void update(QOpenGLShaderProgram *prog,
                const HighQualityTextureItem::ShaderData *data)
        auto d = static_cast<const HighQualityTextureData*>(data);
        auto f = HighQualityTextureItem::func();
        int textureIndex = 0;
        auto bind = [&] (const OpenGLTextureBase *tex, int loc)
            { tex->bind(prog, loc, textureIndex++); };

        const float w = d->texture->width(), h = d->texture->height();
        QVector2D dxy(1.0, 1.0), overlay_factor(1.0, 1.0);
        if (!m_rectangle)
            dxy = { 1.0f/w, 1.0f/h };
            overlay_factor = { 1.0f/w, 1.0f/h };
        prog->setUniformValue(loc_dxy, dxy);
        prog->setUniformValue(loc_tex_size, QVector2D(w, h));
        prog->setUniformValue(loc_overlay_factor, overlay_factor);

        bind(d->texture, loc_tex);
        bind(d->overlay, loc_overlay);
        for (int i=0; i<m_lutIntCount; ++i)
            bind(d->lutInt[i], loc_lut_int[i]);
        if (m_dithering) {
            auto &dithering = *d->lutDither;
            Q_ASSERT(dithering.width() == dithering.height());
            const int size = dithering.width();
            const auto q = static_cast<float>(1 << d->depth) - 1.f;
            prog->setUniformValue(loc_dith_quant, q);
            prog->setUniformValue(loc_dith_center, 0.5f / size * size);
            prog->setUniformValue(loc_dith_size, QSize(size, size));
            bind(d->lutDither, loc_dithering);
文件: power.cpp 项目: OspreyX/acado
returnValue Power::AD_symmetric( int            dim       , /**< number of directions  */
                                        VariableType  *varType   , /**< the variable types    */
                                        int           *component , /**< and their components  */
                                        Operator      *l         , /**< the backward seed     */
                                        Operator     **S         , /**< forward seed matrix   */
                                        int            dimS      , /**< dimension of forward seed             */
                                        Operator     **dfS       , /**< first order foward result             */
                                        Operator     **ldf       , /**< first order backward result           */
                                        Operator     **H         , /**< upper trianglular part of the Hessian */
                                      int            &nNewLIS  , /**< the number of newLIS  */
                                      TreeProjection ***newLIS , /**< the new LIS-pointer   */
                                      int            &nNewSIS  , /**< the number of newSIS  */
                                      TreeProjection ***newSIS , /**< the new SIS-pointer   */
                                      int            &nNewHIS  , /**< the number of newHIS  */
                                      TreeProjection ***newHIS   /**< the new HIS-pointer   */ ){

    TreeProjection dyy, dy;
    TreeProjection dx( *derivative12 );
    dy = Product( clone(), derivative02->clone());
    TreeProjection dxx( *derivative22 );
    TreeProjection dxy( *derivative23 );
    dyy = Product( dy.clone(), derivative02->clone() );
    return ADsymCommon2( argument1,argument2,dx,dy,dxx,dxy,dyy, dim, varType, component, l, S, dimS, dfS,
			  ldf, H, nNewLIS, newLIS, nNewSIS, newSIS, nNewHIS, newHIS );
void NPC::postMove()

	// Normal exit.
	if (destTile) {
		Exit* exit = destTile->exits[EXIT_NORMAL];
		if (exit)

