 * static Class findLoadedClass(ClassLoader cl, String name)
static void Dalvik_java_lang_VMClassLoader_findLoadedClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[0];
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    char* name = NULL;
    char* descriptor = NULL;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);
        goto bail;

     * Get a UTF-8 copy of the string, and convert dots to slashes.
    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    if (name == NULL)
        goto bail;

    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    if (descriptor == NULL)
        goto bail;

    clazz = dvmLookupClass(descriptor, loader, false);
    LOGVV("look: %s ldr=%p --> %p\n", descriptor, loader, clazz);

java_lang_String_p fastiva_Dalvik_java_lang_System_mapLibraryName(java_lang_String_p nameObj) {

	StringObject* result = NULL;
    char* name;
    char* mappedName;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowNullPointerException("userLibName == null");

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	assert(strstr(name, "cfb") == NULL);

    mappedName = dvmCreateSystemLibraryName(name);
    if (mappedName != NULL) {
        result = dvmCreateStringFromCstr(mappedName);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) result, NULL);

 * Get the named method.
Object* dvmGetDeclaredConstructorOrMethod(ClassObject* clazz,
    StringObject* nameObj, ArrayObject* args)
    Object* result = NULL;
    DexStringCache targetDescriptorCache;
    char* name;
    const char* targetDescriptor;


    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    createTargetDescriptor(args, &targetDescriptorCache);
    targetDescriptor = targetDescriptorCache.value;

    result = findConstructorOrMethodInArray(clazz->directMethodCount,
        clazz->directMethods, name, targetDescriptor);
    if (result == NULL) {
        result = findConstructorOrMethodInArray(clazz->virtualMethodCount,
            clazz->virtualMethods, name, targetDescriptor);

    return result;
 * Get the named field.
Object* dvmGetDeclaredField(ClassObject* clazz, StringObject* nameObj)
    int i;
    Object* fieldObj = NULL;
    char* name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);

    if (!dvmIsClassInitialized(gDvm.classJavaLangReflectField))

    for (i = 0; i < clazz->sfieldCount; i++) {
        Field* field = &clazz->sfields[i];
        if (strcmp(name, field->name) == 0) {
            fieldObj = createFieldObject(field, clazz);
    if (fieldObj == NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < clazz->ifieldCount; i++) {
            Field* field = &clazz->ifields[i];
            if (strcmp(name, field->name) == 0) {
                fieldObj = createFieldObject(field, clazz);

    return fieldObj;
 * static void startMethodTracingFd(String traceFileName, FileDescriptor fd,
 *     int bufferSize, int flags, boolean samplingEnabled, int intervalUs)
 * Start method trace profiling, sending results to a file descriptor.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_startMethodTracingFd(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* traceFileStr = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* traceFd = (Object*) args[1];
    int bufferSize = args[2];
    int flags = args[3];
    bool samplingEnabled = args[4];
    int intervalUs = args[5];

    int origFd = getFileDescriptor(traceFd);
    if (origFd < 0)

    int fd = dup(origFd);
    if (fd < 0) {
            "dup(%d) failed: %s", origFd, strerror(errno));

    char* traceFileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(traceFileStr);
    if (traceFileName == NULL) {

    dvmMethodTraceStart(traceFileName, fd, bufferSize, flags, false,
        samplingEnabled, intervalUs);
 * Print the direct stack trace of the given exception to the log.
static void logStackTraceOf(Object* exception)
    const ArrayObject* stackData;
    StringObject* messageStr;
    int stackSize;
    const int* intVals;

    messageStr = (StringObject*) dvmGetFieldObject(exception,
    if (messageStr != NULL) {
        char* cp = dvmCreateCstrFromString(messageStr);
        LOGI("%s: %s\n", exception->clazz->descriptor, cp);
    } else {
        LOGI("%s:\n", exception->clazz->descriptor);

    stackData = (const ArrayObject*) dvmGetFieldObject(exception,
    if (stackData == NULL) {
        LOGI("  (no stack trace data found)\n");

    stackSize = stackData->length / 2;
    intVals = (const int*) stackData->contents;

