also the use of the PC speaker. For this we must search the
     * existing controlset for the radio-button set controlling the
     * `beep' option, and add extra buttons to it.
     * Note that although this _looks_ like a hideous hack, it's
     * actually all above board. The well-defined interface to the
     * per-platform dialog box code is the _data structures_ `union
     * control', `struct controlset' and so on; so code like this
     * that reaches into those data structures and changes bits of
     * them is perfectly legitimate and crosses no boundaries. All
     * the ctrl_* routines that create most of the controls are
     * convenient shortcuts provided on the cross-platform side of
     * the interface, and template creation code is under no actual
     * obligation to use them.
    s = ctrl_getset(b, "Terminal/Bell", "style", "Set the style of bell");
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < s->ncontrols; i++) {
	    c = s->ctrls[i];
	    if (c->generic.type == CTRL_RADIO &&
		c->generic.context.i == offsetof(Config, beep)) {
		assert(c->generic.handler == dlg_stdradiobutton_handler);
		c->radio.nbuttons += 2;
		c->radio.buttons =
		    sresize(c->radio.buttons, c->radio.nbuttons, char *);
		c->radio.buttons[c->radio.nbuttons-1] =
		    dupstr("Play a custom sound file");
		c->radio.buttons[c->radio.nbuttons-2] =
		    dupstr("Beep using the PC speaker");
		c->radio.buttondata =
		    sresize(c->radio.buttondata, c->radio.nbuttons, intorptr);
		c->radio.buttondata[c->radio.nbuttons-1] = I(BELL_WAVEFILE);
		c->radio.buttondata[c->radio.nbuttons-2] = I(BELL_PCSPEAKER);
		if (c->radio.shortcuts) {
		    c->radio.shortcuts =
			sresize(c->radio.shortcuts, c->radio.nbuttons, char);
		    c->radio.shortcuts[c->radio.nbuttons-1] = NO_SHORTCUT;
		    c->radio.shortcuts[c->radio.nbuttons-2] = NO_SHORTCUT;
文件: uxmisc.c 项目: gdh1995/putty
FontSpec *fontspec_new(const char *name)
    FontSpec *f = snew(FontSpec);
    f->name = dupstr(name);
    return f;
 * Write a set of name/value pairs in the above format, or just the
 * names if include_values is FALSE.
static void wmap(void *handle, char const *outkey, Conf *conf, int primary,
                 int include_values)
    char *buf, *p, *q, *key, *realkey, *val;
    int len;

    len = 1;			       /* allow for NUL */

    for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, NULL, &key);
	 val != NULL;
	 val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, key, &key))
	len += 2 + 2 * (strlen(key) + strlen(val));   /* allow for escaping */

    buf = snewn(len, char);
    p = buf;

    for (val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, NULL, &key);
	 val != NULL;
	 val = conf_get_str_strs(conf, primary, key, &key)) {

        if (primary == CONF_portfwd && !strcmp(val, "D")) {
             * Backwards-compatibility hack, as above: translate from
             * the sensible internal representation of dynamic
             * forwardings (key "L<port>", value "D") to the
             * conceptually incoherent legacy storage format (key
             * "D<port>", value empty).
            char *L;

            realkey = key;             /* restore it at end of loop */
            val = "";
            key = dupstr(key);
            L = strchr(key, 'L');
            if (L) *L = 'D';
        } else {
            realkey = NULL;

	if (p != buf)
	    *p++ = ',';
	for (q = key; *q; q++) {
	    if (*q == '=' || *q == ',' || *q == '\\')
		*p++ = '\\';
	    *p++ = *q;
        if (include_values) {
            *p++ = '=';
            for (q = val; *q; q++) {
                if (*q == '=' || *q == ',' || *q == '\\')
                    *p++ = '\\';
                *p++ = *q;

        if (realkey) {
            key = realkey;
    *p = '\0';
    write_setting_s(handle, outkey, buf);
static char *encode_params(game_params *params, int full)
    char buf[64];
    sprintf(buf, "%dx%d", params->w, params->h);
    return dupstr(buf);
 * Called to set up the rlogin connection.
 * Returns an error message, or NULL on success.
 * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be
 * freed by the caller.
static const char *rlogin_init(void *frontend_handle, void **backend_handle,
                               Config *cfg,
                               char *host, int port, char **realhost,
                               int nodelay, int keepalive)
    static const struct plug_function_table fn_table = {
    SockAddr addr;
    const char *err;
    Rlogin rlogin;
    char ruser[sizeof(cfg->username)];

    rlogin = snew(struct rlogin_tag);
    rlogin->fn = &fn_table;
    rlogin->s = NULL;
    rlogin->frontend = frontend_handle;
    rlogin->term_width = cfg->width;
    rlogin->term_height = cfg->height;
    rlogin->firstbyte = 1;
    rlogin->cansize = 0;
    rlogin->prompt = NULL;
    rlogin->cfg = *cfg;                /* STRUCTURE COPY */
    *backend_handle = rlogin;

