int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int opt, error, c, i, len;
  struct sdb_device sdb;
  eb_status_t status;
  eb_socket_t socket;
  eb_device_t device;
  eb_cycle_t cycle;
  eb_data_t *data;
  /* Default arguments */
  program = argv[0];
  error = 0;
  /* Process the command-line arguments */
  error = 0;
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "h")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'h':
      return 0;
    case ':':
    case '?':
      error = 1;
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad getopt result\n", program);
      error = 1;
  if (error) return 1;
  if (optind + 1 != argc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: expecting three non-optional arguments: <proto/host/port>\n", program);
    return 1;
  if ((status = eb_socket_open(EB_ABI_CODE, 0, EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, &socket)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_socket_open", status);
  if ((status = eb_device_open(socket, argv[optind], EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, 3, &device)) != EB_OK)
    die(argv[optind], status);
  c = 1;
  if ((status = eb_sdb_find_by_identity(device, GSI_ID, ROM_ID, &sdb, &c)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_sdb_find_by_identity", status);
  if (c != 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Found %d ROM identifiers on that device\n", c);
  if ((status = eb_cycle_open(device, 0, 0, &cycle)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_cycle_open", status);
  len = ((sdb.sdb_component.addr_last - sdb.sdb_component.addr_first) + 1) / 4;
  if ((data = malloc(len * sizeof(eb_data_t))) == 0)
    die("malloc", EB_OOM);
  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
    eb_cycle_read(cycle, sdb.sdb_component.addr_first + i*4, EB_DATA32|EB_BIG_ENDIAN, &data[i]);
  if ((status = eb_cycle_close(cycle)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_cycle_close", status);
  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      (char)(data[i] >> 24) & 0xff, 
      (char)(data[i] >> 16) & 0xff, 
      (char)(data[i] >>  8) & 0xff,
      (char)(data[i]      ) & 0xff);
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int opt, error, c, i, flags, busy;
  char *tail;
  struct sdb_device sdb[10];
  struct termios tc, old;
  eb_status_t status;
  eb_socket_t socket;
  eb_device_t device;
  eb_address_t tx, rx;
  eb_data_t rx_data[BATCH_SIZE], tx_data, done;
  eb_cycle_t cycle;
  char byte;
  /* Default arguments */
  program = argv[0];
  error = 0;
  i = -1;
  /* Process the command-line arguments */
  error = 0;
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:h")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'h':
      return 0;
    case 'i':
      i = strtol(optarg, &tail, 0);
      if (*tail != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: specify a proper number, not '%s'!\n", program, optarg);
        error = 1;
    case ':':
    case '?':
      error = 1;
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad getopt result\n", program);
      error = 1;
  if (error) return 1;
  if (optind + 1 != argc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: expecting non-optional argument: <proto/host/port>\n", program);
    return 1;
  if ((status = eb_socket_open(EB_ABI_CODE, 0, EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, &socket)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_socket_open", status);
  if ((status = eb_device_open(socket, argv[optind], EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, 3, &device)) != EB_OK)
    die(argv[optind], status);
  c = sizeof(sdb)/sizeof(struct sdb_device);
  if ((status = eb_sdb_find_by_identity(device, CERN_ID, UART_ID, &sdb[0], &c)) != EB_OK)
    die("eb_sdb_find_by_identity", status);
  if (i == -1) {
    if (c != 1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: found %d UARTs on that device; pick one with -i #\n", program, c);
    } else {
      i = 0;
  if (i >= c) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not find UART #%d on that device (%d total)\n", program, i, c);
  printf("Connected to uart at address %"PRIx64"\n", sdb[i].sdb_component.addr_first);
  tx = sdb[i].sdb_component.addr_first + VUART_TX;
  rx = sdb[i].sdb_component.addr_first + VUART_RX;
  /* disable input buffering and echo */
  tcgetattr(STDIN_FD, &old);
  tcgetattr(STDIN_FD, &tc);
  tc.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
  tc.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
  tc.c_oflag = 0;
  tc.c_lflag = 0;
  tcflush(STDIN_FD, TCIFLUSH);
  tcsetattr(STDIN_FD, TCSANOW, &tc);
  flags = fcntl(STDIN_FD, F_GETFL, 0);
  flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
  fcntl(STDIN_FD, F_SETFL, flags);
  /* be lazy and just poll for now */
  busy = 0;
  while (1) {
    if (!busy) usleep(10000); /* 10ms */
    /* Poll for status */