    dvmLogRawStackTrace(intVals, stackSize);
static void preloadDexCachesStringsVisitor(void* addr, u4 threadId, RootType type, void* arg) {
    StringTable& table = *(StringTable*) arg;
    StringObject* strObj = *(StringObject**) addr;
    LOG_FATAL_IF(strObj->clazz != gDvm.classJavaLangString, "Unknown class for supposed string");
    char* newStr = dvmCreateCstrFromString(strObj);
    // ALOGI("VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches interned=%s", newStr);
    table[newStr] = strObj;
 * Find a class by name, initializing it if requested.
ClassObject* dvmFindClassByName(StringObject* nameObj, Object* loader,
    bool doInit)
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    char* name = NULL;
    char* descriptor = NULL;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);
        goto bail;
    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);

     * We need to validate and convert the name (from x.y.z to x/y/z).  This
     * is especially handy for array types, since we want to avoid
     * auto-generating bogus array classes.
    if (!validateClassName(name)) {
        LOGW("dvmFindClassByName rejecting '%s'\n", name);
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;", name);
        goto bail;

    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    if (descriptor == NULL) {
        goto bail;

    if (doInit)
        clazz = dvmFindClass(descriptor, loader);
        clazz = dvmFindClassNoInit(descriptor, loader);

    if (clazz == NULL) {
        LOGVV("FAIL: load %s (%d)\n", descriptor, doInit);
        Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
        Object* oldExcep = dvmGetException(self);
        dvmAddTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);     /* don't let this be GCed */
            name, oldExcep);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);
    } else {
        LOGVV("GOOD: load %s (%d) --> %p ldr=%p\n",
            descriptor, doInit, clazz, clazz->classLoader);

    return clazz;
 * 从指定的DEX文件中加载一个类,使用类加载器去初始化一个类对象
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    ALOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' l=%p c=0x%08x",
        descriptor, loader, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

 * static void dumpHprofData(String fileName, FileDescriptor fd)
 * Cause "hprof" data to be dumped.  We can throw an IOException if an
 * error occurs during file handling.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_dumpHprofData(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* fileNameStr = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* fileDescriptor = (Object*) args[1];
    char* fileName;
    int result;

     * Only one of these may be NULL.
    if (fileNameStr == NULL && fileDescriptor == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);

    if (fileNameStr != NULL) {
        fileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(fileNameStr);
        if (fileName == NULL) {
            /* unexpected -- malloc failure? */
            dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;", "malloc failure?");
    } else {
        fileName = strdup("[fd]");

    int fd = -1;
    if (fileDescriptor != NULL) {
        fd = getFileDescriptor(fileDescriptor);
        if (fd < 0)

    result = hprofDumpHeap(fileName, fd, false);

    if (result != 0) {
        /* ideally we'd throw something more specific based on actual failure */
            "Failure during heap dump -- check log output for details");
    dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/UnsupportedOperationException;", NULL);

 * Utility function when we're evaluating alternative implementations.
static void badMatch(StringObject* thisStrObj, StringObject* compStrObj,
    int expectResult, int newResult, const char* compareType)
    ArrayObject* thisArray;
    ArrayObject* compArray;
    const char* thisStr;
    const char* compStr;
    int thisOffset, compOffset, thisCount, compCount;

    thisCount =
        dvmGetFieldInt((Object*) thisStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_COUNT);
    compCount =
        dvmGetFieldInt((Object*) compStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_COUNT);
    thisOffset =
        dvmGetFieldInt((Object*) thisStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_OFFSET);
    compOffset =
        dvmGetFieldInt((Object*) compStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_OFFSET);
    thisArray = (ArrayObject*)
        dvmGetFieldObject((Object*) thisStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_VALUE);
    compArray = (ArrayObject*)
        dvmGetFieldObject((Object*) compStrObj, STRING_FIELDOFF_VALUE);

    thisStr = dvmCreateCstrFromString(thisStrObj);
    compStr = dvmCreateCstrFromString(compStrObj);