     * Try to find host.
        char *buf;
        buf = dupprintf("Looking up host \"%s\"%s", host,
                        (cfg->addressfamily == ADDRTYPE_IPV4 ? " (IPv4)" :
                         (cfg->addressfamily == ADDRTYPE_IPV6 ? " (IPv6)" :
        logevent(rlogin->frontend, buf);
    addr = name_lookup(host, port, realhost, cfg, cfg->addressfamily);
    if ((err = sk_addr_error(addr)) != NULL) {
        return err;

    if (port < 0)
        port = 513;                       /* default rlogin port */

     * Open socket.
    rlogin->s = new_connection(addr, *realhost, port, 1, 0,
                               nodelay, keepalive, (Plug) rlogin, cfg);
    if ((err = sk_socket_error(rlogin->s)) != NULL)
        return err;

    if (*cfg->loghost) {
        char *colon;

        *realhost = dupstr(cfg->loghost);
        colon = strrchr(*realhost, ':');
        if (colon) {
             * FIXME: if we ever update this aspect of ssh.c for
             * IPv6 literal management, this should change in line
             * with it.
            *colon++ = '\0';

     * Send local username, remote username, terminal type and
     * terminal speed - unless we don't have the remote username yet,
     * in which case we prompt for it and may end up deferring doing
     * anything else until the local prompt mechanism returns.
    if (get_remote_username(cfg, ruser, sizeof(ruser))) {
        rlogin_startup(rlogin, ruser);
    } else {
        int ret;

        rlogin->prompt = new_prompts(rlogin->frontend);
        rlogin->prompt->to_server = TRUE;
        rlogin->prompt->name = dupstr("Rlogin login name");
        add_prompt(rlogin->prompt, dupstr("rlogin username: "), TRUE,
        ret = get_userpass_input(rlogin->prompt, NULL, 0);
        if (ret >= 0) {
            rlogin_startup(rlogin, rlogin->prompt->prompts[0]->result);

    return NULL;
 * Read a set of name-value pairs in the format we occasionally use:
 *   NAME\tVALUE\0NAME\tVALUE\0\0 in memory
 *   NAME=VALUE,NAME=VALUE, in storage
 * If there's no "=VALUE" (e.g. just NAME,NAME,NAME) then those keys
 * are mapped to the empty string.
static int gppmap(void *handle, char *name, Conf *conf, int primary)
    char *buf, *p, *q, *key, *val;

     * Start by clearing any existing subkeys of this key from conf.
    while ((key = conf_get_str_nthstrkey(conf, primary, 0)) != NULL)
        conf_del_str_str(conf, primary, key);

     * Now read a serialised list from the settings and unmarshal it
     * into its components.
    buf = gpps_raw(handle, name, NULL);
    if (!buf)
	return FALSE;

    p = buf;
    while (*p) {
	q = buf;
	val = NULL;
	while (*p && *p != ',') {
	    int c = *p++;
	    if (c == '=')
		c = '\0';
	    if (c == '\\')
		c = *p++;
	    *q++ = c;
	    if (!c)
		val = q;
	if (*p == ',')
	if (!val)
	    val = q;
	*q = '\0';

        if (primary == CONF_portfwd && strchr(buf, 'D') != NULL) {
             * Backwards-compatibility hack: dynamic forwardings are
             * indexed in the data store as a third type letter in the
             * key, 'D' alongside 'L' and 'R' - but really, they
             * should be filed under 'L' with a special _value_,
             * because local and dynamic forwardings both involve
             * _listening_ on a local port, and are hence mutually
             * exclusive on the same port number. So here we translate
             * the legacy storage format into the sensible internal
             * form, by finding the D and turning it into a L.
            char *newkey = dupstr(buf);
            *strchr(newkey, 'D') = 'L';
            conf_set_str_str(conf, primary, newkey, "D");
        } else {
            conf_set_str_str(conf, primary, buf, val);

    return TRUE;
static int loadrsakey_main(FILE * fp, struct RSAKey *key, int pub_only,
			   char **commentptr, const char *passphrase,
			   const char **error)
    unsigned char buf[16384];
    unsigned char keybuf[16];
    int len;
    int i, j, ciphertype;
    int ret = 0;
    struct MD5Context md5c;
    char *comment;

