int main() { list_t *list = list_new(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(chooseLib ()); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->chk) { printf("Can't get check function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } printf("Dynamic loaded!\n"); srand(time(NULL)); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ list_add(list, rand() % 125); } list_print(list); dll->react(dll->chk(list)); list_free(list); dynamic_clean(dll); return 0; }
int main(void) { progQueue_t queue = progQueue_new(); const char * dllName = userChoice(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->check) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } printf("Dynamic loaded!"); srand(time(NULL)); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ progQueue_enqueue(queue, rand() % 25); } puts(""); progQueue_print(queue); if(dll->check(queue) == 1) dll->react(); else printf("OK\n"); progQueue_remove(queue); dynamic_clean(dll); return 0; }
int main(){ const char * dllName = userChoice(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->cmp) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } printf("Dynamic loaded!\n"); fflush(stdin); char str[100]; gets(str); word_t * words = senToWords(str); puts("Done"); //printf("Dynamic loaded!\n"); /*for (int i = 0; words[i] != NULL; i++) puts(words[i]);*/ if (words != NULL) if (dll->cmp(words)) dll->react(words); return 0; }
int main(void){ char *dllName = choose_way(); dynamic_t *dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if(!dll){ printf("\nError: could not recieve dll name"); return 0; } if(!dll->chk || !dll->react){ printf("\nError: could not recieve dll funcltion name"); return 0; } char sample[ARRAY_SIZE]; srand(time(NULL)); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){ switch(rand() % SPACE_CHANCE + 1){ case SPACE_CHANCE: add_elem(sample, i, ' '); break; default: add_elem(sample, i, rand() % 58 + 65); break; } } printf("\n%s", sample); if(dll->chk(sample, ARRAY_SIZE)){ printf("\nReaction positive!"); dll->react(sample, ARRAY_SIZE); } else printf("\nReaction negative!"); dynamic_clean(dll); return 0; }
int main(void) { const int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 7; Queue_t queue = Queue_new(); const char * dllName = userChoice(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->check) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } puts("Dynamic loaded!"); srand(time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { int prec = !(rand() % 3) ? 1 + rand() % 15 : 0; printf("%dth day's precipitation: %d\n", i, prec); Queue_enqueue(queue, prec); } if(dll->check(queue)) dll->react(); Queue_delete(queue); return 0; }
int main(){ queue_t * q1 = queue_createQueue(); const char * dllName = userChoice(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(dllName); int sum = 0; if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->cmp) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } srand(time(NULL)); printf("Dynamic loaded!\n"); while (queue_getCount(q1) < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE){ queue_enqueue(q1, rand() % 100); printQueue(q1, sum); if(dll->cmp(q1)) { sum = dll->react(q1); } } queue_free(q1); return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(NULL)); queue_t * q = queue_new(QUEUE_SIZE); for(int i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) queue_add(q,rand()%(NUMBER_RANGE*2)-NUMBER_RANGE); int choice = 0; while (choice!=1&&choice!=2){ system("cls"); puts("Choose your library, type 1 or 2"); scanf("%i",&choice); } dynamic_t * dyn; if(choice==1){ dyn = dynamic_init("Lab2DLL1.dll"); if(dyn==NULL){ puts("FAILED TO LOAD DLL1"); exit(1); } } else{ dyn = dynamic_init("Lab2DLL2.dll"); if(dyn==NULL){ puts("FAILED TO LOAD DLL2"); exit(1); } } puts("ORIGINAL QUEUE:"); queue_show(q); puts(" "); if(dyn->check(q)) dyn->action(q); queue_show(q); queue_free(q); return 0; }
void lpc32xx_emc_init(const lpc32xx_emc_dynamic_config *dyn_cfg) { /* Enable buffers in AHB ports */ emc_ahb [0].control = EMC_AHB_PORT_BUFF_EN; emc_ahb [3].control = EMC_AHB_PORT_BUFF_EN; emc_ahb [4].control = EMC_AHB_PORT_BUFF_EN; /* Set AHB port timeouts */ emc_ahb [0].timeout = EMC_AHB_TIMEOUT(32); emc_ahb [3].timeout = EMC_AHB_TIMEOUT(32); emc_ahb [4].timeout = EMC_AHB_TIMEOUT(32); /* Enable EMC */ emc->control = EMC_CTRL_E, emc->config = 0; dynamic_init(dyn_cfg); }
int main(){ queue_osnova * q = new_queue_osnova(); char * file = malloc(sizeof(char)*10); UserChoose(file); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(file); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->inspection_f) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react_f) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } printf("Dynamic loaded!"); Sleep(2000); queue_t * arr; while(1){ system("cls"); arr = queue_new(q, rand()%20-5); queue_print(q); if(dll->inspection_f(q)) dll->react_f(); Sleep(2000); //system("cls"); } //dynamic_clean(dll); return 0; }
int main(void) { const int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 10; stack_t * stack1 = stack_new(); const char * dllName = userChoice(); dynamic_t * dll = dynamic_init(dllName); if (NULL == dll) { printf("Can't load dynamic!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->check) { printf("Can't get compare function!\n"); return 1; } if (NULL == dll->react) { printf("Can't get reaction function!\n"); return 1; } printf("Dynamic loaded!"); Sleep(500); srand(time(NULL)); while (stack_getCount(stack1) < MAX_STACK_SIZE) { stack_push(stack1, rand() % 100 - 50); printStacks(stack1); } if(dll->check(stack1)==1){ dll->react(stack1); } else{ return 0; } printStacks(stack1); Sleep(500); stack_free(stack1); return 0; }