    ALOGE("%s expected %d got %d", compareType, expectResult, newResult);
    ALOGE(" this (o=%d l=%d) '%s'", thisOffset, thisCount, thisStr);
    ALOGE(" comp (o=%d l=%d) '%s'", compOffset, compCount, compStr);
    dvmPrintHexDumpEx(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,
        ((const u2*) thisArray->contents) + thisOffset, thisCount*2,
    dvmPrintHexDumpEx(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,
        ((const u2*) compArray->contents) + compOffset, compCount*2,
 * public static boolean isDexOptNeeded(String apkName)
 *         throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
 * Returns true if the VM believes that the apk/jar file is out of date
 * and should be passed through "dexopt" again.
 * @param fileName the absolute path to the apk/jar file to examine.
 * @return true if dexopt should be called on the file, false otherwise.
 * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException if fileName is not readable,
 *         not a file, or not present.
 * @throws java.io.IOException if fileName is not a valid apk/jar file or
 *         if problems occur while parsing it.
 * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if fileName is null.
 * @throws dalvik.system.StaleDexCacheError if the optimized dex file
 *         is stale but exists on a read-only partition.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_isDexOptNeeded(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    char* name;
    DexCacheStatus status;
    int result;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    if (name == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);
    if (access(name, R_OK) != 0) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/io/FileNotFoundException;", name);
    status = dvmDexCacheStatus(name);
    LOGV("dvmDexCacheStatus(%s) returned %d\n", name, status);

    result = true;
    switch (status) {
    default: //FALLTHROUGH
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/io/IOException;", name);
        result = -1;
    case DEX_CACHE_OK:
        result = false;
        result = true;
        dvmThrowException("Ldalvik/system/StaleDexCacheError;", name);
        result = -1;

    if (result >= 0) {
    } else {
 * static boolean nativeLoad(String filename, ClassLoader loader)
 * Load the specified full path as a dynamic library filled with
 * JNI-compatible methods.
static void Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_nativeLoad(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* fileNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* classLoader = (Object*) args[1];
    char* fileName;
    int result;

    if (fileNameObj == NULL)
    fileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(fileNameObj);

    result = dvmLoadNativeCode(fileName, classLoader);

 * private static String getBootClassPathResource(String name, int index)
 * Find a resource with a matching name in a boot class path entry.
 * This mimics the previous VM interface, since we're sharing class libraries.
static void Dalvik_java_lang_VMClassLoader_getBootClassPathResource(
    const u4* args, JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* result;
    int idx = args[1];
    char* name;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    if (name == NULL)

    result = dvmGetBootPathResource(name, idx);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*)result, NULL);
 * static void startMethodTracingFilename(String traceFileName, int bufferSize,
 *     int flags, boolean samplingEnabled, int intervalUs)
 * Start method trace profiling, sending results to a file.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_startMethodTracingFilename(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* traceFileStr = (StringObject*) args[0];
    int bufferSize = args[1];
    int flags = args[2];
    bool samplingEnabled = args[3];
    int intervalUs = args[4];

    char* traceFileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(traceFileStr);
    if (traceFileName == NULL) {

    dvmMethodTraceStart(traceFileName, -1, bufferSize, flags, false,
        samplingEnabled, intervalUs);
 * static Class defineClass(ClassLoader cl, String name,
 *     byte[] data, int offset, int len)
 *     throws ClassFormatError
 * Convert an array of bytes to a Class object.
static void Dalvik_java_lang_VMClassLoader_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[0];
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    const u1* data = (const u1*) args[2];
    int offset = args[3];
    int len = args[4];
    char* name = NULL;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    ALOGE("ERROR: defineClass(%p, %s, %p, %d, %d)",
        loader, name, data, offset, len);
        "can't load this type of class file");