    *error = NULL;

    /* Slurp the whole file (minus the header) into a buffer. */
    len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
    if (len < 0 || len == sizeof(buf)) {
	*error = "error reading file";
	goto end;		       /* file too big or not read */

    i = 0;
    *error = "file format error";

     * A zero byte. (The signature includes a terminating NUL.)
    if (len - i < 1 || buf[i] != 0)
	goto end;

    /* One byte giving encryption type, and one reserved uint32. */
    if (len - i < 1)
	goto end;
    ciphertype = buf[i];
    if (ciphertype != 0 && ciphertype != SSH_CIPHER_3DES)
	goto end;
    if (len - i < 4)
	goto end;		       /* reserved field not present */
    if (buf[i] != 0 || buf[i + 1] != 0 || buf[i + 2] != 0
	|| buf[i + 3] != 0) goto end;  /* reserved field nonzero, panic! */
    i += 4;

    /* Now the serious stuff. An ordinary SSH-1 public key. */
    j = makekey(buf + i, len - i, key, NULL, 1);
    if (j < 0)
	goto end;		       /* overran */
    i += j;

    /* Next, the comment field. */
    j = toint(GET_32BIT(buf + i));
    i += 4;
    if (j < 0 || len - i < j)
	goto end;
    comment = snewn(j + 1, char);
    if (comment) {
	memcpy(comment, buf + i, j);
	comment[j] = '\0';
    i += j;
    if (commentptr)
	*commentptr = dupstr(comment);
    if (key)
	key->comment = comment;

    if (pub_only) {
	ret = 1;
	goto end;

    if (!key) {
	ret = ciphertype != 0;
	*error = NULL;
	goto end;

     * Decrypt remainder of buffer.
    if (ciphertype) {
	MD5Update(&md5c, (unsigned char *)passphrase, strlen(passphrase));
	MD5Final(keybuf, &md5c);
	des3_decrypt_pubkey(keybuf, buf + i, (len - i + 7) & ~7);
	smemclr(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf));	/* burn the evidence */

     * We are now in the secret part of the key. The first four
     * bytes should be of the form a, b, a, b.
    if (len - i < 4)
	goto end;
    if (buf[i] != buf[i + 2] || buf[i + 1] != buf[i + 3]) {
	*error = "wrong passphrase";
	ret = -1;
	goto end;
    i += 4;

     * After that, we have one further bignum which is our
     * decryption exponent, and then the three auxiliary values
     * (iqmp, q, p).
    j = makeprivate(buf + i, len - i, key);
    if (j < 0) goto end;
    i += j;
    j = ssh1_read_bignum(buf + i, len - i, &key->iqmp);
    if (j < 0) goto end;
    i += j;
    j = ssh1_read_bignum(buf + i, len - i, &key->q);
    if (j < 0) goto end;
    i += j;
    j = ssh1_read_bignum(buf + i, len - i, &key->p);
    if (j < 0) goto end;
    i += j;

    if (!rsa_verify(key)) {
	*error = "rsa_verify failed";
	ret = 0;
    } else
	ret = 1;

    smemclr(buf, sizeof(buf));       /* burn the evidence */
    return ret;
 * Return a malloc'ed chunk of memory containing the public blob of
 * an RSA key, as given in the agent protocol (modulus bits,
 * exponent, modulus).
int rsakey_pubblob(const Filename *filename, void **blob, int *bloblen,
		   char **commentptr, const char **errorstr)
    FILE *fp;
    char buf[64];
    struct RSAKey key;
    int ret;
    const char *error = NULL;

    /* Default return if we fail. */
    *blob = NULL;
    *bloblen = 0;
    ret = 0;

    fp = f_open(filename, "rb", FALSE);
    if (!fp) {
	error = "can't open file";
	goto end;