	// Side exit.
	ivec2 dxy(deltaCoord.x, deltaCoord.y);
	Exit* exit = fromTile->exitAt(dxy);
	if (exit)
文件: opflow.cpp 项目: arnike/BParts
void computeCorners(CTensor<float>& aImage, CMatrix<float>& aCorners, float aRho) {
  int aXSize = aImage.xSize();
  int aYSize = aImage.ySize();
  int aSize = aXSize*aYSize;
  // Compute gradient
  CTensor<float> dx(aXSize,aYSize,aImage.zSize());
  CTensor<float> dy(aXSize,aYSize,aImage.zSize());
  CDerivative<float> aDerivative(3);
  // Compute second moment matrix
  CMatrix<float> dxx(aXSize,aYSize,0);
  CMatrix<float> dyy(aXSize,aYSize,0);
  CMatrix<float> dxy(aXSize,aYSize,0);
  int i2 = 0;
  for (int k = 0; k < aImage.zSize(); k++)
    for (int i = 0; i < aSize; i++,i2++) {
      dxx.data()[i] += dx.data()[i2]*dx.data()[i2];
      dyy.data()[i] += dy.data()[i2]*dy.data()[i2];
      dxy.data()[i] += dx.data()[i2]*dy.data()[i2];
  // Smooth second moment matrix
  // Compute smallest eigenvalue
  for (int i = 0; i < aSize; i++) {
    float a = dxx.data()[i];
    float b = dxy.data()[i];
    float c = dyy.data()[i];
    float temp = 0.5*(a+c);
    float temp2 = temp*temp+b*b-a*c;
    if (temp2 < 0.0f) aCorners.data()[i] = 0.0f;
    else aCorners.data()[i] = temp-sqrt(temp2);
文件: Arrow.cpp 项目: Arseth/solarus
 * \brief Updates this entity.
void Arrow::update() {


  if (is_suspended()) {

  uint32_t now = System::now();

  // stop the movement if necessary (i.e. stop() was called)
  if (stop_now) {
    stop_now = false;

    if (entity_reached != NULL) {
      // the arrow just hit an entity (typically an enemy) and this entity may have a movement
      Rectangle dxy(get_x() - entity_reached->get_x(), get_y() - entity_reached->get_y());
      set_movement(new FollowMovement(entity_reached, dxy.get_x(), dxy.get_y(), true));

  if (entity_reached != NULL) {

    // see if the entity reached is still valid
    if (is_stopped()) {
      // the arrow is stopped because the entity that was reached just disappeared
      disappear_date = now;
    else if (entity_reached->get_type() == ENTITY_DESTRUCTIBLE && !entity_reached->is_obstacle_for(*this)) {
      disappear_date = now;
    else if (entity_reached->get_type() == ENTITY_ENEMY && ((Enemy*) entity_reached)->is_dying()) {
      // the enemy is dying
      disappear_date = now;

  // see if the arrow just hit a wall or an entity
  bool reached_obstacle = false;

  if (get_sprite().get_current_animation() != "reached_obstacle") {

    if (entity_reached != NULL) {
      // the arrow was just attached to an entity
      reached_obstacle = true;
    else if (is_stopped()) {

      if (has_reached_map_border()) {
        // the map border was reached: destroy the arrow
        disappear_date = now;
      else {
        // the arrow has just hit another obstacle
        reached_obstacle = true;

  if (reached_obstacle) {
    // an obstacle or an entity was just reached
    disappear_date = now + 1500;

    if (entity_reached == NULL) {

  // destroy the arrow when disappear_date is reached
  if (now >= disappear_date) {
int ExtractRidges::Main (int, char**)
    std::string imageName = Environment::GetPathR("Head.im");
    ImageDouble2D image(imageName.c_str());

    // Normalize the image values to be in [0,1].
    int quantity = image.GetQuantity();
    double minValue = image[0], maxValue = minValue;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < quantity; ++i)
        if (image[i] < minValue)
            minValue = image[i];
        else if (image[i] > maxValue)
            maxValue = image[i];
    double invRange = 1.0/(maxValue - minValue);
    for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
        image[i] = (image[i] - minValue)*invRange;

    // Use first-order centered finite differences to estimate the image
    // derivatives.  The gradient is DF = (df/dx, df/dy) and the Hessian
    // is D^2F = {{d^2f/dx^2, d^2f/dxdy}, {d^2f/dydx, d^2f/dy^2}}.
    int xBound = image.GetBound(0);
    int yBound = image.GetBound(1);
    int xBoundM1 = xBound - 1;
    int yBoundM1 = yBound - 1;
    ImageDouble2D dx(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dy(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dxx(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dxy(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D dyy(xBound, yBound);
    int x, y;
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            dx(x, y) = 0.5*(image(x+1, y) - image(x-1, y));
            dy(x, y) = 0.5*(image(x, y+1) - image(x, y-1));
            dxx(x, y) = image(x+1, y) - 2.0*image(x, y) + image(x-1, y);
            dxy(x, y) = 0.25*(image(x+1, y+1) + image(x-1, y-1)
                - image(x+1, y-1) - image(x-1, y+1));
            dyy(x, y) = image(x, y+1) - 2.0*image(x, y) + image(x, y+1);