 * static void startMethodTracingNative(String traceFileName,
 *     FileDescriptor fd, int bufferSize, int flags)
 * Start method trace profiling.
 * If both "traceFileName" and "fd" are null, the result will be sent
 * directly to DDMS.  (The non-DDMS versions of the calls are expected
 * to enforce non-NULL filenames.)
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_startMethodTracingNative(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* traceFileStr = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* traceFd = (Object*) args[1];
    int bufferSize = args[2];
    int flags = args[3];

    if (bufferSize == 0) {
        // Default to 8MB per the documentation.
        bufferSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;

    if (bufferSize < 1024) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;", NULL);

    char* traceFileName = NULL;
    if (traceFileStr != NULL)
        traceFileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(traceFileStr);

    int fd = -1;
    if (traceFd != NULL) {
        int origFd = getFileDescriptor(traceFd);
        if (origFd < 0)

        fd = dup(origFd);
        if (fd < 0) {
                "dup(%d) failed: %s", origFd, strerror(errno));

    dvmMethodTraceStart(traceFileName != NULL ? traceFileName : "[DDMS]",
        fd, bufferSize, flags, (traceFileName == NULL && fd == -1));
 * public static String mapLibraryName(String libname)
static void Dalvik_java_lang_System_mapLibraryName(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* result = NULL;
    char* name;
    char* mappedName;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    mappedName = dvmCreateSystemLibraryName(name);
    if (mappedName != NULL) {
        result = dvmCreateStringFromCstr(mappedName);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) result, NULL);

 * 使用jni GetMethodID 方法获取jmethodID 强制转为 Method 的hook 方法 示例
static void newTestMethod(const u4* args, JValue* pResult,
                          const Method* method, struct Thread* self) {

    // args 是原来函数的参数数组, 原来test函数只有一个String型参数
    // 并且要注意, 如果是不是static函数, 下标0 是函数所在类的实例obj
    // 在dvm中Object,  jni 中的jobject 和 java 中的 Object类 都不是同一个东西
    // String类对应StringObject
    // 取出参数打印出来看看
    StringObject* param1 = NULL;

        param1 = (StringObject*)args[0];
        param1 = (StringObject*)args[1];

    //JValue 是个union ,要返回int 就 pResult->i=1; 返回Object对象就 pResult->l = ojb;
    // 但是, 在dvm中的Object,  jni 中的jobject 和 java 中的 Object类 都不是同一个东西
    // 所以, 我们这里使用dvm的函数来创建一个StringObject*
    pResult->l = dvmCreateStringFromCstr("newTestMethod");

    // 一般情况应该使用宏 : RETURN_XXX(result);
 * Generate a proxy class with the specified name, interfaces, and loader.
 * "interfaces" is an array of class objects.
 * The interpreted code has done all of the necessary checks, e.g. we know
 * that "interfaces" contains only interface classes.
 * On failure we leave a partially-created class object sitting around,
 * but the garbage collector will take care of it.
ClassObject* dvmGenerateProxyClass(StringObject* str, ArrayObject* interfaces,
    Object* loader)
    int result = -1;
    char* nameStr = NULL;
    Method** methods = NULL;
    ClassObject* newClass = NULL;
    int i;
    nameStr = dvmCreateCstrFromString(str);
    if (nameStr == NULL) {
            "missing name");
        goto bail;

    LOGV("+++ Generate proxy class '%s' %p from %d interface classes\n",
        nameStr, loader, interfaces->length);

     * Characteristics of a Proxy class:
     * - concrete class, public and final
     * - superclass is java.lang.reflect.Proxy
     * - implements all listed interfaces (req'd for instanceof)
     * - has one method for each method in the interfaces (barring duplicates)
     * - has one constructor (takes an InvocationHandler arg)
     * - has overrides for hashCode, equals, and toString (these come first)
     * - has one field, a reference to the InvocationHandler object
     * The idea here is to create a class object and fill in the details
     * as we would in loadClassFromDex(), and then call dvmLinkClass() to do
     * all the heavy lifting (notably populating the virtual and interface
     * method tables).