     * Read the first line of the file and see if it's a v1 private
     * key file.
    if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) && !strcmp(buf, rsa_signature)) {
	memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
	if (loadrsakey_main(fp, &key, TRUE, commentptr, NULL, &error)) {
	    *blob = rsa_public_blob(&key, bloblen);
	    ret = 1;
	fp = NULL; /* loadrsakey_main unconditionally closes fp */
    } else {
         * Try interpreting the file as an SSH-1 public key.
        char *line, *p, *bitsp, *expp, *modp, *commentp;

        line = chomp(fgetline(fp));
        p = line;

        bitsp = p;
        p += strspn(p, "0123456789");
        if (*p != ' ')
            goto not_public_either;
        *p++ = '\0';

        expp = p;
        p += strspn(p, "0123456789");
        if (*p != ' ')
            goto not_public_either;
        *p++ = '\0';

        modp = p;
        p += strspn(p, "0123456789");
        if (*p) {
            if (*p != ' ')
                goto not_public_either;
            *p++ = '\0';
            commentp = p;
        } else {
            commentp = NULL;

	memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
        key.exponent = bignum_from_decimal(expp);
        key.modulus = bignum_from_decimal(modp);
        if (atoi(bitsp) != bignum_bitcount(key.modulus)) {
            error = "key bit count does not match in SSH-1 public key file";
            goto end;
        if (commentptr)
            *commentptr = commentp ? dupstr(commentp) : NULL;
        *blob = rsa_public_blob(&key, bloblen);
        return 1;

	error = "not an SSH-1 RSA file";

    if (fp)
    if ((ret != 1) && errorstr)
	*errorstr = error;
    return ret;
char *l10n_dupstr (char *s) {
  return dupstr(s);
文件: adb.c 项目: ghoest/PuTTYTray
 * Called to set up the adb connection.
 * Returns an error message, or NULL on success.
 * Also places the canonical host name into `realhost'. It must be
 * freed by the caller.
static const char *adb_init(void *frontend_handle, void **backend_handle,
			    Config *cfg,
			    char *host, int port, char **realhost, int nodelay,
			    int keepalive)
    static const struct plug_function_table fn_table = {
    SockAddr addr;
    const char *err;
    Adb adb;
	char sendhost[512];

    adb = snew(struct adb_backend_data);
    adb->fn = &fn_table;
    adb->s = NULL;
	adb->state = 0;
    *backend_handle = adb;

    adb->frontend = frontend_handle;

     * Try to find host.
	char *buf;
	buf = dupprintf("Looking up host \"%s\"%s", "localhost",
			(cfg->addressfamily == ADDRTYPE_IPV4 ? " (IPv4)" :
			 (cfg->addressfamily == ADDRTYPE_IPV6 ? " (IPv6)" :
	logevent(adb->frontend, buf);
    addr = name_lookup("localhost", port, realhost, cfg, cfg->addressfamily);
    if ((err = sk_addr_error(addr)) != NULL) {
	return err;

    if (port < 0)
	port = 5037;		       /* default adb port */

     * Open socket.
    adb->s = new_connection(addr, *realhost, port, 0, 1, nodelay, keepalive,
			    (Plug) adb, cfg);
    if ((err = sk_socket_error(adb->s)) != NULL)
	return err;

    if (*cfg->loghost) {
	char *colon;

	*realhost = dupstr(cfg->loghost);
	colon = strrchr(*realhost, ':');
	if (colon) {
	     * FIXME: if we ever update this aspect of ssh.c for
	     * IPv6 literal management, this should change in line
	     * with it.
	    *colon++ = '\0';

    /* send initial data to adb server */
#define ADB_SHELL_DEFAULT_STR "0012" "host:transport-any"
#define ADB_SHELL_SERIAL_PREFIX "host:transport:"
    do {
	size_t len = strlen(host);
	if (len == 0) {
	    adb->state = 1;
	} else {
	    char sendbuf[512];
	    if (len > ADB_SHELL_HOST_MAX_LEN)
	    sprintf(sendbuf,"%04x" ADB_SHELL_SERIAL_PREFIX, len+ADB_SHELL_SERIAL_PREFIX_LEN);
	    memcpy(sendbuf+4+ADB_SHELL_SERIAL_PREFIX_LEN, host, len);
	    adb->state = 1;
    } while (0);
    return NULL;
文件: uxcons.c 项目: brucehoff/Rssh2
char *platform_get_x_display(void) {
    return dupstr(getenv("DISPLAY"));