文件: c4ecc.c 项目: rhardman/C4
C4Err ECC_Export_ANSI_X963(ECC_ContextRef  ctx, void *outData, size_t bufSize, size_t *datSize)
    C4Err           err = kC4Err_NoErr;
    unsigned long   length = bufSize;
    err = ecc_ansi_x963_export(&ctx->key, outData, &length); CKERR;
    *datSize = length;
    return (err);
文件: lecdh.c 项目: WeiY/mihini-repo
/** Generates and returns a new (privkey, pubkey) ECDH key pair.
 * Keys are represented as Lua strings, the private one under a libtomcrypt
 * proprietary format, the public one under X9.63 format. */
static int lnew( lua_State *L) {
    prng_state prng;
    int prng_initialized = 0;
    ecc_key key;

    int idx = find_prng("fortuna");
    if( -1 == idx) goto failure;
    if( CRYPT_OK != rng_make_prng( ENTROPY, idx, & prng, NULL)) goto failure;

    /* Generate the 512 bits ECC key in privkey. */
    if( CRYPT_OK != ecc_make_key( & prng, idx, 64, & key)) goto failure;

    /* Buffer will hold both the private and public key transiently,
     * until each of them is transformed into a Lua string. */
    unsigned char buff [BUFF_SIZE];
    unsigned long buff_len = BUFF_SIZE;

    /* Push the string representation of privkey (tomcrypt's proprietary format). */
    if( CRYPT_OK != ecc_export( buff, & buff_len, PK_PRIVATE, & key)) goto failure;
    lua_pushlstring( L, (const char*) buff, buff_len);

    /* Push the string representation of pubkey (ANSI X9.63 format, which only
     * supports public keys. This is the format expected by the server). */
    if( CRYPT_OK != ecc_ansi_x963_export( & key, buff, & buff_len)) goto failure;
    lua_pushlstring( L, (const char *) buff, buff_len);

    fortuna_done( & prng);
    return 2;

    /* TODO: release resources */
    if( prng_initialized) fortuna_done( & prng);
    lua_pushnil( L);
    lua_pushstring( L, "error");
    return 2;
int ecc_tests (void)
  unsigned char buf[4][4096];
  unsigned long x, y, z, s;
  int           stat, stat2;
  ecc_key usera, userb, pubKey, privKey;
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());
  DO(ecc_test ());

  for (s = 0; s < (sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); s++) {
     /* make up two keys */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &userb));

     /* make the shared secret */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[0], &x));

     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&userb, &usera, buf[1], &y));

     if (y != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys are not same size.");
       return 1;

     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[1], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "ecc Shared keys not same contents.");
       return 1;

     /* now export userb */
     y = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export (buf[1], &y, PK_PUBLIC, &userb));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* import and make the shared secret again */
     DO(ecc_import (buf[1], y, &userb));

     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     /* export with ANSI X9.63 */
     y = sizeof(buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_export(&userb, buf[1], &y));
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* now import the ANSI key */
     DO(ecc_ansi_x963_import(buf[1], y, &userb));

     /* shared secret */
     z = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_shared_secret (&usera, &userb, buf[2], &z));

     if (z != x) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failed.  Size don't match?");
       return 1;
     if (memcmp (buf[0], buf[2], x)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed.  Contents didn't match.");
       return 1;

     ecc_free (&usera);
     ecc_free (&userb);

     /* test encrypt_key */
     DO(ecc_make_key (&yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), sizes[s], &usera));

     /* export key */
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PUBLIC, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &pubKey));
     x = sizeof(buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_export(buf[0], &x, PK_PRIVATE, &usera));
     DO(ecc_import(buf[0], x, &privKey));

     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     y = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_encrypt_key (buf[0], 32, buf[1], &y, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), find_hash ("sha256"), &pubKey));
     zeromem (buf[0], sizeof (buf[0]));
     x = sizeof (buf[0]);
     DO(ecc_decrypt_key (buf[1], y, buf[0], &x, &privKey));
     if (x != 32) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed (length)");
       return 1;
     for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        if (buf[0][x] != x) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Failed (contents)");
           return 1;
     /* test sign_hash */
     for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
        buf[0][x] = x;
     x = sizeof (buf[1]);
     DO(ecc_sign_hash (buf[0], 16, buf[1], &x, &yarrow_prng, find_prng ("yarrow"), &privKey));
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat, &pubKey));
     buf[0][0] ^= 1;
     DO(ecc_verify_hash (buf[1], x, buf[0], 16, &stat2, &privKey));
     if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) { 
        fprintf(stderr, "ecc_verify_hash failed %d, %d, ", stat, stat2);
        return 1;
     ecc_free (&usera); 
     ecc_free (&pubKey);
     ecc_free (&privKey);
  return ecc_test_shamir();
  return 0;