     * Generate a temporary list of virtual methods.
    int methodCount;
    if (!gatherMethods(interfaces, &methods, &methodCount))
        goto bail;

     * Allocate storage for the class object and set some basic fields.
    newClass = (ClassObject*) dvmMalloc(sizeof(*newClass), ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (newClass == NULL)
        return NULL;
    DVM_OBJECT_INIT(&newClass->obj, gDvm.unlinkedJavaLangClass);
    newClass->descriptorAlloc = dvmNameToDescriptor(nameStr);
    newClass->descriptor = newClass->descriptorAlloc;
    newClass->accessFlags = ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL;
    newClass->super = gDvm.classJavaLangReflectProxy;
    newClass->primitiveType = PRIM_NOT;
    newClass->classLoader = loader;
    newClass->hprofSerialNumber = 0;

     * Add direct method definitions.  We have one (the constructor).
    newClass->directMethodCount = 1;
    newClass->directMethods = (Method*) dvmLinearAlloc(newClass->classLoader,
            1 * sizeof(Method));
    createConstructor(newClass, &newClass->directMethods[0]);
    dvmLinearReadOnly(newClass->classLoader, newClass->directMethods);

     * Add virtual method definitions.
    newClass->virtualMethodCount = methodCount;
    newClass->virtualMethods = (Method*) dvmLinearAlloc(newClass->classLoader,
            newClass->virtualMethodCount * sizeof(Method));
    for (i = 0; i < newClass->virtualMethodCount; i++) {
        createHandlerMethod(newClass, &newClass->virtualMethods[i],methods[i]);
    dvmLinearReadOnly(newClass->classLoader, newClass->virtualMethods);

     * Add interface list.
    int interfaceCount = interfaces->length;
    ClassObject** ifArray = (ClassObject**) interfaces->contents;
    newClass->interfaceCount = interfaceCount;
    newClass->interfaces = (ClassObject**)dvmLinearAlloc(newClass->classLoader,
                                sizeof(ClassObject*) * interfaceCount);
    for (i = 0; i < interfaceCount; i++)
        newClass->interfaces[i] = ifArray[i];
    dvmLinearReadOnly(newClass->classLoader, newClass->interfaces);

     * The class has one instance field, "protected InvocationHandler h",
     * which is filled in by the constructor.
    newClass->ifieldCount = 1;
    newClass->ifields = (InstField*) dvmLinearAlloc(newClass->classLoader,
            1 * sizeof(InstField));
    InstField* ifield = &newClass->ifields[0];
    ifield->field.clazz = newClass;
    ifield->field.name = "h";
    ifield->field.signature = "Ljava/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler;";
    ifield->field.accessFlags = ACC_PROTECTED;
    ifield->byteOffset = -1;        /* set later */
    dvmLinearReadOnly(newClass->classLoader, newClass->ifields);

     * Everything is ready.  See if the linker will lap it up.
    newClass->status = CLASS_LOADED;
    if (!dvmLinkClass(newClass, true)) {
        LOGI("Proxy class link failed\n");
        goto bail;

     * All good.  Add it to the hash table.  We should NOT see a collision
     * here; if we do, it means the caller has screwed up and provided us
     * with a duplicate name.
    if (!dvmAddClassToHash(newClass)) {
        LOGE("ERROR: attempted to generate %s more than once\n",
        goto bail;

    result = 0;

    if (result != 0) {
        /* must free innards explicitly if we didn't finish linking */
        newClass = NULL;
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;", NULL);

    /* this allows the GC to free it */
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) newClass, NULL);

    return newClass;
 * static boolean cacheRegisterMap(String classAndMethodDescr)
 * If the specified class is loaded, and the named method exists, ensure
 * that the method's register map is ready for use.  If the class/method
 * cannot be found, nothing happens.
 * This can improve the zygote's sharing of compressed register maps.  Do
 * this after class preloading.
 * Returns true if the register map is cached and ready, either as a result
 * of this call or earlier activity.  Returns false if the class isn't loaded,
 * if the method couldn't be found, or if the method has no register map.
 * (Uncomment logs in dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap0() to gather stats.)
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_cacheRegisterMap(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* classAndMethodDescStr = (StringObject*) args[0];
    ClassObject* clazz;
    bool result = false;

    if (classAndMethodDescStr == NULL) {
        dvmThrowNullPointerException("classAndMethodDesc == null");

    char* classAndMethodDesc = NULL;

