 * 从指定的DEX文件中加载一个类,使用类加载器去初始化一个类对象
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    ALOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' l=%p c=0x%08x",
        descriptor, loader, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

 * private static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader,
 *      int cookie, ProtectionDomain pd)
 * Load a class from a DEX file.  This is roughly equivalent to defineClass()
 * in a regular VM -- it's invoked by the class loader to cause the
 * creation of a specific class.  The difference is that the search for and
 * reading of the bytes is done within the VM.
 * The class name is a "binary name", e.g. "java.lang.String".
 * Returns a null pointer with no exception if the class was not found.
 * Throws an exception on other failures.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClass(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* loader = (Object*) args[1];
    int cookie = args[2];
    Object* pd = (Object*) args[3];
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    char* name;
    char* descriptor;

    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    LOGV("--- Explicit class load '%s' 0x%08x\n", descriptor, cookie);

    if (!validateCookie(cookie))

    if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
        pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile);
        pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile);

    /* once we load something, we can't unmap the storage */
    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false;

    clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader);
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
         * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the
         * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if
         * the class is not found.
        Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
        if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor,
                   "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 ||
                   "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0)
        clazz = NULL;

     * Set the ProtectionDomain -- do we need this to happen before we
     * link the class and make it available? If so, we need to pass it
     * through dvmDefineClass (and figure out some other
     * stuff, like where it comes from for bootstrap classes).
    if (clazz != NULL) {
        //LOGI("SETTING pd '%s' to %p\n", clazz->descriptor, pd);
        dvmSetFieldObject((Object*) clazz, gDvm.offJavaLangClass_pd, pd);