    // The eigensolver produces eigenvalues a and b and corresponding
    // eigenvectors U and V:  D^2F*U = a*U, D^2F*V = b*V.  Define
    // P = Dot(U,DF) and Q = Dot(V,DF).  The classification is as follows.
    //   ridge:   P = 0 with a < 0
    //   valley:  Q = 0 with b > 0
    ImageDouble2D aImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D bImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D pImage(xBound, yBound);
    ImageDouble2D qImage(xBound, yBound);
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            Vector2d gradient(dx(x, y), dy(x, y));
            Matrix2d hessian(dxx(x, y), dxy(x, y), dxy(x, y), dyy(x, y));
            EigenDecompositiond decomposer(hessian);
            aImage(x,y) = decomposer.GetEigenvalue(0);
            bImage(x,y) = decomposer.GetEigenvalue(1);
            Vector2d u = decomposer.GetEigenvector2(0);
            Vector2d v = decomposer.GetEigenvector2(1);
            pImage(x,y) = u.Dot(gradient);
            qImage(x,y) = v.Dot(gradient);

    // Use a cheap classification of the pixels by testing for sign changes
    // between neighboring pixels.
    ImageRGB82D result(xBound, yBound);
    for (y = 1; y < yBoundM1; ++y)
        for (x = 1; x < xBoundM1; ++x)
            unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)(255.0f*image(x, y));

            double pValue = pImage(x, y);
            bool isRidge = false;
            if (pValue*pImage(x-1 ,y) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x+1, y) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x, y-1) < 0.0
            ||  pValue*pImage(x, y+1) < 0.0)
                if (aImage(x, y) < 0.0)
                    isRidge = true;

            double qValue = qImage(x,y);
            bool isValley = false;
            if (qValue*qImage(x-1, y) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x+1, y) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x, y-1) < 0.0
            ||  qValue*qImage(x, y+1) < 0.0)
                if (bImage(x,y) > 0.0)
                    isValley = true;

            if (isRidge)
                if (isValley)
                    result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, 0, gray);
                    result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, 0, 0);
            else if (isValley)
                result(x, y) = GetColor24(0, 0, gray);
                result(x, y) = GetColor24(gray, gray, gray);