     * Pick the string apart.  We have a local copy, so just modify it
     * in place.
    classAndMethodDesc = dvmCreateCstrFromString(classAndMethodDescStr);

    char* methodName = strchr(classAndMethodDesc, '.');
    if (methodName == NULL) {
        dvmThrowRuntimeException("method name not found in string");
    *methodName++ = '\0';

    char* methodDescr = strchr(methodName, ':');
    if (methodDescr == NULL) {
        dvmThrowRuntimeException("method descriptor not found in string");
    *methodDescr++ = '\0';

    //ALOGD("GOT: %s %s %s", classAndMethodDesc, methodName, methodDescr);

     * Find the class, but only if it's already loaded.
    clazz = dvmLookupClass(classAndMethodDesc, NULL, false);
    if (clazz == NULL) {
        ALOGD("Class %s not found in bootstrap loader", classAndMethodDesc);
        goto bail;

    Method* method;

     * Find the method, which could be virtual or direct, defined directly
     * or inherited.
    if (methodName[0] == '<') {
         * Constructor or class initializer.  Only need to examine the
         * "direct" list, and don't need to search up the class hierarchy.
        method = dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor(clazz, methodName,
    } else {
         * Try both lists, and scan up the tree.
        method = dvmFindVirtualMethodHierByDescriptor(clazz, methodName,
        if (method == NULL) {
            method = dvmFindDirectMethodHierByDescriptor(clazz, methodName,

    if (method != NULL) {
         * Got it.  See if there's a register map here.
        const RegisterMap* pMap;
        pMap = dvmGetExpandedRegisterMap(method);
        if (pMap == NULL) {
            ALOGV("No map for %s.%s %s",
                classAndMethodDesc, methodName, methodDescr);
        } else {
            ALOGV("Found map %s.%s %s",
                classAndMethodDesc, methodName, methodDescr);
            result = true;
    } else {
        ALOGV("Unable to find %s.%s %s",
            classAndMethodDesc, methodName, methodDescr);

 * private static int openDexFile(String sourceName, String outputName,
 *     int flags) throws IOException
 * Open a DEX file, returning a pointer to our internal data structure.
 * "sourceName" should point to the "source" jar or DEX file.
 * If "outputName" is NULL, the DEX code will automatically find the
 * "optimized" version in the cache directory, creating it if necessary.
 * If it's non-NULL, the specified file will be used instead.
 * TODO: at present we will happily open the same file more than once.
 * To optimize this away we could search for existing entries in the hash
 * table and refCount them.  Requires atomic ops or adding "synchronized"
 * to the non-native code that calls here.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* sourceNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* outputNameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    int flags = args[2];
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = NULL;
    JarFile* pJarFile;
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
    char* sourceName;
    char* outputName;

    if (sourceNameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);

    sourceName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(sourceNameObj);
    if (outputNameObj != NULL)
        outputName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(outputNameObj);
        outputName = NULL;

     * We have to deal with the possibility that somebody might try to
     * open one of our bootstrap class DEX files.  The set of dependencies
     * will be different, and hence the results of optimization might be
     * different, which means we'd actually need to have two versions of
     * the optimized DEX: one that only knows about part of the boot class
     * path, and one that knows about everything in it.  The latter might
     * optimize field/method accesses based on a class that appeared later
     * in the class path.
     * We can't let the user-defined class loader open it and start using
     * the classes, since the optimized form of the code skips some of
     * the method and field resolution that we would ordinarily do, and
     * we'd have the wrong semantics.
     * We have to reject attempts to manually open a DEX file from the boot
     * class path.  The easiest way to do this is by filename, which works
     * out because variations in name (e.g. "/system/framework/./ext.jar")
     * result in us hitting a different dalvik-cache entry.  It's also fine
     * if the caller specifies their own output file.
    if (dvmClassPathContains(gDvm.bootClassPath, sourceName)) {
        LOGW("Refusing to reopen boot DEX '%s'\n", sourceName);
            "Re-opening BOOTCLASSPATH DEX files is not allowed");