    eb_cycle_open(device, 0, eb_block, &cycle);
    eb_cycle_read(cycle, rx, EB_BIG_ENDIAN|EB_DATA32, &rx_data[0]);
    eb_cycle_read(cycle, tx, EB_BIG_ENDIAN|EB_DATA32, &done);
    /* Bulk read anything extra */
    if ((rx_data[0] & 0x100) != 0) {
      eb_cycle_open(device, 0, eb_block, &cycle);
      for (i = 1; i < BATCH_SIZE; ++i)
        eb_cycle_read(cycle, rx, EB_BIG_ENDIAN|EB_DATA32, &rx_data[i]);
      for (i = 0; i < BATCH_SIZE; ++i) {
        if ((rx_data[i] & 0x100) == 0) continue;
        byte = rx_data[i] & 0xFF;
        fputc(byte, stdout);
    busy = busy && (done & 0x100) == 0;
    if (!busy && read(STDIN_FD, &byte, 1) == 1) {
      if (byte == 3) { /* control-C */
        tcsetattr(STDIN_FD, TCSANOW, &old);
      tx_data = byte;
      eb_device_write(device, tx, EB_BIG_ENDIAN|EB_DATA32, tx_data, eb_block, 0);
      busy = 1;
  return 0;
/* ==================================================================================================== */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  /* Helpers */
  int opt = 0;
  int dev_count = 0;
  bool setup_io = false;
  bool verbose = false;
  bool show_help = false;
  bool turn_off = false;
  /* Etherbone */
  static eb_device_t device;
  eb_socket_t socket;
  eb_status_t status;
  struct sdb_device devices[WB_IO_CONTROL_MAX_DEVICES];
  uint32_t wb_addr_base;
  /* Get the application name */
  program = argv[0]; 
  /* Parse for options */
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":svho")) != -1)
    switch (opt)
      case 's': { setup_io = true; break; }
      case 'v': { verbose = true; break; }
      case 'h': { show_help = true; break; }
      case 'o': { turn_off = true; break; }
      default:  { printf("Unknown argument...\n"); show_help = true; break; }
  /* Get basic arguments, we need at least the device name */
  if (optind + 1 == argc)
    devName = argv[optind];
    show_help = true;
    printf("Incorrect non-optional arguments...\n");
  /* Show help? */
  if (show_help) { vShowHelp(); return -1; }
  /* Open socket and device */
  if ((status = eb_socket_open(EB_ABI_CODE, 0, EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, &socket)) != EB_OK) { vHandleEBError("eb_socket_open", status); }
  if ((status = eb_device_open(socket, devName, EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX, 3, &device)) != EB_OK) { vHandleEBError(devName, status); }
  /* Try to find the IO CONTROL module */
  if ((status = eb_sdb_find_by_identity(device, WB_IO_CONTROL_VENDOR_ID, WB_IO_CONTROL_PRODUCT_ID, &devices[0], &dev_count)) != EB_OK)
    vHandleEBError("eb_sdb_find_by_identity", status); 
  /* Did we find at least one? */
  if (dev_count != WB_IO_CONTROL_MAX_DEVICES) 
    printf("IO CONTROL unit missing!\n"); return -1;
    wb_addr_base = (eb_address_t)(devices[0].sdb_component.addr_first);
    if (verbose) { printf("Found IO CONTROL unit at 0x%08x (%d)\n", wb_addr_base, dev_count); }
  /* Configure unit */
  if (!turn_off)
    printf("Enabling PPS...\n");
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_PPS_Mux_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_PPS_Mux_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_PPS_Mux_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_PPS_Mux_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    if (setup_io)
      printf("Enabling output...\n");
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Oe_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Oe_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Oe_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Oe_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Term_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Term_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Term_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Term_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    printf("Disabling PPS...\n");
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_PPS_Mux_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_PPS_Mux_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_PPS_Mux_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_PPS_Mux_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
    if (setup_io)
      printf("Disabling output...\n");
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Oe_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Oe_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Oe_Reset_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Oe_Reset_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Term_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_GPIO_Term_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Term_Set_low, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
      eb_device_write(device, wb_addr_base + WB_IO_CONTROL_LVDS_Term_Set_high, EB_DATA32, WB_IO_CONTROL_MASK_ALL, 0, NULL);
  /* Done */
  return 0;