static void
closure_destroy (VCFBackendSearchClosure *closure)
	d(printf ("destroying search closure\n"));
	e_flag_free (closure->running);
	g_free (closure);
static void
closure_destroy (WebdavBackendSearchClosure *closure)
	e_flag_free (closure->running);
	if (closure->thread)
		g_thread_unref (closure->thread);
	g_free (closure);
static void
ep_msg_free (EPassMsg *msg)
	/* XXX We really should be passing this back to the caller, but
	 *     doing so will require breaking the password API. */
	if (msg->error != NULL) {
		g_warning ("%s", msg->error->message);
		g_error_free (msg->error);

	e_flag_free (msg->done);
	g_free (msg->password);
	g_free (msg);
static void
emss_sync_op (EMSyncStream *emss, enum _write_msg_t op,
	      const gchar *string, gsize len)
	struct _write_msg msg;

	msg.done = e_flag_new ();
	msg.emss = emss;
	msg.op = op;
	msg.string = string;
	msg.len = len;

	camel_object_ref (emss);

	g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) emss_process_message, &msg);

	e_flag_wait (msg.done);
	e_flag_free (msg.done);

	camel_object_unref (emss);
static void
set_attachments (ECalClient *client,
                 ECalComponent *comp,
                 CamelMimeMessage *message)
	/* XXX Much of this is copied from CompEditor::get_attachment_list().
	 *     Perhaps it should be split off as a separate utility? */

	EAttachmentStore *store;
	CamelDataWrapper *content;
	CamelMultipart *multipart;
	GFile *destination;
	GList *attachment_list = NULL;
	GSList *uri_list = NULL;
	const gchar *comp_uid = NULL;
	const gchar *local_store;
	gchar *filename_prefix, *tmp;
	gint ii, n_parts;
	struct _att_async_cb_data cb_data;

	cb_data.flag = e_flag_new ();
	cb_data.uris = NULL;

	content = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) message);
	if (!content || !CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART (content))

	n_parts = camel_multipart_get_number (CAMEL_MULTIPART (content));
	if (n_parts < 1)

	e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &comp_uid);
	g_return_if_fail (comp_uid != NULL);

	tmp = g_strdup (comp_uid);
	e_filename_make_safe (tmp);
	filename_prefix = g_strconcat (tmp, "-", NULL);
	g_free (tmp);

	local_store = e_cal_client_get_local_attachment_store (client);
	destination = g_file_new_for_path (local_store);

	/* Create EAttachments from the MIME parts and add them to the
	 * attachment store. */

	multipart = CAMEL_MULTIPART (content);
	store = E_ATTACHMENT_STORE (e_attachment_store_new ());

	for (ii = 1; ii < n_parts; ii++) {
		EAttachment *attachment;
		CamelMimePart *mime_part;

		attachment = e_attachment_new ();
		mime_part = camel_multipart_get_part (multipart, ii);
		e_attachment_set_mime_part (attachment, mime_part);

		attachment_list = g_list_append (attachment_list, attachment);

	e_flag_clear (cb_data.flag);

	e_attachment_store_load_async (
		store, attachment_list, (GAsyncReadyCallback)
		attachment_load_finished, &cb_data);

	/* Loading should be instantaneous since we already have
	 * the full content, but we need to wait for the callback.
	e_flag_wait (cb_data.flag);

	g_list_foreach (attachment_list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
	g_list_free (attachment_list);

	cb_data.uris = NULL;
	e_flag_clear (cb_data.flag);

	e_attachment_store_save_async (
		store, destination, filename_prefix,
		(GAsyncReadyCallback) attachment_save_finished, &cb_data);

	g_free (filename_prefix);

	/* We can't return until we have results. */
	e_flag_wait (cb_data.flag);

	if (cb_data.uris == NULL) {
		e_flag_free (cb_data.flag);
		g_warning ("No attachment URIs retrieved.");

	/* Transfer the URI strings to the GSList. */
	for (ii = 0; cb_data.uris[ii] != NULL; ii++) {
		uri_list = g_slist_prepend (uri_list, cb_data.uris[ii]);
		cb_data.uris[ii] = NULL;

	e_flag_free (cb_data.flag);
	g_free (cb_data.uris);

	/* XXX Does this take ownership of the list? */
	e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (comp, uri_list);

	e_attachment_store_remove_all (store);
	g_object_unref (destination);
	g_object_unref (store);