     * Try to open it directly as a DEX.  If that fails, try it as a Zip
     * with a "classes.dex" inside.
    if (dvmRawDexFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pRawDexFile, false) == 0) {
        LOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)\n", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
        pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
    } else if (dvmJarFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pJarFile, false) == 0) {
        LOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (Jar)\n", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = false;
        pDexOrJar->pJarFile = pJarFile;
    } else {
        LOGV("Unable to open DEX file '%s'\n", sourceName);
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/io/IOException;", "unable to open DEX file");

    if (pDexOrJar != NULL) {
        pDexOrJar->fileName = sourceName;

        /* add to hash table */
        u4 hash = dvmComputeUtf8Hash(sourceName);
        void* result;
        result = dvmHashTableLookup(gDvm.userDexFiles, hash, pDexOrJar,
                    hashcmpDexOrJar, true);
        if (result != pDexOrJar) {
            LOGE("Pointer has already been added?\n");

        pDexOrJar->okayToFree = true;
    } else

 * private static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader,
 *      int cookie, ProtectionDomain pd)
 * Load a class from a DEX file.  This is roughly equivalent to defineClass()
 * in a regular VM -- it's invoked by the class loader to cause the
 * creation of a specific class.  The difference is that the search for and
 * reading of the bytes is done within the VM.
 * The class name is a "binary name", e.g. "java.lang.String".
 * Returns a null pointer with no exception if the class was not found.
 * Throws an exception on other failures.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    Object* pd = (Object*) args[3];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    LOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' 0x%08x\n", descriptor, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

     * Set the ProtectionDomain -- do we need this to happen before we
     * link the class and make it available? If so, we need to pass it
     * through dvmDefineClass (and figure out some other
     * stuff, like where it comes from for bootstrap classes).
    if (clazz != NULL) {
        //LOGI("SETTING pd '%s' to %p\n", clazz->descriptor, pd);
        dvmSetFieldObject((Object*) clazz, gDvm.offJavaLangClass_pd, pd);

 * private static int openDexFile(String sourceName, String outputName,
 *     int flags) throws IOException
 * Open a DEX file, returning a pointer to our internal data structure.
 * 打开一个DEX文件,返回一个指向我们内部数据结构体
 * "sourceName" should point to the "source" jar or DEX file.
 * 'sourceName'应该是指jar或dex文件
 * If "outputName" is NULL, the DEX code will automatically find the
 * "optimized" version in the cache directory, creating it if necessary.
 * If it's non-NULL, the specified file will be used instead.
 * TODO: at present we will happily open the same file more than once.
 * To optimize this away we could search for existing entries in the hash
 * table and refCount them.  Requires atomic ops or adding "synchronized"
 * to the non-native code that calls here.
 * TODO: should be using "long" for a pointer.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* sourceNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* outputNameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = NULL;
    JarFile* pJarFile;
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
    char* sourceName;
    char* outputName;

    if (sourceNameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowNullPointerException("sourceName == null");

    sourceName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(sourceNameObj);
    if (outputNameObj != NULL)
        outputName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(outputNameObj);
        outputName = NULL;

     * We have to deal with the possibility that somebody might try to
     * open one of our bootstrap class DEX files.  The set of dependencies
     * will be different, and hence the results of optimization might be
     * different, which means we'd actually need to have two versions of
     * the optimized DEX: one that only knows about part of the boot class
     * path, and one that knows about everything in it.  The latter might
     * optimize field/method accesses based on a class that appeared later
     * in the class path.
     * We can't let the user-defined class loader open it and start using
     * the classes, since the optimized form of the code skips some of
     * the method and field resolution that we would ordinarily do, and
     * we'd have the wrong semantics.
     * We have to reject attempts to manually open a DEX file from the boot
     * class path.  The easiest way to do this is by filename, which works
     * out because variations in name (e.g. "/system/framework/./ext.jar")
     * result in us hitting a different dalvik-cache entry.  It's also fine
     * if the caller specifies their own output file.
    if (dvmClassPathContains(gDvm.bootClassPath, sourceName)) {
        ALOGW("Refusing to reopen boot DEX '%s'", sourceName);
            "Re-opening BOOTCLASSPATH DEX files is not allowed");