    return 0;
 **  PostScript mainline processor.				      **
static void psmain(void)
    int color_done;			/* done doing colors */
	int i;
	ini_JOB();					/* init job stuff		*/
    ini_PAGE();					/* init %%Page: comment state */
	Fofd = 0;
    GraphicsPresentFlag = 0;
    NoFont = 0;
	width_open(); /* Open WIDTH for H&Js char-width round-off errors*/
	FontBase = 1000;
#ifdef TRACE
		p_info(PI_TRACE, "Starting job:%s\n",JobName);
    cc_hit = 0;
	cc_mask = (1 & Plates); /* hit nothing, set all black */
	if ( !cc_mask) 
		m_fopen(tpname, "w+", 1); /* delete prev version of .tp */
    spot_pass = 1;				/* 1st pass */
    color_done = 0;				/* not done yet */
	PageRotationAngle = 0;
	frame_fg_attribute = 0;		/* default is opaque */
	prologue_output_flag = 0;
	PageNo1 = 1;
	underscore_min = 10;
	overflow_page_buff_count = 0;
	memset ( (char *)overflow_page_buff, 0, sizeof (overflow_page_buff) );
	ExitError = 0;
	HNJ_LockFailureFlag = 0;
    while(color_done != 1 )		/* until we get all colors */
		FootnoteFrameFlag = 0;
		BlackPaint_cc_mask = cc_mask;
		PaintOnPage = 0;
		blend_flag = 0;
		BlendAngle = 0;
		BlendEndColor = 0;
		in_overflow = 0;
		was_overflow = 0;
		Linesub = -1;			/* clear text/escapement buffer	*/
		flagGlyph = 0;
		*GlyphName = 0;
		for(i=0; i<1999; i++)
			Line[i] = 0;
			Kspace[i] = 0;
		for(i=0; i<40; i++)
			bf_kmd80[i].active_flag = 0;
		fowrd =  256;
		Xmark =  0;
		y_max =  0;
		Oldfont = -1;
		Holdfont =  0;
		usw = 0;
		StrikeThruRuleStartFlag = 0;
		FlashOn = 1;
		CurrentFrame = 0;
		CurrentEle = 0;
		memset( (char *)&fo_line_def.FoStatusLength, 0, sizeof(LDEF) );
		DontPaintFlag = fo_line_def.MiscLineFlags & 0x10;
		not_lnum = 1;			/* Default: Put text font, not line-num font*/
		last_lnum = 0;
		jbl = 0;
		repeatno = 0;
		Obdegree = 0;
		Old_ob = 0;
		Hold_ob = 0;
		Holdss = 0;
		Holdps = 0;
		Oldss = 0;
		Oldps = 0;
		Ktabmode = 0;
		psend = 0;
		WidthOfNumeric = 0;
		memset ( page_number, 0, sizeof(page_number) );
		CurrentLineBcEc = 0;
		PrevLineBcEc = 0;
		BcEcExtraLeadNeeded = 0;
		BcEcExtraLead = 0;
		LastLinemaxErr = 0;
		cc_hit &= (Plates & ~1); /* only use plates to be output */
#ifdef TRACE
			p_info(PI_TRACE, "spot color pass %d, cc_mask: %lo , cc_hit: %lo\n",
				   spot_pass, cc_mask, cc_hit);
			p_info(PI_TRACE, "processing Tree: '%s', Dir: '%s',file: '%s', type= %d\n",
				   TreeName, SubDirName, JobName, FileType);
		  case 0:				/* Galley output */
			if (spot_pass != 2)
				cc_hit = 0;
			if((err = dtext()) )
				error("processing FO file, err = ",JobName,err);
			if( (cc_hit < 2) ||	/* picked up no color(s) */
			   (spot_pass != 1) || /* or on second pass thru file */
				( !KeyOutputType) )	/* or composite */
				color_done = 1;	/* we are done */
				spot_pass = 2;	/* mark as 2nd pass thru file */
				cc_hit &= (Plates & ~1); /* mask off black */
				cc_mask = 0;	/* not the black we start with */
				galley_count = 0;
				MasterOutputSwitch = 1;
				if(Fofd)		/* if still open */
					foread(1);	/* rewind open FO file */
		  case 1:				/* DesignMaster */
			if((err = dxy()) )
				p_info(PI_ELOG, "ERROR --processing Tree: '%s', Dir: '%s', Unit: %s\n",
			color_done = 1;		/* color loop inside dxy */
		}						/* end switch(FileType) */
		m_close(-1);			/* close all output */
    }							/* end while(color_done!=1) */
    if (wdfd)
		p_close (wdfd);
		wdfd = 0;
    if (Fofd)
		Fofd = 0;
		FoName[0] = 0;
   if (TrailerName) {
		TrailerName = NULL;
    if (PrologName)
		PrologName = NULL;

		if (EpsFlag)
		   strcpy (logname, p_path(TreeName, EPS_FILE, SubDirName, tpname));
		else if (BookPrint)
		   strcpy (logname, p_path(TreeName, OUTPUT_FILE, ParentDirName, tpname));
		   strcpy (logname, p_path(TreeName, OUTPUT_FILE, SubDirName, tpname));

	  	sprintf(shell_msg,"cat %s >> %s \n mv %s %s \n cat %s >> %s \n mv %s %s",
			prologname, trailername,
			trailername, prologname,
			logname, prologname,
			prologname, logname);
#ifdef TRACE
		p_info(PI_TRACE, "Finished job, Tree: '%s', Dir: '%s', Name: '%s'.\n",