     * Try to open it directly as a DEX if the name ends with ".dex".
     * If that fails (or isn't tried in the first place), try it as a
     * Zip with a "classes.dex" inside.
    /*判断扩展后缀名.eg .dex或.jar*/
    if (hasDexExtension(sourceName)
            && dvmRawDexFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pRawDexFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
        pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else if (dvmJarFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pJarFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (Jar)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = false;
        pDexOrJar->pJarFile = pJarFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else {
        ALOGV("Unable to open DEX file '%s'", sourceName);
        dvmThrowIOException("unable to open DEX file");

    if (pDexOrJar != NULL) {
        pDexOrJar->fileName = sourceName;
    } else {

 * Dump a summary of an array of references to the log file.
 * This is used to dump the contents of ReferenceTable and IndirectRefTable
 * structs.
void dvmDumpReferenceTableContents(Object* const* refs, size_t count,
                                   const char* descr)
    LOGW("%s reference table (%p) dump:", descr, refs);

    if (count == 0) {
        LOGW("  (empty)");

    // Dump the most recent N entries.
    const size_t kLast = 10;
    int first = count - kLast;
    if (first < 0) {
        first = 0;
    LOGW("  Last %d entries (of %d):", (count - first), count);
    for (int idx = count - 1; idx >= first; --idx) {
        const Object* ref = refs[idx];
        if (ref == NULL) {
        if (ref == kClearedJniWeakGlobal) {
            LOGW("    %5d: cleared jweak", idx);
        if (ref->clazz == NULL) {
            // should only be possible right after a plain dvmMalloc().
            size_t size = dvmObjectSizeInHeap(ref);
            LOGW("    %5d: %p (raw) (%zd bytes)", idx, ref, size);

        std::string className(dvmHumanReadableType(ref));

        std::string extras;
        size_t elems = getElementCount(ref);
        if (elems != 0) {
            StringAppendF(&extras, " (%zd elements)", elems);
        } else if (ref->clazz == gDvm.classJavaLangString) {
            const StringObject* str =
                reinterpret_cast<const StringObject*>(ref);
            extras += " \"";
            size_t count = 0;
            char* s = dvmCreateCstrFromString(str);
            char* p = s;
            for (; *p && count < 16; ++p, ++count) {
                extras += *p;
            if (*p == 0) {
                extras += "\"";
            } else {
                StringAppendF(&extras, "... (%d chars)", str->length());
        LOGW("    %5d: %p %s%s", idx, ref, className.c_str(), extras.c_str());

    // Make a copy of the table, and sort it.
    Object** tableCopy = (Object**)malloc(sizeof(Object*) * count);
    if (tableCopy == NULL) {
        LOGE("Unable to copy table with %d elements", count);
    memcpy(tableCopy, refs, sizeof(Object*) * count);
    qsort(tableCopy, count, sizeof(Object*), compareObject);
    refs = tableCopy;       // use sorted list

    // Remove any uninteresting stuff from the list. The sort moved them all to the end.
    while (count > 0 && refs[count-1] == NULL) {
    while (count > 0 && refs[count-1] == kClearedJniWeakGlobal) {
    if (count == 0) {

    // Dump a summary of the whole table.
    LOGW("  Summary:");
    size_t equiv, identical;
    equiv = identical = 0;
    size_t idx;
    size_t elems;
    for (idx = 1; idx < count; idx++) {
        elems = getElementCount(refs[idx-1]);

        if (refs[idx] == refs[idx-1]) {
            // same reference, added more than once.
        } else if (refs[idx]->clazz == refs[idx-1]->clazz &&
                   getElementCount(refs[idx]) == elems)
            // same class / element count, different object.
        } else {
            // different class.
            logSummaryLine(refs[idx-1], elems, identical, equiv);
            equiv = identical = 0;

    // Handle the last entry (everything above outputs refs[i-1]).
    elems = getElementCount(refs[idx-1]);
    logSummaryLine(refs[count-1], elems, identical, equiv);
